Merge pull request from jdconrad/cast

Made def variable casting consistent with invokedynamic rules
This commit is contained in:
Jack Conradson 2016-05-17 13:29:49 -07:00
commit 3042a77d2b
6 changed files with 528 additions and 799 deletions

@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ statement
: LBRACK statement+ RBRACK # multiple
| statement # single
: LBRACK statement+ RBRACK # multiple
| statement # single

@ -35,455 +35,30 @@ public final class AnalyzerCaster {
public static Cast getLegalCast(final Definition definition,
final String location, final Type actual, final Type expected, final boolean explicit) {
final Cast cast = new Cast(actual, expected);
final Cast cast = new Cast(actual, expected, explicit);
if (actual.equals(expected)) {
return null;
if (actual.sort == Sort.DEF && expected.sort != Sort.VOID || actual.sort != Sort.VOID && expected.sort == Sort.DEF) {
final Transform transform = definition.transformsMap.get(cast);
Cast transform = definition.transformsMap.get(cast);
if (transform != null) {
return transform;
return cast;
if (transform == null && explicit) {
transform = definition.transformsMap.get(new Cast(actual, expected, false));
switch (actual.sort) {
case BOOL:
switch (expected.sort) {
case OBJECT:
case BOOL_OBJ:
return checkTransform(definition, location, cast);
case BYTE:
switch (expected.sort) {
case SHORT:
case INT:
case LONG:
case FLOAT:
case DOUBLE:
return cast;
case CHAR:
if (explicit)
return cast;
case OBJECT:
case NUMBER:
case BYTE_OBJ:
case INT_OBJ:
case LONG_OBJ:
return checkTransform(definition, location, cast);
case CHAR_OBJ:
if (explicit)
return checkTransform(definition, location, cast);
case SHORT:
switch (expected.sort) {
case INT:
case LONG:
case FLOAT:
case DOUBLE:
return cast;
case BYTE:
case CHAR:
if (explicit)
return cast;
case OBJECT:
case NUMBER:
case INT_OBJ:
case LONG_OBJ:
return checkTransform(definition, location, cast);
case BYTE_OBJ:
case CHAR_OBJ:
if (explicit)
return checkTransform(definition, location, cast);
case CHAR:
switch (expected.sort) {
case INT:
case LONG:
case FLOAT:
case DOUBLE:
return cast;
case BYTE:
case SHORT:
if (explicit)
return cast;
case OBJECT:
case NUMBER:
case CHAR_OBJ:
case INT_OBJ:
case LONG_OBJ:
return checkTransform(definition, location, cast);
case BYTE_OBJ:
case STRING:
if (explicit)
return checkTransform(definition, location, cast);
case INT:
switch (expected.sort) {
case LONG:
case FLOAT:
case DOUBLE:
return cast;
case BYTE:
case SHORT:
case CHAR:
if (explicit)
return cast;
case OBJECT:
case NUMBER:
case INT_OBJ:
case LONG_OBJ:
return checkTransform(definition, location, cast);
case BYTE_OBJ:
case CHAR_OBJ:
if (explicit)
return checkTransform(definition, location, cast);
case LONG:
switch (expected.sort) {
case FLOAT:
case DOUBLE:
return cast;
case BYTE:
case SHORT:
case CHAR:
case INT:
if (explicit)
return cast;
case OBJECT:
case NUMBER:
case LONG_OBJ:
return checkTransform(definition, location, cast);
case BYTE_OBJ:
case CHAR_OBJ:
case INT_OBJ:
if (explicit)
return checkTransform(definition, location, cast);
case FLOAT:
switch (expected.sort) {
case DOUBLE:
return cast;
case BYTE:
case SHORT:
case CHAR:
case INT:
case LONG:
if (explicit)
return cast;
case OBJECT:
case NUMBER:
return checkTransform(definition, location, cast);
case BYTE_OBJ:
case CHAR_OBJ:
case INT_OBJ:
case LONG_OBJ:
if (explicit)
return checkTransform(definition, location, cast);
case DOUBLE:
switch (expected.sort) {
case BYTE:
case SHORT:
case CHAR:
case INT:
case LONG:
case FLOAT:
if (explicit)
return cast;
case OBJECT:
case NUMBER:
return checkTransform(definition, location, cast);
case BYTE_OBJ:
case CHAR_OBJ:
case INT_OBJ:
case LONG_OBJ:
if (explicit)
return checkTransform(definition, location, cast);
case OBJECT:
