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# RESO Web API Commander
The RESO Web API Commander is a command line Java application that uses
the Apache Olingo library to provide the following functionality:
- [Getting Started](#getting-started)
- [Using the Commander as a Web API Client](#using-the-commander-as-a-web-api-client)
- [Display Help](#display-help)
- [Authentication](#authentication)
- [Getting Metadata](#getting-metadata)
- [Validating Metadata stored in an EDMX file](#validating-metadata-stored-in-an-edmx-file)
- [Getting results from a given `uri`](#getting-results-from-a-given-uri)
- [Getting raw results from a given `uri`](#getting-raw-results-from-a-given-uri)
- [Converting metadata to Open API 2 format](#converting-metadata-to-open-api-2-format)
- [Running RESOScript Files](#running-resoscript-files)
- [Automated Web API Testing (beta)](#automated-web-api-testing-beta)
* [Cucumber Feature Specifications](#cucumber-feature-specifications)
* [Testing Environment](#testing-environment)
* [Web API Usage](#web-api-usage)
* [Running Web API Tests with the Gradle Wrapper](#running-web-api-tests-with-the-gradle-wrapper)
* [Convenience Methods for Web API 1.0.2 Server Gold and Platinum Certification (Recommended)](#convenience-methods-for-web-api-102-server-gold-and-platinum-certification-recommended)
* [Web API Program Output](#web-api-program-output)
- [Automated Data Dictionary Testing (In Development)](#automated-data-dictionary-testing-in-development)
* [Data Dictionary Usage](#data-dictionary-usage)
* [Running Data Dictionary Tests with the Gradle Wrapper](#running-data-dictionary-tests-with-the-gradle-wrapper)
* [Convenience Methods for Data Dictionary 1.5 and 1.6 Certification (Recommended)](#convenience-methods-for-data-dictionary-15-and-16-certification-recommended)
* [Data Ditionary Program Output](#data-dictionary-program-output)
- [Docker](#docker)
- [Logging](#logging)
- [Gradle Commands](#gradle-commands)
- [Coming Soon](#coming-soon)
## Getting Started
There are essentially two ways to run the Commander:
* [As a Web API Client](#using-the-commander-as-a-web-api-client)
* As an automated testing tool for the [Web API](#web-api-usage) or [Data Dictionary](#data-dictionary-usage)
### Using the Commander as a Web API Client
Your operating system probably already has Java installed, but you need 1.8.0 to run the Commander.
To check your version, type:
$ java -version
in your operating system's terminal and you will see something similar to the following:
$ java -version
openjdk version "1.8.0_242"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_242-8u242-b08-0ubuntu3~19.10-b08)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.242-b08, mixed mode)
If you don't see something similar to this, with 1.8.0, or an error, you may have to download a Java Runtime Environment.
[Open JDK is recommended](https://openjdk.java.net/install/index.html).
[Oracle's SE Development kit may also be used](https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/javase/javase-jdk8-downloads.html), but there may be additional licensing terms to accept.
Once you have done this, you can [download the Commander JAR file](https://github.com/RESOStandards/web-api-commander/tree/master/build/libs)
and use it for the operations which support using the Commander as a Web API client.
For automated testing, see [here](#automated-web-api-testing-beta) instead.
## Display Help
Assuming [you have downloaded `web-api-commander.jar`](https://github.com/RESOStandards/web-api-commander/tree/master/build/libs) at this point, help is available from the command line by passing `--help` OR just passing no arguments.
/path/to/web-api-commander$ java -jar web-api-commander.jar
Doing so displays the following information:
usage: java -jar web-api-commander
--bearerToken <b> Bearer token to be used with the request.
--contentType <t> Results format: JSON (default),
--convertEDMXtoOpenAPI Converts EDMX in <inputFile> to Open API, saving it
in <inputFile>.swagger.json
--entityName <n> The name of the entity to fetch, e.g.
