* [HHH-14720] - Aliases generated for mixed-case column names that end in a number are not all lower-case
* [HHH-14719] - Hibernate has a dependency on apache-derby: that is vulnerable to CVE-2015-1832 with a CVSS of 9.1 and CVE-2018-1313 with a CVSS of 5.3
* [HHH-14715] - Hibernate has a dependency to maven-core:3.0.5 that is vulnerable to CVE-2021-26291 with a CVSS of 9.1
* [HHH-14608] - Merge causes StackOverflow when JPA proxy compliance is enabled
** Improvement
* [HHH-14734] - No good reason tu use TypeCache(s) with WithInlineExpunction in ByteBuddy proxy generation
* [HHH-14733] - Not useful to clear the bycodeprovider caches on sessionFactoryClosing
* [HHH-14732] - ProxyDefinitionHelpers are immutable and can be declared static
* [HHH-14731] - Simplify SPI ProxyFactoryFactory#buildBasicProxyFactory to accept a single class or interface only
* [HHH-14728] - Include CamelCaseToUnderscoresNamingStrategy from Spring Boot
* [HHH-14727] - Minor code cleanup in StandardSQLExceptionConverter
* [HHH-14706] - Improve error message on incompatible types due to mismatched classloader
* [HHH-14688] - Get IdentifierGenerator from BeanContainer if not registered
** Task
* [HHH-14709] - Upgrade to Gradle 6.7.1 and move to Gradle's built-in way of testing Java modules
* [HHH-14439] - QueryException: Unrecognized parameter label when executing the same query with subselects twice with different list parameters
* [HHH-14424] - When enhanced as a proxy with dirty checking is enabled, on flush uninitialized entities containing collections are updated setting all fields to null
* [HHH-14408] - SPI provided user types are not applied
* [HHH-14407] - NPE in Column.getSqlTypeCode(Mapping mapping) for column 'hib_sess_id' when using PersistentTableBulkIdStrategy
* [HHH-14404] - SessionBuilder.connectionHandlingMode is ignored
* [HHH-14390] - StackOverflowError with @Fetch(FetchMode.SELECT) mapped for entity with an ID that is a bidirectional one-to-one eager association
* [HHH-14389] - Add test case that throw IllegalArgumentException using EntityManager#find by ID when ID is a one-to-one association
* [HHH-14386] - Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("testPU") fails, if persistence unit has config & CurrentTenantIdentifierResolver is not null.
* [HHH-14288] - Complex batch insert query stopped to work
* [HHH-14279] - Broken 'with key(...)' operator on entity-key maps
* [HHH-14276] - Nested ID class using derived identifiers fails with strange AnnotationException: unable to find column reference in the @MapsId mapping: `game_id`
* [HHH-14275] - Broken link to Infinispan User Guide in Hibernate 5.3 User Guide
* [HHH-14264] - Entity graph cannot be applied to child class
* [HHH-14260] - Dead links in user guide
* [HHH-14257] - An Entity A with a map collection having as index an Embeddable with a an association to the Entity A fails with a NPE
* [HHH-14251] - Invalid SQL for @Embedded UPDATE
* [HHH-14249] - MultiLineImport fails when script contains blank spaces or tabs at the end of the last sql statement
* [HHH-6686] - JPQL operator "is empty" failes for @ElementCollection
* [HHH-10844] - Resolve columnDefinition to appropriate sql-type for audit mappings
* [HHH-13373] - Hibernate report query hibernate_sequence table error in spring-boot application starting on a multi-database mariadb server
* [HHH-13456] - ForeignGenerator Throws ClassCastException When Using StatelessSession
* [HHH-13472] - Error creating hibernate_sequence in MariaDB 10.3
* [HHH-13644] - NullPointerException when calling StoredProcedureQuery.getResultStream() instead of StoredProcedureQuery.getResultList()
* [HHH-13677] - org.hibernate.flushMode property not applied
* [HHH-13704] - Make sure javassist is really an optional dependency
* [HHH-13752] - Delete doesn't work when many-to-many uses non-primary key for join table
* [HHH-13759] - Bytecode enhancement fails for an embedded field in a MappedSuperclass
* [HHH-13760] - Envers tries to use relationship's entity as value for column instead of numeric identifier (cast class exception happens) for LAZY @ManyToOne
* [HHH-13770] - Envers - modified flag column value set to null from 5.4.7 onwards
* [HHH-13780] - Allow NamedQuery to set hint QueryHints.PASS_DISTINCT_THROUGH
* [HHH-13783] - org.hibernate.MappingException: The increment size of the sequence is set to [10] in the entity mapping while … size is [1]
* [HHH-13792] - L2 entity cache is evicted prior to committing transaction for HQL/native updates
* [HHH-13796] - Missing from clause in query from BinaryLogicOperatorNode row value constructor translation
* [HHH-13804] - HibernateProxy might need to be instantiated even with build-time enhancement
* [HHH-13806] - CoreMessageLogger#unableToLoadCommand is not printing the cause of the error
* [HHH-13808] - Incorrect String format in log
* [HHH-13831] - Replaced listener is not called when EventListenerGroup#fireEventOnEachListener is called
** Task
* [HHH-13726] - Extract org.hibernate.internal.SessionFactoryImpl#prepareEventListeners from SessionFactoryImpl
* [HHH-13767] - Remove mention of Oracle and DB2 not being in MC
* [HHH-13821] - Update to Byte Buddy 1.10.7
* [HHH-13822] - OSGi integration tests need to be able to download dependencies from Maven Central using HTTPS
* [HHH-13823] - Various visibility changes to help prototyping of Hibernate RX
* [HHH-13833] - Byte Buddy enhancer should use ASM7 opcodes to improve compatibility with code compiled for Java 11
* [HHH-13837] - Initialize the Hibernate VERSION as a real constant
* [HHH-13838] - Allow extension of PersistenceXmlParser
* [HHH-13849] - Convert ProxyFactoryFactory and BytecodeProvider into a Service
** Improvement
* [HHH-8776] - Ability for JPA entity-graphs to handle non-lazy attributes as lazy
* [HHH-11958] - Apply QueryHints.HINT_READONLY to load operations
* [HHH-12856] - Upgrade DB2400 dialect to use the DB2 for i improvements
* [HHH-13390] - Upgrade JPA MetaModel Generator (jpamodelgen) to support Gradle Incremental Compile
* [HHH-13800] - Correct some typos in the javadocs of hibernate-core module
* [HHH-13802] - fix javadoc warnings in 'hibernate-core'
* [HHH-13809] - Various improvements in the user guides
* [HHH-13830] - Fixing typo on the build task description
* [HHH-13832] - Optimise setting of default Flush Mode on a newly created Session
* [HHH-13850] - Clear the BytecodeProvider caches both after SessionFactory creation and stop
* [HHH-13851] - Rework initialization of ProxyFactoryFactory to move responsibility out of PojoEntityTuplizer
* [HHH-13854] - Allow extensions of StandardServiceRegistryBuilder to ignore Environment variables
* [HHH-12030] - Symbol$TypeVariableSymbol cannot be cast to TypeElement
* [HHH-13307] - On release of batch it still contained JDBC statements using JTA
* [HHH-13433] - EntityManager.find() should only check for roll-back-only condition if there is an active JTA transaction, otherwise ORM should throw convert( e, lockOptions )
* [HHH-13614] - Allow the IntegratorProvider to be supplied via its FQN in the JPA persistence.xml
* [HHH-13670] - Missing from clause in query with joined inheritance, regression in 5.4.5
* [HHH-13687] - TenantSchemaResolver not called in integration test after upgrade from 5.4.4 to >=5.4.5
* [HHH-13690] - Multi-tenancy supporting session factories can not be created
* [HHH-13698] - Hibernate does not recognize MySQL 8 error code 3572 as PessimisticLockException
* [HHH-13700] - Configuration property CONNECTION_PROVIDER_DISABLES_AUTOCOMMIT should not be passed to the JDBC connection properties
* [HHH-13705] - Enhancement as Proxy with inline dirty checking - flush of an @ManyToOne with an Embedded value having not null properties causes PropertyValueException
* [HHH-13710] - Wrong tenant-identifier in Envers temporary session
* [HHH-13712] - inheritance - select count query is not working with inheritance
* [HHH-13727] - h2 database with DATABASE_TO_UPPER=false throws org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLSyntaxErrorException: Table "sequences" not found
** Task
* [HHH-13730] - Upgrade to Classmate 1.4.0
* [HHH-13731] - Upgrade to Classmate 1.5.1
* [HHH-13733] - Upgrade to Jandex 2.1.1.Final
** Improvement
* [HHH-13654] - Avoid clearing of collections when closing StatefulPersistenceContext
* [HHH-13723] - Hint sizing of ArrayList in ResultSetProcessingContextImpl
* [HHH-12965] - Hibernate Envers Audit tables are created with foreign key with the entity. Because of this I am not able to delete any entries from the entity tables.
