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# frozen_string_literal: true
RSpec.describe Admin::BackupsController do
fab!(:admin) { Fabricate(:admin) }
fab!(:moderator) { Fabricate(:moderator) }
fab!(:user) { Fabricate(:user) }
let(:backup_filename) { "2014-02-10-065935.tar.gz" }
let(:backup_filename2) { "2014-02-11-065935.tar.gz" }
def create_backup_files(*filenames)
@paths = filenames.map do |filename|
path = backup_path(filename)
File.open(path, "w") { |f| f.write("test backup") }
def backup_path(filename)
File.join(BackupRestore::LocalBackupStore.base_directory, filename)
def map_preloaded
controller.instance_variable_get("@preloaded").map do |key, value|
[key, JSON.parse(value)]
before do
SiteSetting.backup_location = BackupLocationSiteSetting::LOCAL
2018-06-11 02:12:28 -04:00
after do
@paths&.each { |path| File.delete(path) if File.exist?(path) }
@paths = nil
2018-06-11 02:12:28 -04:00
describe "#index" do
context "when logged in as an admin" do
before { sign_in(admin) }
it "raises an error when backups are disabled" do
SiteSetting.enable_backups = false
get "/admin/backups.json"
expect(response.status).to eq(403)
context "with html format" do
it "preloads important data" do
get "/admin/backups.html"
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
preloaded = map_preloaded
expect(preloaded["operations_status"].symbolize_keys).to eq(BackupRestore.operations_status)
expect(preloaded["logs"].size).to eq(BackupRestore.logs.size)
context "with json format" do
it "returns a list of all the backups" do
create_backup_files(backup_filename, backup_filename2)
get "/admin/backups.json"
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
filenames = response.parsed_body.map { |backup| backup["filename"] }
expect(filenames).to include(backup_filename)
expect(filenames).to include(backup_filename2)
shared_examples "backups inaccessible" do
it "denies access with a 404 response" do
get "/admin/backups.html"
expect(response.status).to eq(404)
get "/admin/backups.json"
expect(response.status).to eq(404)
expect(response.parsed_body["errors"]).to include(I18n.t("not_found"))
context "when logged in as a moderator" do
before { sign_in(moderator) }
include_examples "backups inaccessible"
context "when logged in as a non-staff user" do
before { sign_in(user) }
include_examples "backups inaccessible"
describe '#status' do
context "when logged in as an admin" do
before { sign_in(admin) }
it "returns the current backups status" do
get "/admin/backups/status.json"
expect(response.body).to eq(BackupRestore.operations_status.to_json)
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
shared_examples "status inaccessible" do
it "denies access with a 404 response" do
get "/admin/backups/status.json"
expect(response.status).to eq(404)
expect(response.parsed_body["errors"]).to include(I18n.t("not_found"))
context "when logged in as a moderator" do
before { sign_in(moderator) }
include_examples "status inaccessible"
context "when logged in as a non-staff user" do
before { sign_in(user) }
include_examples "status inaccessible"
describe '#create' do
context "when logged in as an admin" do
before { sign_in(admin) }
it "starts a backup" do
BackupRestore.expects(:backup!).with(admin.id, { publish_to_message_bus: true, with_uploads: false, client_id: "foo" })
post "/admin/backups.json", params: {
with_uploads: false, client_id: "foo"
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
shared_examples "backups creation not allowed" do
it "prevents backups creation with a 404 response" do
post "/admin/backups.json", params: {
with_uploads: false,
client_id: "foo"
expect(response.status).to eq(404)
expect(response.parsed_body["errors"]).to include(I18n.t("not_found"))
context "when logged in as a moderator" do
before { sign_in(moderator) }
include_examples "backups creation not allowed"
context "when logged in as a non-staff user" do
before { sign_in(user) }
include_examples "backups creation not allowed"
describe '#show' do
context "when logged in as an admin" do
before { sign_in(admin) }
it "uses send_file to transmit the backup" do
token = EmailBackupToken.set(admin.id)
expect do
get "/admin/backups/#{backup_filename}.json", params: { token: token }
end.to change { UserHistory.where(action: UserHistory.actions[:backup_download]).count }.by(1)
expect(response.headers['Content-Length']).to eq("11")
expect(response.headers['Content-Disposition']).to match(/attachment; filename/)
it "returns 422 when token is bad" do
get "/admin/backups/#{backup_filename}.json", params: { token: "bad_value" }
expect(response.status).to eq(422)
expect(response.headers['Content-Disposition']).not_to match(/attachment; filename/)
expect(response.body).to include(I18n.t("download_backup_mailer.no_token"))
it "returns 404 when the backup does not exist" do
token = EmailBackupToken.set(admin.id)