case NUMBER:
switch (expected.sort) {
case BYTE:
case SHORT:
case CHAR:
case INT:
case LONG:
case FLOAT:
case DOUBLE:
if (explicit)
return checkTransform(definition, location, cast);
case BOOL_OBJ:
switch (expected.sort) {
case BOOL:
return checkTransform(definition, location, cast);
case BYTE_OBJ:
switch (expected.sort) {
case BYTE:
case SHORT:
case INT:
case LONG:
case FLOAT:
case DOUBLE:
case INT_OBJ:
case LONG_OBJ:
return checkTransform(definition, location, cast);
case CHAR:
case CHAR_OBJ:
if (explicit)
return checkTransform(definition, location, cast);
switch (expected.sort) {
case SHORT:
case INT:
case LONG:
case FLOAT:
case DOUBLE:
case INT_OBJ:
case LONG_OBJ:
return checkTransform(definition, location, cast);
case BYTE:
case CHAR:
case BYTE_OBJ:
case CHAR_OBJ:
if (explicit)
return checkTransform(definition, location, cast);
case CHAR_OBJ:
switch (expected.sort) {
case CHAR:
case INT:
case LONG:
case FLOAT:
case DOUBLE:
case INT_OBJ:
case LONG_OBJ:
return checkTransform(definition, location, cast);
case BYTE:
case SHORT:
case BYTE_OBJ:
case STRING:
if (explicit)
return checkTransform(definition, location, cast);
case INT_OBJ:
switch (expected.sort) {
case INT:
case LONG:
case FLOAT:
case DOUBLE:
case LONG_OBJ:
return checkTransform(definition, location, cast);
case BYTE:
case SHORT:
case CHAR:
case BYTE_OBJ:
case CHAR_OBJ:
if (explicit)
return checkTransform(definition, location, cast);
case LONG_OBJ:
switch (expected.sort) {
case LONG:
case FLOAT:
case DOUBLE:
return checkTransform(definition, location, cast);
case BYTE:
case SHORT:
case CHAR:
case INT:
case BYTE_OBJ:
case CHAR_OBJ:
case INT_OBJ:
if (explicit)
return checkTransform(definition, location, cast);
switch (expected.sort) {
case FLOAT:
case DOUBLE:
return checkTransform(definition, location, cast);
case BYTE:
case SHORT:
case CHAR:
case INT:
case LONG:
case BYTE_OBJ:
case CHAR_OBJ:
case INT_OBJ:
case LONG_OBJ:
if (explicit)
return checkTransform(definition, location, cast);
switch (expected.sort) {
case DOUBLE:
return checkTransform(definition, location, cast);
case BYTE:
case SHORT:
case CHAR:
case INT:
case LONG:
case FLOAT:
case BYTE_OBJ:
case CHAR_OBJ:
case INT_OBJ:
case LONG_OBJ:
if (explicit)
return checkTransform(definition, location, cast);
case STRING:
switch (expected.sort) {
case CHAR:
case CHAR_OBJ:
if (explicit)
return checkTransform(definition, location, cast);
if (transform != null) {
return transform;
if (expected.clazz.isAssignableFrom(actual.clazz) || (explicit && actual.clazz.isAssignableFrom(expected.clazz))) {
if (expected.clazz.isAssignableFrom(actual.clazz) ||
((explicit || expected.sort == Sort.DEF) && actual.clazz.isAssignableFrom(expected.clazz))) {
return cast;
} else {
throw new ClassCastException("Error" + location + ": Cannot cast from [" + + "] to [" + + "].");
private static Transform checkTransform(final Definition definition, final String location, final Cast cast) {
final Transform transform = definition.transformsMap.get(cast);
if (transform == null) {
throw new ClassCastException("Error" + location + ": Cannot cast from [" + + "] to [" + + "].");
return transform;
public static Object constCast(final String location, final Object constant, final Cast cast) {
if (cast instanceof Transform) {
final Transform transform = (Transform)cast;

@ -145,17 +145,17 @@ public final class Def {
// check whitelist for matching method
for (Class<?> clazz = receiverClass; clazz != null; clazz = clazz.getSuperclass()) {
RuntimeClass struct = definition.runtimeMap.get(clazz);
if (struct != null) {
Method method = struct.methods.get(key);
if (method != null) {
return method.handle;
for (final Class<?> iface : clazz.getInterfaces()) {
struct = definition.runtimeMap.get(iface);
if (struct != null) {