* [HHH-13446] - java.lang.VerifyError from compile-time enhanced @Entity
* [HHH-13651] - NPE on flushing when ElementCollection field contains null element
* [HHH-13695] - DDL export forgets to close a Statement
* [HHH-10201] - Hibernate does not audit @ElementCollection when revision_on_collection_change is false
* [HHH-10603] - ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected - got BLOB after HHH-10345 with Oracle12cDialect
* [HHH-10891] - Exception at bootstrap when @Any is inside an @Embeddable object
* [HHH-11096] - @CreationTimestamp doesn't works with @Column(nullable=false)
* [HHH-11209] - NullPointerException in EntityType.replace() with a PersistentBag
* [HHH-11771] - @Id annotation ignored with @MappedSuperclass inheritance
* [HHH-12200] - Docs mention outdated APIs
* [HHH-12320] - @JoinColumn's foreign key custom name does not work with @MapsId
* [HHH-12425] - LazyInitializationIssue when enhancement enableDirtyTracking is enabled after session is committed
* [HHH-12436] - Attempted to assign id from null one-to-one property
* [HHH-12492] - JPA delete query generated has missing table alias and thus incorrect semantics
* [HHH-12542] - WildFly integration test, HibernateNativeAPINaturalIdTestCase, fails when security manager is enabled
* [HHH-12666] - Add an option for restoring 5.1 native exception handling
* [HHH-12675] - @Table(Inverse=true) ignored for SecondaryTables in JoinedSubclassEntityPersister
* [HHH-12695] - Incompatibility in return value for org.hibernate.procedure.ParameterRegistration.getType() 5.1 vs 5.3
* [HHH-12718] - Entity changes in @PreUpdate callback are not persisted when lazy loading is active for more than one field
* [HHH-12720] - LazyInitializationException with hibernate.enable_lazy_load_no_trans
* [HHH-12740] - Subselect fetching doesn't work when multiLoad was used
* [HHH-12753] - org.hibernate.envers.test.integration.collection.StringMapNationalizedLobTest fails with DB2
* [HHH-12768] - TimeAndTimestampTest fails with SQL Server and MYSQL
* [HHH-12771] - Caused by: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Cache provider [org.hibernate.cache.ehcache.internal.EhcacheRegionFactory@3271ec2a] does not support `transactional` access
* [HHH-12776] - NullPointerException when executing native query on an Audited Entity
* [HHH-12779] - Revert HHH-12670 - Allows native SQL queries that take a given resultClass to map the result set to the required type
* [HHH-12781] - Update Javassist dependency to 3.23.1
* [HHH-12784] - Javassist support broken by HHH-12760
* [HHH-12786] - Deleting an entity leads to NullPointerException in ByteBuddy proxy
* [HHH-12787] - SessionJdbcBatchTest hangs with DB2
* [HHH-12791] - ComponentTuplizer generates a LOT of proxy classes when using Bytebuddy as bytecode provider
* [HHH-12795] - Setting FlushMode to manual for a @NamedQuery is ignored
* [HHH-12797] - Fix cache modes relationships table layout in the documentation
* [HHH-12798] - Nested spatial functions are not rendered correctly on SAP HANA
* [HHH-12823] - CompositeIdTest.testDistinctCountOfEntityWithCompositeId fails on databases that don't support tuple distinct counts because it expects wrong exception
* [HHH-12824] - ASTParserLoadingTest.testComponentNullnessChecks fail with DB2 because it uses legacy-style query parameter
* [HHH-12825] - CriteriaHQLAlignmentTest.testCountReturnValues fails on databases that don't support tuple distinct counts because it expects wrong exception
* [HHH-12826] - Persist cascade of collection fails when orphan removal enabled with flush mode commit.