get "/admin/backups/#{backup_filename}.json", params: { token: token }
expect(response.status).to eq(404)
shared_examples "backup inaccessible" do
it "denies access with a 404 response" do
token = EmailBackupToken.set(admin.id)
expect do
get "/admin/backups/#{backup_filename}.json", params: { token: token }
end.not_to change { UserHistory.where(action: UserHistory.actions[:backup_download]).count }
expect(response.status).to eq(404)
expect(response.parsed_body["errors"]).to include(I18n.t("not_found"))
expect(response.headers['Content-Disposition']).not_to match(/attachment; filename/)
context "when logged in as a moderator" do
before { sign_in(moderator) }
include_examples "backup inaccessible"
context "when logged in as a non-staff user" do
before { sign_in(user) }
include_examples "backup inaccessible"
describe '#destroy' do
context "when logged in as an admin" do
before { sign_in(admin) }
it "removes the backup if found" do
path = backup_path(backup_filename)
expect(File.exist?(path)).to eq(true)
expect do
delete "/admin/backups/#{backup_filename}.json"
end.to change { UserHistory.where(action: UserHistory.actions[:backup_destroy]).count }.by(1)
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
expect(File.exist?(path)).to eq(false)
it "doesn't remove the backup if not found" do
delete "/admin/backups/#{backup_filename}.json"
expect(response.status).to eq(404)
shared_examples "backup deletion not allowed" do
it "prevents deletion with a 404 response" do
path = backup_path(backup_filename)
expect(File.exist?(path)).to eq(true)
expect do
delete "/admin/backups/#{backup_filename}.json"
end.not_to change { UserHistory.where(action: UserHistory.actions[:backup_destroy]).count }
expect(response.status).to eq(404)
expect(response.parsed_body["errors"]).to include(I18n.t("not_found"))
expect(File.exist?(path)).to eq(true)
context "when logged in as a moderator" do
before { sign_in(moderator) }
include_examples "backup deletion not allowed"
context "when logged in as a non-staff user" do
before { sign_in(user) }
include_examples "backup deletion not allowed"
describe '#logs' do
context "when logged in as an admin" do
before { sign_in(admin) }
it "preloads important data" do
get "/admin/backups/logs.html"
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
preloaded = map_preloaded
expect(preloaded["operations_status"].symbolize_keys).to eq(BackupRestore.operations_status)
expect(preloaded["logs"].size).to eq(BackupRestore.logs.size)
shared_examples "backup logs inaccessible" do
it "denies access with a 404 response" do
get "/admin/backups/logs.html"
expect(response.status).to eq(404)
context "when logged in as a moderator" do
before { sign_in(moderator) }
include_examples "backup logs inaccessible"
context "when logged in as a non-staff user" do
before { sign_in(user) }
include_examples "backup logs inaccessible"
describe '#restore' do
context "when logged in as an admin" do
before { sign_in(admin) }
it "starts a restore" do
BackupRestore.expects(:restore!).with(admin.id, { filename: backup_filename, publish_to_message_bus: true, client_id: "foo" })
post "/admin/backups/#{backup_filename}/restore.json", params: { client_id: "foo" }
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
shared_examples "backup restoration not allowed" do
it "prevents restoration with a 404 response" do
post "/admin/backups/#{backup_filename}/restore.json", params: { client_id: "foo" }
expect(response.status).to eq(404)
expect(response.parsed_body["errors"]).to include(I18n.t("not_found"))
context "when logged in as a moderator" do
before { sign_in(moderator) }
include_examples "backup restoration not allowed"
context "when logged in as a non-staff user" do
before { sign_in(user) }
include_examples "backup restoration not allowed"
describe '#readonly' do
context "when logged in as an admin" do
before { sign_in(admin) }
it "enables readonly mode" do
expect(Discourse.readonly_mode?).to eq(false)
expect { put "/admin/backups/readonly.json", params: { enable: true } }
.to change { UserHistory.where(action: UserHistory.actions[:change_readonly_mode], new_value: "t").count }.by(1)
expect(Discourse.readonly_mode?).to eq(true)
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
it "disables readonly mode" do
expect(Discourse.readonly_mode?).to eq(true)
expect { put "/admin/backups/readonly.json", params: { enable: false } }
.to change { UserHistory.where(action: UserHistory.actions[:change_readonly_mode], new_value: "f").count }.by(1)
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
expect(Discourse.readonly_mode?).to eq(false)
shared_examples "enabling readonly mode not allowed" do
it "prevents enabling readonly mode with a 404 response" do
expect(Discourse.readonly_mode?).to eq(false)
expect do
put "/admin/backups/readonly.json", params: { enable: true }
