@ -63,7 +63,10 @@
**** xref:servlet/oauth2/resource-server/multitenancy.adoc[Multitenancy]
**** xref:servlet/oauth2/resource-server/bearer-tokens.adoc[Bearer Tokens]
** xref:servlet/saml2/index.adoc[SAML2]
*** xref:servlet/saml2/login.adoc[SAML2 Log In]
*** xref:servlet/saml2/login/index.adoc[SAML2 Log In]
**** xref:servlet/saml2/login/overview.adoc[SAML2 Log In Overview]
**** xref:servlet/saml2/login/authentication-requests.adoc[SAML2 Authentication Requests]
**** xref:servlet/saml2/login/authentication.adoc[SAML2 Authentication Responses]
*** xref:servlet/saml2/logout.adoc[SAML2 Logout]
*** xref:servlet/saml2/metadata.adoc[SAML2 Metadata]
** xref:servlet/exploits/index.adoc[Protection Against Exploits]
@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
= Producing ``<saml2:AuthnRequest>``s
As stated earlier, Spring Security's SAML 2.0 support produces a `<saml2:AuthnRequest>` to commence authentication with the asserting party.
Spring Security achieves this in part by registering the `Saml2WebSsoAuthenticationRequestFilter` in the filter chain.
This filter by default responds to endpoint `+/saml2/authenticate/{registrationId}+`.
For example, if you were deployed to `` and you gave your registration an ID of `okta`, you could navigate to:
and the result would be a redirect that included a `SAMLRequest` parameter containing the signed, deflated, and encoded `<saml2:AuthnRequest>`.
== Changing How the `<saml2:AuthnRequest>` Gets Stored
`Saml2WebSsoAuthenticationRequestFilter` uses an `Saml2AuthenticationRequestRepository` to persist an `AbstractSaml2AuthenticationRequest` instance before xref:servlet/saml2/login/authentication-requests.adoc#servlet-saml2login-sp-initiated-factory[sending the `<saml2:AuthnRequest>`] to the asserting party.
Additionally, `Saml2WebSsoAuthenticationFilter` and `Saml2AuthenticationTokenConverter` use an `Saml2AuthenticationRequestRepository` to load any `AbstractSaml2AuthenticationRequest` as part of xref:servlet/saml2/login/authentication.adoc#servlet-saml2login-authenticate-responses[authenticating the `<saml2:Response>`].
By default, Spring Security uses an `HttpSessionSaml2AuthenticationRequestRepository`, which stores the `AbstractSaml2AuthenticationRequest` in the `HttpSession`.
If you have a custom implementation of `Saml2AuthenticationRequestRepository`, you may configure it by exposing it as a `@Bean` as shown in the following example:
Saml2AuthenticationRequestRepository<AbstractSaml2AuthenticationRequest> authenticationRequestRepository() {
return new CustomSaml2AuthenticationRequestRepository();
open fun authenticationRequestRepository(): Saml2AuthenticationRequestRepository<AbstractSaml2AuthenticationRequest> {
return CustomSaml2AuthenticationRequestRepository()
== Changing How the `<saml2:AuthnRequest>` Gets Sent
By default, Spring Security signs each `<saml2:AuthnRequest>` and send it as a GET to the asserting party.
Many asserting parties don't require a signed `<saml2:AuthnRequest>`.
This can be configured automatically via `RelyingPartyRegistrations`, or you can supply it manually, like so:
.Not Requiring Signed AuthnRequests
entity-id: ...
singlesignon.sign-request: false
RelyingPartyRegistration relyingPartyRegistration = RelyingPartyRegistration.withRegistrationId("okta")
// ...
.assertingPartyDetails(party -> party
// ...
var relyingPartyRegistration: RelyingPartyRegistration =
// ...
.assertingPartyDetails { party: AssertingPartyDetails.Builder -> party
// ...
Otherwise, you will need to specify a private key to `RelyingPartyRegistration#signingX509Credentials` so that Spring Security can sign the `<saml2:AuthnRequest>` before sending.
By default, Spring Security will sign the `<saml2:AuthnRequest>` using `rsa-sha256`, though some asserting parties will require a different algorithm, as indicated in their metadata.
You can configure the algorithm based on the asserting party's xref:servlet/saml2/login/overview.adoc#servlet-saml2login-relyingpartyregistrationrepository[metadata using `RelyingPartyRegistrations`].
Or, you can provide it manually:
String metadataLocation = "classpath:asserting-party-metadata.xml";
RelyingPartyRegistration relyingPartyRegistration = RelyingPartyRegistrations.fromMetadataLocation(metadataLocation)
// ...
.assertingPartyDetails((party) -> party
// ...
.signingAlgorithms((sign) -> sign.add(SignatureConstants.ALGO_ID_SIGNATURE_RSA_SHA512))
var metadataLocation = "classpath:asserting-party-metadata.xml"
var relyingPartyRegistration: RelyingPartyRegistration =
// ...
.assertingPartyDetails { party: AssertingPartyDetails.Builder -> party
// ...
.signingAlgorithms { sign: MutableList<String?> ->
NOTE: The snippet above uses the OpenSAML `SignatureConstants` class to supply the algorithm name.
But, that's just for convenience.
Since the datatype is `String`, you can supply the name of the algorithm directly.
Some asserting parties require that the `<saml2:AuthnRequest>` be POSTed.
This can be configured automatically via `RelyingPartyRegistrations`, or you can supply it manually, like so:
RelyingPartyRegistration relyingPartyRegistration = RelyingPartyRegistration.withRegistrationId("okta")
// ...
.assertingPartyDetails(party -> party
// ...
var relyingPartyRegistration: RelyingPartyRegistration? =
// ...
.assertingPartyDetails { party: AssertingPartyDetails.Builder -> party
// ...
== Customizing OpenSAML's `AuthnRequest` Instance
There are a number of reasons that you may want to adjust an `AuthnRequest`.
For example, you may want `ForceAuthN` to be set to `true`, which Spring Security sets to `false` by default.
If you don't need information from the `HttpServletRequest` to make your decision, then the easiest way is to xref:servlet/saml2/login/overview.adoc#servlet-saml2login-opensaml-customization[register a custom `AuthnRequestMarshaller` with OpenSAML].
