Adrian Cole
JCLOUDS-150 add SubmissionAsyncBlobStore; unasync s3 and aws-s3
2014-10-03 13:18:29 -07:00
Andrew Gaul
Prefer ByteSource payload
Also use randomByteSource for test input.
2014-09-09 15:32:39 -07:00
Andrew Gaul
Replace uses of ByteArrayPayload
Prefer ByteSourcePayload which offers a superset of its functionality.
Note that ByteArrayPayload implicitly set the contentLength while
users of ByteSourcePayload must do so explicitly.
2014-09-07 07:43:14 -07:00
Andrew Gaul
Ensure that Content-MD5 has 128 bits
Update many tests Content-MD5 headers and ETag responses.
2014-09-04 16:57:48 -07:00
Andrew Gaul
Enforce Override annotation via Checkstyle
Also remove bogus inheritDoc on base and static methods.
2014-08-31 19:37:50 -07:00
Andrew Gaul
Use randomByteSource to generate test data
This avoids buffering the entire bolus of data in-memory.
2014-08-27 15:59:36 -07:00
Andrew Gaul
Throw ContainerNotFoundException from removeBlob
This makes removeBlob consistent with all other user-facing methods.
2014-08-21 16:18:12 -07:00
Jeremy Daggett
Prefer isEmpty() for collections rather than size()
2014-08-20 11:07:48 -07:00
John Walker
JCLOUDS-676: Fix reflection warnings / Clojure
JCLOUDS-676: Fix reflection warnings / Clojure
Also fixed a typo in a doc string
2014-08-17 12:03:30 -07:00
Andrew Gaul
JCLOUDS-650: ContainerNotFoundException on putBlob
Found with Ceph s3-tests and s3proxy.
2014-08-09 00:25:10 -07:00
Andrew Gaul
Correct comment
2014-07-27 21:25:35 -07:00
Andrew Gaul
Handle possibly null message from IOException
2014-07-27 19:41:45 -07:00
Andrew Gaul
Add deleteContainerIfEmpty to BlobStore
This matches how most blobstores operate: delete container is a single
operation, not a compound operation which recursively deletes blobs.
Azure is the only provider which allows deleting a non-empty
2014-07-25 23:02:39 -07:00
Andrew Phillips
Escaping regex special chars (esp. '\') in delimiter matching
Uncovered by 370194b
2014-07-22 13:35:52 -04:00
Andrew Gaul
Replace const.txt file input with synthetic inputs
This commit replaces file resource-based test inputs with in-memory
equivalents. This is more consistent and efficient than the previous
approach. Also resized some test inputs to be partSize + 1 instead of
2 * partSize. Tested against aws-s3, blobstore, core, cloudfiles-us,
and filesystem.
2014-07-19 18:35:25 -07:00
Andrew Gaul
Close streams in integration tests
Also remove bogus delete workaround. Previously unclosed
FileInputStream caused test failures on Windows which cannot delete
open files. Found with Kohsuke's file-leak-detector.
2014-07-19 05:25:20 -07:00
Andrew Gaul
JCLOUDS-622: Remove most vestiges of InputSupplier
Guava 16 deprecated InputSupplier and a future release will remove it.
2014-07-16 16:07:59 -07:00
Andrew Gaul
JCLOUDS-622: remove calls to InputSupplier methods
Guava 16 deprecated these methods and Guava 18 will remove them.
2014-07-15 03:09:58 -07:00
Andrew Gaul
Address Checkstyle violations
2014-07-15 03:07:29 -07:00
Andrew Gaul
Improve use of ByteSource with test resources
This commit ensures proper resource cleanup, simplifies
initialization, and paves the way for purely synthetic inputs in a
subsequent commit.
2014-07-11 09:10:51 -07:00
Andrew Gaul
Remove unneeded InputSupplier helper
Also convert byte[] to HashCode.
2014-07-10 22:36:32 -07:00
Andrew Gaul
Enforce correct MD5 for local blobstores
Matches behavior of real blobstores.
2014-07-10 22:19:42 -07:00
Andrew Gaul
JCLOUDS-410: Remove InputStreamSupplierPayload
ByteSourcePayload replaces this. jclouds 1.7 deprecated
InputStreamSupplierPayload and Guava 16 deprecated InputSupplier
2014-07-10 20:43:08 -07:00
Andrew Gaul
Use more specific testng asserts where possible
These asserts yield more informative error messages. Found with:
grep -rI 'assertTrue(.* =='
grep -rI 'assertTrue(.* !='
grep -rI 'assertTrue(.*\.equals('
2014-06-24 13:54:01 -07:00
Chris Custine
JCLOUDS-584: HP Cloud Object Storage Fixes for 13.5
2014-06-24 12:01:51 -07:00
Andrew Gaul
JCLOUDS-597: HashCode methods for Content-MD5
This works more naturally with Guava Hashing methods and immutability
provides better safety guarantees. Also deprecate existing byte[]
2014-06-12 15:29:17 -07:00
Andrew Gaul
JCLOUDS-546: Remove Javadoc @author annotations
Annotations removed with:
find -name \*.java | xargs sed -i /@author/d
Empty Javadoc removed with multiple iterations of:
find -name \*.java | xargs sed -i -z 's/ \*\n \*\// \*\//'
find -name \*.java | xargs sed -i -z 's/ \* \n \*\// \*\//'
find -name \*.java | xargs sed -i -z 's/\/\*\*\n \*\/\n//'
2014-06-07 21:44:54 -07:00
Andrew Gaul
Increase timeouts for signed URL tests
Clock skew between the client and blobstore can cause these tests to
spuriously fail. This commit allows 5 seconds skew in either
2014-05-30 14:58:40 -07:00
Andrew Gaul
Address Checkstyle violations
2014-05-30 11:10:14 -07:00
Andrew Gaul
Remove BlobBuilder and Payloads.calculateMD5
Callers should instead explicitly set contentMD5, usually with the
results from Guava Hashing.md5(). This narrows the API and removes a
strange IOException from callers. Further it removes a dangerous
rebuffering of arbitrarily-large non-repeatable Payloads.