end.not_to change { UserHistory.where(action: UserHistory.actions[:change_readonly_mode], new_value: "t").count }
expect(response.status).to eq(404)
expect(response.parsed_body["errors"]).to include(I18n.t("not_found"))
expect(Discourse.readonly_mode?).to eq(false)
context "when logged in as a moderator" do
before { sign_in(moderator) }
include_examples "enabling readonly mode not allowed"
context "when logged in as a non-staff user" do
before { sign_in(user) }
include_examples "enabling readonly mode not allowed"
describe "#upload_backup_chunk" do
context "when logged in as an admin" do
before { sign_in(admin) }
describe "when filename contains invalid characters" do
it "should raise an error" do
['灰色.tar.gz', '; echo \'haha\'.tar.gz'].each do |invalid_filename|
post "/admin/backups/upload", params: {
resumableFilename: invalid_filename,
resumableTotalSize: 1,
resumableIdentifier: 'test'
expect(response.status).to eq(415)
expect(response.body).to eq(I18n.t('backup.invalid_filename'))
describe "when resumableIdentifier is invalid" do
it "should raise an error" do
filename = 'test_site-0123456789.tar.gz'
@paths = [backup_path(File.join('tmp', 'test', "#{filename}.part1"))]
post "/admin/backups/upload.json", params: {
resumableFilename: filename,
resumableTotalSize: 1,
resumableIdentifier: '../test',
resumableChunkNumber: '1',
resumableChunkSize: '1',
resumableCurrentChunkSize: '1',
file: fixture_file_upload(Tempfile.new)
expect(response.status).to eq(400)
describe "when filename is valid" do
it "should upload the file successfully" do
filename = 'test_Site-0123456789.tar.gz'
post "/admin/backups/upload.json", params: {
resumableFilename: filename,
resumableTotalSize: 1,
resumableIdentifier: 'test',
resumableChunkNumber: '1',
resumableChunkSize: '1',
resumableCurrentChunkSize: '1',
file: fixture_file_upload(Tempfile.new)
expect_job_enqueued(job: :backup_chunks_merger, args: {
filename: filename, identifier: 'test', chunks: 1
}, at: 5.seconds.from_now)
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
expect(response.body).to eq("")
describe "completing an upload by enqueuing backup_chunks_merger" do
let(:filename) { 'test_Site-0123456789.tar.gz' }
it "works with a single chunk" do
# 2MB file, 2MB chunks = 1x 2MB chunk
post "/admin/backups/upload.json", params: {
resumableFilename: filename,
resumableTotalSize: '2097152',
resumableIdentifier: 'test',
resumableChunkNumber: '1',
resumableChunkSize: '2097152',
resumableCurrentChunkSize: '2097152',
file: fixture_file_upload(Tempfile.new)
expect_job_enqueued(job: :backup_chunks_merger, args: {
filename: filename, identifier: 'test', chunks: 1
}, at: 5.seconds.from_now)
it "works with multiple chunks when the final chunk is chunk_size + remainder" do
# 5MB file, 2MB chunks = 1x 2MB chunk + 1x 3MB chunk with resumable.js
post "/admin/backups/upload.json", params: {
resumableFilename: filename,
resumableTotalSize: '5242880',
resumableIdentifier: 'test',
resumableChunkNumber: '1',
resumableChunkSize: '2097152',
resumableCurrentChunkSize: '2097152',
file: fixture_file_upload(Tempfile.new)
post "/admin/backups/upload.json", params: {
resumableFilename: filename,
resumableTotalSize: '5242880',
resumableIdentifier: 'test',
resumableChunkNumber: '2',
resumableChunkSize: '2097152',
resumableCurrentChunkSize: '3145728',
file: fixture_file_upload(Tempfile.new)
expect_job_enqueued(job: :backup_chunks_merger, args: {
filename: filename, identifier: 'test', chunks: 2
}, at: 5.seconds.from_now)
it "works with multiple chunks when the final chunk is just the remaninder" do
# 5MB file, 2MB chunks = 2x 2MB chunk + 1x 1MB chunk with uppy.js
post "/admin/backups/upload.json", params: {
resumableFilename: filename,
resumableTotalSize: '5242880',
resumableIdentifier: 'test',
resumableChunkNumber: '1',
resumableChunkSize: '2097152',
resumableCurrentChunkSize: '2097152',
file: fixture_file_upload(Tempfile.new)
post "/admin/backups/upload.json", params: {
resumableFilename: filename,
resumableTotalSize: '5242880',
resumableIdentifier: 'test',
resumableChunkNumber: '2',
resumableChunkSize: '2097152',
resumableCurrentChunkSize: '2097152',
file: fixture_file_upload(Tempfile.new)
post "/admin/backups/upload.json", params: {
resumableFilename: filename,
resumableTotalSize: '5242880',
resumableIdentifier: 'test',
resumableChunkNumber: '3',
resumableChunkSize: '2097152',
resumableCurrentChunkSize: '1048576',
file: fixture_file_upload(Tempfile.new)
expect_job_enqueued(job: :backup_chunks_merger, args: {
filename: filename, identifier: 'test', chunks: 3
}, at: 5.seconds.from_now)
shared_examples "uploading backup chunk not allowed" do
it "prevents uploading of backup chunk with a 404 response" do