This will give you access to post-process the `AuthnRequest` instance before it's serialized.
But, if you do need something from the request, then you can use create a custom `Saml2AuthenticationRequestContext` implementation and then a `Converter<Saml2AuthenticationRequestContext, AuthnRequest>` to build an `AuthnRequest` yourself, like so:
public class AuthnRequestConverter implements
Converter<MySaml2AuthenticationRequestContext, AuthnRequest> {
private final AuthnRequestBuilder authnRequestBuilder;
private final IssuerBuilder issuerBuilder;
// ... constructor
public AuthnRequest convert(Saml2AuthenticationRequestContext context) {
MySaml2AuthenticationRequestContext myContext = (MySaml2AuthenticationRequestContext) context;
Issuer issuer = issuerBuilder.buildObject();
AuthnRequest authnRequest = authnRequestBuilder.buildObject();
// ... additional settings
return authnRequest;
class AuthnRequestConverter : Converter<MySaml2AuthenticationRequestContext, AuthnRequest> {
private val authnRequestBuilder: AuthnRequestBuilder? = null
private val issuerBuilder: IssuerBuilder? = null
// ... constructor
override fun convert(context: MySaml2AuthenticationRequestContext): AuthnRequest {
val myContext: MySaml2AuthenticationRequestContext = context
val issuer: Issuer = issuerBuilder.buildObject()
issuer.value = myContext.getIssuer()
val authnRequest: AuthnRequest = authnRequestBuilder.buildObject()
authnRequest.issuer = issuer
authnRequest.destination = myContext.getDestination()
authnRequest.assertionConsumerServiceURL = myContext.getAssertionConsumerServiceUrl()
// ... additional settings
return authnRequest
Then, you can construct your own `Saml2AuthenticationRequestContextResolver` and `Saml2AuthenticationRequestFactory` and publish them as ``@Bean``s:
Saml2AuthenticationRequestContextResolver authenticationRequestContextResolver() {
Saml2AuthenticationRequestContextResolver resolver =
new DefaultSaml2AuthenticationRequestContextResolver();
return request -> {
Saml2AuthenticationRequestContext context = resolver.resolve(request);
return new MySaml2AuthenticationRequestContext(context, request.getParameter("force") != null);
Saml2AuthenticationRequestFactory authenticationRequestFactory(
AuthnRequestConverter authnRequestConverter) {
OpenSaml4AuthenticationRequestFactory authenticationRequestFactory =
new OpenSaml4AuthenticationRequestFactory();
return authenticationRequestFactory;
open fun authenticationRequestContextResolver(): Saml2AuthenticationRequestContextResolver {
val resolver: Saml2AuthenticationRequestContextResolver = DefaultSaml2AuthenticationRequestContextResolver()
return Saml2AuthenticationRequestContextResolver { request: HttpServletRequest ->
val context = resolver.resolve(request)
request.getParameter("force") != null
open fun authenticationRequestFactory(
authnRequestConverter: AuthnRequestConverter?
): Saml2AuthenticationRequestFactory? {
val authenticationRequestFactory = OpenSaml4AuthenticationRequestFactory()
return authenticationRequestFactory
@ -0,0 +1,384 @@
= Authenticating ``<saml2:Response>``s
To verify SAML 2.0 Responses, Spring Security uses xref:servlet/saml2/login/overview.adoc#servlet-saml2login-architecture[`OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider`] by default.
You can configure this in a number of ways including:
1. Setting a clock skew to timestamp validation
2. Mapping the response to a list of `GrantedAuthority` instances
3. Customizing the strategy for validating assertions
4. Customizing the strategy for decrypting response and assertion elements
To configure these, you'll use the `saml2Login#authenticationManager` method in the DSL.
== Setting a Clock Skew
It's not uncommon for the asserting and relying parties to have system clocks that aren't perfectly synchronized.
For that reason, you can configure `OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider` 's default assertion validator with some tolerance:
public class SecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider authenticationProvider = new OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider();
.createDefaultAssertionValidator(assertionToken -> {
Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>();
params.put(CLOCK_SKEW, Duration.ofMinutes(10).toMillis());
// ... other validation parameters
return new ValidationContext(params);
.authorizeRequests(authz -> authz
.saml2Login(saml2 -> saml2
.authenticationManager(new ProviderManager(authenticationProvider))
open class SecurityConfig : WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter() {
override fun configure(http: HttpSecurity) {
val authenticationProvider = OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider()
.createDefaultAssertionValidator(Converter<OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider.AssertionToken, ValidationContext> {
val params: MutableMap<String, Any> = HashMap()
params[CLOCK_SKEW] =
http {
authorizeRequests {
authorize(anyRequest, authenticated)
saml2Login {
authenticationManager = ProviderManager(authenticationProvider)
== Coordinating with a `UserDetailsService`
Or, perhaps you would like to include user details from a legacy `UserDetailsService`.
In that case, the response authentication converter can come in handy, as can be seen below:
public class SecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
UserDetailsService userDetailsService;
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider authenticationProvider = new OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider();
authenticationProvider.setResponseAuthenticationConverter(responseToken -> {
Saml2Authentication authentication = OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider
.createDefaultResponseAuthenticationConverter() <1>
Assertion assertion = responseToken.getResponse().getAssertions().get(0);
String username = assertion.getSubject().getNameID().getValue();
UserDetails userDetails = this.userDetailsService.loadUserByUsername(username); <2>
return MySaml2Authentication(userDetails, authentication); <3>
.authorizeRequests(authz -> authz
.saml2Login(saml2 -> saml2
.authenticationManager(new ProviderManager(authenticationProvider))
open class SecurityConfig : WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter() {
var userDetailsService: UserDetailsService? = null
override fun configure(http: HttpSecurity) {
val authenticationProvider = OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider()
authenticationProvider.setResponseAuthenticationConverter { responseToken: OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider.ResponseToken ->
val authentication = OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider
.createDefaultResponseAuthenticationConverter() <1>
val assertion: Assertion = responseToken.response.assertions[0]
val username: String = assertion.subject.nameID.value
val userDetails = userDetailsService!!.loadUserByUsername(username) <2>
MySaml2Authentication(userDetails, authentication) <3>
http {
authorizeRequests {
authorize(anyRequest, authenticated)
saml2Login {
authenticationManager = ProviderManager(authenticationProvider)
<1> First, call the default converter, which extracts attributes and authorities from the response
<2> Second, call the xref:servlet/authentication/passwords/user-details-service.adoc#servlet-authentication-userdetailsservice[`UserDetailsService`] using the relevant information
<3> Third, return a custom authentication that includes the user details
It's not required to call `OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider` 's default authentication converter.