2014-05-28 12:54:18 -07:00
Andrew Gaul
JCLOUDS-402: Allow Guava MediaType Content-Type
This promotes type-safety. Keep the String interface for unknown
content types.
2014-05-28 11:45:00 -07:00
Andrew Gaul
Make constants final classes instead of interfaces
This commit prohibits implementation of the empty interface and
instantiation of the class. Refer to _Effective Java_ item 19 for
more background.
2014-05-16 09:45:52 -07:00
Andrew Gaul
Prefer Guava HttpHeaders over JAX-RS
jclouds code contains more instances of the former and Guava has
additional constants like CONTENT_MD5.
2014-05-15 01:55:51 -07:00
Andrew Gaul
Remove deprecation from getConsistencyModel
This method informs callers of the expected blobstore behavior,
avoiding unnecessary work for providers which support strict
consistency (Azure, mock blobstores).
2014-05-09 13:20:42 -07:00
Andrew Gaul
Enforce that all commas have trailing whitespace
2014-05-08 18:28:08 -07:00
Andrew Gaul
JCLOUDS-505: Remove unused ObjectMD5
The only users of this seem to be
org.jclouds.atmos.blobstore.strategy.FindMD5InUserMetadata and
org.jclouds.azureblob.blobstore.strategy.FindMD5InBlobProperties which
are themselves unused.
2014-05-07 10:16:18 +02:00
Shri Javadekar
Creating a separate function to delete directories
Small refactoring to reuse some code.
2014-04-22 11:22:13 +02:00
Andrew Gaul
Address several Guava InputSupplier deprecations
Many remain due to Payload implementing InputSupplier<InputStream>. Guava 18
will remove InputSupplier.
2014-04-12 12:02:26 -07:00
Shri Javadekar
JCLOUDS-510 Delete objects in a container efficiently.
The existing approach for deleting objects in a container suffers
from a head-of-line blocking problem. This commit implements a better
scheme which does not have that problem. This scheme uses a counting
semaphore for making sure that a certain number of futures are
issued in parallel. As each of these futures is completed, one
permit of the semaphore is released.
Added unit tests for testing this new scheme.
2014-03-26 13:48:28 -07:00
Andrew Gaul
Remove WriteTo
Guava helpers capture this functionality in a more idiomatic way.
2014-02-21 17:13:31 -08:00
Andrew Gaul
JCLOUDS-410: Remove StreamingPayload
Only two tests use this class. Callers should use ByteSourcePayload
or InputStreamPayload instead.
2014-02-19 21:27:31 -08:00
Andrew Gaul
Add ByteSource Payload support for Clojure
2014-02-19 21:09:55 -08:00
Andrew Gaul
Prefer ByteSource over deprecated InputSupplier
2014-02-18 22:35:10 -08:00
Andrew Gaul
Address Checkstyle violations
2014-01-19 20:51:51 -08:00
Andrew Gaul
Replace calls to Closeables.closeQuietly
Guava 16 removes this API. Replace with Closeables2.closeQuietly.
References JCLOUDS-413 and JCLOUDS-415.
2013-12-21 12:30:59 -08:00
Andrew Gaul
JCLOUDS-401. Make BlobName Function type-safe
2013-12-16 15:04:14 -08:00
Andrew Gaul
JCLOUDS-399: Deprecate BlobBuilder.calculateMD5
Callers should instead call BlobBuilder.contentMD5, usually with the
results from Guava Hashing.md5(). This narrows the API and removes a
strange IOException from callers.
2013-12-16 13:40:38 -08:00
Andrew Gaul
JCLOUDS-410. Add support for ByteSource Payloads
Also deprecate byte[], File, InputSupplier<InputStream>, and String
Payloads. Callers should instead provide a ByteSource via
ByteSource.wrap(byte[]) and Files.asByteSource(File)
2013-12-16 13:06:30 -08:00
Andrew Gaul
Remove unneeded calls to ByteSources.asByteSource
2013-12-15 22:57:32 -08:00
Andrew Gaul
Enforce no unused imports via Checkstyle
Removed with:
mvn checkstyle:checkstyle --quiet -Dcheckstyle.output.file=/dev/stdout -Dcheckstyle.output.format=plain | tac | while read i; do echo $i | sed -n 's/\([^:]*\):\([^:]*\):.*/sed -i \2d \1/p' | bash; done
2013-12-11 17:27:43 -08:00