
196 lines
7.2 KiB
Raw Normal View History

# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'rails_helper'
describe SearchIndexer do
let(:post_id) { 99 }
2018-09-13 12:53:53 -04:00
before do
after do
def scrub(html, strip_diacritics: false)
SearchIndexer.scrub_html_for_search(html, strip_diacritics: strip_diacritics)
it 'correctly indexes chinese' do
SiteSetting.default_locale = 'zh_CN'
data = "你好世界"
2015-01-05 11:04:23 -05:00
expect(data.split(" ").length).to eq(1)
SearchIndexer.update_posts_index(post_id, "你好世界", "", "", nil)
raw_data = PostSearchData.where(post_id: post_id).pluck(:raw_data)[0]
expect(raw_data.split(' ').length).to eq(2)
it 'extract youtube title' do
html = "<div class=\"lazyYT\" data-youtube-id=\"lmFgeFh2nlw\" data-youtube-title=\"Metallica Mixer Explains Missing Bass on 'And Justice for All' [Exclusive]\" data-width=\"480\" data-height=\"270\" data-parameters=\"feature=oembed&amp;wmode=opaque\"></div>"
scrubbed = scrub(html)
expect(scrubbed).to eq("Metallica Mixer Explains Missing Bass on 'And Justice for All' [Exclusive]")
2018-08-19 20:39:19 -04:00
it 'extract a link' do
html = "<a href='http://meta.discourse.org/'>link</a>"
scrubbed = scrub(html)
expect(scrubbed).to eq("http://meta.discourse.org/ link")
2018-08-19 20:39:19 -04:00
it 'extracts @username from mentions' do
html = '<p><a class="mention" href="/u/%E7%8B%AE%E5%AD%90">@狮子</a> <a class="mention" href="/u/foo">@foo</a></p>'
scrubbed = scrub(html)
expect(scrubbed).to eq('@狮子 @foo')
it 'extracts @groupname from group mentions' do
html = '<p><a class="mention-group" href="/groups/%D0%B0%D0%B2%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%BC%D0%BE%D0%B1%D0%B8%D0%BB%D0%B8%D1%81%D1%82">@автомобилист</a></p>'
scrubbed = scrub(html)
expect(scrubbed).to eq('@автомобилист')
it 'extracts emoji name from emoji image' do
html = %Q|<img src="#{Discourse.base_url_no_prefix}/images/emoji/twitter/wink.png?v=9" title=":wink:" class="emoji" alt=":wink:">|
scrubbed = scrub(html)
expect(scrubbed).to eq(':wink:')
it 'uses ignore_accent setting to strip diacritics' do
html = "<p>HELLO Hétérogénéité Здравствуйте هتاف للترحيب 你好</p>"
SiteSetting.search_ignore_accents = true
scrubbed = SearchIndexer.scrub_html_for_search(html)
expect(scrubbed).to eq("HELLO Heterogeneite Здравствуите هتاف للترحيب 你好")
SiteSetting.search_ignore_accents = false
scrubbed = SearchIndexer.scrub_html_for_search(html)
expect(scrubbed).to eq("HELLO Hétérogénéité Здравствуйте هتاف للترحيب 你好")
2018-09-13 12:53:53 -04:00
it "doesn't index local files" do
html = <<~HTML
<p><img src="https://www.discourse.org/logo.png" alt="Discourse"></p>
<p><img src="#{Discourse.base_url_no_prefix}/uploads/episodeinteractive/original/3X/0/f/0f40b818356bdc1d80acfa905034e95cfd112a3a.png" alt="51%20PM" width="289" height="398"></p>
<div class="lightbox-wrapper">
<a class="lightbox" href="#{Discourse.base_url_no_prefix}/uploads/episodeinteractive/original/3X/1/6/16790095df3baf318fb2eb1d7e5d7860dc45d48b.jpg" data-download-href="#{Discourse.base_url_no_prefix}/uploads/episodeinteractive/16790095df3baf318fb2eb1d7e5d7860dc45d48b" title="Untitled design (21).jpg" rel="nofollow noopener">
<img src="#{Discourse.base_url_no_prefix}/uploads/episodeinteractive/optimized/3X/1/6/16790095df3baf318fb2eb1d7e5d7860dc45d48b_1_563x500.jpg" alt="Untitled%20design%20(21)" width="563" height="500">
<div class="meta">
<svg class="fa d-icon d-icon-far-image svg-icon" aria-hidden="true"><use xlink:href="#far-image"></use></svg>
2018-09-13 12:53:53 -04:00
<span class="filename">Untitled design (21).jpg</span>
<span class="informations">1280x1136 472 KB</span>
<svg class="fa d-icon d-icon-discourse-expand svg-icon" aria-hidden="true"><use xlink:href="#discourse-expand"></use></svg>
2018-09-13 12:53:53 -04:00
scrubbed = scrub(html)
2018-09-13 12:53:53 -04:00