It returns a `Saml2AuthenticatedPrincipal` containing the attributes it extracted from ``AttributeStatement``s as well as the single `ROLE_USER` authority.
== Performing Additional Response Validation
`OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider` validates the `Issuer` and `Destination` values right after decrypting the `Response`.
You can customize the validation by extending the default validator concatenating with your own response validator, or you can replace it entirely with yours.
For example, you can throw a custom exception with any additional information available in the `Response` object, like so:
OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider provider = new OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider();
provider.setResponseValidator((responseToken) -> {
Saml2ResponseValidatorResult result = OpenSamlAuthenticationProvider
if (!result.getErrors().isEmpty()) {
String inResponseTo = responseToken.getInResponseTo();
throw new CustomSaml2AuthenticationException(result, inResponseTo);
return result;
== Performing Additional Assertion Validation
`OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider` performs minimal validation on SAML 2.0 Assertions.
After verifying the signature, it will:
1. Validate `<AudienceRestriction>` and `<DelegationRestriction>` conditions
2. Validate ``<SubjectConfirmation>``s, expect for any IP address information
To perform additional validation, you can configure your own assertion validator that delegates to `OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider` 's default and then performs its own.
For example, you can use OpenSAML's `OneTimeUseConditionValidator` to also validate a `<OneTimeUse>` condition, like so:
OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider provider = new OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider();
OneTimeUseConditionValidator validator = ...;
provider.setAssertionValidator(assertionToken -> {
Saml2ResponseValidatorResult result = OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider
Assertion assertion = assertionToken.getAssertion();
OneTimeUse oneTimeUse = assertion.getConditions().getOneTimeUse();
ValidationContext context = new ValidationContext();
try {
if (validator.validate(oneTimeUse, assertion, context) = ValidationResult.VALID) {
return result;
} catch (Exception e) {
return result.concat(new Saml2Error(INVALID_ASSERTION, e.getMessage()));
return result.concat(new Saml2Error(INVALID_ASSERTION, context.getValidationFailureMessage()));
var provider = OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider()
var validator: OneTimeUseConditionValidator = ...
provider.setAssertionValidator { assertionToken ->
val result = OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider
val assertion: Assertion = assertionToken.assertion
val oneTimeUse: OneTimeUse = assertion.conditions.oneTimeUse
val context = ValidationContext()
try {
if (validator.validate(oneTimeUse, assertion, context) = ValidationResult.VALID) {
return@setAssertionValidator result
} catch (e: Exception) {
return@setAssertionValidator result.concat(Saml2Error(INVALID_ASSERTION, e.message))
result.concat(Saml2Error(INVALID_ASSERTION, context.validationFailureMessage))
While recommended, it's not necessary to call `OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider` 's default assertion validator.
A circumstance where you would skip it would be if you don't need it to check the `<AudienceRestriction>` or the `<SubjectConfirmation>` since you are doing those yourself.
== Customizing Decryption
Spring Security decrypts `<saml2:EncryptedAssertion>`, `<saml2:EncryptedAttribute>`, and `<saml2:EncryptedID>` elements automatically by using the decryption xref:servlet/saml2/login/overview.adoc#servlet-saml2login-rpr-credentials[`Saml2X509Credential` instances] registered in the xref:servlet/saml2/login/overview.adoc#servlet-saml2login-relyingpartyregistration[`RelyingPartyRegistration`].
`OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider` exposes xref:servlet/saml2/login/overview.adoc#servlet-saml2login-architecture[two decryption strategies].
The response decrypter is for decrypting encrypted elements of the `<saml2:Response>`, like `<saml2:EncryptedAssertion>`.
The assertion decrypter is for decrypting encrypted elements of the `<saml2:Assertion>`, like `<saml2:EncryptedAttribute>` and `<saml2:EncryptedID>`.
You can replace `OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider`'s default decryption strategy with your own.
For example, if you have a separate service that decrypts the assertions in a `<saml2:Response>`, you can use it instead like so:
MyDecryptionService decryptionService = ...;
OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider provider = new OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider();
provider.setResponseElementsDecrypter((responseToken) -> decryptionService.decrypt(responseToken.getResponse()));
val decryptionService: MyDecryptionService = ...
val provider = OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider()
provider.setResponseElementsDecrypter { responseToken -> decryptionService.decrypt(responseToken.response) }
If you are also decrypting individual elements in a `<saml2:Assertion>`, you can customize the assertion decrypter, too:
provider.setAssertionElementsDecrypter((assertionToken) -> decryptionService.decrypt(assertionToken.getAssertion()));
provider.setAssertionElementsDecrypter { assertionToken -> decryptionService.decrypt(assertionToken.assertion) }
NOTE: There are two separate decrypters since assertions can be signed separately from responses.
Trying to decrypt a signed assertion's elements before signature verification may invalidate the signature.
If your asserting party signs the response only, then it's safe to decrypt all elements using only the response decrypter.
== Using a Custom Authentication Manager
Of course, the `authenticationManager` DSL method can be also used to perform a completely custom SAML 2.0 authentication.
This authentication manager should expect a `Saml2AuthenticationToken` object containing the SAML 2.0 Response XML data.
public class SecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
AuthenticationManager authenticationManager = new MySaml2AuthenticationManager(...);
.authorizeRequests(authorize -> authorize
.saml2Login(saml2 -> saml2
open class SecurityConfig : WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter() {
override fun configure(http: HttpSecurity) {
val customAuthenticationManager: AuthenticationManager = MySaml2AuthenticationManager(...)
http {
authorizeRequests {
authorize(anyRequest, authenticated)
saml2Login {
authenticationManager = customAuthenticationManager
== Using `Saml2AuthenticatedPrincipal`
With the relying party correctly configured for a given asserting party, it's ready to accept assertions.
