If the steps for <<Defer Loading CsrfToken>> work for you, then you can also opt into Spring Security 6's default support for BREACH protection of the `CsrfToken` using the following configuration:
In Spring Security 5, the default behavior is for the xref:servlet/authentication/architecture.adoc#servlet-authentication-securitycontext[`SecurityContext`] to automatically be saved to the xref:servlet/authentication/persistence.adoc#securitycontextrepository[`SecurityContextRepository`] using the xref:servlet/authentication/persistence.adoc#securitycontextpersistencefilter[`SecurityContextPersistenceFilter`].
Saving must be done just prior to the `HttpServletResponse` being committed and just before `SecurityContextPersistenceFilter`.
Unfortunately, automatic persistence of the `SecurityContext` can surprise users when it is done prior to the request completing (i.e. just prior to committing the `HttpServletResponse`).
It also is complex to keep track of the state to determine if a save is necessary causing unnecessary writes to the `SecurityContextRepository` (i.e. `HttpSession`) at times.
In Spring Security 6, the default behavior is that the xref:servlet/authentication/persistence.adoc#securitycontextholderfilter[`SecurityContextHolderFilter`] will only read the `SecurityContext` from `SecurityContextRepository` and populate it in the `SecurityContextHolder`.
Users now must explicitly save the `SecurityContext` with the `SecurityContextRepository` if they want the `SecurityContext` to persist between requests.
This removes ambiguity and improves performance by only requiring writing to the `SecurityContextRepository` (i.e. `HttpSession`) when it is necessary.
To opt into the new Spring Security 6 default, the following configuration can be used.
In Spring Security 5, the default behavior is to query the xref:servlet/architecture.adoc#savedrequests[saved request] on every request.
This means that in a typical setup, that in order to use the xref:servlet/architecture.adoc#requestcache[`RequestCache`] the `HttpSession` is queried on every request.
In Spring Security 6, the default is that `RequestCache` will only be queried for a cached request if the HTTP parameter `continue` is defined.
This allows Spring Security to avoid unnecessarily reading the `HttpSession` with the `RequestCache`.
In Spring Security 5 the default is to use `HttpSessionRequestCache` which will be queried for a cached request on every request.
If you are not overriding the defaults (i.e. using `NullRequestCache`), then the following configuration can be used to explicitly opt into the Spring Security 6 behavior in Spring Security 5.8:
xref:servlet/authorization/method-security.adoc[Method Security] has been xref:servlet/authorization/method-security.adoc#jc-enable-method-security[simplified] through {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/authorization/AuthorizationManager.html[the `AuthorizationManager` API] and direct use of Spring AOP.
Should you run into trouble with making these changes, note that `@EnableGlobalMethodSecurity`, while deprecated, will not be removed in 6.0, allowing you to opt out by sticking with the old annotation.
{security-api-url}org/springframework/security/config/annotation/method/configuration/EnableGlobalMethodSecurity.html[`@EnableGlobalMethodSecurity`] and xref:servlet/appendix/namespace/method-security.adoc#nsa-global-method-security[`<global-method-security>`] are deprecated in favor of {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/config/annotation/method/configuration/EnableMethodSecurity.html[`@EnableMethodSecurity`] and xref:servlet/appendix/namespace/method-security.adoc#nsa-method-security[`<method-security>`], respectively.
The new annotation and XML element activate Spring's xref:servlet/authorization/method-security.adoc#jc-enable-method-security[pre-post annotations] by default and use `AuthorizationManager` internally.
If you have a custom {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/access/PermissionEvaluator.html[`PermissionEvaluator`] `@Bean`, please change it from:
==== Replace any custom method-security ``AccessDecisionManager``s
Your application may have a custom {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/access/AccessDecisionManager.html[`AccessDecisionManager`] or {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/access/AccessDecisionVoter.html[`AccessDecisionVoter`] arrangement.
The preparation strategy will depend on your reason for each arrangement.
Read on to find the best match for your situation.
===== I use `UnanimousBased`
If your application uses {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/access/vote/UnanimousBased.html[`UnanimousBased`] with the default voters, you likely need do nothing since unanimous-based is the default behavior with {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/config/annotation/method/configuration/EnableMethodSecurity.html[`@EnableMethodSecurity`].