--getEntities Executes GET on <uri> using the given
<bearerToken> and optional <serviceRoot> when
--useEdmEnabledClient is specified. Optionally
takes a <limit>, which will fetch that number
of results. Pass --limit -1 to fetch all
--getMetadata Fetches metadata from <serviceRoot> using
<bearerToken> and saves results in
--help print help
--inputFile <i> Path to input file.
--limit <l> The number of records to fetch, or -1 to fetch
--outputFile <o> Path to output file.
--runRESOScript Runs commands in RESOScript file given as
--saveRawGetRequest Performs GET from <requestURI> using the given
<bearerToken> and saves output to
--serviceRoot <s> Service root URL on the host.
--uri <u> URI for raw request. Use 'single quotes' to
--useEdmEnabledClient present if an EdmEnabledClient should be used.
--validateMetadata Validates previously-fetched metadata in the
<inputFile> path.
When using commands, if arguments aren't provided, feedback will be displayed in the terminal, as well as the help screen,
which will show how to pass each required argument.
## Authentication
When using the Commader from the terminal, bearer tokens are the currently-supported authentication mechanism.
Please see subsequent sections for how to use bearer tokens to accomplish tasks other than fully-automated testing,
[discussed elsewhere in this README](#automated-web-api-testing-beta).
Client credentials (OAuth2) are supported in RESOScript files. Please contact josh@reso.org if you are wanting
certification using this mechanism. See [generic.resoscript](https://github.com/RESOStandards/web-api-commander/blob/master/generic.resoscript) for a Platinum
RESOScript template and [generic.gold.resoscript](https://github.com/RESOStandards/web-api-commander/blob/master/generic.gold.resoscript) for Gold
on how to use client credentials parameters. Note that this has not been tested extensively and is in pre-alpha.
## Getting Metadata
To get metadata, use the `--getMetadata` argument with the following
$ java -jar web-api-commander.jar --getMetadata --serviceRoot <s> --bearerToken <b> --outputFile <o>
where `serviceRoot` is the path to the root of the OData WebAPI server.
Assuming everything goes well, metadata will be retrieved from the host
and written to the provided `--outputFile`.
**Note**: additional validation is done after metadata have been received.
Errors in metadata won't cause the program to terminate, but validation
information will be displayed. Also, it's worth mentioning that some
of the validation error messages "out-of-the-box" from the Olingo
Library we're using to validate with can be pretty cryptic. Please
open an issue if you find things that need better explanations.
## Validating Metadata stored in an EDMX file
Sometimes it's useful to validate an already-downloaded EDMX file.
Since parsing EDMX is an incremental process, validation terminates
_each time_ invalid items are encountered. Therefore, the workflow for
correcting an EDMX document that contains errors would be to run the
Commander repeatedly, fixing errors that are encountered along the way.
To validate metadata that's already been downloaded, call the Web API
Commander with the following options:
$ java -jar web-api-commander.jar --validateMetadata --inputFile <i>
where `inputFile` is the path to your EDMX file. Errors will be logged
according to the `log4j.properties` file used at runtime.
## Getting results from a given `uri`
OData offers additional options for requesting data from a WebAPI server
beyond just receiving the raw server response (shown in the next example).
In this case, the appropriate action is: `--getEntities`, which can be
called as follows:
$ java -jar web-api-commander.jar --getEntities --uri <u> --bearerToken <b> --outputFile <o>
Make sure that any `uri` containing spaces or special characters is
wrapped in 'single quotes'.
When using the `--useEdmEnabledClient` option, results will be verified
against Server metadata after being downloaded. If this option is chosen,
then `--serviceRoot` is required so that the Web API Commander can pull
the Server's metadata in addition to the results from the given `--uri`
The `getEntitySet` action also supports the `--contentType` option,
which will change how results are written. Currently supported options
Finally, there's an "experimental" auto-paging option which allows
all records to be pulled from the Server. In order to use this option,
pass `--limit -1` when using `--getEntities`. In the near future,
an auto-resume feature will be added so that if something happens
during transfer, the process will resume from the last record consumed.
## Getting raw results from a given `uri`
If additional processing using the OData Olingo library is not needed,
raw requests may be issued against the server instead.
