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# Contributing
Contributions from the community are essential in keeping Hibernate (and any Open Source
project really) strong and successful.
# Legal
All original contributions to Hibernate are licensed under the
[GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.txt),
version 2.1 or later, or, if another license is specified as governing the file or directory being
modified, such other license.
The LGPL text is included verbatim in the [lgpl.txt](lgpl.txt) file in the root directory of the ORM repository.
All contributions are subject to the [Developer Certificate of Origin (DCO)](https://developercertificate.org/).
The DCO text is available verbatim in the [dco.txt](dco.txt) file in the root directory of the ORM repository.
## Guidelines
While we try to keep requirements for contributing to a minimum, there are a few guidelines
we ask that you mind.
For code contributions, these guidelines include:
* Respect the project code style - find templates for [IntelliJ IDEA](https://hibernate.org/community/contribute/intellij-idea/) or [Eclipse](https://hibernate.org/community/contribute/eclipse-ide/)
* Have a corresponding JIRA [issue](https://hibernate.atlassian.net/browse/HHH) and be sure to include the key for this JIRA issue in your commit messages.
* Have a set of appropriate tests.
For your convenience, a [set of test templates](https://github.com/hibernate/hibernate-test-case-templates/tree/main/orm) have been made available.
When submitting bug reports, the tests should reproduce the initially reported bug and illustrate that your solution addresses the issue.
For features/enhancements, the tests should demonstrate that the feature works as intended.
In both cases, be sure to incorporate your tests into the project to protect against possible regressions.
* If applicable, documentation should be updated to reflect the introduced changes
* The code compiles and the tests pass (`./gradlew clean build`)
For documentation contributions, mainly to respect the project code style, especially in regards
to the use of tabs - as mentioned above, code style templates are available for both IntelliJ IDEA and Eclipse
IDEs. Ideally, these contributions would also have a corresponding JIRA issue, although this
is less necessary for documentation contributions.
## Getting Started
If you are just getting started with Git, GitHub, and/or contributing to Hibernate via
GitHub there are a few pre-requisite steps to follow:
* Make sure you have a [Hibernate JIRA account](https://hibernate.atlassian.net)
* Make sure you have a [GitHub account](https://github.com/signup/free)
* [Fork](https://help.github.com/articles/fork-a-repo) the Hibernate repository. As discussed in
the linked page, this also includes:
* [set up your local git install](https://help.github.com/articles/set-up-git)
* clone your fork
* See the wiki pages for setting up your IDE, whether you use
[IntelliJ IDEA](https://hibernate.org/community/contribute/intellij-idea/)
or [Eclipse](https://hibernate.org/community/contribute/eclipse-ide/)<sup>(1)</sup>.
## Create the working (topic) branch
Create a [topic branch](https://git-scm.com/book/en/Git-Branching-Branching-Workflows#Topic-Branches)
on which you will work. The convention is to incorporate the JIRA issue key in the name of this branch,
although this is more of a mnemonic strategy than a hard-and-fast rule - but doing so helps:
* Remember what each branch is for
* Isolate the work from other contributions you may be working on
_If there is not already a JIRA issue covering the work you want to do, create one._
Assuming you will be working from the `main` branch and working
on the JIRA HHH-123 : `git checkout -b HHH-123 main`
## Code
Do your thing!
## Commit
* Make commits of logical units
* Be sure to **use the JIRA issue key** in the commit message. This is how JIRA will pick
up the related commits and display them on the JIRA issue
* Make sure you have added the necessary tests for your changes
* Run _all_ the tests to ensure nothing else was accidentally broken
* Make sure your source does not violate the _checkstyles_
_Before committing, if you want to pull in the latest upstream changes (highly
appreciated btw), please use rebasing rather than merging. Merging creates
"merge commits" that invariably muck up the project timeline._
## Submit
* Push your changes to the topic branch in your fork of the repository
* Initiate a [pull request](https://help.github.com/articles/creating-a-pull-request)
* Once your pull request has been submitted you can verify that the pull request has been properly linked to its corresponding Jira issue by confirming that the issue status is now _Waiting for Review_ and that clicking on the _Recent rule runs_ _Refresh_ button on the right side of the issue displays a _Pull Request (ORM)_ entry.
It is important that this topic branch of your fork:
* Is isolated to just the work on this one JIRA issue, or multiple issues if they are
related and also fixed/implemented by this work. The main point is to not push
commits for more than one PR to a single branch - GitHub PRs are linked to
a branch rather than specific commits
* remain until the PR is closed. Once the underlying branch is deleted the corresponding
PR will be closed, if not already, and the changes will be lost
# Notes
<sup>(1)</sup> Gradle `eclipse` plugin is no longer supported, so the recommended way to import the project in your IDE is with the proper IDE tools/plugins. Don't try to run `./gradlew clean eclipse --refresh-dependencies` from the command line as you'll get an error because `eclipse` no longer exists