* [HHH-12827] - NUMERIC column type is not handled correctly on DB2
* [HHH-12829] - Invalid references to outdated EhCache classes
* [HHH-12832] - SchemaUpdateHaltOnErrorTest and SchemaMigratorHaltOnErrorTest fail with DB2
* [HHH-12833] - UniqueConstraintDropTest fails with DB2
* [HHH-12834] - org.hibernate.envers.test.integration.collection.StringMapNationalizedLobTest fails with Sybase
* [HHH-12835] - Wrong assertion in BatchFetchQueueHelper
* [HHH-12838] - AndNationalizedTests fails with DB2
* [HHH-12839] - EntityProxySerializationTest fails with oracle
* [HHH-13012] - JDBC default connection release mode does not match documentation
* [HHH-13027] - org.hibernate.ejb.HibernatePersistence can no longer be used as a persistence provider name
* [HHH-13040] - MetadataBuilderContributor should be applied before MetadataBuildingProcess.prepare
* [HHH-13042] - DelayedPostInsertIdentifier cannot be cast to class java.lang.Integer
* [HHH-13044] - MapsId and flushMode commit causes PersistenceException
* [HHH-13045] - Accessing id property of association within element collection in query leads to exception
* [HHH-13050] - On release of batch it still contained JDBC statements logged; unable to release batch statement
* [HHH-13053] - DelayedPostInsertIdentifier EXCEPTION on flush of identity created PARENT that has sequence created CHILD with cascade, when batch_update is true
* [HHH-13060] - Throw an exception when two entities are declared with the same name
* [HHH-13062] - Migrate User Guide links from Java EE 7 to 8
* [HHH-13064] - Documentation of Lock and LockModeType is on two columns instead of 3
* [HHH-13070] - callbackRegistry is not injected to event listener when appended to listener group using REPLACE_ORIGINAL duplication strategy
* [HHH-12604] - Replace EqualsHelper.equals with Objects.equals
* [HHH-12630] - Add error logging to org.hibernate.cache.spi.AbstractRegionFactory.start(SessionFactoryOptions, Map)
* [HHH-12654] - Throw MappingException if both @Inheritance and @AttributeOverride are used
* [HHH-12656] - Document how contributors can run tests on different databases
* [HHH-12670] - Allows native SQL queries that take a given resultClass to map the result set to the required type
* [HHH-12686] - Replace EmptyIterator with Collections.emptyIterator()
* [HHH-12699] - Performance issue in ResultSetWrapperProxy.locateCorrespondingColumnIndexMethod() line 137 due to repeated use of Class.getMethod(String, Class[]) reflection call
* [HHH-12702] - Make JCacheRegionFactory easier to subclass
* [HHH-12710] - BaseCoreFunctionalTestCase opens an InputStream for mapping files but never closes it
* [HHH-12716] - Sample code is required for documentation of disabling polymorphism in queries
* [HHH-12723] - Revert the changes applied by HHH-12585 to the DefaultFlushEntityEventListener#invokeInterceptor() method
* [HHH-12725] - Upgrade the Asciidoctor plugin to 1.5.7 for JDK 9 compatibility
* [HHH-12727] - Performance issue in ResourceRegistryStandardImpl.register lines 67, 70
* [HHH-12734] - StrategySelectorImpl - Add original exception when selected strategy could not be loaded
* [HHH-12741] - Register new reserved words added in MySQL 8.0
* [HHH-12749] - Avoid setting the isolation level to the same value in C3P0ConnectionProvider
* [HHH-12769] - Rework LockTest#testContendedPessimisticLock so that it can work on Oracle without throwing exceptions
* [HHH-12589] - Add support for registering custom SQL functions when bootstrapping via JPA
* [HHH-12591] - Remove second call to Scope#setSessionFactory(SessionFactoryImplementor) from TypeConfiguration#scope(SessionFactoryImplementor,BootstrapContext)
* [HHH-12605] - Boxed variables never null
* [HHH-12606] - Container contents are never accessed
* [HHH-12615] - Make AbstractEntityPersister#getLoaderByLockMode() and a few others protected final
* [HHH-12616] - Clarify ambiguity in License name
* [HHH-12618] - ByteBuddy enhancement - Use MethodHandle lookup if available
* [HHH-12626] - Avoid high CPU contention by not allocating Session UUIDs eagerly
* [HHH-12629] - Make some methods protected in DefaultLoadListener
* [HHH-12636] - Upgrade to ByteBuddy 1.8.12 to fix issue with entities having no package
* [HHH-11286] - Schema-validation fails with Oracle
* [HHH-11440] - In hibernate 5.2.4 hbm2ddl.auto=validate does not work with oracle
* [HHH-11544] - Joins over type variable defined relations is non-deterministic
* [HHH-11766] - Accessing lazy basic property on entity loaded from 2nd level cache throws exception
* [HHH-11867] - @UpdateTimestamp not working with @Inheritance( strategy = JOINED )
* [HHH-11901] - Map with null values cannot be audited
* [HHH-11924] - ElementCollection ignore converter for XML mapping
* [HHH-11981] - Association query causes QueryException: Named parameter [revision] not set.
* [HHH-12059] - hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto=update stopped working in Oracle since 5.1.4
* [HHH-12092] - Bad PrimitiveCharacterArrayNClobType INSTANCE typo
* [HHH-12166] - AbstractCompositionAttribute#getAttributes throws NPE for nested CompositeCustomType
* [HHH-12221] - Incorrect formatting of SQL statement on logging when entities/tables or fields/columns named like keywords (e.g. "group" or "order").
* [HHH-12225] - NullPointerException When Using type(<Class>) in HQL
* [HHH-12226] - ObjectNotFoundException thrown when @NotFound(action = NotFoundAction.IGNORE) used with enhancement
* [HHH-12230] - SelectCase does not work when simultaneously exists in select and group by sections
* [HHH-12257] - Refreshing an entity clears the lock mode returned from EntityManager.getLockMode
* [HHH-12260] - Detach of entity with lazy-loaded collection and orphan removal leads to exception during flush of session
* [HHH-12273] - Load Proxy by its identifier should consider the Session UUID
* [HHH-12285] - DB connection exception on rollback causes connection leak
* [HHH-12290] - Failure with JPQL positional queries with collection parameter (IN statement for example)
* [HHH-12292] - QueryParameterBindingValidator does not allow null values in Object arrays
* [HHH-12297] - Relations are not loaded when using Fetch Profiles
* [HHH-12304] - MappingException occurs when a custom enum type is applied to an audited property.
* [HHH-12306] - Fix org.hibernate.envers.test.integration.manytomany.MappedByEmbeddableAttributeTest on HANA
* [HHH-12313] - org.hibernate.jpa.test.transaction.TransactionCommitFailureTest fails on HANA
* [HHH-12314] - CriteriaAPI - Cannot use a not clause on a join, with explicit "on" argument
* [HHH-12332] - 5.2.14 regression: NullPointerException in AbstractPropertyMapping.getSuperCollection
* [HHH-12352] - The new ByteBuddy module for WildFly 12 is not working on JDK9
* [HHH-12355] - Insert fails on one-to-one mapping when an intermediate embeddable type is between mappings when using ordered inserts.