The `--saveRawGetRequest` action writes the raw response from a GET
request to the given `--uri` from the Web API server directly to the
given `--outputFile`.
$ java -jar web-api-commander.jar --saveRawGetRequest --uri <u> --bearerToken <b> --outputFile <o>
Results are not checked against Server Metadata and are not written in
any specific OData format.
Make sure that any `uri` containing spaces or special characters is
wrapped in 'single quotes'.
Note: this option is currently being rolled into `--getEntities` with
`--contentType RAW`. Documentation will be updated once the change has
been made.
## Converting metadata to Open API 2 format
The WebAPI Commander also supports converting files in EDMX format to
OpenAPI / Swagger 2.0 format. This gives servers an alternative
representation besides the OData-specific representation used by EDMX.
It's worth mentioning that translation from EDMX to OpenAPI/Swagger is
*lossy*, meaning that some EDMX elements will not be translated. This
is due to the fact that EDMX is more specific than OpenAPI, for instance with type
representations like Integers.
The EDMX converter may be called as follows:
$ java -jar web-api-commander.jar --convertEDMXtoOpenAPI --inputFile <i>
Any errors will be displayed, and the output file is automatically created by appending `.swagger.json` to
the given EDMX `inputFile` name.
## Running RESOScript Files
The Web API Commander is able to run RESO's XML-based scripting format, otherwise known as a RESOScript.
In order to run an RESOScript file, use a command similar to the following:
$ java -jar out/web-api-commander.jar --runRESOScript --i /path/to/your/inputFile --useEdmEnabledClient
Notice that the EDM Enabled client has been requested in the above command. This turns on strict OData checking, which
performs additional validation on query strings as well as schema validation on responses, among other things.
This feature is optional when using the `--runRESOScript` option, and may be omitted. The recommendation is to use it.
When executing the Web API Commander, a results directory will be created as a sibling
to the RESOScript file being run, with the directory name being generated from the RESOScript filename
and the current timestamp.
Within this directory will be a file for each RESOScript request that was run,
and those that generated errors will have ".ERROR" appended to them. Error files contain the request that
was made as well as the Java exception that was thrown, which most frequently comes from the underlying
OLingo library and provides a sufficient amount of information to determine what occurred with the query.
For those wanting more information, a `log4j.properties` file may be created (as shown below), or you may
use the DEBUG build of the application located in `/build/libs/` identified by `-DEBUG` in the Commander jar's file name.
RESOScript files contain zero or more Settings, Parameters, and Requests. For example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<Parameter Name="YourEndpointUrl" Value="https://yourserver.com/api?$filter=..." />
<Request OutputFile="yourEndpointUrlResponse.json" Url="*Parameter_YourEndpointUrl*" />
<!-- ... additional requests -->
The XML DTD for this schema is as follows:
<!DOCTYPE OutputScript [
<!ELEMENT OutputScript (RESOScriptVersion|ClientSettings|Parameters|Requests)*>
<!ELEMENT RESOScriptVersion (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT ClientSettings (WebAPIURI|AuthenticationType|BearerToken|ClientIdentification|ClientSecret|TokenURI|ClientScope)*>
<!ELEMENT AuthenticationType (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT BearerToken (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT ClientIdentification (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT ClientSecret (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT ClientScope (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT Parameters (Parameter)*>
<!ELEMENT Parameter (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST Parameter
<!ELEMENT Requests (Request)*>
<!ELEMENT Request (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST Request
## Automated Web API Testing (beta)
Currently in development is the ability for the Commander to be able to perform fully-automated Web API testing,
upon being provided a valid RESOScript file with parameters for the given server.
See [the generic RESOScript template for more info](./generic.resoscript) for a Platinum RESOScript template, and
[generic.gold.resoscript](https://github.com/RESOStandards/web-api-commander/blob/master/generic.gold.resoscript) for Gold.