Method method = struct.methods.get(key);
if (method != null) {
@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ public final class Def {
// no matching methods in whitelist found
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to find dynamic method [" + name + "] with signature [" + type + "] " +
"for class [" + receiverClass.getCanonicalName() + "].");
@ -971,103 +971,218 @@ public final class Def {
// Conversion methods for Def to primitive types.
public static boolean DefToboolean(final Object value) {
if (value instanceof Boolean) {
return (boolean)value;
} else if (value instanceof Character) {
return ((char)value) != 0;
public static byte DefTobyteImplicit(final Object value) {
return (byte)value;
public static short DefToshortImplicit(final Object value) {
if (value instanceof Byte) {
return (byte)value;
} else {
return ((Number)value).intValue() != 0;
return (short)value;
public static byte DefTobyte(final Object value) {
if (value instanceof Boolean) {
return ((Boolean)value) ? (byte)1 : 0;
public static char DefTocharImplicit(final Object value) {
if (value instanceof Byte) {
return (char)(byte)value;
} else {
return (char)value;
public static int DefTointImplicit(final Object value) {
if (value instanceof Byte) {
return (byte)value;
} else if (value instanceof Short) {
return (short)value;
} else if (value instanceof Character) {
return (char)value;
} else {
return (int)value;
public static long DefTolongImplicit(final Object value) {
if (value instanceof Byte) {
return (byte)value;
} else if (value instanceof Short) {
return (short)value;
} else if (value instanceof Character) {
return (char)value;
} else if (value instanceof Integer) {
return (int)value;
} else {
return (long)value;
public static float DefTofloatImplicit(final Object value) {
if (value instanceof Byte) {
return (byte)value;
} else if (value instanceof Short) {
return (short)value;
} else if (value instanceof Character) {
return (char)value;
} else if (value instanceof Integer) {
return (int)value;
} else if (value instanceof Long) {
return (long)value;
} else {
return (float)value;
public static double DefTodoubleImplicit(final Object value) {
if (value instanceof Byte) {
return (byte)value;
} else if (value instanceof Short) {
return (short)value;
} else if (value instanceof Character) {
return (char)value;
} else if (value instanceof Integer) {
return (int)value;
} else if (value instanceof Long) {
return (long)value;
} else if (value instanceof Float) {
return (float)value;
} else {
return (double)value;
public static Byte DefToByteImplicit(final Object value) {
return (Byte)value;
public static Short DefToShortImplicit(final Object value) {
if (value == null) {
return null;
} else if (value instanceof Byte) {
return ((Byte)value).shortValue();
} else {
return (Short)value;
public static Character DefToCharacterImplicit(final Object value) {
if (value == null) {
return null;
} else if (value instanceof Byte) {
return (char)(byte)value;
} else {
return (Character)value;
public static Integer DefToIntegerImplicit(final Object value) {
if (value == null) {
return null;
} else if (value instanceof Byte || value instanceof Short) {
return ((Number)value).intValue();
} else if (value instanceof Character) {
return (int)(char)value;
} else {
return (Integer)value;
public static Long DefToLongImplicit(final Object value) {
if (value == null) {
return null;
} else if (value instanceof Byte || value instanceof Short || value instanceof Integer) {
return ((Number)value).longValue();
} else if (value instanceof Character) {
return (long)(char)value;
} else {
return (Long)value;
public static Float DefToFloatImplicit(final Object value) {
if (value == null) {
return null;