* [HHH-12357] - NamingHelper uses system default encoding
* [HHH-12369] - Integer overflow in limit handlers when firstResult used with maxResults=Integer.MAX_VALUE on DB2
* [HHH-12370] - Lazily-initialized byte[] LOB gets turned into a String, resulting in poor performance
* [HHH-12374] - Order inserts sorting code gives up too soon
* [HHH-12375] - 5.2.15 regression: 'could not resolve property: attributes of: org.hibernate.test.inheritance.discriminator.JoinedInheritanceTest$BaseEntity' with FetchType.EAGER
* [HHH-12379] - Add support for persistence_2_2.xsd and orm_2_2.xsd
* [HHH-12380] - Stackoverflow when order_inserts=true
* [HHH-12383] - JoinedSubclassEntityPersister throws ClassCastException for AnyType
* [HHH-12387] - Immutable entities can be updated via bulk update queries
* [HHH-12388] - User Guide and Javadoc typo fixes
* [HHH-12389] - Remove usage of javax.script.ScriptEngine from org.hibernate.test.bytecode.enhancement.access.MixedAccessTest
* [HHH-12391] - calls to EntityTransaction.rollback() should be ignored if the LogicalConnection.physicalConnection is null or the LogicalConnection.physicalConnection.getAutoCommit() returns true
* [HHH-12392] - Caching SchemaResolver delegate with multiple data sources
* [HHH-12397] - org.hibernate.jpa.test.query.QueryTest fails with TImeoutException
* [HHH-12410] - Cannot use AttributeConverter with spatial types
* [HHH-12412] - QueryException Thrown on Abstract Property of Abstract Class
* [HHH-12423] - SecondaryTable is not taking into account the schema while mapping the entity
* [HHH-12427] - Prevent classloader leak in ByteBuddy based BasicProxyFactoryImpl
* [HHH-12439] - Merging of new entities can fail depending on cascade order
* [HHH-12448] - Possible memory leak in Envers due to Narayana Transaction Reaper
* [HHH-12451] - Hibernate CurrencyType info is not correct in the table
* [HHH-12464] - NPE upon insert & delete with identity generated id
* [HHH-12473] - EntityManager.close() should throw an ISE if called on already closed EntityManager
* [HHH-12479] - Document the converted:: prefix for HBM type mappings
* [HHH-12487] - Calling getTransaction() on a closed Session should not throw ISE
* [HHH-12498] - Audit entity with composite-key association to non-audit entity leads to NullPointerException
* [HHH-12507] - InsertOrderingWithCompositeTypeAssociation test fails on Oracle due to reserved word
* [HHH-12508] - SessionFactoryOptions#isSecondLevelCacheEnabled returns true by default with NoCachingRegionFactory
** New Feature
* [HHH-8058] - Querying property-level revisions
* [HHH-11769] - New MariaDB Dialect for MariaDB >= v10.1
* [HHH-11790] - Support for DB2 spatial extender
* [HHH-12315] - Publish WildFly Feature Packs rather than a zip file of modules
* [HHH-12417] - default strategy based on registrations with StrategySelector
* [HHH-12424] - Fix unintended binary compatibility breaks between 5.1 and 5.3
** Task
* [HHH-12317] - Move module path of the new Feature packs to org.hibernate.orm
* [HHH-12321] - Separate the Wildfly module for ByteByddy to make it private API
* [HHH-12327] - Fix MapProxyTool not to depend directly on Javassist, allowing for BytecodeProvider agonostic support
* [HHH-12328] - ByteBuddyInterceptor#intercept should not wrap Exception types
* [HHH-12334] - ASTUtil improvements in Map usage
* [HHH-12335] - StrategySelectorImpl can avoid some unnecessary String formatting during bootstrap
* [HHH-12336] - Avoid unnecessary invocations of fillInStackTrace() in the tests
* [HHH-12339] - Optimise TypeNames for memory consumption: avoid autoboxing
* [HHH-12340] - BasicTypeRegistry would benefit from string interning
* [HHH-12342] - Upgrade to Byteman 4.0.1
* [HHH-12343] - Upgrade to WildFly 12.0.0.Final for integration tests
* [HHH-12344] - Upgrade to JBoss Logging 3.3.2.Final
* [HHH-12358] - Upgrade Agroal dependency to 0.4
* [HHH-12366] - Enable EE8 preview mode on WildFly 12 for integration tests
* [HHH-12367] - Create a separate JBoss Module for Hibernate Envers
* [HHH-12382] - TypeTest is creating a Proxy which is not necessary
* [HHH-12406] - Add a test for HHH-11440
* [HHH-12455] - WildFly provisioning build helpers should not implicitly change repository configurations
* [HHH-12474] - Make sure the JPA version is defined by a single property across build files
* [HHH-12475] - Remove unnecessary dependencies from gradle build.
* [HHH-12477] - Javassist no longer needed in the JBoss Module for Hibernate Envers
* [HHH-12478] - Upgrade to Mockito 2.18.0 to improve memory utilization of tests
* [HHH-12501] - Fallback implementation for BytecodeProvider should match the default
* [HHH-12509] - Reduce memory usage of PreparedStatementSpyConnectionProvider
* [HHH-12510] - Upgrade PostgreSQL driver
** Improvement
* [HHH-7555] - Ability to query only for @Revision object without instantion of entities.
* [HHH-11253] - Make Byte Buddy BytecodeProvider impl the default
* [HHH-11356] - Adjust the 2nd-Cache SPIs to better reflect supported uses
* [HHH-11528] - Rename hibernate-modules to better represent their nature of feature pack
* [HHH-12384] - Have proxies generated by ByteBuddy to conform to legacy naming strategies
* [HHH-12398] - Upgrade to Byte Buddy 1.8.0 to support JDK10 and preliminary support for JDK11
* [HHH-12399] - Re-introduce Environment#jvmHasTimestampBug as deprecated method
* [HHH-12415] - Update Gradle wrapper to Gradle 4.6
* [HHH-12419] - Incorrect batch inserts example
* [HHH-12426] - SAP HANA spatial dialect should support all SAP HANA spatial functions
* [HHH-12432] - Upgrade to Hibernate Commons Annotations 5.0.3.Final
* [HHH-12440] - Manage the SessionFactory's UUID on SessionFactoryOptions - wider availability
* [HHH-12443] - Introduce TypeConfiguration
* [HHH-12444] - Introduce BootstrapContext
* [HHH-12454] - Offer flag to consider id generator with local scope (legacy non JPA behavior)
* [HHH-12467] - ByteBuddy TypeCache stale entries should be cleared to avoid (weak) references to application classloader
* [HHH-12471] - Avoid using a TypeCache in the ByteBuddy BytecodeProvider
* [HHH-12481] - Reduce the visibility of internal implementations of Callback
* [HHH-12482] - Avoid logging overhead within CallbackBuilderLegacyImpl loops
* [HHH-12484] - Improved error output for LazyInitializationException to include entity-related info
* [HHH-12485] - MetamodelImpl throws exceptions unnecessarily since it could cache failed imports
* [HHH-12486] - SessionFactoryHelper#findEntityPersisterByName unnecessarily tries to find entity persisters via a method that causes MappingExceptions
* [HHH-12491] - Document the usage of the maven-compiler-plugin for hibernate-jpamodelgen
* [HHH-12493] - Further reduce allocations of ByteBuddy engines
* [HHH-12511] - Make ASTPrinter threadsafe and have code reuse their instances
* [HHH-12514] - Avoid repeated creations of costly Xsd definitions and definition lookups
* [HHH-12515] - LocalXsdResolver should attempt local resource loading before attempting it via URL
* [HHH-12521] - Take advantage of Java 8 improvements to optimise Statistics
* [HHH-12096] - Problem finding correlated getter-method for field access
* [HHH-12097] - EntityManagerFactory open/closed checks per JPA spec
* [HHH-12099] - Query#getLockMode ought to throw exception for non-SELECT
* [HHH-12106] - Database name not quoted at schema update
* [HHH-12116] - Positional parameters report position as name
* [HHH-12122] - Checking @OrderBy for special cases should perform case-insensitive checking
* [HHH-12125] - Support @GeneratedValue without explicit generator definition
* [HHH-12129] - Fix expected exceptions on various Query methods
* [HHH-12136] - Various improvements for ProcedureCall/StoredProcedureQuery
* [HHH-12150] - @MapKeyColumn referring to otherwise non-mapped column
* [HHH-12157] - TableGenerator defined on one class is not visible on another
* [HHH-12171] - Fix tests for hibernate-orm-modules
* [HHH-12173] - The new org.hibernate.resource.beans.spi.ExtendedBeanManager breaks compatibility with implementations of org.hibernate.jpa.event.spi.jpa.ExtendedBeanManager
* [HHH-12203] - NUMERIC column type is not handled correctly on HANA
* [HHH-12212] - Derived Identifiers component column size not applied
** New Feature
* [HHH-10294] - EntityGraph improvement: For each jpa attribute, generate also a String constant holding the attribute field name
* [HHH-10541] - Create Vibur DBCP connection pool module
* [HHH-12147] - Add support for JPA2.2 @TableGenerators and @SequenceGenerators
* [HHH-12148] - Add setting indicating if the value stored in the table used by the @TableGenerator is the last value generated or the next value to be used.