### Cucumber Feature Specifications
[Cucumber](https://cucumber.io) is being used to describe acceptance criteria in a higher-level DSL
rather than encapsulating all of the test logic code. Cucumber's DSL is called [Gherkin](https://cucumber.io/docs/gherkin/)
and essentially allows backing test code to be organized in a logical manner that makes sense to analysts as well as
Testing output during runtime has been designed to be easy to read and during each step, the relevant
output for the step will be displayed in the terminal or in an IDE if you have chosen to use the testing tool
there. This can often be useful if debugging tests as a developer can step through backing test code as it's running
and inspect requests and responses in a controlled manner.
### Testing Environment
Under the hood, [Gradle](https://gradle.org/) is being used for automation. It works across multiple platforms
and is friendly with both Docker and Cucumber so that tests may be automated on CI/CD platforms such as Jenkins,
Circle CI, Travis, or similar, and emit standard system codes during regression testing.
It also provides pleasing command line interaction, and plays well with Cucumber by supporting the
ability to run individual or multiple tests using tags.
### Web API Usage
The Commander may be run in automated testing mode for a Web API 1.0.2 Server Certification using a terminal.
You do not need to use the Commander JAR file mentioned elsewhere in this step.
Instead, you will run the tests using Gradle for automation against a clean copy of the latest Commander code.
You will need to download the source code so you can run Gradle in the root of the directory.
This assumes that you also have Java 8 (1.8.0) installed, as mentioned elsewhere in this [`README`](#getting-started).
First, change into the directory you want to work in and clone the Commander repository.
You will need to have Git installed.
Chances are you already do, to check, open a command line and type `git` and if it's present,
it will print some info about the app. If not, [there are instructions here](https://git-scm.com/downloads).
##### MacOS or Linux
$ git clone https://github.com/RESOStandards/web-api-commander.git
##### Windows
C:\> git clone https://github.com/RESOStandards/web-api-commander.git
This will clone the repository into a directory called web-api-commander relative to whatever directory you're currently in,
which also means you'll have a fresh copy of the latest code to execute.
To refresh the code after you have downloaded it, issue the command `$ git pull` in the root of the directory that was just created.
### Running Web API Tests with the Gradle Wrapper
The [Gradle wrapper](https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/gradle_wrapper.html) provides a convenient way to automatically install Gradle when running tests.
After you have cloned the repository, as shown in the previous step, change into the directory containing
the source code from GitHub. Convenience methods have been provided for the various certification tasks.
The task you run will depend on the metallic level of Web API 1.0.2 Server Certification you're interested in.
RESOScript Templates have been created for both [Gold](generic.gold.resoscript) and [Platinum](generic.resoscript).
Prior to using the Commander for automated testing, you need to ensure your RESOScript has been created.
See instructions in the previously mentioned files for more information.
### Convenience Methods for Web API 1.0.2 Server Gold and Platinum Certification (Recommended)
While you may use tags to filter tests as you choose, explained in the next section, it's convenient
to be able to run a predefined set of tests for Gold or Platinum certification.
These tasks will also produce reports in the local `build` directory, named according to which test you ran.
#### Gold Certification
This will run the Gold tests against the Web API 1.0.2 Server provided as `WebAPIURI` in `your.resoscript` file.
##### MacOS or Linux
$ ./gradlew testWebAPIServer_1_0_2_Gold -DpathToRESOScript=/path/to/your.resoscript -DshowResponses=true
##### Windows
C:\path\to\web-api-commander> gradlew testWebAPIServer_1_0_2_Gold -DpathToRESOScript=C:\path\to\your.resoscript -DshowResponses=true
*Note: the first time you run these tasks, they will take some time as the environment is being configured behind the
scenes and the code is being compiled from the contents of the source directory you downloaded in the previous step.
#### Platinum Certification
This will run the Platinum tests against the Web API 1.0.2 Server provided as `WebAPIURI` in `your.resoscript` file.
