Lucene scoring is the heart of why we all love Lucene. It is blazingly fast and it hides almost all of the complexity from the user.
In a nutshell, it works. At least, that is, until it doesn't work, or doesn't work as one would expect it to
work. Then we are left digging into Lucene internals or asking for help on java-user@lucene.apache.org to figure out why a document with five of our query terms
scores lower than a different document with only one of the query terms.
While this document won't answer your specific scoring issues, it will, hopefully, point you to the places that can
help you figure out the what and why of Lucene scoring.
Lucene scoring uses a combination of the
Vector Space Model (VSM) of Information
Retrieval and the Boolean model
to determine
how relevant a given Document is to a User's query. In general, the idea behind the VSM is the more
times a query term appears in a document relative to
the number of times the term appears in all the documents in the collection, the more relevant that
document is to the query. It uses the Boolean model to first narrow down the documents that need to
be scored based on the use of boolean logic in the Query specification. Lucene also adds some
capabilities and refinements onto this model to support boolean and fuzzy searching, but it
essentially remains a VSM based system at the heart.
For some valuable references on VSM and IR in general refer to the
Lucene Wiki IR references.
The rest of this document will cover Scoring basics and how to change your
Similarity. Next it will cover ways you can
customize the Lucene internals in Changing your Scoring
-- Expert Level which gives details on implementing your own
Query class and related functionality. Finally, we
will finish up with some reference material in the Appendix.
Scoring is very much dependent on the way documents are indexed,
so it is important to understand indexing (see
Apache Lucene - Getting Started Guide
and the Lucene
file formats
before continuing on with this section.) It is also assumed that readers know how to use the
Searcher.explain(Query query, int doc) functionality,
which can go a long way in informing why a score is returned.
Fields and Documents
In Lucene, the objects we are scoring are
Documents. A Document is a collection
Fields. Each Field has semantics about how
it is created and stored (i.e. tokenized, untokenized, raw data, compressed, etc.) It is important to
note that Lucene scoring works on Fields and then combines the results to return Documents. This is
important because two Documents with the exact same content, but one having the content in two Fields
and the other in one Field will return different scores for the same query due to length normalization
(assumming the
on the Fields).
Understanding the Scoring Formula
Lucene's scoring formula computes the score of one document d for a given query q across each
term t that occurs in q. The score attempts to measure relevance, so the higher the score, the more
relevant document d is to the query q. This is taken from
sumOfSquaredWeights =
sumt in q(
(t) *
(t in q) )^2
This scoring formula is mostly implemented in the
TermScorer class, where it makes calls to the
Similarity class to retrieve values for the following. Note that the descriptions apply to DefaultSimilarity implementation:
- tf(t in d) - Term Frequency - The number of times the term t appears in the current document d being scored. Documents that have more occurrences of a given term receive a higher score.
idf(t) - Inverse Document Frequency - One divided by the number of documents in which the term t appears. This means rarer terms give higher contribution to the total score.
getBoost(t in q) - The boost, specified in the query by the user, that should be applied to this term. A boost over 1.0 will increase the importance of this term; a boost under 1.0 will decrease its importance. A boost of 1.0 (the default boost) has no effect.
lengthNorm(t.field in q) - The factor to apply to account for differing lengths in the fields that are being searched. Typically longer fields return a smaller value. This means matches against shorter fields receive a higher score than matches against longer fields.
coord(q, d) - Score factor based on how many terms the specified document has in common with the query. Typically, a document that contains more of the query's terms will receive a higher score than another document with fewer query terms.
queryNorm(sumOfSquaredWeights) - Factor used to make scores between queries comparable
GSI: might be interesting to have a note on why this formula was chosen. I have always understood (but not 100% sure)
that it is not a good idea to compare scores across queries or indexes, so any use of normalization may lead to false assumptions. However, I also seem
to remember some research on using sum of squares as being somewhat suitable for score comparison. Anyone have any thoughts here?
