When providing node ip in metadata jclouds was using the
ip of the docker manager which was fine for docker machine
but fails when using a swarm cluster. This uses the ip returned
from docker.
- bump api version to 1.21
- use `alpine/3.2` image for liveTests
- use `kwart/alpine-ext:3.2-ssh` image as ssh-able image
- assert request bodies created correctly in NetworkApiMockTest
- Tidy up DockerTemplateOptions and add tests for new options
- Make Dns a list of strings in HostConfig
- Change template option builder to remove use of optionals
- Update tests to verify HostConfig.Dns as list
- Change to portBindings and Map intead of List
- Tidy up formatting for DockerTemplateOptions
- Remove superfluous checkNotNull calls
- Document the Map contents for portBindings option
- Remove unused import to fix Checkstyle
improve DeploymentToNodeMetadata
enhance Deployment value object
add support for get/set NetworkConfiguration
added AzureComputeTemplateOptions to manage networkConfigurations
add support for create/checkAvailable/list storageAccounts
add support for inboundPorts
add more RoleSize
add support for SecurityGroupExtension by using NetworkSecurityGroup
fix destroy node
fix LocationToLocation
fix OsImageToImage
- update value objects (Container, Config)
- add new value object (Resource, StatusCode)
- add more options for ContainerApi
- add support for pause/unpause, restart, kill, copy and attach APIs + Mock and Live tests
- add *ParseTest
- refactor MockTests
- removed *Options.NONE
- cleanup low-value javadoc
- more coverage in LiveTests
- removed useless DockerProperties
- add comments for TLS issue
- use Date where needed
- fix listImages
- add package-private constructor to value classes
- remove KillOptions, RestartOptions, StopOptions in favour of @QueryParam
- use PEM instead of PKCS12 format
- update docker/pom.xml to use sshj dependencies
- explicit usage of OkHttp driver
- simplify DockerApiMetadata
- add bouncycastle driver explicitly