FIX: Use previous chunk to check if local backup chunk upload complete (#14896) Uppy and Resumable slice up their chunks differently, which causes a difference in this algorithm. Let's take a 131.6MB file (137951695 bytes) with a 5MB (5242880 bytes) chunk size. For resumable, there are 26 chunks, and uppy there are 27. This is controlled by forceChunkSize in resumable which is false by default. The final chunk size is 6879695 (chunk size + remainder) whereas in uppy it is 1636815 (just remainder). This means that the current condition of uploaded_file_size + current_chunk_size >= total_size is hit twice by uppy, because it uses a more correct number of chunks. This can be solved for both uppy and resumable by checking the _previous_ chunk number * chunk_size as the uploaded_file_size. An example of what is happening before that change, using the current chunk number to calculate uploaded_file_size. chunk 26: resumable: uploaded_file_size (26 * 5242880) + current_chunk_size (6879695) = 143194575 >= total_size (137951695) ? YES chunk 26: uppy: uploaded_file_size (26 * 5242880) + current_chunk_size (5242880) = 141557760 >= total_size (137951695) ? YES chunk 27: uppy: uploaded_file_size (27 * 5242880) + current_chunk_size (1636815) = 143194575 >= total_size (137951695) ? YES An example of what this looks like after the change, using the previous chunk number to calculate uploaded_file_size: chunk 26: resumable: uploaded_file_size (25 * 5242880) + current_chunk_size (6879695) = 137951695 >= total_size (137951695) ? YES chunk 26: uppy: uploaded_file_size (25 * 5242880) + current_chunk_size (5242880) = 136314880 >= total_size (137951695) ? NO chunk 27: uppy: uploaded_file_size (26 * 5242880) + current_chunk_size (1636815) = 137951695 >= total_size (137951695) ? YES
2021-11-15 00:08:21 -05:00
filename = 'test_Site-0123456789.tar.gz'
post "/admin/backups/upload.json", params: {
resumableFilename: filename,
resumableTotalSize: 1,
resumableIdentifier: 'test',
resumableChunkNumber: '1',
resumableChunkSize: '1',
resumableCurrentChunkSize: '1',
file: fixture_file_upload(Tempfile.new)
expect_not_enqueued_with(job: :backup_chunks_merger, args: {
FIX: Use previous chunk to check if local backup chunk upload complete (#14896) Uppy and Resumable slice up their chunks differently, which causes a difference in this algorithm. Let's take a 131.6MB file (137951695 bytes) with a 5MB (5242880 bytes) chunk size. For resumable, there are 26 chunks, and uppy there are 27. This is controlled by forceChunkSize in resumable which is false by default. The final chunk size is 6879695 (chunk size + remainder) whereas in uppy it is 1636815 (just remainder). This means that the current condition of uploaded_file_size + current_chunk_size >= total_size is hit twice by uppy, because it uses a more correct number of chunks. This can be solved for both uppy and resumable by checking the _previous_ chunk number * chunk_size as the uploaded_file_size. An example of what is happening before that change, using the current chunk number to calculate uploaded_file_size. chunk 26: resumable: uploaded_file_size (26 * 5242880) + current_chunk_size (6879695) = 143194575 >= total_size (137951695) ? YES chunk 26: uppy: uploaded_file_size (26 * 5242880) + current_chunk_size (5242880) = 141557760 >= total_size (137951695) ? YES chunk 27: uppy: uploaded_file_size (27 * 5242880) + current_chunk_size (1636815) = 143194575 >= total_size (137951695) ? YES An example of what this looks like after the change, using the previous chunk number to calculate uploaded_file_size: chunk 26: resumable: uploaded_file_size (25 * 5242880) + current_chunk_size (6879695) = 137951695 >= total_size (137951695) ? YES chunk 26: uppy: uploaded_file_size (25 * 5242880) + current_chunk_size (5242880) = 136314880 >= total_size (137951695) ? NO chunk 27: uppy: uploaded_file_size (26 * 5242880) + current_chunk_size (1636815) = 137951695 >= total_size (137951695) ? YES
2021-11-15 00:08:21 -05:00
filename: filename, identifier: 'test', chunks: 1
}, at: 5.seconds.from_now)
expect(response.status).to eq(404)
expect(response.parsed_body["errors"]).to include(I18n.t("not_found"))
FIX: Use previous chunk to check if local backup chunk upload complete (#14896) Uppy and Resumable slice up their chunks differently, which causes a difference in this algorithm. Let's take a 131.6MB file (137951695 bytes) with a 5MB (5242880 bytes) chunk size. For resumable, there are 26 chunks, and uppy there are 27. This is controlled by forceChunkSize in resumable which is false by default. The final chunk size is 6879695 (chunk size + remainder) whereas in uppy it is 1636815 (just remainder). This means that the current condition of uploaded_file_size + current_chunk_size >= total_size is hit twice by uppy, because it uses a more correct number of chunks. This can be solved for both uppy and resumable by checking the _previous_ chunk number * chunk_size as the