Once the relying party validates an assertion, the result is a `Saml2Authentication` with a `Saml2AuthenticatedPrincipal`.
This means that you can access the principal in your controller like so:
public class MainController {
public String index(@AuthenticationPrincipal Saml2AuthenticatedPrincipal principal, Model model) {
String email = principal.getFirstAttribute("email");
model.setAttribute("email", email);
return "index";
class MainController {
fun index(@AuthenticationPrincipal principal: Saml2AuthenticatedPrincipal, model: Model): String {
val email = principal.getFirstAttribute<String>("email")
model.setAttribute("email", email)
return "index"
Because the SAML 2.0 specification allows for each attribute to have multiple values, you can either call `getAttribute` to get the list of attributes or `getFirstAttribute` to get the first in the list.
`getFirstAttribute` is quite handy when you know that there is only one value.
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
= SAML 2.0 Login
:page-section-summary-toc: 1
The SAML 2.0 Login feature provides an application with the capability to act as a SAML 2.0 Relying Party, having users[log in] to the application by using their existing account at a SAML 2.0 Asserting Party (Okta, ADFS, etc).
NOTE: SAML 2.0 Login is implemented by using the *Web Browser SSO Profile*, as specified in
||||[SAML 2 Profiles].
Since 2009, support for relying parties has existed as an[extension project].
In 2019, the process began to port that into[Spring Security] proper.
This process is similar to the one started in 2017 for xref:servlet/oauth2/index.adoc[Spring Security's OAuth 2.0 support].
A working sample for {gh-samples-url}/servlet/spring-boot/java/saml2-login[SAML 2.0 Login] is available in the {gh-samples-url}[Spring Security Samples repository].
@ -1,22 +1,6 @@
= SAML 2.0 Login
:figures: images/servlet/saml2
:icondir: images/icons
The SAML 2.0 Login feature provides an application with the capability to act as a SAML 2.0 Relying Party, having users[log in] to the application by using their existing account at a SAML 2.0 Asserting Party (Okta, ADFS, etc).
NOTE: SAML 2.0 Login is implemented by using the *Web Browser SSO Profile*, as specified in
||||[SAML 2 Profiles].
Since 2009, support for relying parties has existed as an[extension project].
In 2019, the process began to port that into[Spring Security] proper.
This process is similar to the one started in 2017 for xref:servlet/oauth2/index.adoc[Spring Security's OAuth 2.0 support].
A working sample for {gh-samples-url}/servlet/spring-boot/java/saml2-login[SAML 2.0 Login] is available in the {gh-samples-url}[Spring Security Samples repository].
= SAML 2.0 Login Overview
:figures: servlet/saml2
:icondir: icons
Let's take a look at how SAML 2.0 Relying Party Authentication works within Spring Security.
First, we see that, like xref:servlet/oauth2/oauth2-login.adoc[OAuth 2.0 Login], Spring Security takes the user to a third-party for performing authentication.
@ -32,7 +16,7 @@ image:{icondir}/number_1.png[] First, a user makes an unauthenticated request to
image:{icondir}/number_2.png[] Spring Security's xref:servlet/authorization/authorize-requests.adoc#servlet-authorization-filtersecurityinterceptor[`FilterSecurityInterceptor`] indicates that the unauthenticated request is __Denied__ by throwing an `AccessDeniedException`.
image:{icondir}/number_3.png[] Since the user lacks authorization, the xref:servlet/architecture.adoc#servlet-exceptiontranslationfilter[`ExceptionTranslationFilter`] initiates __Start Authentication__.
The configured xref:servlet/authentication/architecture.adoc#servlet-authentication-authenticationentrypoint[`AuthenticationEntryPoint`] is an instance of {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/web/authentication/LoginUrlAuthenticationEntryPoint.html[`LoginUrlAuthenticationEntryPoint`] which redirects to <<servlet-saml2login-sp-initiated-factory,the `<saml2:AuthnRequest>` generating endpoint>>, `Saml2WebSsoAuthenticationRequestFilter`.
The configured xref:servlet/authentication/architecture.adoc#servlet-authentication-authenticationentrypoint[`AuthenticationEntryPoint`] is an instance of {security-api-url}org/springframework/security/web/authentication/LoginUrlAuthenticationEntryPoint.html[`LoginUrlAuthenticationEntryPoint`] which redirects to xref:servlet/saml2/login/authentication-requests.adoc#servlet-saml2login-sp-initiated-factory[the `<saml2:AuthnRequest>` generating endpoint], `Saml2WebSsoAuthenticationRequestFilter`.
Or, if you've <<servlet-saml2login-relyingpartyregistrationrepository,configured more than one asserting party>>, it will first redirect to a picker page.
image:{icondir}/number_4.png[] Next, the `Saml2WebSsoAuthenticationRequestFilter` creates, signs, serializes, and encodes a `<saml2:AuthnRequest>` using its configured <<servlet-saml2login-sp-initiated-factory,`Saml2AuthenticationRequestFactory`>>.
@ -49,7 +33,7 @@ image::{figures}/saml2webssoauthenticationfilter.png[]
The figure builds off our xref:servlet/architecture.adoc#servlet-securityfilterchain[`SecurityFilterChain`] diagram.
image:{icondir}/number_1.png[] When the browser submits a `<saml2:Response>` to the application, it <<servlet-saml2login-authenticate-responses, delegates to `Saml2WebSsoAuthenticationFilter`>>.
image:{icondir}/number_1.png[] When the browser submits a `<saml2:Response>` to the application, it xref:servlet/saml2/login/authentication.adoc#servlet-saml2login-authenticate-responses[delegates to `Saml2WebSsoAuthenticationFilter`].
This filter calls its configured `AuthenticationConverter` to create a `Saml2AuthenticationToken` by extracting the response from the `HttpServletRequest`.
This converter additionally resolves the <<servlet-saml2login-relyingpartyregistration, `RelyingPartyRegistration`>> and supplies it to `Saml2AuthenticationToken`.