##### MacOS or Linux
$ ./gradlew testWebAPIServer_1_0_2_Platinum -DpathToRESOScript=/path/to/your.resoscript -DshowResponses=true
##### Windows
C:\path\to\web-api-commander> gradlew testWebAPIServer_1_0_2_Platinum -DpathToRESOScript=C:\path\to\your.resoscript -DshowResponses=true
#### Advanced feature: Tag Filtering
You may also filter by tags. These are the items in the Cucumber .feature files prefixed by an `@` symbol. Expressions
may also be used with tags. See the [Cucumber Documentation](https://cucumber.io/docs/cucumber/api/#tags) for more information.
##### MacOS or Linux
$ gradle testWebAPIServer_1_0_2_Platinum -DpathToRESOScript=/path/to/your.resoscript -Dcucumber.filter.tags="@core"
##### Windows
C:\path\to\web-api-commander> gradlew.bat testWebAPIServer_1_0_2_Platinum -DpathToRESOScript=C:\path\to\your.resoscript -Dcucumber.filter.tags="@core"
This would run only the tests marked as `@core` in the
[Web API Server 1.0.2 `.feature` file](./src/main/java/org/reso/certification/features/web-api/web-api-server-1.0.2.feature).
There is still some "glue code" to back the [test descriptions
in `.feature` files](./src/main/java/org/reso/certification/features), but it is greatly optimized by the use
of [cucumber-jvm](https://github.com/cucumber/cucumber-jvm), which has support for the reuse of backing Java
code to cut down on copypasta test development.
The backing test code is done using [JUnit5](https://junit.org/junit5/). Normally, only those who are contributing
test code should need to know about the implementation details of how tests are run. Libraries necessary for the Commander to run are included in the [`web-api-commander.jar`](https://github.com/RESOStandards/web-api-commander/blob/master/build/libs/web-api-commander.jar) file, aside from Gradle, which may either be installed on the local machine, or used within a Docker container (coming soon).
*Note*: tests are currently tagged with their Web API version being 1.0.3, such as `@REQ-WA103-END3`,
but the tests currently being run on the server for Web API 1.0.2 is the backwards-compatible subset of
Web API 1.0.3 tests. Tags are still a work in progress, and are being added for Web API 1.0.2 tests as well.
Please feel free to suggest additional tags that might be useful.
### Web API Program Output
A sample of the runtime terminal output follows:
> Task :testWebApiServer_1_0_2_Platinum
@REQ-WA103-END3 @core @x.y.z @core-endorsement @metadata
Scenario: Request and Validate Server Metadata
Using RESOScript: /path/to/your.resocript
Given a RESOScript file was provided
RESOScript loaded successfully!
And Client Settings and Parameters were read from the file
Bearer token loaded... first 4 characters: abcd
Service root is: https://api.server.com
And an OData client was successfully created from the given RESOScript
Request URI: https://api.server.com/$metadata?$format=application/xml
Request succeeded...185032 bytes received.
When a GET request is made to the resolved Url in "REQ-WA103-END3"
Asserted Response Code: 200, Server Response Code: 200
Then the server responds with a status code of 200
Response is valid XML!
And the response is valid XML
XML Metadata is valid!
And the XML metadata returned by the server are valid
Fetching Edm with OData Client from: https://api.server.com/$metadata
Found Default Entity Container: 'Default'
And a default entity container exists for the service root in "ClientSettings_WebAPIURI"
Edm Metadata is valid!
And the Edm metadata returned by the server are valid
Found EntityContainer for the given resource: 'Property'
And the metadata contains the "Parameter_EndpointResource" resource
Searching metadata for fields in given select list: ListingKey,BedroomsTotal,StreetName,PropertyType,ListingContractDate,ModificationTimestamp,Latitude,Longitude
Found: 'ListingKey'
Found: 'BedroomsTotal'
Found: 'StreetName'
Found: 'PropertyType'
Found: 'ListingContractDate'
Found: 'ModificationTimestamp'
Found: 'Latitude'
Found: 'Longitude'
And resource metadata for "Parameter_EndpointResource" contains the fields in "Parameter_SelectList"
1 Scenarios (1 passed)
11 Steps (11 passed)
This shows configuration parameters, requests, and responses in a lightweight-manner.
Detailed information will be added to a local `./commander.log` file at runtime.
