Introduced --jpms option in jetty-start to run Jetty from the module-path.
Introduced [jpms] sections in *.mod files, to specify JPMS command line
options that needs to be added to the command line generated by jetty-start.
Bumped java.transaction-api to 1.3 because it has Automatic-Module-Name.
Fixed ASM version lookup using ManifestUtils.
Fixed WebInfConfiguration.findAndFilterContainerPaths() to properly
scan the module-path, which may contain both files and directories.
Signed-off-by: Simone Bordet <>
Turns out that Package.getImplementationVersion() and similar return
null when running from the module path, so the logic in StartArgs
broke and prevented Jetty to start.
Introduced ManifestUtils to retrieve the manifest file from JarFile,
so that attribute entries can be retrieved independently from the JDK
version or module-path vs class-path.
Signed-off-by: Simone Bordet <>
+ Changes needed for new Junit 5
+ Migrating from Vintage junit API to Jupiter junit API
+ Relies on SNAPSHOT jetty-test-helper
- this will be a formal release once this issue has been
resolved satisfactory
+ Have jenkins always pull latest SNAPSHOT for each build
+ Adding jetty.snapshots repository
+ Using surefire 2.22.0 per advice from junit
+ Ensuring <reuseForks>true</reuseForks> to work around issue junit-team/junit5#801
+ Disabling <forkMode>always</forkMode> in maven-surefire-plugin
due to bug
+ OSGi tests must remain at vintage due to PaxExam
+ Moving from vintage TestingDir to jupiter WorkDir
+ Fixing imports to use jupiter, not vintage
+ Migrating vintage ExpectedException to jupiter assertThrows
+ Migrating vintage TestName to jupiter TestInfo
+ Migrating @RunWith(Parameterized.class)
to @ParameterizedTest with Argument Sources
+ Migrating assertTrue(val.contains(needle))
to assertThat(val, containsString(needle))
+ Aligning junit versions per recommendations from @sormuras
+ Adjusting parameter order change for assertEquals()
+ Test LifeCycle Annotation Migration
junit 4 | junit 5 / jupiter
------------ | -----------
@Before | @BeforeEach
@After | @AfterEach
@BeforeClass | @BeforeAll
@AfterClass | @AfterAll
Signed-off-by: Joakim Erdfelt <>
Signed-off-by: olivier lamy <>
+ Changes needed for new Junit 5
+ Migrating from Vintage junit API to Jupiter junit API
+ Relies on SNAPSHOT jetty-test-helper
- this will be a formal release once this issue has been
resolved satisfactory
+ Have jenkins always pull latest SNAPSHOT for each build
+ Adding jetty.snapshots repository
+ Using surefire 2.22.0 per advice from junit
+ Ensuring <reuseForks>true</reuseForks> to work around issue junit-team/junit5#801
+ Disabling <forkMode>always</forkMode> in maven-surefire-plugin
due to bug
+ OSGi tests must remain at vintage due to PaxExam
+ Moving from vintage TestingDir to jupiter WorkDir
+ Fixing imports to use jupiter, not vintage
+ Migrating vintage ExpectedException to jupiter assertThrows
+ Migrating vintage TestName to jupiter TestInfo
+ Migrating @RunWith(Parameterized.class)
to @ParameterizedTest with Argument Sources
+ Migrating assertTrue(val.contains(needle))
to assertThat(val, containsString(needle))
+ Aligning junit versions per recommendations from @sormuras
+ Adjusting parameter order change for assertEquals()
+ Test LifeCycle Annotation Migration
junit 4 | junit 5 / jupiter
------------ | -----------
@Before | @BeforeEach
@After | @AfterEach
@BeforeClass | @BeforeAll
@AfterClass | @AfterAll
Signed-off-by: Joakim Erdfelt <>
Signed-off-by: olivier lamy <>
* #2472 it looks does not work anymore
Signed-off-by: olivier lamy <>
* #2472 add unit test we correctly download files from default repo
Signed-off-by: olivier lamy <>
* use maven format to download alpn boot jar modules
Signed-off-by: olivier lamy <>
* change default to
Signed-off-by: olivier lamy <>
* fix typo for #2403
Signed-off-by: olivier lamy <>
* default url to download artifacts must be https per default #2472
Signed-off-by: olivier lamy <>
* use dot rather than dashes
Signed-off-by: olivier lamy <>
* use as default
Signed-off-by: olivier lamy <>