uploaded_file_size. An example of what is happening before that change, using the current chunk number to calculate uploaded_file_size. chunk 26: resumable: uploaded_file_size (26 * 5242880) + current_chunk_size (6879695) = 143194575 >= total_size (137951695) ? YES chunk 26: uppy: uploaded_file_size (26 * 5242880) + current_chunk_size (5242880) = 141557760 >= total_size (137951695) ? YES chunk 27: uppy: uploaded_file_size (27 * 5242880) + current_chunk_size (1636815) = 143194575 >= total_size (137951695) ? YES An example of what this looks like after the change, using the previous chunk number to calculate uploaded_file_size: chunk 26: resumable: uploaded_file_size (25 * 5242880) + current_chunk_size (6879695) = 137951695 >= total_size (137951695) ? YES chunk 26: uppy: uploaded_file_size (25 * 5242880) + current_chunk_size (5242880) = 136314880 >= total_size (137951695) ? NO chunk 27: uppy: uploaded_file_size (26 * 5242880) + current_chunk_size (1636815) = 137951695 >= total_size (137951695) ? YES
2021-11-15 00:08:21 -05:00
context "when logged in as a moderator" do
before { sign_in(moderator) }
FIX: Use previous chunk to check if local backup chunk upload complete (#14896) Uppy and Resumable slice up their chunks differently, which causes a difference in this algorithm. Let's take a 131.6MB file (137951695 bytes) with a 5MB (5242880 bytes) chunk size. For resumable, there are 26 chunks, and uppy there are 27. This is controlled by forceChunkSize in resumable which is false by default. The final chunk size is 6879695 (chunk size + remainder) whereas in uppy it is 1636815 (just remainder). This means that the current condition of uploaded_file_size + current_chunk_size >= total_size is hit twice by uppy, because it uses a more correct number of chunks. This can be solved for both uppy and resumable by checking the _previous_ chunk number * chunk_size as the uploaded_file_size. An example of what is happening before that change, using the current chunk number to calculate uploaded_file_size. chunk 26: resumable: uploaded_file_size (26 * 5242880) + current_chunk_size (6879695) = 143194575 >= total_size (137951695) ? YES chunk 26: uppy: uploaded_file_size (26 * 5242880) + current_chunk_size (5242880) = 141557760 >= total_size (137951695) ? YES chunk 27: uppy: uploaded_file_size (27 * 5242880) + current_chunk_size (1636815) = 143194575 >= total_size (137951695) ? YES An example of what this looks like after the change, using the previous chunk number to calculate uploaded_file_size: chunk 26: resumable: uploaded_file_size (25 * 5242880) + current_chunk_size (6879695) = 137951695 >= total_size (137951695) ? YES chunk 26: uppy: uploaded_file_size (25 * 5242880) + current_chunk_size (5242880) = 136314880 >= total_size (137951695) ? NO chunk 27: uppy: uploaded_file_size (26 * 5242880) + current_chunk_size (1636815) = 137951695 >= total_size (137951695) ? YES
2021-11-15 00:08:21 -05:00
include_examples "uploading backup chunk not allowed"
FIX: Use previous chunk to check if local backup chunk upload complete (#14896) Uppy and Resumable slice up their chunks differently, which causes a difference in this algorithm. Let's take a 131.6MB file (137951695 bytes) with a 5MB (5242880 bytes) chunk size. For resumable, there are 26 chunks, and uppy there are 27. This is controlled by forceChunkSize in resumable which is false by default. The final chunk size is 6879695 (chunk size + remainder) whereas in uppy it is 1636815 (just remainder). This means that the current condition of uploaded_file_size + current_chunk_size >= total_size is hit twice by uppy, because it uses a more correct number of chunks. This can be solved for both uppy and resumable by checking the _previous_ chunk number * chunk_size as the uploaded_file_size. An example of what is happening before that change, using the current chunk number to calculate uploaded_file_size. chunk 26: resumable: uploaded_file_size (26 * 5242880) + current_chunk_size (6879695) = 143194575 >= total_size (137951695) ? YES chunk 26: uppy: uploaded_file_size (26 * 5242880) + current_chunk_size (5242880) = 141557760 >= total_size (137951695) ? YES chunk 27: uppy: uploaded_file_size (27 * 5242880) + current_chunk_size (1636815) = 143194575 >= total_size (137951695) ? YES An example of what this looks like after the change, using the previous chunk number to calculate uploaded_file_size: chunk 26: resumable: uploaded_file_size (25 * 5242880) + current_chunk_size (6879695) = 137951695 >= total_size (137951695) ? YES chunk 26: uppy: uploaded_file_size (25 * 5242880) + current_chunk_size (5242880) = 136314880 >= total_size (137951695) ? NO chunk 27: uppy: uploaded_file_size (26 * 5242880) + current_chunk_size (1636815) = 137951695 >= total_size (137951695) ? YES
2021-11-15 00:08:21 -05:00
context "when logged in as a non-staff user" do