However, if you do discover that you cannot accept the default authorization managers, you can use `AuthorizationManagers.allOf` to compose your own arrangement.
Having done that, please follow the details in the reference manual for xref:servlet/authorization/method-security.adoc#jc-method-security-custom-authorization-manager[adding a custom `AuthorizationManager`].
===== I use `AffirmativeBased`
If your application uses {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/access/vote/AffirmativeBased.html[`AffirmativeBased`], then you can construct an equivalent {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/authorization/AuthorizationManager.html[`AuthorizationManager`], like so:
Once you have implemented `AuthorizationManager`, please follow the details in the reference manual for xref:servlet/authorization/method-security.adoc#jc-method-security-custom-authorization-manager[adding a custom `AuthorizationManager`].
===== I use `ConsensusBased`
There is no framework-provided equivalent for {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/access/vote/ConsensusBased.html[`ConsensusBased`].
In that case, please implement a composite {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/authorization/AuthorizationManager.html[`AuthorizationManager`] that takes the set of delegate ``AuthorizationManager``s into account.
Once you have implemented `AuthorizationManager`, please follow the details in the reference manual for xref:servlet/authorization/method-security.adoc#jc-method-security-custom-authorization-manager[adding a custom `AuthorizationManager`].
===== I use a custom `AccessDecisionVoter`
You should either change the class to implement {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/authorization/AuthorizationManager.html[`AuthorizationManager`] or create an adapter.
Without knowing what your custom voter is doing, it is impossible to recommend a general-purpose solution.
By way of example, though, here is what adapting {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/access/SecurityMetadataSource.html[`SecurityMetadataSource`] and {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/access/AccessDecisionVoter.html[`AccessDecisionVoter`] for `@PreAuthorize` would look like:
public final class PreAuthorizeAuthorizationManagerAdapter implements AuthorizationManager<MethodInvocation> {
private final SecurityMetadataSource metadata;
private final AccessDecisionVoter voter;
public PreAuthorizeAuthorizationManagerAdapter(MethodSecurityExpressionHandler expressionHandler) {
int decision = this.voter.vote(authentication.get(), invocation, attributes);
if (decision == ACCESS_GRANTED) {
return new AuthorizationDecision(true);
if (decision == ACCESS_DENIED) {
return new AuthorizationDecision(false);
return null; // abstain
Once you have implemented `AuthorizationManager`, please follow the details in the reference manual for xref:servlet/authorization/method-security.adoc#jc-method-security-custom-authorization-manager[adding a custom `AuthorizationManager`].
===== I use a custom `AfterInvocationManager`
{security-api-url}org/springframework/security/authorization/AuthorizationManager.html[`AuthorizationManager`] replaces both {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/access/AccessDecisionManager.html[`AccessDecisionManager`] and {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/access/intercept/AfterInvocationManager.html[`AfterInvocationManager`].
The difference is that `AuthorizationManager<MethodInvocation>` replaces `AccessDecisionManager` and `AuthorizationManager<MethodInvocationResult>` replaces `AfterInvocationManager`.
Given that, <<_i_use_a_custom_accessdecisionvoter,the same rules apply for adaptation>>, where the goal this time is to implement `AuthorizationManager<MethodInvocationResult>` instead of `AuthorizationManager<MethodInvocation>` and use `AuthorizationManagerAfterMethodInterceptor` instead of `AuthorizationManagerBeforeMethodInterceptor`.
Once you have implemented `AuthorizationManager`, please follow the details in the reference manual for xref:servlet/authorization/method-security.adoc#jc-method-security-custom-authorization-manager[adding a custom `AuthorizationManager`].
`@EnableMethodSecurity` and `<method-security>` activate stricter enforcement of Spring Security's non-repeatable or otherwise incompatible annotations.
If after moving to either you see ``AnnotationConfigurationException``s in your logs, follow the instructions in the exception message to clean up your application's method security annotation usage.