** Task
* [HHH-12098] - Prep for 5.3
* [HHH-12117] - Make sure Hibernate returns null on failed attempt to create EMF
* [HHH-12155] - Update documentation regarding limitation of defining caching on just root entity
* [HHH-12167] - Add matrix testing configuration for HANA database
* [HHH-12176] - Relax the checkstyle requirement for file headers.
* [HHH-12177] - Drop hibernate-infinispan module - relocated
* [HHH-12183] - Upgrade Gradle to work with JDK 9.0.1.
* [HHH-12211] - Test failure on MariaDB when the database charset is configured to UTF8
** Improvement
* [HHH-9641] - Resume uploading Javadoc JARs to Maven
* [HHH-11019] - Extend DelayedPostInsertIdentifier support to include checks for FlushMode (EXTENDED PC)
* [HHH-11798] - Provide method for overriding delete statement in GlobalTemporaryTableBulkIdStrategy
* [HHH-12095] - MavenEnhancePlugin causes compile phase run twice
* [HHH-12131] - Small memory improvement when parsing / transforming UUID
* [HHH-12139] - Allow Hibernate's Transaction act like JPA's EntityTransaction
* [HHH-12146] - Support enabling caching at any level within a mapped hierarchy
* [HHH-12164] - Upgrade the version of Hibernate Validator used for testing
* [HHH-11709] - NoopOptimizer skips negative values and 0 when it has a positive incrementSize
* [HHH-11712] - PostgreSQL does not support positive/negative initial sequence values for descending/ascending sequences unless MAXVALUE/MINVALUE is defined as well
* [HHH-11714] - Entities with InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE and SecondaryTable are not being saved correctly
* [HHH-11716] - @Transient annotation not respected when class defines 'get' and 'is' accessor variants
* [HHH-11718] - Fix various alerts reported by lgtm.com
* [HHH-11725] - Javadoc typo
* [HHH-11726] - PASS_DISTINCT_THROUGH hint is ignored when used in conjunction with maxResults/firstResult limiters
* [HHH-11728] - Typo in PooledConnections
* [HHH-11729] - Add clarifications in the User Guide related to how Hibernate FetchMode types translate to JPA
* [HHH-11730] - Unable to audit entity with originalId property
* [HHH-11739] - globally_quoted_identifiers_skip_column_definitions property does the opposite of what the doc describes
* [HHH-11740] - Default MultiTableBulkIdStrategy for DB2 does not work with connection pools
* [HHH-11743] - Query.stream() does not map Tuple
* [HHH-11747] - Pagination with DB2390Dialect: TypedQuery.getResultList() always returns the first "maxResults" rows of the table for each call
* [HHH-11748] - RelatedId queries against Id annotated properties result in AuditException
* [HHH-11762] - PersistenceUnitUtilImpl#getIdentifier throws MappingException for non-entity
* [HHH-11764] - JTS geometry being bound to byte array instead of PGgeometry
* [HHH-11768] - foreign key violation with order_inserts=true and cascading persist
* [HHH-11770] - Audit queries for a OneToMany that is mapped to an EmbeddedId fails.
* [HHH-11783] - Wrong comment in UpdateTimestampsCache
* [HHH-11788] - Project gitignore ignores test classes
* [HHH-11795] - Support Ant Task for Bytecode Enhancement
* [HHH-11804] - Embeddable class' name and the reference to it are different
* [HHH-11815] - @org.hibernate.annotations.Index and NullPointerException in IndexOrUniqueKeySecondPass
* [HHH-11818] - ClassCastException when binding a MaterializedNClobType value as NClob
* [HHH-11826] - ImplicitNamingStrategyComponentPathImpl generates invalid SQL for Entity with Embedded ElementCollection
* [HHH-11827] - JPA entity native query not eagerly fetching associations as suggested by documentation.
* [HHH-11830] - Shared Session memory leak via TransactionObserver reference
* [HHH-11832] - ManyToManyWithDynamicFilterTest fails on Sybase due to reserved word
* [HHH-11837] - MapsId and PrimaryKeyJoinColumn examples in the documentation should use OneToOne rather than ManyToOne
* [HHH-11841] - QueryException on map associaton when using Envers
* [HHH-11851] - BaseEnversFunctionalTestCase tests do not test against all parameterized audit strategies.
* [HHH-11864] - AutoCommit mode not reset after use by SchemaValidator
* [HHH-11868] - Documentation : Bad Hibernate type mapped to java.time.ZonedDateTime (Java 8)
* [HHH-11881] - Null Set collection elements are inserted into collection table
* [HHH-11884] - wrong class in returnedClass() in UserType example
* [HHH-11892] - Audit data not loaded for @ElementCollection
* [HHH-11897] - Fix support for Tuple results for native queries
* [HHH-11904] - EnumExplicitTypeTest test assert fails on mariadb clusters
* [HHH-11905] - AbstractLobTest Fails on Sybase
* [HHH-11910] - SchemaUpdateTest fails on databases using case-insensitive identifiers
* [HHH-11914] - SchemaUpdate.setHaltOnError(true) does nothing
* [HHH-11915] - DatabaseMetaData#getIndexInfo can return column names enclosed in quotes on PostgresPlus
* [HHH-11916] - Unnecessary initialization of lazy collection on PERSIST cascade
* [HHH-11922] - Entity with null many-to-one cannot be loaded when associated entity has composite ID with hibernate.create_empty_composites.enabled=true
* [HHH-11927] - CascadeMergeToChildBeforeParentTest should not assume the persisted entity has the id with a value of 1
* [HHH-11928] - Empty left join fetched collection is uninitialized when collection key is composite with hibernate.create_empty_composites.enabled=true
* [HHH-11935] - Log a warning and update documentation that enabling "empty" composites is an experimental feature
* [HHH-11944] - Fix the Session related delegating classes
* [HHH-11957] - DB2 substring method needs to be exposed in DB297Dialect
* [HHH-11982] - AbstractSharedSessionContract#getInterceptor should not call checkTransactionSynchStatus()
** New Feature
* [HHH-11907] - Add the getResultStream() default method in org.hibernate.query.Query
* [HHH-11942] - ANTLR parser should fail when providing an extra parenthesis
** Task
* [HHH-11698] - Upgrade to Byte Buddy 1.6.14 for improved JDK9 compatibility
* [HHH-11752] - Remove reference to old types.