} else if (value instanceof Byte || value instanceof Short || value instanceof Integer || value instanceof Long) {
return ((Number)value).floatValue();
} else if (value instanceof Character) {
return (float)(char)value;
} else {
return (Float)value;
public static Double DefToDoubleImplicit(final Object value) {
if (value == null) {
return null;
} else if (value instanceof Byte || value instanceof Short ||
value instanceof Integer || value instanceof Long || value instanceof Float) {
return ((Number)value).doubleValue();
} else if (value instanceof Character) {
return (double)(char)value;
} else {
return (Double)value;
public static byte DefTobyteExplicit(final Object value) {
if (value instanceof Character) {
return (byte)(char)value;
} else {
return ((Number)value).byteValue();
public static short DefToshort(final Object value) {
if (value instanceof Boolean) {
return ((Boolean)value) ? (short)1 : 0;
} else if (value instanceof Character) {
public static short DefToshortExplicit(final Object value) {
if (value instanceof Character) {
return (short)(char)value;
} else {
return ((Number)value).shortValue();
public static char DefTochar(final Object value) {
if (value instanceof Boolean) {
return ((Boolean)value) ? (char)1 : 0;
} else if (value instanceof Character) {
public static char DefTocharExplicit(final Object value) {
if (value instanceof Character) {
return ((Character)value);
} else {
return (char)((Number)value).intValue();
public static int DefToint(final Object value) {
if (value instanceof Boolean) {
return ((Boolean)value) ? 1 : 0;
} else if (value instanceof Character) {
public static int DefTointExplicit(final Object value) {
if (value instanceof Character) {
return (char)value;
} else {
return ((Number)value).intValue();
public static long DefTolong(final Object value) {
if (value instanceof Boolean) {
return ((Boolean)value) ? 1L : 0;
} else if (value instanceof Character) {
public static long DefTolongExplicit(final Object value) {
if (value instanceof Character) {
return (char)value;
} else {
return ((Number)value).longValue();
public static float DefTofloat(final Object value) {
if (value instanceof Boolean) {
return ((Boolean)value) ? (float)1 : 0;
} else if (value instanceof Character) {
public static float DefTofloatExplicit(final Object value) {
if (value instanceof Character) {
return (char)value;
} else {
return ((Number)value).floatValue();
public static double DefTodouble(final Object value) {
if (value instanceof Boolean) {
return ((Boolean)value) ? (double)1 : 0;
} else if (value instanceof Character) {
public static double DefTodoubleExplicit(final Object value) {
if (value instanceof Character) {
return (char)value;
} else {
return ((Number)value).doubleValue();
public static Boolean DefToBoolean(final Object value) {
public static Byte DefToByteExplicit(final Object value) {
if (value == null) {
return null;
} else if (value instanceof Boolean) {
return (boolean)value;
} else if (value instanceof Character) {
return ((char)value) != 0;
} else {
return ((Number)value).intValue() != 0;
public static Byte DefToByte(final Object value) {
if (value == null) {
return null;
} else if (value instanceof Boolean) {
return ((Boolean)value) ? (byte)1 : 0;
} else if (value instanceof Character) {
return (byte)(char)value;
} else {
@ -1075,11 +1190,9 @@ public final class Def {
public static Short DefToShort(final Object value) {
public static Short DefToShortExplicit(final Object value) {
if (value == null) {
return null;
} else if (value instanceof Boolean) {
return ((Boolean)value) ? (short)1 : 0;
} else if (value instanceof Character) {
return (short)(char)value;
} else {
@ -1087,11 +1200,9 @@ public final class Def {
public static Character DefToCharacter(final Object value) {