=== Use `AuthorizationManager` for Message Security
xref:servlet/integrations/websocket.adoc[Message Security] has been xref:servlet/integrations/websocket.adoc#websocket-configuration[improved] through {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/authorization/AuthorizationManager.html[the `AuthorizationManager` API] and direct use of Spring AOP.
Should you run into trouble with making these changes, you can follow the <<servlet-authorizationmanager-messages-opt-out,opt out steps>> at the end of this section.
==== Ensure all messages have defined authorization rules
The now-deprecated {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/config/annotation/web/socket/AbstractSecurityWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer.html[message security support] permits all messages by default.
xref:servlet/integrations/websocket.adoc[The new support] has the stronger default of denying all messages.
To prepare for this, ensure that authorization rules exist are declared for every request.
If you want to have CSRF disabled and you are using Java configuration, the migration steps are slightly different.
Instead of using `@EnableWebSocketSecurity`, you will override the appropriate methods in `WebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer` yourself.
Please see xref:servlet/integrations/websocket.adoc#websocket-sameorigin-disable[the reference manual] for details about this step.
If you are using Java Configuration, add {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/config/annotation/web/socket/EnableWebSocketSecurity.html[`@EnableWebSocketSecurity`] to your application.
For example, you can add it to your websocket security configuration class, like so:
public class WebSocketSecurityConfig extends AbstractSecurityWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer {
// ...
class WebSocketSecurityConfig: AbstractSecurityWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer() {
// ...
This will make a prototype instance of `MessageMatcherDelegatingAuthorizationManager.Builder` available to encourage configuration by composition instead of extension.
==== Use an `AuthorizationManager<Message<?>>` instance
To start using `AuthorizationManager`, you can set the `use-authorization-manager` attribute in XML or you can publish an `AuthorizationManager<Message<?>>` `@Bean` in Java.
For example, the following application configuration:
If you are having trouble setting an `anyRequest` authorization rule of `denyAll`, please use {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/messaging/access/intercept/MessageMatcherDelegatingAuthorizationManager.Builder.Constraint.html#permitAll()[`permitAll`] instead, like so:
===== I cannot get CSRF working, need some other `AbstractSecurityWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer` feature, or am having trouble with `AuthorizationManager`
xref:servlet/authorization/authorize-requests.adoc[HTTP Request Security] has been xref:servlet/authorization/authorize-http-requests.adoc[simplified] through {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/authorization/AuthorizationManager.html[the `AuthorizationManager` API].
Should you run into trouble with making these changes, you can follow the <<servlet-authorizationmanager-requests-opt-out,opt out steps>> at the end of this section.
==== Ensure that all requests have defined authorization rules
In Spring Security 5.8 and earlier, requests with no authorization rule are permitted by default.
It is a stronger security position to deny by default, thus requiring that authorization rules be clearly defined for every endpoint.
As such, in 6.0, Spring Security by default denies any request that is missing an authorization rule.
The simplest way to prepare for this change is to introduce an appropriate {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/config/annotation/web/AbstractRequestMatcherRegistry.html#anyRequest()[`anyRequest`] rule as the last authorization rule.
The recommendation is {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/config/annotation/web/configurers/ExpressionUrlAuthorizationConfigurer.AuthorizedUrl.html#denyAll()[`denyAll`] since that is the implied 6.0 default.
If you have already migrated to `authorizeHttpRequests`, the recommended change is the same.
==== Switch to `AuthorizationManager`
To opt in to using `AuthorizationManager`, you can use `authorizeHttpRequests` or xref:servlet/appendix/namespace/http.adoc#nsa-http-use-authorization-manager[`use-authorization-manager`] for Java or XML, respectively.
==== Replace any custom filter-security ``AccessDecisionManager``s
Your application may have a custom {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/access/AccessDecisionManager.html[`AccessDecisionManager`] or {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/access/AccessDecisionVoter.html[`AccessDecisionVoter`] arrangement.
The preparation strategy will depend on your reason for each arrangement.
Read on to find the best match for your situation.
===== I use `UnanimousBased`
If your application uses {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/access/vote/UnanimousBased.html[`UnanimousBased`], you should first adapt or replace any ``AccessDecisionVoter``s and then you can construct an `AuthorizationManager` like so:
`authorizeHttpRequests` is designed so that you can apply a custom `AuthorizationManager` to any url pattern.
