
1008 B

Discourse Payments

Build Status

Enables stripe payments from discourse.


  • Remove hard coded key and use settings.
  • Add a plugin outlet for custom user fields.
  • Some tests
  • Handle fails from stripe
  • A button in the user's profile page.


You can either set your environment vars in docker or save them in a yaml.

In your app.yml

STRIPE_SECRET_KEY: 'my_secret_key'
STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE_KEY: 'my_publishable_key'


To run the specs, install the plugin and run bundle exec rake plugin:spec[discourse-payments] in the discourse root directory.

If you're using a zsh shell, then you probably get this error: zsh: no matches found ... and you'll need to escape the square brackets with backslashes.

Run the local js acceptance tests here:
