Atmos only supports listing by directories while other blobstores
allow listing via arbitrary prefixes. Allow requests which list
directories via both prefix and delimiter = "/" to succeed instead of
failing all requests. Also change a test which specified recursive to
instead be delimiter = "/". Fixesgaul/s3proxy#244.
The ContainerApiLiveTest class has tests that mostly assume that a
single test container always exists. They collide on changes to the
state of the container. Some of the tests, though, assume the
container does _not_ exist and attempt to create it and subsequently
delete it. The change in this patch makes their behavior uniform with
respect to that test container: assume it exists and if the test tries
to delete it or mutate it, delete the container and create it at the
end of the test.
The fix in ObjectApi is for the Object GET requests. Currently,
jclouds passes "format=json", which is not a supported query parameter
for object GET.
Lastly, ObjectApiLiveTest that test server-side copy should ignore the
X-Openstack-Request-ID header, as its value will change between the
two requests.
Newer JDK have a different resolution process, likely due to enhanced
target type inference. Found via:
mvn test -Dmaven.compile.source=1.8
This makes dependencies consistent and eliminates warnings of the
$M2_HOME/repository/org/apache/jclouds/driver/jclouds-slf4j/2.1.0-SNAPSHOT/jclouds-slf4j-2.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar(org/jclouds/logging/slf4j/config/SLF4JLoggingModule.class): warning: Cannot find annotation method 'value()' in type 'AutoService': class file for not found
- wait for serer deletion, before deleting the security group
- rename cleanupServer to cleanupResources
- remove keyPairCache
- better usage of tags to remove securityGroups created by jclouds
- remove keyPair after the creation of a group
- remove test for create unique keypair
- openstack nova re-adding support for existing keypair
- fix securityGroupApi check
- fix other unit tests
- remove ServerPredicates as it is now duplicated
- remove TemplateOptions.securityGroupNames as deprecated
- address commits for ApplyNovaTemplateOptionsCreatesNodesWithGroupEncodedIntoNameAndAddToSet
- fix testCreateNodeWhileUserSpecifiesKeyPairAndUserSpecifiedGroups
The intention is to use @SinceApiVersion for this purpose, but that
would affect a number of APIs, and we would want to have good test
coverage before merging that change (in
FormSignerUtils#getAnnotatedApiVersion). However, there is some issue
wth certain tests at resent that means we cannot successfully test
all APIs that make use of @SinceApiVersion in order to assure
ourselves that FormSignerUtils will not introduce some problem.
for details.
This annotation is introduced as a temporary measure in order to
decouple the functionality of FormSignerUtils#getAnnotatedApiVersion
from @SinceApiVersion and the tests in question. It can be removed and
replaced by @SinceApiVersion when those tests are fixed.
Designates that a method overrides the {@link ApiVersion} on the class
with a specific value.