expect(scrubbed).to eq("Discourse 51%20PM Untitled%20design%20(21)")
2018-09-13 12:53:53 -04:00
it 'correctly indexes a post according to version' do
# Preparing so that they can be indexed to right version
SearchIndexer.update_posts_index(post_id, "dummy", "", nil, nil)
PostSearchData.find_by(post_id: post_id).update!(version: -1)
data = "<a>This</a> is a test"
SearchIndexer.update_posts_index(post_id, "", "", nil, data)
raw_data, locale, version = PostSearchData.where(post_id: post_id).pluck(:raw_data, :locale, :version)[0]
expect(raw_data).to eq("This is a test")
expect(locale).to eq("en")
expect(version).to eq(SearchIndexer::INDEX_VERSION)
SearchIndexer.update_posts_index(post_id, "tester", "", nil, nil)
raw_data = PostSearchData.where(post_id: post_id).pluck(:raw_data)[0]
expect(raw_data).to eq("tester")
describe '.index' do
let(:post) { Fabricate(:post) }
it 'should index posts correctly' do
expect { post }.to change { PostSearchData.count }.by(1)
expect { post.update!(raw: "this is new content") }
.to change { post.reload.post_search_data.raw_data }
expect { post.update!(topic_id: Fabricate(:topic).id) }
.to change { post.reload.post_search_data.raw_data }
it 'should not index posts with empty raw' do
expect do
post = Fabricate.build(:post, raw: "", post_type: Post.types[:small_action])
post.save!(validate: false)
end.to_not change { PostSearchData.count }
PERF: Improve quality of `PostSearchData#raw_data`. (#7275) This commit fixes the follow quality issue with `PostSearchData#raw_data`: 1. URLs are being tokenized and links with similar href and characters are being duplicated in the raw data. `Post#cooked`: ``` <p><a href=\"https://meta.discourse.org/some.png\" class=\"onebox\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">https://meta.discourse.org/some.png</a></p> ``` `PostSearchData#raw_data` Before: ``` This is a test topic 0 Uncategorized https://meta.discourse.org/some.png discourse org/some png https://meta.discourse.org/some.png discourse org/some png ``` `PostSearchData#raw_data` After: ``` This is a test topic 0 Uncategorized https://meta.discourse.org/some.png meta discourse org ``` 2. Ligthbox being included in search pollutes the `PostSearchData#raw_data` unncessarily. From 28 March 2018 to 28 March 2019, searches for the term `image` on `meta.discourse.org` had a click through rate of 2.1%. Non-lightboxed images are not included in indexing for search yet we were indexing content within a lightbox. Also, search for terms like `image` was affected we were using `Pasted image` as the filename for uploads that were pasted. `Post#cooked` ``` <p>Let me see how I can fix this image<br>\n<div class=\"lightbox-wrapper\"><a class=\"lightbox\" href=\"https://meta.discourse.org/some.png\" title=\"some.png\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><img src=\"https://meta.discourse.org/some.png\" width=\"275\" height=\"299\"><div class=\"meta\">\n<svg class=\"fa d-icon d-icon-far-image svg-icon\" aria-hidden=\"true\"><use xlink:href=\"#far-image\"></use></svg><span class=\"filename\">some.png</span><span class=\"informations\">1750×2000</span><svg class=\"fa d-icon d-icon-discourse-expand svg-icon\" aria-hidden=\"true\"><use xlink:href=\"#discourse-expand\"></use></svg>\n</div></a></div></p> ``` `PostSearchData#raw_data` Before: ``` This is a test topic 0 Uncategorized Let me see how I can fix this image some.png png https://meta.discourse.org/some.png discourse org/some png some.png png 1750×2000 ``` `PostSearchData#raw_data` After: ``` This is a test topic 0 Uncategorized Let me see how I can fix this image ``` In terms of indexing performance, we now have to parse the given HTML through nokogiri twice. However performance is not a huge worry here since a string length of 194170 takes only 30ms to scrub plus the indexing takes place in a background job.