## Automated Data Dictionary Testing (In Development)
Note that this feature is in development and not ready for use. Please contact josh@reso.org if you'd like to help
with the development process.
### Data Dictionary Usage
The Commander may be run in automated testing mode for Data Dictionary 1.5 and 1.6 Certifications using a terminal.
### Running Data Dictionary Tests with the Gradle Wrapper
The [Gradle wrapper](https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/gradle_wrapper.html)
provides a convenient way to automatically install Gradle when running tests.
After you have cloned the repository, as shown in the previous step, change into the directory containing
the source code from GitHub. Convenience methods have been provided for the various certification tasks.
The task you run will depend on the metallic level of Data Dictionary Certification you're interested in.
Prior to using the Commander for automated testing, you need to ensure your RESOScript has been created. Contact
josh@reso.org for more information regarding Data Dictionary testing, as it's still in development.
### Convenience Methods for Data Dictionary 1.5 and 1.6 Certification (Recommended)
While you may use tags to filter tests as you choose, explained in the next section, it's convenient
to be able to run a predefined set of tests for 1.5 or 1.6 certification.
These tasks will also produce reports in the local `build` directory, named according to which test you ran.
#### DD 1.5 Certification
This will run Data Dictionary 1.5 tests.
##### MacOS or Linux
$ ./gradlew testDataDictionary_1_5
##### Windows
C:\path\to\web-api-commander> gradlew testDataDictionary_1_5
*Note: the first time you run these tasks, they will take some time as the environment is being configured behind the
scenes and the code is being compiled from the contents of the source directory you downloaded in the previous step.
#### DD 1.6 Certification
This will run Data Dictionary 1.6 tests.
##### MacOS or Linux
$ ./gradlew testDataDictionary_1_6
##### Windows
C:\path\to\web-api-commander> gradlew testDataDictionary_1_6
#### Advanced feature: Tag Filtering
You may also filter by tags. These are the items in the Cucumber .feature files prefixed by an `@` symbol. Expressions
may also be used with tags. See the [Cucumber Documentation](https://cucumber.io/docs/cucumber/api/#tags) for more information.
##### MacOS or Linux
$ gradlew testDataDictionary_1_6 -Dcucumber.filter.tags="@IDX_Payload"
##### Windows
C:\path\to\web-api-commander> gradlew testDataDictionary_1_6 -Dcucumber.filter.tags="@IDX_Payload"
This would run only the tests marked as `@IDX_Payload` in the
[Data Dictionary `.feature` files in](./src/main/java/org/reso/certification/features/data-dictionary/).
### Data Dictionary Program Output
A sample of the runtime terminal output follows:
> Task :testDataDictionary_1_6
@DD1.5_Decimal @DD1.6_Decimal @DD1.5 @DD1.6 @ListPrice @IDX_Payload @DD1.5_ListPrice @DD1.6_ListPrice
Scenario: ListPrice
Given an XML Metadata file was provided
And the given file exists
And the file contains valid XML
And the file could be read by the Commander
Given "ListPrice" exists in the metadata
And "ListPrice" values are not null
Then "ListPrice" should be "Decimal" data type
And "ListPrice" precision should be between the bounds in the metadata
And "ListPrice" scale should be between the bounds in the metadata
And "ListPrice" precision should be less than or equal to the RESO maxlength of 14
And "ListPrice" scale should be less than or equal to the RESO scale of 2
1 Scenarios (1 passed)
11 Steps (11 passed)
### Gradle Commands
The list of available gradle commands can be shown by typing the following in the console:
$ gradle --help
These commands should not be necessary for the normal use of the Commander. There are a handful that are, however,
* `--continue Continue task execution after a task failure.`
* `-S, --full-stacktrace Print out the full (very verbose) stacktrace for all exceptions.`
* `-s, --stacktrace Print out the stacktrace for all exceptions.`
* `-t, --continuous Enables continuous build. Gradle does not exit and will re-execute tasks when task file inputs change. [incubating]`
## Docker
A [Dockerfile](./Dockerfile) has been provided to dockerize the application.