* [HHH-11756] - Typo in public API method name: requiresPostCommitHanding on PostInsertEventListener
* [HHH-11808] - Update migration guide and documentation
* [HHH-11878] - Minor typo in CascadeStyles.java
* [HHH-11950] - Target WildFly 11 for produced hibernate-orm-modules
* [HHH-10256] - ClassCastException in ResultSetReturnImpl.java:75
* [HHH-10537] - Usage of JPQL KEY() with entity key generates inner join
* [HHH-10577] - Allow dereferencing of KEY() path
* [HHH-10930] - Need to add jta dependency for the plugin to work
* [HHH-10938] - Substantial native memory leak when bootstrapping EntityManagerFactory
* [HHH-10989] - Unidirectional one-to-many doesn't take care of many side during removal if bytecode enhancement is on
* [HHH-11161] - @LazyCollection(LazyCollectionOption.EXTRA) is not extra lazy for bytecode enhanced classes
* [HHH-11180] - JPA @ForeignKey still not consistently applied from annotation binding
* [HHH-11237] - Incorrect update occurs when updating a detached object with empty component and @SelectBeforeUpdate
* [HHH-11262] - Bulk Operations attempt to create temporary tables, but user does not have permission to create table
* [HHH-11299] - Uninitialized ManyToMany Entry is not removed when bytecode-enhanced Entity is deleted
* [HHH-11301] - Oracle Spatial Dialect non-string mode is unavailable
* [HHH-11410] - ManyToMany with Filter generates incorrect load SQL
* [HHH-11412] - EntityManager/Session setProperty should permit custom properties
* [HHH-11416] - Envers query API: cannot traverse relation if target entity is mapped with JOINED subclass mapping/Unrelated property joins do not work when target entity is Mapped with JOINED subclass mapping
* [HHH-11418] - SynonymValidationTest failure
* [HHH-11419] - QueryAndSQLTest failing on MS SQL Server
* [HHH-4712] - Field named "id" (but not an @Id) in a class referenced via join table leads to "Column 'col_1_1_' not found" when retrieving old versions
* [HHH-8973] - support auditing revised properties on detatched objects
* [HHH-9108] - Envers with Embeddable having a collection of other entities results in PropertyAccessException: IllegalArgumentException
* [HHH-9834] - Audit table creation fails for ElementCollection Map with CLOB/NCLOB element column
* [HHH-10183] - Mapping for NVARCHAR in SqlServer not working with native queries; org.hibernate.MappingException: No Dialect mapping for JDBC type: -9
* [HHH-10561] - Join on treated root not rendered in HQL
* [HHH-11134] - StringIndexOutOfBoundsException in BooleanTypeDescriptor
* [HHH-11202] - IllegalAccessException on Embeddable ID after serializing Getter in cache key
* [HHH-11236] - JPA hbm2ddl auto-generation creates ddl with invalid syntax for Unique Key with any MySQLDialect
* [HHH-11242] - Unable to enhance property from MappedSuperclass: class is frozen
* [HHH-11284] - Enhancer dirty tracking doesn't work with inherited entities
* [HHH-11309] - Cannot install Hibernate feature into Karaf 4.0.7
* [HHH-11323] - Evict during concurrent update and putFromLoad can result in stale entry in 2LC
* [HHH-11350] - Intermittent failure in testEvictAll/testRemoveAll
* [HHH-11352] - Hibernate & Paging: BROKEN when a column contains the word "FROM" for SQL Server
* [HHH-11364] - Unable to populate an ElementCollection (of an embeddable type) of an audited entity when the collection has a null value for a property with JoinColumn
* [HHH-11033] - NativeQueryImpl::doScroll seems to be broken when used with setParameterList (affects scroll and stream)
* [HHH-11036] - The drop schema filtering of sequence generation with schemaFilter is wrong
* [HHH-11037] - Subclass embeddable sub-properties ignored if superclass has property with same name
* [HHH-11038] - Invalid statement generated for @MapKeyColumn(updatable=false) for @OneToMany
* [HHH-11051] - Cache EventListenerRegistry and StatisticsImplementor
* [HHH-11056] - Envers audits unchanged objects for a certain use case
* [HHH-11058] - NPE in SchemaValidator with DdlTransactionIsolatorJtaImpl
* [HHH-11061] - Attempt to resolve foreign key metadata from JDBC metadata failed to find column mappings for foreign when keywords auto quoting is enabled
* [HHH-11063] - Auditing tables are not filled correctly when using a custom hashCode method that does not use the entity id.
* [HHH-5393] - MappingException when @MapKeyColumn refers to a column mapped in embeddable map value
* [HHH-7249] - Discrimator values in versioned entities in one to many relations could cause problems when deleting relation
* [HHH-7625] - Inverse OneToMany with a CompositeKey fails
* [HHH-9199] - ValidityAuditStrategy: Collection of embeddables is not audited correctly
* [HHH-10027] - Dynamic filter parameter can be bound in wrong order when applied to OneToMany collections
* [HHH-10617] - multiLoad behavior
* [HHH-10725] - Hibernate Integrations Guide: an incorrect example LatestAndGreatestConnectionProviderImpl
* [HHH-10795] - StatefulPersistenceContext.entityEntryContext does not work properly for ManagedEntity associated with a different StatefulPersistenceContext
* [HHH-10810] - ImplicitIndexColumnNameSource should extend ImplicitNameSource.
* [HHH-10973] - hibernate-enhance-maven-plugin won't enhance entities with bidirectional relationships
* [HHH-10977] - entity not enhanced when mapped superclass enhanced before
* [HHH-10987] - Cannot save JTS geometry with SRID 3857 into SRID 3857 column
* [HHH-10991] - Wrong order parameter binding when filters are used in conjunction with component type parameters and subqueries
* [HHH-10993] - NPE when Lazy loading collection without transaction for bytecode enhanced entitie
* [HHH-10994] - Limit Handler for SQL server doesn't support queries with alias( without 'as' keyboard ) in select clause.