public static Character DefToCharacterExplicit(final Object value) {
if (value == null) {
return null;
} else if (value instanceof Boolean) {
return ((Boolean)value) ? (char)1 : 0;
} else if (value instanceof Character) {
return ((Character)value);
} else {
@ -1099,11 +1210,9 @@ public final class Def {
public static Integer DefToInteger(final Object value) {
public static Integer DefToIntegerExplicit(final Object value) {
if (value == null) {
return null;
} else if (value instanceof Boolean) {
return ((Boolean)value) ? 1 : 0;
} else if (value instanceof Character) {
return (int)(char)value;
} else {
@ -1111,11 +1220,9 @@ public final class Def {
public static Long DefToLong(final Object value) {
public static Long DefToLongExplicit(final Object value) {
if (value == null) {
return null;
} else if (value instanceof Boolean) {
return ((Boolean)value) ? 1L : 0;
} else if (value instanceof Character) {
return (long)(char)value;
} else {
@ -1123,11 +1230,9 @@ public final class Def {
public static Float DefToFloat(final Object value) {
public static Float DefToFloatExplicit(final Object value) {
if (value == null) {
return null;
} else if (value instanceof Boolean) {
return ((Boolean)value) ? (float)1 : 0;
} else if (value instanceof Character) {
return (float)(char)value;
} else {
@ -1135,11 +1240,9 @@ public final class Def {
public static Double DefToDouble(final Object value) {
public static Double DefToDoubleExplicit(final Object value) {
if (value == null) {
return null;
} else if (value instanceof Boolean) {
return ((Boolean)value) ? (double)1 : 0;
} else if (value instanceof Character) {
return (double)(char)value;
} else {

@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ public final class Definition {
this.setter = setter;
// TODO: instead of hashing on this, we could have a 'next' pointer in Method itself, but it would make code more complex
// please do *NOT* under any circumstances change this to be the crappy Tuple from elasticsearch!
@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ public final class Definition {
public static final class MethodKey {
public final String name;
public final int arity;
* Create a new lookup key
* @param name name of the method
@ -313,10 +313,12 @@ public final class Definition {
public static class Cast {
public final Type from;
public final Type to;
public final boolean explicit;
public Cast(final Type from, final Type to) {
public Cast(final Type from, final Type to, final boolean explicit) {
this.from = from; = to;
this.explicit = explicit;
@ -331,28 +333,27 @@ public final class Definition {
final Cast cast = (Cast)object;
return from.equals(cast.from) && to.equals(;
return from.equals(cast.from) && to.equals( && explicit == cast.explicit;
public int hashCode() {
int result = from.hashCode();
result = 31 * result + to.hashCode();
result = 31 * result + (explicit ? 1 : 0);
return result;
public static final class Transform extends Cast {
public final Cast cast;
public final Method method;
public final Type upcast;
public final Type downcast;
public Transform(final Cast cast, Method method, final Type upcast, final Type downcast) {
super(cast.from,, cast.explicit);
this.cast = cast;
this.method = method;
this.upcast = upcast;
this.downcast = downcast;
@ -373,7 +374,7 @@ public final class Definition {
public final Map<String, Struct> structsMap;
public final Map<Cast, Transform> transformsMap;
public final Map<Cast, Cast> transformsMap;
public final Map<Class<?>, RuntimeClass> runtimeMap;
public final Type voidType;
@ -451,7 +452,7 @@ public final class Definition {
public final Type longsType;
public final Type doublesType;
public final Type geoPointsType;
// for testing features not currently "used" by the whitelist (we should not rush the API for that!)
