* NIFI-11464 Improvements for importing nested versioned flows
- Introduce FlowSnapshotContainer to return root snapshot + children
- Introduce ControllerServiceResolver to extract logic from service facade
- Update resolution logic to correctly consider all services in the hierarchy
- Merge additional parameter contexts and parameter providers from child to parent
- Add unit test for controller service resolver
- Replace use of emptSet/emptyMap with new set/map instance
Also added client caching in blob v_12 processors which was needed to support multiple credentials provided by the new lookup service
This closes#7300
Signed-off-by: Nandor Soma Abonyi <nsabonyi@apache.org>
- Moved Java tests from groovy directory to java directory and removed groovy directory from nifi-web-utils
This closes#7333
Signed-off-by: David Handermann <exceptionfactory@apache.org>
NIFI-11636: Change default log level from parquet internal reader to WARN as it logs excessively at INFO level
Signed-off-by: Matt Burgess <mattyb149@apache.org>
This closes#7334
- Removed NetworkUtils methods for getting available ports
- Updated Socket-based components to support using 0 to listen on a random available port for improved test reliability
This closes#7299
Signed-off-by: David Handermann <exceptionfactory@apache.org>
After terminating Processor in DynamicallyModifiedClasspathIT system test, keep trying to empty queue until successful instead of assuming success after the first iteration.
When writing to a replacement file in AsyncCommitCallbackIT, write to a temp file and then rename. This prevents the processor from picking up the file while it's still being written.
This closes#7302
Signed-off-by: David Handermann <exceptionfactory@apache.org>
When waiting for a Processor to stop completely in system tests, also consider any terminated threads. Consider the processor stopped only when all active threads and all terminated threads have gone to 0. Additionally, when stopping all components in a Process Group, wait for the PG to reflect that there are no running components. Previously, we checked for processor active thread counts. However, this was problematic because the flow that was fetched was not fetched recursively and as a result, processors running in embedded groups were not always stopped when the waitForProcessorsStopped(String groupId) method returned. Finally, removed the step for gathering surefire-reports in failed system tests because it was not working as expected and was unneeded because the tests' logs were already gathered into the diagnostic dump that is uploaded.
Added fix for BatchFlowBetweenGroupsIT. The test would intermittently fail, based on timing. The test assumed that when Input Port in Group B was scheduled to run, it would trigger before FlowFiles in Group A finished processing. The Sleep processor caused a 10 ms delay for each of 5 FlowFiles which gives the Input Port about 50 ms to trigger. If it took longer to trigger the first time, the test failed. Adjusted the Sleep processor to use 2 seconds. So now instead of 50 milliseconds to start, it has 10 seconds. Overall this adds about 30-45 seconds to the run time of the test but ensures more-than-adequate time for the test to run, even on extremely slow hardware
This closes#7289
Signed-off-by: David Handermann <exceptionfactory@apache.org>