Current javadocs declare an HTML5 doctype: !DOCTYPE HTML. Some HTML5
features are used, but unfortunately also some constructs that do not
exist in HTML5 are used as well.
Because of this, we have no checking of any html syntax. jtidy is
disabled because it works with html4. doclint is disabled because it
works with html5. our docs are neither.
javadoc "doclint" feature can efficiently check that the html isn't
crazy. we just have to fix really ancient removed/deprecated stuff
(such as use of tt tag).
This enables the html checking in both ant and gradle. The docs are
fixed via straightforward transformations.
One exception is table cellpadding, for this some helper CSS classes
were added to make the transition easier (since it must apply padding
to inner th/td, not possible inline). I added TODOs, we should clean
this up. Most problems look like they may have been generated from a
GUI or similar and not a human.
This triggers various places in the Streaming Expressions code that use background threads
to confirm that the expected credentails (or lack of) are propogarded along.
Test currently has comments + workarounds for 2 known client issues:
- SOLR-14226: SolrStream reports AuthN/AuthZ failures (401|403) as IOException w/o details
- SOLR-14222: CloudSolrClient converts (update) 403 error to 500 error
The Overseer used java serialization to store command responses in ZooKeeper. This commit changes the code to use Javabin instead, while allowing Java serialization with a System property in case it's needed for compatibility
Jetty 9.4.16.v20190411 and up introduced separate
client and server SslContextFactory implementations.
This split requires the proper use of of
SslContextFactory in clients and server configs.
This fixes the following
* SSL with SOLR_SSL_NEED_CLIENT_AUTH not working since v8.2.0
* Http2SolrClient SSL not working in branch_8x
Signed-off-by: Kevin Risden <>
Solr tests now have a similar policy to Lucene, loopback use only. If a
test tries to resolve or connect to the internet, it will get SecurityException.
Some solr tests explicitly try to talk to dead nodes with real
networking. This is not good and asking for trouble, but use low loopback port numbers instead of
multicast addresses. The idea is that it fails faster. Move these to
constants so that stuff isn't copy-pasted everywhere, in case we have to
do something different later.