2019-03-31 22:14:29 -04:00
it "should not tokenize urls and duplicate title and href in <a>" do
post = Fabricate(:post, raw: <<~RAW)
topic = post.topic
expect(post.post_search_data.raw_data).to eq(
"#{topic.title} #{topic.category.name} https://meta.discourse.org/some.png meta discourse org"
it 'should not include lightbox in search' do
SiteSetting.crawl_images = true
SiteSetting.max_image_width = 1
stub_request(:get, "https://meta.discourse.org/some.png")
.to_return(status: 200, body: file_from_fixtures("logo.png").read)
PERF: Improve quality of `PostSearchData#raw_data`. (#7275) This commit fixes the follow quality issue with `PostSearchData#raw_data`: 1. URLs are being tokenized and links with similar href and characters are being duplicated in the raw data. `Post#cooked`: ``` <p><a href=\"https://meta.discourse.org/some.png\" class=\"onebox\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">https://meta.discourse.org/some.png</a></p> ``` `PostSearchData#raw_data` Before: ``` This is a test topic 0 Uncategorized https://meta.discourse.org/some.png discourse org/some png https://meta.discourse.org/some.png discourse org/some png ``` `PostSearchData#raw_data` After: ``` This is a test topic 0 Uncategorized https://meta.discourse.org/some.png meta discourse org ``` 2. Ligthbox being included in search pollutes the `PostSearchData#raw_data` unncessarily. From 28 March 2018 to 28 March 2019, searches for the term `image` on `meta.discourse.org` had a click through rate of 2.1%. Non-lightboxed images are not included in indexing for search yet we were indexing content within a lightbox. Also, search for terms like `image` was affected we were using `Pasted image` as the filename for uploads that were pasted. `Post#cooked` ``` <p>Let me see how I can fix this image<br>\n<div class=\"lightbox-wrapper\"><a class=\"lightbox\" href=\"https://meta.discourse.org/some.png\" title=\"some.png\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><img src=\"https://meta.discourse.org/some.png\" width=\"275\" height=\"299\"><div class=\"meta\">\n<svg class=\"fa d-icon d-icon-far-image svg-icon\" aria-hidden=\"true\"><use xlink:href=\"#far-image\"></use></svg><span class=\"filename\">some.png</span><span class=\"informations\">1750×2000</span><svg class=\"fa d-icon d-icon-discourse-expand svg-icon\" aria-hidden=\"true\"><use xlink:href=\"#discourse-expand\"></use></svg>\n</div></a></div></p> ``` `PostSearchData#raw_data` Before: ``` This is a test topic 0 Uncategorized Let me see how I can fix this image some.png png https://meta.discourse.org/some.png discourse org/some png some.png png 1750×2000 ``` `PostSearchData#raw_data` After: ``` This is a test topic 0 Uncategorized Let me see how I can fix this image ``` In terms of indexing performance, we now have to parse the given HTML through nokogiri twice. However performance is not a huge worry here since a string length of 194170 takes only 30ms to scrub plus the indexing takes place in a background job.