See xref:servlet/authorization/authorize-http-requests.adoc#custom-authorization-manager[the reference] for more details.
===== I use `AffirmativeBased`
If your application uses {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/access/vote/AffirmativeBased.html[`AffirmativeBased`], then you can construct an equivalent {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/authorization/AuthorizationManager.html[`AuthorizationManager`], like so:
`authorizeHttpRequests` is designed so that you can apply a custom `AuthorizationManager` to any url pattern.
See xref:servlet/authorization/authorize-http-requests.adoc#custom-authorization-manager[the reference] for more details.
===== I use `ConsensusBased`
There is no framework-provided equivalent for {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/access/vote/ConsensusBased.html[`ConsensusBased`].
In that case, please implement a composite {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/authorization/AuthorizationManager.html[`AuthorizationManager`] that takes the set of delegate ``AuthorizationManager``s into account.
Once you have implemented `AuthorizationManager`, please follow the details in the reference manual for xref:servlet/authorization/authorize-http-requests.adoc#custom-authorization-manager[adding a custom `AuthorizationManager`].
===== I use a custom `AccessDecisionVoter`
You should either change the class to implement {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/authorization/AuthorizationManager.html[`AuthorizationManager`] or create an adapter.
Without knowing what your custom voter is doing, it is impossible to recommend a general-purpose solution.
By way of example, though, here is what adapting {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/access/SecurityMetadataSource.html[`SecurityMetadataSource`] and {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/access/AccessDecisionVoter.html[`AccessDecisionVoter`] for `anyRequest().authenticated()` would look like:
public final class AnyRequestAuthenticatedAuthorizationManagerAdapter implements AuthorizationManager<RequestAuthorizationContext> {
private final SecurityMetadataSource metadata;
private final AccessDecisionVoter voter;
public PreAuthorizeAuthorizationManagerAdapter(SecurityExpressionHandler expressionHandler) {
int decision = this.voter.vote(authentication.get(), invocation, attributes);
if (decision == ACCESS_GRANTED) {
return new AuthorizationDecision(true);
if (decision == ACCESS_DENIED) {
return new AuthorizationDecision(false);
return null; // abstain
Once you have implemented `AuthorizationManager`, please follow the details in the reference manual for xref:servlet/authorization/authorize-http-requests.adoc#custom-authorization-manager[adding a custom `AuthorizationManager`].
Or, if that doesn't work, then you can explicitly opt out of the behavior by setting `filter-all-dispatcher-types` and `filterAllDispatcherTypes` to `false`:
===== I cannot declare an authorization rule for all requests
If you are having trouble setting an `anyRequest` authorization rule of `denyAll`, please use {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/config/annotation/web/configurers/ExpressionUrlAuthorizationConfigurer.AuthorizedUrl.html#permitAll()[`permitAll`] instead, like so:
===== I cannot migrate my SpEL or my `AccessDecisionManager`
If you are having trouble with SpEL, `AccessDecisionManager`, or there is some other feature that you are needing to keep using in `<http>` or `authorizeRequests`, try the following.
First, if you still need `authorizeRequests`, you are welcome to keep using it. Even though it is deprecated, it is not removed in 6.0.
Second, if you still need your custom `access-decision-manager-ref` or have some other reason to opt out of `AuthorizationManager`, do:
{security-api-url}org/springframework/security/web/authentication/AuthenticationFilter.html[`AuthenticationFilter`] propagates {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/authentication/AuthenticationServiceException.html[``AuthenticationServiceException``]s to the {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/authentication/AuthenticationEntryPoint.html[`AuthenticationEntryPoint`].
Because ``AuthenticationServiceException``s represent a server-side error instead of a client-side error, in 6.0, this changes to propagate them to the container.
==== Configure `AuthenticationFailureHandler` to rethrow ``AuthenticationServiceException``s
To prepare for the 6.0 default, wire `AuthenticationFilter` instances with a `AuthenticationFailureHandler` that rethrows ``AuthenticationServiceException``s, like so:
AuthenticationFilter authenticationFilter = new AuthenticationFilter(...);
AuthenticationEntryPointFailureHandler handler = new AuthenticationEntryPointFailureHandler(...);
The `TokenBasedRememberMeServices` implementation now supports SHA-256 for the Remember Me token and this is the default in Spring Security 6.