before { sign_in(user) }
FIX: Use previous chunk to check if local backup chunk upload complete (#14896) Uppy and Resumable slice up their chunks differently, which causes a difference in this algorithm. Let's take a 131.6MB file (137951695 bytes) with a 5MB (5242880 bytes) chunk size. For resumable, there are 26 chunks, and uppy there are 27. This is controlled by forceChunkSize in resumable which is false by default. The final chunk size is 6879695 (chunk size + remainder) whereas in uppy it is 1636815 (just remainder). This means that the current condition of uploaded_file_size + current_chunk_size >= total_size is hit twice by uppy, because it uses a more correct number of chunks. This can be solved for both uppy and resumable by checking the _previous_ chunk number * chunk_size as the uploaded_file_size. An example of what is happening before that change, using the current chunk number to calculate uploaded_file_size. chunk 26: resumable: uploaded_file_size (26 * 5242880) + current_chunk_size (6879695) = 143194575 >= total_size (137951695) ? YES chunk 26: uppy: uploaded_file_size (26 * 5242880) + current_chunk_size (5242880) = 141557760 >= total_size (137951695) ? YES chunk 27: uppy: uploaded_file_size (27 * 5242880) + current_chunk_size (1636815) = 143194575 >= total_size (137951695) ? YES An example of what this looks like after the change, using the previous chunk number to calculate uploaded_file_size: chunk 26: resumable: uploaded_file_size (25 * 5242880) + current_chunk_size (6879695) = 137951695 >= total_size (137951695) ? YES chunk 26: uppy: uploaded_file_size (25 * 5242880) + current_chunk_size (5242880) = 136314880 >= total_size (137951695) ? NO chunk 27: uppy: uploaded_file_size (26 * 5242880) + current_chunk_size (1636815) = 137951695 >= total_size (137951695) ? YES
2021-11-15 00:08:21 -05:00
include_examples "uploading backup chunk not allowed"
FIX: Use previous chunk to check if local backup chunk upload complete (#14896) Uppy and Resumable slice up their chunks differently, which causes a difference in this algorithm. Let's take a 131.6MB file (137951695 bytes) with a 5MB (5242880 bytes) chunk size. For resumable, there are 26 chunks, and uppy there are 27. This is controlled by forceChunkSize in resumable which is false by default. The final chunk size is 6879695 (chunk size + remainder) whereas in uppy it is 1636815 (just remainder). This means that the current condition of uploaded_file_size + current_chunk_size >= total_size is hit twice by uppy, because it uses a more correct number of chunks. This can be solved for both uppy and resumable by checking the _previous_ chunk number * chunk_size as the uploaded_file_size. An example of what is happening before that change, using the current chunk number to calculate uploaded_file_size. chunk 26: resumable: uploaded_file_size (26 * 5242880) + current_chunk_size (6879695) = 143194575 >= total_size (137951695) ? YES chunk 26: uppy: uploaded_file_size (26 * 5242880) + current_chunk_size (5242880) = 141557760 >= total_size (137951695) ? YES chunk 27: uppy: uploaded_file_size (27 * 5242880) + current_chunk_size (1636815) = 143194575 >= total_size (137951695) ? YES An example of what this looks like after the change, using the previous chunk number to calculate uploaded_file_size: chunk 26: resumable: uploaded_file_size (25 * 5242880) + current_chunk_size (6879695) = 137951695 >= total_size (137951695) ? YES chunk 26: uppy: uploaded_file_size (25 * 5242880) + current_chunk_size (5242880) = 136314880 >= total_size (137951695) ? NO chunk 27: uppy: uploaded_file_size (26 * 5242880) + current_chunk_size (1636815) = 137951695 >= total_size (137951695) ? YES
2021-11-15 00:08:21 -05:00
describe "#check_backup_chunk" do
context "when logged in as an admin" do
before { sign_in(admin) }
describe "when resumableIdentifier is invalid" do
it "should raise an error" do
get "/admin/backups/upload", params: {
resumableidentifier: "../some_file",
resumablefilename: "test_site-0123456789.tar.gz",
resumablechunknumber: '1',
resumablecurrentchunksize: '1'
FIX: Use previous chunk to check if local backup chunk upload complete (#14896) Uppy and Resumable slice up their chunks differently, which causes a difference in this algorithm. Let's take a 131.6MB file (137951695 bytes) with a 5MB (5242880 bytes) chunk size. For resumable, there are 26 chunks, and uppy there are 27. This is controlled by forceChunkSize in resumable which is false by default. The final chunk size is 6879695 (chunk size + remainder) whereas in uppy it is 1636815 (just remainder). This means that the current condition of uploaded_file_size + current_chunk_size >= total_size is hit twice by uppy, because it uses a more correct number of chunks. This can be solved for both uppy and resumable by checking the _previous_ chunk number * chunk_size as the uploaded_file_size. An example of what is happening before that change, using the current chunk number to calculate uploaded_file_size. chunk 26: resumable: uploaded_file_size (26 * 5242880) + current_chunk_size (6879695) = 143194575 >= total_size (137951695) ? YES chunk 26: uppy: uploaded_file_size (26 * 5242880) + current_chunk_size (5242880) = 141557760 >= total_size (137951695) ? YES chunk 27: uppy: uploaded_file_size (27 * 5242880) + current_chunk_size (1636815) = 143194575 >= total_size (137951695) ? YES An example of what this looks like after the change, using the previous chunk number to calculate uploaded_file_size: chunk 26: resumable: uploaded_file_size (25 * 5242880) + current_chunk_size (6879695) = 137951695 >= total_size (137951695) ? YES chunk 26: uppy: uploaded_file_size (25 * 5242880) + current_chunk_size (5242880) = 136314880 >= total_size (137951695) ? NO chunk 27: uppy: uploaded_file_size (26 * 5242880) + current_chunk_size (1636815) = 137951695 >= total_size (137951695) ? YES
2021-11-15 00:08:21 -05:00
expect(response.status).to eq(400)
FIX: Use previous chunk to check if local backup chunk upload complete (#14896) Uppy and Resumable slice up their chunks differently, which causes a difference in this algorithm. Let's take a 131.6MB file (137951695 bytes) with a 5MB (5242880 bytes) chunk size. For resumable, there are 26 chunks, and uppy there are 27. This is controlled by forceChunkSize in resumable which is false by default. The final chunk size is 6879695 (chunk size + remainder) whereas in uppy it is 1636815 (just remainder). This means that the current condition of uploaded_file_size + current_chunk_size >= total_size is hit twice by uppy, because it uses a more correct number of chunks. This can be solved for both uppy and resumable by checking the _previous_ chunk number * chunk_size as the uploaded_file_size. An example of what is happening before that change, using the current chunk number to calculate uploaded_file_size. chunk 26: resumable: uploaded_file_size (26 * 5242880) + current_chunk_size (6879695) = 143194575 >= total_size (137951695) ? YES chunk 26: uppy: uploaded_file_size (26 * 5242880) + current_chunk_size (5242880) = 141557760 >= total_size (137951695) ? YES chunk 27: uppy: uploaded_file_size (27 * 5242880) + current_chunk_size (1636815) = 143194575 >= total_size (137951695) ? YES An example of what this looks like after the change, using the previous chunk number to calculate uploaded_file_size: chunk 26: resumable: uploaded_file_size (25 * 5242880) + current_chunk_size (6879695) = 137951695 >= total_size (137951695) ? YES chunk 26: uppy: uploaded_file_size (25 * 5242880) + current_chunk_size (5242880) = 136314880 >= total_size (137951695) ? NO chunk 27: uppy: uploaded_file_size (26 * 5242880) + current_chunk_size (1636815) = 137951695 >= total_size (137951695) ? YES
2021-11-15 00:08:21 -05:00
shared_examples "checking backup chunk not allowed" do
it "denies access with a 404 response" do
get "/admin/backups/upload", params: {
resumableidentifier: "../some_file",
resumablefilename: "test_site-0123456789.tar.gz",
resumablechunknumber: '1',
resumablecurrentchunksize: '1'
expect(response.status).to eq(404)
context "when logged in as a moderator" do
before { sign_in(moderator) }
include_examples "checking backup chunk not allowed"
context "when logged in as a non-staff user" do
before { sign_in(user) }
include_examples "checking backup chunk not allowed"
describe '#rollback' do
context "when logged in as an admin" do
before { sign_in(admin) }
it 'should rollback the restore' do
post "/admin/backups/rollback.json"
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
it 'should not allow rollback via a GET request' do
get "/admin/backups/rollback.json"
expect(response.status).to eq(404)
shared_examples "backup rollback not allowed" do
it "prevents rollbacks with a 404 response" do
post "/admin/backups/rollback.json"
expect(response.status).to eq(404)
expect(response.parsed_body["errors"]).to include(I18n.t("not_found"))
context "when logged in as a moderator" do
before { sign_in(moderator) }
include_examples "backup rollback not allowed"
context "when logged in as a non-staff user" do
before { sign_in(user) }
include_examples "backup rollback not allowed"
describe '#cancel' do
context "when logged in as an admin" do
before { sign_in(admin) }
it "should cancel an backup" do
delete "/admin/backups/cancel.json"
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
it 'should not allow cancel via a GET request' do
get "/admin/backups/cancel.json"
expect(response.status).to eq(404)
shared_examples "backup cancellation not allowed" do
it "prevents cancellation with a 404 response" do
delete "/admin/backups/cancel.json"
expect(response.status).to eq(404)