This can be used for CI/CD environments such as Jenkins or TravisCI. The following command will build an image for you:
### Commander Features Other Than Automated Web API Testing
$ docker build -t web-api-commander .
The usage for the docker container is the same for `web-api-commander.jar` presented above.
$ docker run -it web-api-commander --help
If you have input files you may need to mount your filesystem into the docker container
$ docker run -it -v $PWD:/app web-api-commander --validateMetadata --inputFile <pathInContainer>
### Automated Web API Testing
You may also run the tests in a Docker container locally by issuing one of the following commands.
Docker must be running on your local machine.
#### MacOS or Linux All-In-One Commands
##### Gold
cd ~; \
rm -rf commander-tmp/; \
mkdir commander-tmp; \
cd commander-tmp; \
git clone https://github.com/RESOStandards/web-api-commander.git; \
cd web-api-commander; \
docker run --rm -u gradle -v "$PWD":/home/gradle/project -v /path/to/your/resoscripts:/home/gradle/project/resoscripts -w /home/gradle/project gradle gradle testWebAPIServer_1_0_2_Gold -DpathToRESOScript=/home/gradle/project/resoscripts/your.resoscript -DshowResponses=true
##### Platinum
cd ~; \
rm -rf commander-tmp/; \
mkdir commander-tmp; \
cd commander-tmp; \
git clone https://github.com/RESOStandards/web-api-commander.git; \
cd web-api-commander; \
docker run --rm -u gradle -v "$PWD":/home/gradle/project -v /path/to/your/resoscripts:/home/gradle/project/resoscripts -w /home/gradle/project gradle gradle testWebAPIServer_1_0_2_Platinum -DpathToRESOScript=/home/gradle/project/resoscripts/your.resoscript -DshowResponses=true
Note that this will create a directory in your home directory for the project, and build artifacts and the log will be placed in that directory,
which is also where you will end up after runtime.
#### Windows All-In-One WIP
##### Gold
cd C:\;mkdir commander-tmp;cd commander-tmp;git clone https://github.com/RESOStandards/web-api-commander.git;cd web-api-commander; docker run --rm -u gradle -v C:\current\path\web-api-commander:/home/gradle/project -v C:\path\to\your\resoscripts:/home/gradle/project/resoscripts -w /home/gradle/project gradle gradle testWebAPIServer_1_0_2_Gold -DpathToRESOScript=/home/gradle/project/resoscripts/your.resoscript -DshowResponses=true
##### Platinum
cd C:\;mkdir commander-tmp;cd commander-tmp;git clone https://github.com/RESOStandards/web-api-commander.git;cd web-api-commander;docker run --rm -u gradle -v C:\current\path\web-api-commander:/home/gradle/project -v C:\path\to\your\resoscripts:/home/gradle/project/resoscripts -w /home/gradle/project gradle gradle testWebAPIServer_1_0_2_Platinum -DpathToRESOScript=/home/gradle/project/resoscripts/your.resoscript -DshowResponses=true
## Logging
In the current version of the Commander, two logs are produced. One is outputted in the terminal at `INFO` level during runtime through `stdout`. A detailed log called `commander.log` will be outputted at runtime and will contain details down to the wire requests.
Log4j 2 is being used under the hood for logging, and a configuration file may be found [here](https://github.com/RESOStandards/web-api-commander/blob/master/src/main/resources/log4j2.xml). Multiple outputs may be used, including posting to collectors or sending emails. [See Log4j 2 docs for more info](https://logging.apache.org/log4j/2.x/manual/index.html).
Gradle may be debugged as well, and additional gradle commands such as turning on full gradle step logging are discussed in [Gradle Commands](#gradle-commands).
Please contact [josh@reso.org](mailto:josh@reso.org) with any questions, bug reports, or feature requests.
## Coming Soon
* Fully-automated Data Dictionary certification (in-progress)
* Support for authentication options in addition to Bearer tokens (Client Credentials in beta, please email for more info).
* Parallel fetch for replication
* Job Scheduling
* Excel export