2019-03-31 22:14:29 -04:00
src = "https://meta.discourse.org/some.png"
post = Fabricate(:post, raw: <<~RAW)
Let me see how I can fix this image
<img src="#{src}" title="GOT" alt="white walkers" width="2" height="2">
PERF: Improve quality of `PostSearchData#raw_data`. (#7275) This commit fixes the follow quality issue with `PostSearchData#raw_data`: 1. URLs are being tokenized and links with similar href and characters are being duplicated in the raw data. `Post#cooked`: ``` <p><a href=\"https://meta.discourse.org/some.png\" class=\"onebox\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">https://meta.discourse.org/some.png</a></p> ``` `PostSearchData#raw_data` Before: ``` This is a test topic 0 Uncategorized https://meta.discourse.org/some.png discourse org/some png https://meta.discourse.org/some.png discourse org/some png ``` `PostSearchData#raw_data` After: ``` This is a test topic 0 Uncategorized https://meta.discourse.org/some.png meta discourse org ``` 2. Ligthbox being included in search pollutes the `PostSearchData#raw_data` unncessarily. From 28 March 2018 to 28 March 2019, searches for the term `image` on `meta.discourse.org` had a click through rate of 2.1%. Non-lightboxed images are not included in indexing for search yet we were indexing content within a lightbox. Also, search for terms like `image` was affected we were using `Pasted image` as the filename for uploads that were pasted. `Post#cooked` ``` <p>Let me see how I can fix this image<br>\n<div class=\"lightbox-wrapper\"><a class=\"lightbox\" href=\"https://meta.discourse.org/some.png\" title=\"some.png\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><img src=\"https://meta.discourse.org/some.png\" width=\"275\" height=\"299\"><div class=\"meta\">\n<svg class=\"fa d-icon d-icon-far-image svg-icon\" aria-hidden=\"true\"><use xlink:href=\"#far-image\"></use></svg><span class=\"filename\">some.png</span><span class=\"informations\">1750×2000</span><svg class=\"fa d-icon d-icon-discourse-expand svg-icon\" aria-hidden=\"true\"><use xlink:href=\"#discourse-expand\"></use></svg>\n</div></a></div></p> ``` `PostSearchData#raw_data` Before: ``` This is a test topic 0 Uncategorized Let me see how I can fix this image some.png png https://meta.discourse.org/some.png discourse org/some png some.png png 1750×2000 ``` `PostSearchData#raw_data` After: ``` This is a test topic 0 Uncategorized Let me see how I can fix this image ``` In terms of indexing performance, we now have to parse the given HTML through nokogiri twice. However performance is not a huge worry here since a string length of 194170 takes only 30ms to scrub plus the indexing takes place in a background job.
2019-03-31 22:14:29 -04:00
topic = post.topic
expect(post.cooked).to include(
PERF: Improve quality of `PostSearchData#raw_data`. (#7275) This commit fixes the follow quality issue with `PostSearchData#raw_data`: 1. URLs are being tokenized and links with similar href and characters are being duplicated in the raw data. `Post#cooked`: ``` <p><a href=\"https://meta.discourse.org/some.png\" class=\"onebox\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">https://meta.discourse.org/some.png</a></p> ``` `PostSearchData#raw_data` Before: ``` This is a test topic 0 Uncategorized https://meta.discourse.org/some.png discourse org/some png https://meta.discourse.org/some.png discourse org/some png ``` `PostSearchData#raw_data` After: ``` This is a test topic 0 Uncategorized https://meta.discourse.org/some.png meta discourse org ``` 2. Ligthbox being included in search pollutes the `PostSearchData#raw_data` unncessarily. From 28 March 2018 to 28 March 2019, searches for the term `image` on `meta.discourse.org` had a click through rate of 2.1%. Non-lightboxed images are not included in indexing for search yet we were indexing content within a lightbox. Also, search for terms like `image` was affected we were using `Pasted image` as the filename for uploads that were pasted. `Post#cooked` ``` <p>Let me see how I can fix this image<br>\n<div class=\"lightbox-wrapper\"><a class=\"lightbox\" href=\"https://meta.discourse.org/some.png\" title=\"some.png\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><img src=\"https://meta.discourse.org/some.png\" width=\"275\" height=\"299\"><div class=\"meta\">\n<svg class=\"fa d-icon d-icon-far-image svg-icon\" aria-hidden=\"true\"><use xlink:href=\"#far-image\"></use></svg><span class=\"filename\">some.png</span><span class=\"informations\">1750×2000</span><svg class=\"fa d-icon d-icon-discourse-expand svg-icon\" aria-hidden=\"true\"><use xlink:href=\"#discourse-expand\"></use></svg>\n</div></a></div></p> ``` `PostSearchData#raw_data` Before: ``` This is a test topic 0 Uncategorized Let me see how I can fix this image some.png png https://meta.discourse.org/some.png discourse org/some png some.png png 1750×2000 ``` `PostSearchData#raw_data` After: ``` This is a test topic 0 Uncategorized Let me see how I can fix this image ``` In terms of indexing performance, we now have to parse the given HTML through nokogiri twice. However performance is not a huge worry here since a string length of 194170 takes only 30ms to scrub plus the indexing takes place in a background job.