expect(response.parsed_body["errors"]).to include(I18n.t("not_found"))
context "when logged in as a moderator" do
before { sign_in(moderator) }
include_examples "backup cancellation not allowed"
context "when logged in as a non-staff user" do
before { sign_in(user) }
include_examples "backup cancellation not allowed"
describe "#email" do
context "when logged in as an admin" do
before { sign_in(admin) }
it "enqueues email job" do
# might as well test this here if we really want www.example.com
SiteSetting.force_hostname = "www.example.com"
2018-11-14 23:42:16 -05:00
expect {
put "/admin/backups/#{backup_filename}.json"
}.to change { Jobs::DownloadBackupEmail.jobs.size }.by(1)
2018-11-14 23:42:16 -05:00
job_args = Jobs::DownloadBackupEmail.jobs.last["args"].first
expect(job_args["user_id"]).to eq(admin.id)
expect(job_args["backup_file_path"]).to eq("http://www.example.com/admin/backups/#{backup_filename}")
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
it "returns 404 when the backup does not exist" do
put "/admin/backups/#{backup_filename}.json"
expect(response).to be_not_found
shared_examples "backup emails not allowed" do
it "prevents sending backup emails with a 404 response" do
SiteSetting.force_hostname = "www.example.com"
expect do
put "/admin/backups/#{backup_filename}.json"
end.not_to change { Jobs::DownloadBackupEmail.jobs.size }
expect(response.status).to eq(404)
expect(response.parsed_body["errors"]).to include(I18n.t("not_found"))
context "when logged in as a moderator" do
before { sign_in(moderator) }
include_examples "backup emails not allowed"
context "when logged in as a non-staff user" do
before { sign_in(user) }
include_examples "backup emails not allowed"
describe "S3 multipart uploads" do
let(:upload_type) { "backup" }
let(:test_bucket_prefix) { "test_#{ENV['TEST_ENV_NUMBER'].presence || '0'}" }
let(:backup_file_exists_response) { { status: 404 } }
let(:mock_multipart_upload_id) { "ibZBv_75gd9r8lH_gqXatLdxMVpAlj6CFTR.OwyF3953YdwbcQnMA2BLGn8Lx12fQNICtMw5KyteFeHw.Sjng--" }
before do
SiteSetting.enable_direct_s3_uploads = true
SiteSetting.s3_backup_bucket = "s3-backup-bucket"
SiteSetting.backup_location = BackupLocationSiteSetting::S3
stub_request(:head, "https://s3-backup-bucket.s3.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/").to_return(status: 200, body: "", headers: {})
stub_request(:head, "https://s3-backup-bucket.s3.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/default/test.tar.gz").to_return(
shared_examples "multipart uploads not allowed" do
it "prevents multipart uploads with a 404 response" do
post "/admin/backups/create-multipart.json", params: {
file_name: "test.tar.gz",
upload_type: upload_type,
file_size: 4098
expect(response.status).to eq(404)
context "when logged in as a moderator" do
before { sign_in(moderator) }
include_examples "multipart uploads not allowed"
context "when logged in as a non-staff user" do
before { sign_in(user) }
include_examples "multipart uploads not allowed"
context "when the user is admin" do
before { sign_in(admin) }
def stub_create_multipart_backup_request
create_multipart_result = <<~XML
<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n
stub_request(:post, "https://s3-backup-bucket.s3.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/temp/default/#{test_bucket_prefix}/28fccf8259bbe75b873a2bd2564b778c/2u98j832nx93272x947823.gz?uploads").
to_return(status: 200, body: create_multipart_result)
it "creates the multipart upload" do
post "/admin/backups/create-multipart.json", params: {
file_name: "test.tar.gz",
upload_type: upload_type,
file_size: 4098
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
result = response.parsed_body
external_upload_stub = ExternalUploadStub.where(
unique_identifier: result["unique_identifier"],
original_filename: "test.tar.gz",
created_by: admin,
upload_type: upload_type,
key: result["key"],
multipart: true
expect(external_upload_stub.exists?).to eq(true)
context "when backup of same filename already exists" do
let(:backup_file_exists_response) { { status: 200, body: "" } }
it "throws an error" do
post "/admin/backups/create-multipart.json", params: {
file_name: "test.tar.gz",
upload_type: upload_type,
file_size: 4098
expect(response.status).to eq(422)
expect(response.parsed_body["errors"]).to include(
context "when filename is invalid" do
it "throws an error" do
post "/admin/backups/create-multipart.json", params: {
file_name: "blah $$##.tar.gz",
upload_type: upload_type,
file_size: 4098
expect(response.status).to eq(422)
expect(response.parsed_body["errors"]).to include(
context "when extension is invalid" do
it "throws an error" do
post "/admin/backups/create-multipart.json", params: {
file_name: "test.png",
upload_type: upload_type,
file_size: 4098
expect(response.status).to eq(422)
expect(response.parsed_body["errors"]).to include(