* [HHH-11009] - org.hibernate.AnnotationException: Unable to create unique key constraint - if column not found
* [HHH-11013] - The release task creates two documentation folders for UserGuide
* [HHH-11016] - Hibernate Schema Management Tool does not properly drop sequences for PostgresSQL 8.2+
** New Feature
* [HHH-10965] - Add new Query Hint to avoid passing DISTINCT from entity queries to SQL statements
* [HHH-10966] - Document @DiscriminatorValue NULL and NOT_NULL options
* [HHH-10971] - Document flush operation order
** Task
* [HHH-10948] - Upgrade Byteman to 3.0.6
** Improvement
* [HHH-8687] - Better exception message for PostgreSQL81Dialect and named REF_CURSOR parameter binding
* [HHH-10531] - JaxbHbmTuplizerType marshalling does not conform hibernate-mapping-4.0.xsd
* [HHH-10532] - Cannot marshall JaxbHbmBasicAttributeType to xml if the "generated" attribute is not specified
* [HHH-10800] - InformixDialect: add support for coalesce(), current_timestamp(), current_date()
* [HHH-10905] - NullPointerException when StatelessSession.get(Class, Serializable, LockMode) called with null LockMode, instead of defaulting to LockMode.NONE
* [HHH-10923] - Upgrade CDI 1.1 and related dependencies to Final
* [HHH-10924] - Replace ConcurrentServiceBinding by ConcurrentHashMap
* [HHH-10943] - Driver Manager Connection Pool should close leaked connections upon shutting down
* [HHH-10945] - Move TransactionUtil from documentation to hibernate-testing
* [HHH-10946] - Add utility to detect connection leaks during testing
* [HHH-10947] - Add @Repeatable to Hibernate-owned annotations
* [HHH-10949] - Upgrade Infinispan to 8.2.3.Final
* [HHH-10984] - Have multiLoad not return (unflushed) DELETED entities
* [HHH-10996] - The cleanupTestData utility has issues with link tables
* [HHH-11000] - Fix the port stealing issue between Arquillian and NVidia Windows driver
* [HHH-11002] - Add documentation section about Filter and FilterDef
* [HHH-11017] - Migrate Integration Guide to AsciiDoctor
* [HHH-7510] - LazyInitializationException thrown when deleting an entity while global_with_modified_flag turned on
* [HHH-8305] - Envers auditing OneToOne inserts null in Aud JoinTable in a not stablished relationship
* [HHH-8488] - JPA joinList and treat behaviour
* [HHH-8999] - NullPointerException when updating or deleting multiple entities of same type with non-comparable IDs
* [HHH-9128] - Regression: EnversHibernateToolTask is missing
* [HHH-9322] - Updating multiple entities with the same name in the same flush throws a ClassCastException when using a non-Comparable user type as the entity ID
* [HHH-9512] - Invalid entity being created when merging with recursive cascading
* [HHH-10230] - Using boolean or null literals results in a parser error
* [HHH-6781] - Class level @Where annotation is not enforced on collections of that class
* [HHH-7355] - Hibernate criteria JOIN + additional condition (with clause) don't work with many-to-many association
* [HHH-8507] - SQLServer2005LimitHandler throws "string out of range -1" error
* [HHH-9178] - Querying audited entities with embeddables fails with 'org.hibernate.QueryException: could not resolve property:'
* [HHH-9602] - Schema validation fails when materialized view is involved
* [HHH-9676] - TypeSafeActivator.applyDDL doesn't process composing constraints when @NotNull is present
* [HHH-9894] - Support Informix Boolean Type
* [HHH-9951] - Formula annotation doesn't properly escape keywords/types
* [HHH-10143] - Apache Derby and PostgreSQL - Criteria selectCase with Enum fails without explicit cast
* [HHH-10246] - PropertyNotFoundException with Hibernate Envers when using referencedColumn in @JoinColumn and bidirectional @OneTomany
* [HHH-10287] - Cache keys no longer include the entity type
* [HHH-10290] - org.hibernate.test.cfg.BatchVersionedDataConfigTest does not work properly when hibernate.jdbc.batch_versioned_data is set in environment
* [HHH-10365] - Karaf feature hibernate-envers fails to create EntityManagerFactory
* [HHH-10373] - Sequence generator for idbag ignores generator parameters
* [HHH-10468] - If global "with modified flag" set, you cannot override the value
* [HHH-10476] - Getting an entity with composite ID containing a detached entity fails if PersistenceContext contains a managed copy
* [HHH-10513] - Follow-on locking WARN message logged when query LockMode is NONE
* [HHH-10522] - Invalid reference to naming chapter in user guide
* [HHH-4161] - persistence.xml <jar-file> not following JSR220 spec
* [HHH-9342] - HQL "x member of treat(y as Type).collections" fails to parse
* [HHH-9356] - jpa converter only applied to high value of cb.between
* [HHH-9357] - Incorrect SQL generated for Polymorpic Queries involving TYPE() with @Inheritance(strategy=InheritanceType.JOINED)
* [HHH-9371] - Exception ''Invalid filter-parameter name format" from LoadQueryInfluencers when hql contains colon and filter is enabled.
* [HHH-10191] - InformationExtractorJdbcDatabaseMetaDataImpl can't handle Oracle function indexes
* [HHH-10307] - JTA no longer transitively provided (HHH-10178) causes problems for apps not using JTA
* [HHH-10383] - IN parameter is not enclosed in parentheses
* [HHH-10384] - PooledThreadLocalLoOptimizer fails to give uniqe id's for different threads
* [HHH-10385] - In a @OneToMany association the @JoinColumn foreignKey is not taken into consideration when generating the association database schema
* [HHH-10386] - In a @ManyToMany assoctiation the @JoinColumn foreignKey is not taken into considertion when generating the association database schema
* [HHH-10395] - ServiceBootstrappingTest fails if tests are run with hibernate.show_sql=true
* [HHH-10396] - In a @OneToMany association with @JoinColum the @ForeignKey is not taken into consideration when generating the association database schema
* [HHH-10405] - <return> elements of <sql-query> are not handled properly when building metadata
* [HHH-10420] - SchemaExport creates foreign keys too early if across schema
* [HHH-10421] - Change "native" ID generator for Oracle12cDialect to SequenceStyleGenerator
* [HHH-10422] - Backport HHH-9983 to fix identity IDs using Oracle12cDialect in 5.0
* [HHH-10425] - SchemaMigration creates foreign keys too early if across schema
* [HHH-10432] - hibernate 5.0.6 does not work with Aries JPA 2.3.0
* [HHH-10437] - NPE in PrimaryKey#addColumn(Column column) when getTable().getNameIdentifier() is null
* [HHH-10443] - SchemaUpdate and SchemaMigration do not release jdbc connection
** Improvement
* [HHH-9474] - Perfomance issue with ElementCollection
* [HHH-10317] - Allow to bind custom types that implement the Collection interface through JPA APIs
* [HHH-10415] - org.hibernate.cache.infinispan.InfinispanRegionFactory should default the "immutable-entity" to the "entity" cache settings
* [HHH-10416] - Drop superfluous immutable-entity cache configuration
* [HHH-10439] - Log a message which prints the name of the import script being imported
* [HHH-9731] - Potential bug in SearchedCaseExpression type handling
* [HHH-10055] - Lazy loading of collections in enhanced entity not working
* [HHH-10110] - DerbyTenSevenDialect fails to update schema because of sequence error
* [HHH-10111] - AttributeConverter based attributes are not marked for update when their state is modified
