accept_all_solutions_allowed_groups:"Groups that are allowed to accept solutions on any topic (even when not OP). Admins and moderators are always allowed."
solved_topics_auto_close_hours:"Auto close topic (n) hours after the last reply once the topic has been marked as solved. Set to 0 to disable auto closing."
ignore_solved_topics_in_assigned_reminder:"Prevent reminders for assignments from including solved topics. Only relevant when using the discourse-assign plugin."
long_description:"This badge is granted for having 10 of your replies marked as Solutions to topics. :white_check_mark: You are a true asset to your fellow community members."
description:"Have 50 replies marked as Solutions"
long_description:"This badge is granted for having 50 of your replies marked as Solutions to topics. :white_check_mark: You really know your stuff. :clap:"
name:"Solution Institution"
description:"Have 150 replies marked as Solutions"
long_description:"This badge is granted for having 150 of your replies marked as Solutions to topics. :white_check_mark: Excellent work. :slightly_smiling_face: You are officially a Solution Institution. :brain:"