2018-10-05 11:41:03 -04:00
:api: update
:request: UpdateRequest
:response: UpdateResponse
2017-07-05 09:26:26 +02:00
=== Update API
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2017-07-05 12:16:42 +02:00
==== Update Request
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An +{request}+ requires the following arguments:
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<1> Index
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<2> Document id
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The Update API allows to update an existing document by using a script
or by passing a partial document.
==== Updates with a script
The script can be provided as an inline script:
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<1> Script parameters provided as a `Map` of objects
<2> Create an inline script using the `painless` language and the previous parameters
<3> Sets the script to the update request
Or as a stored script:
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<1> Reference to a script stored under the name `increment-field` in the `painless` language
<2> Sets the script in the update request
==== Updates with a partial document
When using updates with a partial document, the partial document will be merged with the
existing document.
The partial document can be provided in different ways:
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<1> Partial document source provided as a `String` in JSON format
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<1> Partial document source provided as a `Map` which gets automatically converted
to JSON format
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<1> Partial document source provided as an `XContentBuilder` object, the Elasticsearch
built-in helpers to generate JSON content
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<1> Partial document source provided as `Object` key-pairs, which gets converted to
JSON format
==== Upserts
If the document does not already exist, it is possible to define some content that
will be inserted as a new document using the `upsert` method:
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<1> Upsert document source provided as a `String`
Similarly to the partial document updates, the content of the `upsert` document
can be defined using methods that accept `String`, `Map`, `XContentBuilder` or
`Object` key-pairs.
==== Optional arguments
The following arguments can optionally be provided:
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<1> Routing value
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<1> Timeout to wait for primary shard to become available as a `TimeValue`
<2> Timeout to wait for primary shard to become available as a `String`
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<1> Refresh policy as a `WriteRequest.RefreshPolicy` instance
<2> Refresh policy as a `String`
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<1> How many times to retry the update operation if the document to update has
been changed by another operation between the get and indexing phases of the
update operation
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<1> Enable source retrieval, disabled by default
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<1> Configure source inclusion for specific fields
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<1> Configure source exclusion for specific fields
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<1> Version
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<1> Disable the noop detection
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<1> Indicate that the script must run regardless of whether the document exists or not,
ie the script takes care of creating the document if it does not already exist.
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<1> Indicate that the partial document must be used as the upsert document if it
does not exist yet.
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<1> Sets the number of shard copies that must be active before proceeding with
the update operation.
<2> Number of shard copies provided as a `ActiveShardCount`: can be `ActiveShardCount.ALL`,
`ActiveShardCount.ONE` or `ActiveShardCount.DEFAULT` (default)
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==== Update Response
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The returned +{response}+ allows to retrieve information about the executed
operation as follows:
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<1> Handle the case where the document was created for the first time (upsert)
<2> Handle the case where the document was updated
<3> Handle the case where the document was deleted
<4> Handle the case where the document was not impacted by the update,
ie no operation (noop) was executed on the document
When the source retrieval is enabled in the `UpdateRequest`
through the fetchSource method, the response contains the
source of the updated document:
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<1> Retrieve the updated document as a `GetResult`
<2> Retrieve the source of the updated document as a `String`
<3> Retrieve the source of the updated document as a `Map<String, Object>`
<4> Retrieve the source of the updated document as a `byte[]`
<5> Handle the scenario where the source of the document is not present in
the response (this is the case by default)
It is also possible to check for shard failures:
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<1> Handle the situation where number of successful shards is less than
total shards
<2> Handle the potential failures
When a `UpdateRequest` is performed against a document that does not exist,
the response has `404` status code, an `ElasticsearchException` gets thrown
which needs to be handled as follows:
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<1> Handle the exception thrown because the document not exist
If there is a version conflict, an `ElasticsearchException` will
be thrown:
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<1> The raised exception indicates that a version conflict error was returned.