Note, the above definitions are summaries of the javadocs which can be accessed by clicking the links in the formula and are merely provided
for context and are not authoratitive.
The Big Picture
OK, so the tf-idf formula and the
is great for understanding the basics of Lucene scoring, but what really drives Lucene scoring are
the use and interactions between the
Query classes, as created by each application in
response to a user's information need.
In this regard, Lucene offers a wide variety of Query implementations, most of which are in the
org.apache.lucene.search package.
These implementations can be combined in a wide variety of ways to provide complex querying
capabilities along with
information about where matches took place in the document collection. The Query
section below
highlights some of the more important Query classes. For information on the other ones, see the
package summary. For details on implementing
your own Query class, see Changing your Scoring --
Expert Level below.
Once a Query has been created and submitted to the
IndexSearcher, the scoring process
begins. (See the Appendix Algorithm section for more notes on the process.) After some infrastructure setup,
control finally passes to the Weight implementation and its
Scorer instance. In the case of any type of
BooleanQuery, scoring is handled by the
BooleanWeight2 (link goes to ViewVC BooleanQuery java code which contains the BooleanWeight2 inner class),
unless the static
BooleanQuery#setUseScorer14(boolean) method is set to true,
in which case the
(link goes to ViewVC BooleanQuery java code, which contains the BooleanWeight inner class) from the 1.4 version of Lucene is used by default.
See CHANGES.txt under release 1.9 RC1 for more information on choosing which Scorer to use.
Assuming the use of the BooleanWeight2, a
BooleanScorer2 is created by bringing together
all of the
Scorers from the sub-clauses of the BooleanQuery.
When the BooleanScorer2 is asked to score it delegates its work to an internal Scorer based on the type
of clauses in the Query. This internal Scorer essentially loops over the sub scorers and sums the scores
provided by each scorer while factoring in the coord() score.
GSI Note: This section is mostly my notes on stepping through the Scoring process and serves as
fertilizer for the earlier sections.
In the typical search application, a
is passed to the
, beginning the scoring process.
Once inside the Searcher, a
object is constructed, which handles the scoring and caching of the search results.
The Hits constructor stores references to three or four important objects:
- The
object of the Query. The Weight object is an internal representation of the Query that
allows the Query to be reused by the Searcher.
- The Searcher that initiated the call.
- A
for limiting the result set. Note, the Filter may be null.
- A
object for specifying how to sort the results if the standard score based sort method is not
Now that the Hits object has been initialized, it begins the process of identifying documents that
match the query by calling getMoreDocs method. Assuming we are not sorting (since sorting doesn't
effect the raw Lucene score),
we call on the "expert" search method of the Searcher, passing in our
and the number of results we want. This method
returns a
object, which is an internal collection of search results.
The Searcher creates a
and passes it along with the Weight, Filter to another expert search method (for more on the
mechanism, see
.) The TopDocCollector uses a
to collect the top results for the search.
If a Filter is being used, some initial setup is done to determine which docs to include. Otherwise,
we ask the Weight for
for the
of the current searcher and we proceed by
calling the score method on the
At last, we are actually going to score some documents. The score method takes in the HitCollector
(most likely the TopDocCollector) and does its business.
Of course, here is where things get involved. The
that is returned by the
object depends on what type of Query was submitted. In most real world applications with multiple
query terms,
is going to be a
(see the section on customizing your scoring for info on changing this.)
Assuming a BooleanScorer2 scorer, we first initialize the Coordinator, which is used to apply the
coord() factor. We then
get a internal Scorer based on the required, optional and prohibited parts of the query.
Using this internal Scorer, the BooleanScorer2 then proceeds
into a while loop based on the Scorer#next() method. The next() method advances to the next document
matching the query. This is an
abstract method in the Scorer class and is thus overriden by all derived
implementations. If you have a simple OR query
your internal Scorer is most likely a DisjunctionSumScorer, which essentially combines the scorers
from the sub scorers of the OR'd terms.