Restore of uninterpolated things did "too much", we need to restore activations only.
Maven4 is not affected, manually checked using reproducer.
As they really can come from anywhere. In case of this issue even from some eliminated POM that was read while collecting dirty tree, and was later eliminated. So confusing for users.
Just warn for now, we cannot go from builds-ok w/
3.9.8 to fails-the-build in 3.9.9. Warning
can raise awareness, and this pattern is bad as
it is, but users now become aware that they may
have rogue plugin.xml (just like maven-compat had).
The original bug is fixed (Maven deploys unrelated metadata).
Same change is to be ported to master as well.
There was an NPE possibility when plugin.xml had no expected tags present.
Also: maven-compat has plugin.xml (!) w/o "name" tag, it NPEd and failed build. This was NOT picked up by CI as "rebuild itself" step does not install (just verify).
Resolver handles transparently the repository metadata, and in case of plugins it peeks into META-INF/maven/plugin.xml of given artifact JAR to figure out needed metadata bits (prefix, name, etc).
But, this was done "blindly", while it is expected that GA of JAR artifact without classifier (requirement for maven plugins) and GA in embedded plugin metadata must be same.
Decision here is to fail hard, prevent this being installed and deployed, as this is most probably wrong (unsure what maven-indexer or even Sonatype search would do in this case).
A call to context.getSystemProperties() may yield empty an empty map, or
one missing the desired key, which makes a subsequent call of
toLowerCase fail with a NullPointerException.
Fall-back to using Os.OS_NAME and similar properties.
Co-authored-by: Guillaume Nodet <>
Fix and improvement in one PR as they are closely related.
First, this PR restores the ability (broken by MNG-8081) to calculate Profile activation for POMs with duplicate Profile ID.
Second, this PR improves UX by warning them about invalid models in their build.
The reproducer now looks like this:
* WARNs issued about models (all Maven versions are mute about this)
* still, property `${javafx.platform}` properly evaluated just like in 3.9.6 (but not in 3.9.7)
* build succeeds (fails in 3.9.7)
And not rely that model was validated, which is not true in some cases. Model builder can still easily detect issues with models while building them.
Provides "escape hatch" for projects stuck on invalid models in form of user property that can be enabled with `-Dmaven.modelBuilder.failOnInvalidModel=false`, this reverts to _old_ behaviour of maven, and the JavaFX reproducer goes back to error "unable to resolve" errors with uninterpolated `${javafx.platform}` property as classifier.
The info is there, but we redirect user to rinse-repeat in debug mode, that that creates a TON of output.
All is there, just tell why.
For start, keeping almost same LOC but the distro zip lost almost 1 MB (was 10MB now is 9MB). Second, am really unsure why it was introduced in the first place, as it merely caused confusion, over StringUtils for example.
If property `java.version` is in unexpected format, the activator throws `NumberFormatEx`, that in turn, is caught and reported by `DefaultProfileSelector` w/o any cause.
These should be cleanly reported instead: report that `java.version` property is in "unexpected format", and also report why was there are failure to evaluate a property activation.
Note 1: Maven allows `-Djava.version` override (!!!), this is exactly what IT MNG-3746 does, but the `NumberFormatEx` went unnoticed, was swallowed, no cause reported.
Note 2: This bug was revealed by #1555 as it reported the issue, and later "asserted error free log" which was not error-free. Hence, this bug was simply revealed by improved logging on unrelated issue.
The site already contains all the required information, point user at it. It would be insane for us to maintain all these information here as well (as example shows, it was totally outdated).
Keep it short, and just keep pointers to proper info sources.