This change makes the implementation more secure by default since MD5 is already proven to be a weak hashing algorithm and vulnerable against collision attacks and modular differential attacks.
The new generated tokens now have the information of which algorithm was used to generate the token and that information is used in order to match it.
If the algorithm name is not present, then the `matchingAlgorithm` property is used to check the token.
This allows for a smooth transition from MD5 to SHA-256.
To opt into the new Spring Security 6 default to encode the tokens while still being able to decode tokens encoded with MD5, you can set the `encodingAlgorithm` property to SHA-256 and the `matchingAlgorithm` property to MD5.
See the xref:servlet/authentication/rememberme.adoc#_tokenbasedremembermeservices[reference documentation] and the {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/web/authentication/rememberme/TokenBasedRememberMeServices.html[API docs] for more information.
.Use Spring Security 6 defaults for encoding, SHA-256 for encoding and MD5 for matching
At some point, you will want to fully migrate to Spring Security 6 defaults. But how do you know when it is safe to do so?
Let's suppose that you deployed your application using SHA-256 as the encoding algorithm (as you have done <<servlet-opt-in-sha256-sha256-encoding,here>>) on November 1st, if you have the value for the `tokenValiditySeconds` property set to N days (14 is the default), you can migrate to SHA-256 N days after November 1st (which is November 15th in this example).
By that time, all the tokens generated with MD5 will have expired.
.Use Spring Security 6 defaults, SHA-256 for both encoding and matching
In an early release of Spring Security's SAML 2.0 support, `Saml2MetadataFilter` and `Saml2AuthenticationTokenConverter` shipped with constructors of type `Converter`.
This level of abstraction made it tricky to evolve the class and so a dedicated interface `RelyingPartyRegistrationResolver` was introduced in a later release.
In 6.0, the `Converter` constructors are removed.
To prepare for this in 5.8, change classes that implement `Converter<HttpServletRequest, RelyingPartyRegistration>` to instead implement `RelyingPartyRegistrationResolver`.
=== Change to Using `Saml2AuthenticationRequestResolver`
`Saml2AuthenticationContextResolver` and `Saml2AuthenticationRequestFactory` are removed in 6.0 as is the `Saml2WebSsoAuthenticationRequestFilter` that requires them.
They are replaced by `Saml2AuthenticationRequestResolver` and a new constructor in `Saml2WebSsoAuthenticationRequestFilter`.
The new interface removes an unnecessary transport object between the two classes.
Most applications need do nothing; however, if you use or configure `Saml2AuthenticationRequestContextResolver` or `Saml2AuthenticationRequestFactory`, try the following steps to convert instead use `Saml2AuthenticationRequestResolver`.
==== Use `setAuthnRequestCustomizer` instead of `setAuthenticationRequestContextConverter`
If you are calling `OpenSaml4AuthenticationReqeustFactory#setAuthenticationRequestContextConverter`, for example, like so:
Also, since `setAuthnRequestCustomizer` has direct access to the `HttpServletRequest`, there is no need for a `Saml2AuthenticationRequestContextResolver`.
Simply use `setAuthnRequestCustomizer` to read directly from `HttpServletRequest` this information you need.
==== Use `setAuthnRequestCustomizer` instead of `setProtocolBinding`
Since Spring Security only supports the `POST` binding for authentication, there is not very much value in overriding the protocol binding at this point in time.
=== Use the latest `Saml2AuthenticationToken` constructor
In an early release, `Saml2AuthenticationToken` took several individual settings as constructor parameters.
This created a challenge each time a new parameter needed to be added.
Since most of these settings were part of `RelyingPartyRegistration`, a new constructor was added where a `RelyingPartyRegistration` could be provided, making the constructor more stable.
It also is valuable in that it more closely aligns with the design of `OAuth2LoginAuthenticationToken`.
Most applications do not construct this class directly since `Saml2WebSsoAuthenticationFilter` does.