@ -135,7 +119,7 @@ Your app then redirects to the configured asserting party which then sends the `
From here, consider jumping to:
* <<servlet-saml2login-architecture,How SAML 2.0 Login Integrates with OpenSAML>>
* <<servlet-saml2login-authenticatedprincipal,How to Use the `Saml2AuthenticatedPrincipal`>>
* xref:servlet/saml2/login/authentication.adoc#servlet-saml2login-authenticatedprincipal[How to Use the `Saml2AuthenticatedPrincipal`]
* <<servlet-saml2login-sansboot,How to Override or Replace Spring Boot's Auto Configuration>>
@ -172,7 +156,7 @@ image:{icondir}/number_2.png[] The xref:servlet/authentication/architecture.adoc
image:{icondir}/number_3.png[] The authentication provider deserializes the response into an OpenSAML `Response` and checks its signature.
If the signature is invalid, authentication fails.
image:{icondir}/number_4.png[] Then, the provider <<servlet-saml2login-opensamlauthenticationprovider-decryption,decrypts any `EncryptedAssertion` elements>>.
image:{icondir}/number_4.png[] Then, the provider xref:servlet/saml2/login/authentication.adoc#servlet-saml2login-opensamlauthenticationprovider-decryption[decrypts any `EncryptedAssertion` elements].
If any decryptions fail, authentication fails.
image:{icondir}/number_5.png[] Next, the provider validates the response's `Issuer` and `Destination` values.
@ -183,7 +167,7 @@ If any signature is invalid, authentication fails.
Also, if neither the response nor the assertions have signatures, authentication fails.
Either the response or all the assertions must have signatures.
image:{icondir}/number_7.png[] Then, the provider <<servlet-saml2login-opensamlauthenticationprovider-decryption,decrypts any `EncryptedID` or `EncryptedAttribute` elements>>.
image:{icondir}/number_7.png[] Then, the provider xref:servlet/saml2/login/authentication.adoc#servlet-saml2login-opensamlauthenticationprovider-decryption[,]decrypts any `EncryptedID` or `EncryptedAttribute` elements].
If any decryptions fail, authentication fails.
image:{icondir}/number_8.png[] Next, the provider validates each assertion's `ExpiresAt` and `NotBefore` timestamps, the `<Subject>` and any `<AudienceRestriction>` conditions.
@ -761,7 +745,7 @@ class SingleRelyingPartyRegistrationResolver(delegate: RelyingPartyRegistrationR
Then, you can provide this resolver to the appropriate filters that <<servlet-saml2login-sp-initiated-factory, produce ``<saml2:AuthnRequest>``s>>, <<servlet-saml2login-authenticate-responses, authenticate ``<saml2:Response>``s>>, and xref:servlet/saml2/metadata.adoc#servlet-saml2login-metadata[produce `<saml2:SPSSODescriptor>` metadata].
Then, you can provide this resolver to the appropriate filters that xref:servlet/saml2/login/authentication-requests.adoc#servlet-saml2login-sp-initiated-factory[produce ``<saml2:AuthnRequest>``s], xref:servlet/saml2/login/authentication.adoc#servlet-saml2login-authenticate-responses[authenticate ``<saml2:Response>``s], and xref:servlet/saml2/metadata.adoc#servlet-saml2login-metadata[produce `<saml2:SPSSODescriptor>` metadata].
Remember that if you have any placeholders in your `RelyingPartyRegistration`, your resolver implementation should resolve them.
@ -860,681 +844,3 @@ open fun relyingPartyRegistrations(): RelyingPartyRegistrationRepository? {
== Producing ``<saml2:AuthnRequest>``s
As stated earlier, Spring Security's SAML 2.0 support produces a `<saml2:AuthnRequest>` to commence authentication with the asserting party.
Spring Security achieves this in part by registering the `Saml2WebSsoAuthenticationRequestFilter` in the filter chain.
This filter by default responds to endpoint `+/saml2/authenticate/{registrationId}+`.
For example, if you were deployed to `` and you gave your registration an ID of `okta`, you could navigate to:
and the result would be a redirect that included a `SAMLRequest` parameter containing the signed, deflated, and encoded `<saml2:AuthnRequest>`.
=== Changing How the `<saml2:AuthnRequest>` Gets Stored
`Saml2WebSsoAuthenticationRequestFilter` uses an `Saml2AuthenticationRequestRepository` to persist an `AbstractSaml2AuthenticationRequest` instance before <<servlet-saml2login-sp-initiated-factory,sending the `<saml2:AuthnRequest>`>> to the asserting party.
Additionally, `Saml2WebSsoAuthenticationFilter` and `Saml2AuthenticationTokenConverter` use an `Saml2AuthenticationRequestRepository` to load any `AbstractSaml2AuthenticationRequest` as part of <<servlet-saml2login-authenticate-responses,authenticating the `<saml2:Response>`>>.
By default, Spring Security uses an `HttpSessionSaml2AuthenticationRequestRepository`, which stores the `AbstractSaml2AuthenticationRequest` in the `HttpSession`.
If you have a custom implementation of `Saml2AuthenticationRequestRepository`, you may configure it by exposing it as a `@Bean` as shown in the following example:
Saml2AuthenticationRequestRepository<AbstractSaml2AuthenticationRequest> authenticationRequestRepository() {
return new CustomSaml2AuthenticationRequestRepository();
open fun authenticationRequestRepository(): Saml2AuthenticationRequestRepository<AbstractSaml2AuthenticationRequest> {
return CustomSaml2AuthenticationRequestRepository()
=== Changing How the `<saml2:AuthnRequest>` Gets Sent
By default, Spring Security signs each `<saml2:AuthnRequest>` and send it as a GET to the asserting party.
Many asserting parties don't require a signed `<saml2:AuthnRequest>`.
This can be configured automatically via `RelyingPartyRegistrations`, or you can supply it manually, like so:
.Not Requiring Signed AuthnRequests
entity-id: ...
singlesignon.sign-request: false
RelyingPartyRegistration relyingPartyRegistration = RelyingPartyRegistration.withRegistrationId("okta")
// ...
.assertingPartyDetails(party -> party
// ...
var relyingPartyRegistration: RelyingPartyRegistration =
// ...
