Jakarta Lucene





Who We Are

Lucene is maintained by a team of volunteer developers.

  • Doug Cutting (cutting at apache.org)

    Lucene was originally written in Doug's spare time during late 1997 and early 1998. Doug had previously written search engines at Xerox's Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), Apple, and Excite@Home, and authored several information retrieval papers and patents.

    Recently Doug has worked on peer-to-peer search at Infrasearch (aquired by Sun's JXTA project) and on web services at Grand Central. Currently he continues to help develop Lucene and is available for contract work.

  • Otis Gospodnetic (otis at apache.org)
  • Brian Goetz (briangoetz at apache.org)
  • Scott Ganyo (scottganyo at apache.org)
  • Eugene Gluzberg (drag0n at apache.org)
  • Matt Tucker (mtucker at apache.org)
  • Cory Hubert (clhubert at apache.org)
  • Dave Kor (davekor at apache.org)
  • Jon Stevens (jon at latchkey.com)
  • Tal Dayan (zapta at apache.org)
  • Andrew C. Oliver (acoliver at apache dot org)
  • Peter Carlson (carlson at apache.org)

Other Contributors
  • Josh Bloch
  • Ted Husted

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