However, in the event that your application constructs one, please change from:
new Saml2AuthenticationToken(saml2Response, registration.getSingleSignOnServiceLocation(),
=== Use `RelyingPartyRegistration` updated methods
In an early release of Spring Security's SAML support, there was some ambiguity on the meaning of certain `RelyingPartyRegistration` methods and their function.
As more capabilities were added to `RelyingPartyRegistration`, it became necessary to clarify this ambiguity by changing method names to ones that aligned with spec language.
The deprecated methods in `RelyingPartyRegstration` are removed.
To prepare for that, consider the following representative usage of `RelyingPartyRegistration`:
val assertingPartyEntityId: String = registration.getAssertingPartyDetails().getEntityId()
val assertionConsumerServiceLocation: String = registration.getAssertionConsumerServiceLocation()
val singleSignOnServiceLocation: String = registration.getAssertingPartyDetails().getSingleSignOnServiceLocation()
val entityId: String = registration.getEntityId()
val verifying: List<Saml2X509Credential> = registration.getAssertingPartyDetails().getVerificationX509Credentials()
For a complete listing of all changed methods, please see {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/saml2/provider/service/registration/RelyingPartyRegistration.html[``RelyingPartyRegistration``'s JavaDoc].
=== Use `AuthorizationManager` for Method Security
xref:reactive/authorization/method.adoc[Method Security] has been xref:reactive/authorization/method.adoc#jc-enable-reactive-method-security-authorization-manager[improved] through {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/authorization/AuthorizationManager.html[the `AuthorizationManager` API] and direct use of Spring AOP.
Should you run into trouble with making these changes, you can follow the
<<reactive-authorizationmanager-methods-opt-out,opt out steps>> at the end of this section.
In Spring Security 5.8, `useAuthorizationManager` was added to {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/config/annotation/method/configuration/EnableReactiveMethodSecurity.html[`@EnableReactiveMethodSecurity`] to allow applications to opt in to ``AuthorizationManager``'s features.
`useAuthorizationManager` activates stricter enforcement of Spring Security's non-repeatable or otherwise incompatible annotations.
If after turning on `useAuthorizationManager` you see ``AnnotationConfigurationException``s in your logs, follow the instructions in the exception message to clean up your application's method security annotation usage.
{security-api-url}org/springframework/security/web/server/Webauthentication/AuthenticationWebFilter.html[`AuthenticationFilter`] propagates {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/authentication/AuthenticationServiceException.html[``AuthenticationServiceException``]s to the {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/web/server/ServerAuthenticationEntryPoint.html[`ServerAuthenticationEntryPoint`].
Because ``AuthenticationServiceException``s represent a server-side error instead of a client-side error, in 6.0, this changes to propagate them to the container.
==== Configure `ServerAuthenticationFailureHandler` to rethrow ``AuthenticationServiceException``s
To prepare for the 6.0 default, `httpBasic` and `oauth2ResourceServer` should be configured to rethrow ``AuthenticationServiceException``s.
For each, construct the appropriate authentication entry point for `httpBasic` and for `oauth2ResourceServer`:
ServerAuthenticationEntryPoint bearerEntryPoint = new BearerTokenServerAuthenticationEntryPoint();
ServerAuthenticationEntryPoint basicEntryPoint = new HttpStatusServerEntryPoint(HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED);
val bearerEntryPoint: ServerAuthenticationEntryPoint = BearerTokenServerAuthenticationEntryPoint()
val basicEntryPoint: ServerAuthenticationEntryPoint = HttpStatusServerEntryPoint(HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED)
If you use a custom `AuthenticationEntryPoint` for either or both mechanisms, use that one instead for the remaining steps.
Then, construct and configure a `ServerAuthenticationEntryPointFailureHandler` for each one:
AuthenticationFailureHandler bearerFailureHandler = new ServerAuthenticationEntryPointFailureHandler(bearerEntryPoint);
To opt-out of the 6.0 defaults and instead continue to pass `AuthenticationServiceException` on to ``ServerAuthenticationEntryPoint``s, you can follow the same steps as above, except set `rethrowAuthenticationServiceException` to false.