.assertingPartyDetails { party: AssertingPartyDetails.Builder -> party
// ...
Otherwise, you will need to specify a private key to `RelyingPartyRegistration#signingX509Credentials` so that Spring Security can sign the `<saml2:AuthnRequest>` before sending.
By default, Spring Security will sign the `<saml2:AuthnRequest>` using `rsa-sha256`, though some asserting parties will require a different algorithm, as indicated in their metadata.
You can configure the algorithm based on the asserting party's <<servlet-saml2login-relyingpartyregistrationrepository,metadata using `RelyingPartyRegistrations`>>.
Or, you can provide it manually:
String metadataLocation = "classpath:asserting-party-metadata.xml";
RelyingPartyRegistration relyingPartyRegistration = RelyingPartyRegistrations.fromMetadataLocation(metadataLocation)
// ...
.assertingPartyDetails((party) -> party
// ...
.signingAlgorithms((sign) -> sign.add(SignatureConstants.ALGO_ID_SIGNATURE_RSA_SHA512))
var metadataLocation = "classpath:asserting-party-metadata.xml"
var relyingPartyRegistration: RelyingPartyRegistration =
// ...
.assertingPartyDetails { party: AssertingPartyDetails.Builder -> party
// ...
.signingAlgorithms { sign: MutableList<String?> ->
NOTE: The snippet above uses the OpenSAML `SignatureConstants` class to supply the algorithm name.
But, that's just for convenience.
Since the datatype is `String`, you can supply the name of the algorithm directly.
Some asserting parties require that the `<saml2:AuthnRequest>` be POSTed.
This can be configured automatically via `RelyingPartyRegistrations`, or you can supply it manually, like so:
RelyingPartyRegistration relyingPartyRegistration = RelyingPartyRegistration.withRegistrationId("okta")
// ...
.assertingPartyDetails(party -> party
// ...
var relyingPartyRegistration: RelyingPartyRegistration? =
// ...
.assertingPartyDetails { party: AssertingPartyDetails.Builder -> party
// ...
=== Customizing OpenSAML's `AuthnRequest` Instance
There are a number of reasons that you may want to adjust an `AuthnRequest`.
For example, you may want `ForceAuthN` to be set to `true`, which Spring Security sets to `false` by default.
If you don't need information from the `HttpServletRequest` to make your decision, then the easiest way is to <<servlet-saml2login-opensaml-customization,register a custom `AuthnRequestMarshaller` with OpenSAML>>.
This will give you access to post-process the `AuthnRequest` instance before it's serialized.
But, if you do need something from the request, then you can use create a custom `Saml2AuthenticationRequestContext` implementation and then a `Converter<Saml2AuthenticationRequestContext, AuthnRequest>` to build an `AuthnRequest` yourself, like so:
public class AuthnRequestConverter implements
Converter<MySaml2AuthenticationRequestContext, AuthnRequest> {
private final AuthnRequestBuilder authnRequestBuilder;
private final IssuerBuilder issuerBuilder;
// ... constructor
public AuthnRequest convert(Saml2AuthenticationRequestContext context) {
MySaml2AuthenticationRequestContext myContext = (MySaml2AuthenticationRequestContext) context;
Issuer issuer = issuerBuilder.buildObject();
AuthnRequest authnRequest = authnRequestBuilder.buildObject();
// ... additional settings
return authnRequest;
class AuthnRequestConverter : Converter<MySaml2AuthenticationRequestContext, AuthnRequest> {
private val authnRequestBuilder: AuthnRequestBuilder? = null
private val issuerBuilder: IssuerBuilder? = null
// ... constructor
override fun convert(context: MySaml2AuthenticationRequestContext): AuthnRequest {
val myContext: MySaml2AuthenticationRequestContext = context
val issuer: Issuer = issuerBuilder.buildObject()
issuer.value = myContext.getIssuer()
val authnRequest: AuthnRequest = authnRequestBuilder.buildObject()
authnRequest.issuer = issuer
authnRequest.destination = myContext.getDestination()
authnRequest.assertionConsumerServiceURL = myContext.getAssertionConsumerServiceUrl()
// ... additional settings
return authnRequest
Then, you can construct your own `Saml2AuthenticationRequestContextResolver` and `Saml2AuthenticationRequestFactory` and publish them as ``@Bean``s:
Saml2AuthenticationRequestContextResolver authenticationRequestContextResolver() {
Saml2AuthenticationRequestContextResolver resolver =
new DefaultSaml2AuthenticationRequestContextResolver();
return request -> {
Saml2AuthenticationRequestContext context = resolver.resolve(request);
return new MySaml2AuthenticationRequestContext(context, request.getParameter("force") != null);
Saml2AuthenticationRequestFactory authenticationRequestFactory(
AuthnRequestConverter authnRequestConverter) {
OpenSaml4AuthenticationRequestFactory authenticationRequestFactory =
new OpenSaml4AuthenticationRequestFactory();
return authenticationRequestFactory;
open fun authenticationRequestContextResolver(): Saml2AuthenticationRequestContextResolver {
val resolver: Saml2AuthenticationRequestContextResolver = DefaultSaml2AuthenticationRequestContextResolver()
return Saml2AuthenticationRequestContextResolver { request: HttpServletRequest ->
val context = resolver.resolve(request)
request.getParameter("force") != null
open fun authenticationRequestFactory(
authnRequestConverter: AuthnRequestConverter?
): Saml2AuthenticationRequestFactory? {
val authenticationRequestFactory = OpenSaml4AuthenticationRequestFactory()
return authenticationRequestFactory
== Authenticating ``<saml2:Response>``s
To verify SAML 2.0 Responses, Spring Security uses <<servlet-saml2login-architecture,`OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider`>> by default.
You can configure this in a number of ways including:
1. Setting a clock skew to timestamp validation
2. Mapping the response to a list of `GrantedAuthority` instances
3. Customizing the strategy for validating assertions
4. Customizing the strategy for decrypting response and assertion elements
To configure these, you'll use the `saml2Login#authenticationManager` method in the DSL.
=== Setting a Clock Skew
It's not uncommon for the asserting and relying parties to have system clocks that aren't perfectly synchronized.