2019-03-31 22:14:29 -04:00
expect(post.post_search_data.raw_data).to eq(
"#{topic.title} #{topic.category.name} Let me see how I can fix this image white walkers GOT"
PERF: Improve quality of `PostSearchData#raw_data`. (#7275) This commit fixes the follow quality issue with `PostSearchData#raw_data`: 1. URLs are being tokenized and links with similar href and characters are being duplicated in the raw data. `Post#cooked`: ``` <p><a href=\"https://meta.discourse.org/some.png\" class=\"onebox\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">https://meta.discourse.org/some.png</a></p> ``` `PostSearchData#raw_data` Before: ``` This is a test topic 0 Uncategorized https://meta.discourse.org/some.png discourse org/some png https://meta.discourse.org/some.png discourse org/some png ``` `PostSearchData#raw_data` After: ``` This is a test topic 0 Uncategorized https://meta.discourse.org/some.png meta discourse org ``` 2. Ligthbox being included in search pollutes the `PostSearchData#raw_data` unncessarily. From 28 March 2018 to 28 March 2019, searches for the term `image` on `meta.discourse.org` had a click through rate of 2.1%. Non-lightboxed images are not included in indexing for search yet we were indexing content within a lightbox. Also, search for terms like `image` was affected we were using `Pasted image` as the filename for uploads that were pasted. `Post#cooked` ``` <p>Let me see how I can fix this image<br>\n<div class=\"lightbox-wrapper\"><a class=\"lightbox\" href=\"https://meta.discourse.org/some.png\" title=\"some.png\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><img src=\"https://meta.discourse.org/some.png\" width=\"275\" height=\"299\"><div class=\"meta\">\n<svg class=\"fa d-icon d-icon-far-image svg-icon\" aria-hidden=\"true\"><use xlink:href=\"#far-image\"></use></svg><span class=\"filename\">some.png</span><span class=\"informations\">1750×2000</span><svg class=\"fa d-icon d-icon-discourse-expand svg-icon\" aria-hidden=\"true\"><use xlink:href=\"#discourse-expand\"></use></svg>\n</div></a></div></p> ``` `PostSearchData#raw_data` Before: ``` This is a test topic 0 Uncategorized Let me see how I can fix this image some.png png https://meta.discourse.org/some.png discourse org/some png some.png png 1750×2000 ``` `PostSearchData#raw_data` After: ``` This is a test topic 0 Uncategorized Let me see how I can fix this image ``` In terms of indexing performance, we now have to parse the given HTML through nokogiri twice. However performance is not a huge worry here since a string length of 194170 takes only 30ms to scrub plus the indexing takes place in a background job.
2019-03-31 22:14:29 -04:00
describe '.queue_post_reindex' do
let(:post) { Fabricate(:post) }
let(:topic) { post.topic }
it 'should reset the version of search data for all posts in the topic' do
post2 = Fabricate(:post)
expect(post.reload.post_search_data.version).to eq(
expect(post2.reload.post_search_data.version).to eq(