* [HHH-10115] - HHH90000003: Use of DOM4J entity-mode is considered deprecated
* [HHH-10119] - Config setting names loaded from cfg.xml stored in augmented (prefixed with "hibernate.") form but not original form
* [HHH-10120] - InputStream not closed in ConfigLoader.loadConfigXmlResource(String)
* [HHH-10125] - KEY() function in HQL causes inaccurate SQL when map key is an entity
* [HHH-10126] - Table-backed sequences are not populated on creation using SchemaUpdate
* [HHH-10131] - CacheableFileXmlSource.doBind returns null instead of created binding when .hbm.xml.bin have not been created yet
* [HHH-10132] - ENTRY() function in HQL causes invalid SQL when map key is an entity
* [HHH-10133] - CatalogSeparator of dialect metadata not used in runtime, just in schema tool
* [HHH-10135] - DB2Dialect should override getSelectSequenceNextValString
* [HHH-10139] - <one-to-one> and <many-to-one> mapping with <formula>1</formula> related to a boolean field causes java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException:
* [HHH-10140] - Apache Derby does not support tuples in subqueries
* [HHH-10141] - ClassicQueryTranslatorFactory unable to determine the correct RevisionType type
* [HHH-10142] - Derby dialect missing SQL keyword
* [HHH-10149] - PostgreSQL81Dialect.#getForUpdateString(String aliases,LockOptions lockOptions) returning a wrong value for update String when aliases is an empty String
* [HHH-10150] - PostgreSQL -MultiTableBulkIdStrategy fails with multiple delete of parent entity in the same transaction
** New Feature
* [HHH-10045] - Force all columns in primary key to be non-null
** Task
* [HHH-9995] - Finish pgsql database profile
* [HHH-9996] - Finish Derby database profile
* [HHH-10154] - Change built-in JavaTypeDescriptor impls to not auto-register themselves with JavaTypeDescriptorRegistry
** Improvement
* [HHH-9685] - Envers should do nothing when JTA transaction is already marked as rollback-only
* [HHH-10066] - Drop and recreate AuxiliaryDatabaseObjects as part of schema update
* [HHH-10083] - Support replicated and distributed caches
* [HHH-10086] - Deprecate Dialect#getIdentityColumnString() and Dialect#getIdentitySelectString()
* [HHH-10121] - Have EMF#getProperties expose ValidatorFactory injected via 2-phase load
* [HHH-10129] - Evaluate AttributeConverter tests in hibernate-entitymanager for move to hibernate-core
** Patch
* [HHH-10108] - checkstyle test <module name="NewlineAtEndOfFile" /> causes build time problem
** Deprecation
* [HHH-10122] - Deprecate ".class" property-style entity-type-expression format
* [HHH-5255] - Merge detached entity failed when the instrumented lazy property is initialized
* [HHH-7573] - Lazy properties are not processed properly after a PreUpdate callback
* [HHH-7898] - Regression on org.hibernate.cache.infinispan.query.QueryResultsRegionImpl.put(Object, Object)
* [HHH-9244] - NPE in bindCollectionSecondPass
* [HHH-9637] - Join is reused when 2 explicit joins are used for the same ToOne association
* [HHH-9906] - The {{JdbcEnvironmentImpl(ServiceRegistryImplementor serviceRegistry, Dialect dialect)}} constructor form does not handle global/auto quoting properly.
* [HHH-9907] - Bytecode enhancer fails on windows
* [HHH-9910] - Schema migration (update) problems with catalog/schema restrictions
* [HHH-9913] - NPE in org.hibernate.cache.internal.CacheDataDescriptionImpl.decode()
* [HHH-9915] - Test IndexedCollectionTest.testEmbeddableWithEntityKey() fail on Oracle
* [HHH-9918] - org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle10gDialect does not support identity key generation
* [HHH-9923] - Avoid cast to MetadataBuildingOptionsImpl in AnnotationMetadataSourceProcessorImpl#prepare()
* [HHH-9927] - Explicit calls to EntityManager.joinTransaction() with no active JTA transaction should throw a TransactionRequiredException
* [HHH-9937] - Hibernate#isPropertyInitialized always returns true for new enhancer
* [HHH-9945] - Allow Transaction to rollback if marked-for-rollback-only
* [HHH-9946] - Do better job cleaning up "stray" transactions in base test
* [HHH-9947] - PhysicalNamingStrategy#toPhysicalTableName called rather than #toPhysicalColumnName for some columns
* [HHH-9948] - SequenceStyleGenerator uses potentially incorrect name for table/sequence in DML statements
* [HHH-9949] - Recognize legacy http://hibernate.sourceforge.net/hibernate-configuration DTD base identifier
* [HHH-9953] - Test o.h.test.legacy.ComponentNotNullTest.testCompositeElement fails on Oracle - ORA-00972: identifier is too long
* [HHH-9967] - Create index on Postgres with --defaultSchemaName
* [HHH-9968] - Test o.h.test.type.AttributeConverterTest.testBasicTimestampUsage fails on Oracle - ORA-00972: identifier is too long
* [HHH-9969] - MySQLDialect handling of numeric cast targets is incorrect
* [HHH-9971] - Methods of ForwardingSessionBuilder, ForwardingSessionBuilderImplementor and ForwardingSharedSessionBuilder should return themselves not the delegate
* [HHH-9972] - Tests in o.h.test.type.EntityGraphUsingFetchGraphTestUsage fail on Oracle - ORA-00972: identifier is too long
* [HHH-9976] - JdbcResourceLocalTransactionCoordinatorImpl does not rollback on failure during #beforeCompletionCallback
* [HHH-9985] - Enhaced entity changes not peristed after merge
** Improvement
* [HHH-1872] - Hibernate should handle hbm.auto = update with views
* [HHH-9955] - EnumType mapped via hbm.xml not always resolved properly as far as named/ordinal
* [HHH-9966] - Improve schema tooling support for creating catalogs and schemas
* [HHH-9980] - Implement mark-for-rollback-only handling for JdbcResourceLocalTransactionCoordinatorImpl
** New Feature
* [HHH-9977] - Consider options for passing Session to caching SPI calls
** Task
* [HHH-9916] - Update quickstarts and tutorials for 5.0 + convert to asciidoc(tor)
* [HHH-9599] - AnnotationException occurs when applying @Nationalized and @Convert annotations to the same field
* [HHH-9605] - Query on an enum collection fails
* [HHH-9633] - Add tests that explicitly test the "main" NamingStrategy impls
* [HHH-9639] - Unwrap in HikariCPConnectionProvider fails to unwrap DataSource
* [HHH-9642] - Embedded OneToMany association fetch join does not work in CriteriaQuery
* [HHH-9659] - AnnotationMetadataSourceProcessorImpl uses a Logger.debugf method without matching parameters
* [HHH-9679] - hibernate-enhance-maven-plugin uses no-longer support syntax in its build script
* [HHH-9680] - hibernate-osgi module has gone cra-cra again
* [HHH-9689] - Avoid NPE when trying to load non-existent properties resource
** Deprecation
* [HHH-9645] - buildSessionFactory() should return a sessionFactory
** Improvement
* [HHH-6670] - H2Dialect should use "if exists" when dropping sequences
* [HHH-8191] - Update Teradata Dialect for Teradata 14.0
* [HHH-8401] - Support fractional seconds on MySQL 5.7
* [HHH-8697] - AttributeConverter not called when value is null
* [HHH-8844] - Add support for Java 8 date and time types (JSR-310)
* [HHH-9043] - Allow customization of the modified field flag
* [HHH-9324] - Avoid creation of LimitHandler instances for every query
* [HHH-9328] - Avoid creation of Cascade objects at all
* [HHH-9336] - Avoid creation of TypedValue objects in AbstractPersistentCollection#getOrphans(Collection, Collection, String, SessionImplementor) for some ID types.