For that reason, you can configure `OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider` 's default assertion validator with some tolerance:
public class SecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider authenticationProvider = new OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider();
.createDefaultAssertionValidator(assertionToken -> {
Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>();
params.put(CLOCK_SKEW, Duration.ofMinutes(10).toMillis());
// ... other validation parameters
return new ValidationContext(params);
.authorizeRequests(authz -> authz
.saml2Login(saml2 -> saml2
.authenticationManager(new ProviderManager(authenticationProvider))
open class SecurityConfig : WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter() {
override fun configure(http: HttpSecurity) {
val authenticationProvider = OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider()
.createDefaultAssertionValidator(Converter<OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider.AssertionToken, ValidationContext> {
val params: MutableMap<String, Any> = HashMap()
params[CLOCK_SKEW] =
http {
authorizeRequests {
authorize(anyRequest, authenticated)
saml2Login {
authenticationManager = ProviderManager(authenticationProvider)
=== Coordinating with a `UserDetailsService`
Or, perhaps you would like to include user details from a legacy `UserDetailsService`.
In that case, the response authentication converter can come in handy, as can be seen below:
public class SecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
UserDetailsService userDetailsService;
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider authenticationProvider = new OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider();
authenticationProvider.setResponseAuthenticationConverter(responseToken -> {
Saml2Authentication authentication = OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider
.createDefaultResponseAuthenticationConverter() <1>
Assertion assertion = responseToken.getResponse().getAssertions().get(0);
String username = assertion.getSubject().getNameID().getValue();
UserDetails userDetails = this.userDetailsService.loadUserByUsername(username); <2>
return MySaml2Authentication(userDetails, authentication); <3>
.authorizeRequests(authz -> authz
.saml2Login(saml2 -> saml2
.authenticationManager(new ProviderManager(authenticationProvider))
open class SecurityConfig : WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter() {
var userDetailsService: UserDetailsService? = null
override fun configure(http: HttpSecurity) {
val authenticationProvider = OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider()
authenticationProvider.setResponseAuthenticationConverter { responseToken: OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider.ResponseToken ->
val authentication = OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider
.createDefaultResponseAuthenticationConverter() <1>
val assertion: Assertion = responseToken.response.assertions[0]
val username: String = assertion.subject.nameID.value
val userDetails = userDetailsService!!.loadUserByUsername(username) <2>
MySaml2Authentication(userDetails, authentication) <3>
http {
authorizeRequests {
authorize(anyRequest, authenticated)
saml2Login {
authenticationManager = ProviderManager(authenticationProvider)
<1> First, call the default converter, which extracts attributes and authorities from the response
<2> Second, call the xref:servlet/authentication/passwords/user-details-service.adoc#servlet-authentication-userdetailsservice[`UserDetailsService`] using the relevant information
<3> Third, return a custom authentication that includes the user details
It's not required to call `OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider` 's default authentication converter.
It returns a `Saml2AuthenticatedPrincipal` containing the attributes it extracted from ``AttributeStatement``s as well as the single `ROLE_USER` authority.
=== Performing Additional Response Validation
`OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider` validates the `Issuer` and `Destination` values right after decrypting the `Response`.
You can customize the validation by extending the default validator concatenating with your own response validator, or you can replace it entirely with yours.
For example, you can throw a custom exception with any additional information available in the `Response` object, like so:
OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider provider = new OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider();
provider.setResponseValidator((responseToken) -> {
Saml2ResponseValidatorResult result = OpenSamlAuthenticationProvider
if (!result.getErrors().isEmpty()) {
String inResponseTo = responseToken.getInResponseTo();
throw new CustomSaml2AuthenticationException(result, inResponseTo);
return result;
=== Performing Additional Assertion Validation
`OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider` performs minimal validation on SAML 2.0 Assertions.
After verifying the signature, it will:
1. Validate `<AudienceRestriction>` and `<DelegationRestriction>` conditions
2. Validate ``<SubjectConfirmation>``s, expect for any IP address information
To perform additional validation, you can configure your own assertion validator that delegates to `OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider` 's default and then performs its own.
For example, you can use OpenSAML's `OneTimeUseConditionValidator` to also validate a `<OneTimeUse>` condition, like so:
OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider provider = new OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider();
OneTimeUseConditionValidator validator = ...;
provider.setAssertionValidator(assertionToken -> {
Saml2ResponseValidatorResult result = OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider
Assertion assertion = assertionToken.getAssertion();
OneTimeUse oneTimeUse = assertion.getConditions().getOneTimeUse();
ValidationContext context = new ValidationContext();
try {
if (validator.validate(oneTimeUse, assertion, context) = ValidationResult.VALID) {
return result;
} catch (Exception e) {
return result.concat(new Saml2Error(INVALID_ASSERTION, e.getMessage()));
return result.concat(new Saml2Error(INVALID_ASSERTION, context.getValidationFailureMessage()));
var provider = OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider()
var validator: OneTimeUseConditionValidator = ...
provider.setAssertionValidator { assertionToken ->
val result = OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider
val assertion: Assertion = assertionToken.assertion
val oneTimeUse: OneTimeUse = assertion.conditions.oneTimeUse
val context = ValidationContext()
try {
if (validator.validate(oneTimeUse, assertion, context) = ValidationResult.VALID) {
return@setAssertionValidator result
} catch (e: Exception) {
return@setAssertionValidator result.concat(Saml2Error(INVALID_ASSERTION, e.message))
result.concat(Saml2Error(INVALID_ASSERTION, context.validationFailureMessage))
While recommended, it's not necessary to call `OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider` 's default assertion validator.
A circumstance where you would skip it would be if you don't need it to check the `<AudienceRestriction>` or the `<SubjectConfirmation>` since you are doing those yourself.
=== Customizing Decryption
Spring Security decrypts `<saml2:EncryptedAssertion>`, `<saml2:EncryptedAttribute>`, and `<saml2:EncryptedID>` elements automatically by using the decryption <<servlet-saml2login-rpr-credentials,`Saml2X509Credential` instances>> registered in the <<servlet-saml2login-relyingpartyregistration,`RelyingPartyRegistration`>>.
`OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider` exposes <<servlet-saml2login-architecture,two decryption strategies>>.
The response decrypter is for decrypting encrypted elements of the `<saml2:Response>`, like `<saml2:EncryptedAssertion>`.
The assertion decrypter is for decrypting encrypted elements of the `<saml2:Assertion>`, like `<saml2:EncryptedAttribute>` and `<saml2:EncryptedID>`.
You can replace `OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider`'s default decryption strategy with your own.
For example, if you have a separate service that decrypts the assertions in a `<saml2:Response>`, you can use it instead like so:
MyDecryptionService decryptionService = ...;
OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider provider = new OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider();
provider.setResponseElementsDecrypter((responseToken) -> decryptionService.decrypt(responseToken.getResponse()));
val decryptionService: MyDecryptionService = ...
val provider = OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider()
provider.setResponseElementsDecrypter { responseToken -> decryptionService.decrypt(responseToken.response) }
If you are also decrypting individual elements in a `<saml2:Assertion>`, you can customize the assertion decrypter, too:
provider.setAssertionElementsDecrypter((assertionToken) -> decryptionService.decrypt(assertionToken.getAssertion()));
provider.setAssertionElementsDecrypter { assertionToken -> decryptionService.decrypt(assertionToken.assertion) }
NOTE: There are two separate decrypters since assertions can be signed separately from responses.
Trying to decrypt a signed assertion's elements before signature verification may invalidate the signature.
If your asserting party signs the response only, then it's safe to decrypt all elements using only the response decrypter.
=== Using a Custom Authentication Manager
Of course, the `authenticationManager` DSL method can be also used to perform a completely custom SAML 2.0 authentication.
This authentication manager should expect a `Saml2AuthenticationToken` object containing the SAML 2.0 Response XML data.
public class SecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
AuthenticationManager authenticationManager = new MySaml2AuthenticationManager(...);
.authorizeRequests(authorize -> authorize
.saml2Login(saml2 -> saml2
open class SecurityConfig : WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter() {
override fun configure(http: HttpSecurity) {
val customAuthenticationManager: AuthenticationManager = MySaml2AuthenticationManager(...)
http {
authorizeRequests {
authorize(anyRequest, authenticated)
saml2Login {
authenticationManager = customAuthenticationManager
== Using `Saml2AuthenticatedPrincipal`
With the relying party correctly configured for a given asserting party, it's ready to accept assertions.
Once the relying party validates an assertion, the result is a `Saml2Authentication` with a `Saml2AuthenticatedPrincipal`.
This means that you can access the principal in your controller like so:
public class MainController {
public String index(@AuthenticationPrincipal Saml2AuthenticatedPrincipal principal, Model model) {
String email = principal.getFirstAttribute("email");
model.setAttribute("email", email);
return "index";
class MainController {
fun index(@AuthenticationPrincipal principal: Saml2AuthenticatedPrincipal, model: Model): String {
val email = principal.getFirstAttribute<String>("email")
model.setAttribute("email", email)
return "index"
Because the SAML 2.0 specification allows for each attribute to have multiple values, you can either call `getAttribute` to get the list of attributes or `getFirstAttribute` to get the first in the list.
`getFirstAttribute` is quite handy when you know that there is only one value.
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ SecurityFilterChain web(HttpSecurity http, RelyingPartyRegistrationRepository re
<1> - First, add your signing key to the `RelyingPartyRegistration` instance or to xref:servlet/saml2/login.adoc#servlet-saml2login-rpr-duplicated[multiple instances]
<1> - First, add your signing key to the `RelyingPartyRegistration` instance or to xref:servlet/saml2/login/overview.adoc#servlet-saml2login-rpr-duplicated[multiple instances]
<2> - Second, indicate that your application wants to use SAML SLO to logout the end user
=== Runtime Expectations
@ -61,8 +61,8 @@ Given the above configuration any logged in user can send a `POST /logout` to yo
Your application will then do the following:
1. Logout the user and invalidate the session
2. Use a `Saml2LogoutRequestResolver` to create, sign, and serialize a `<saml2:LogoutRequest>` based on the xref:servlet/saml2/login.adoc#servlet-saml2login-relyingpartyregistration[`RelyingPartyRegistration`] associated with the currently logged-in user.
3. Send a redirect or post to the asserting party based on the xref:servlet/saml2/login.adoc#servlet-saml2login-relyingpartyregistration[`RelyingPartyRegistration`]
2. Use a `Saml2LogoutRequestResolver` to create, sign, and serialize a `<saml2:LogoutRequest>` based on the xref:servlet/saml2/login/overview.adoc#servlet-saml2login-relyingpartyregistration[`RelyingPartyRegistration`] associated with the currently logged-in user.
3. Send a redirect or post to the asserting party based on the xref:servlet/saml2/login/overview.adoc#servlet-saml2login-relyingpartyregistration[`RelyingPartyRegistration`]
4. Deserialize, verify, and process the `<saml2:LogoutResponse>` sent by the asserting party
5. Redirect to any configured successful logout endpoint
@ -70,8 +70,8 @@ Also, your application can participate in an AP-initiated logout when the assert
1. Use a `Saml2LogoutRequestHandler` to deserialize, verify, and process the `<saml2:LogoutRequest>` sent by the asserting party
2. Logout the user and invalidate the session
3. Create, sign, and serialize a `<saml2:LogoutResponse>` based on the xref:servlet/saml2/login.adoc#servlet-saml2login-relyingpartyregistration[`RelyingPartyRegistration`] associated with the just logged-out user
4. Send a redirect or post to the asserting party based on the xref:servlet/saml2/login.adoc#servlet-saml2login-relyingpartyregistration[`RelyingPartyRegistration`]
3. Create, sign, and serialize a `<saml2:LogoutResponse>` based on the xref:servlet/saml2/login/overview.adoc#servlet-saml2login-relyingpartyregistration[`RelyingPartyRegistration`] associated with the just logged-out user
4. Send a redirect or post to the asserting party based on the xref:servlet/saml2/login/overview.adoc#servlet-saml2login-relyingpartyregistration[`RelyingPartyRegistration`]
== Configuring Logout Endpoints
Reference in New Issue