public final Type featureTestType;
@ -535,7 +536,7 @@ public final class Definition {
longsType = getType("Longs");
doublesType = getType("Doubles");
geoPointsType = getType("GeoPoints");
featureTestType = getType("FeatureTest");
@ -628,7 +629,7 @@ public final class Definition {
this.longsType = definition.longsType;
this.doublesType = definition.doublesType;
this.geoPointsType = definition.geoPointsType;
this.featureTestType = definition.featureTestType;
@ -706,7 +707,7 @@ public final class Definition {
addStruct( "Longs" , ScriptDocValues.Longs.class);
addStruct( "Doubles" , ScriptDocValues.Doubles.class);
addStruct( "GeoPoints" , ScriptDocValues.GeoPoints.class);
addStruct( "FeatureTest", FeatureTest.class);
@ -983,22 +984,34 @@ public final class Definition {
addField("Math", "E", null, true, doubleType, null);
addField("Math", "PI", null, true, doubleType, null);
addMethod("Def", "DefToboolean", null, true, booleanType, new Type[] {defType}, null, null);
addMethod("Def", "DefTobyte", null, true, byteType, new Type[] {defType}, null, null);
addMethod("Def", "DefToshort", null, true, shortType, new Type[] {defType}, null, null);
addMethod("Def", "DefTochar", null, true, charType, new Type[] {defType}, null, null);
addMethod("Def", "DefToint", null, true, intType, new Type[] {defType}, null, null);
addMethod("Def", "DefTolong", null, true, longType, new Type[] {defType}, null, null);
addMethod("Def", "DefTofloat", null, true, floatType, new Type[] {defType}, null, null);
addMethod("Def", "DefTodouble", null, true, doubleType, new Type[] {defType}, null, null);
addMethod("Def", "DefToBoolean", null, true, booleanobjType, new Type[] {defType}, null, null);
addMethod("Def", "DefToByte", null, true, byteobjType, new Type[] {defType}, null, null);
addMethod("Def", "DefToShort", null, true, shortobjType, new Type[] {defType}, null, null);
addMethod("Def", "DefToCharacter", null, true, charobjType, new Type[] {defType}, null, null);
addMethod("Def", "DefToInteger", null, true, intobjType, new Type[] {defType}, null, null);
addMethod("Def", "DefToLong", null, true, longobjType, new Type[] {defType}, null, null);
addMethod("Def", "DefToFloat", null, true, floatobjType, new Type[] {defType}, null, null);
addMethod("Def", "DefToDouble", null, true, doubleobjType, new Type[] {defType}, null, null);
addMethod("Def", "DefTobyteImplicit", null, true, byteType, new Type[] {defType}, null, null);
addMethod("Def", "DefToshortImplicit", null, true, shortType, new Type[] {defType}, null, null);
addMethod("Def", "DefTocharImplicit", null, true, charType, new Type[] {defType}, null, null);
addMethod("Def", "DefTointImplicit", null, true, intType, new Type[] {defType}, null, null);
addMethod("Def", "DefTolongImplicit", null, true, longType, new Type[] {defType}, null, null);
addMethod("Def", "DefTofloatImplicit", null, true, floatType, new Type[] {defType}, null, null);
addMethod("Def", "DefTodoubleImplicit", null, true, doubleType, new Type[] {defType}, null, null);
addMethod("Def", "DefToByteImplicit", null, true, byteobjType, new Type[] {defType}, null, null);
addMethod("Def", "DefToShortImplicit", null, true, shortobjType, new Type[] {defType}, null, null);
addMethod("Def", "DefToCharacterImplicit", null, true, charobjType, new Type[] {defType}, null, null);
addMethod("Def", "DefToIntegerImplicit", null, true, intobjType, new Type[] {defType}, null, null);
addMethod("Def", "DefToLongImplicit", null, true, longobjType, new Type[] {defType}, null, null);
addMethod("Def", "DefToFloatImplicit", null, true, floatobjType, new Type[] {defType}, null, null);
addMethod("Def", "DefToDoubleImplicit", null, true, doubleobjType, new Type[] {defType}, null, null);
addMethod("Def", "DefTobyteExplicit", null, true, byteType, new Type[] {defType}, null, null);
addMethod("Def", "DefToshortExplicit", null, true, shortType, new Type[] {defType}, null, null);
addMethod("Def", "DefTocharExplicit", null, true, charType, new Type[] {defType}, null, null);
addMethod("Def", "DefTointExplicit", null, true, intType, new Type[] {defType}, null, null);
addMethod("Def", "DefTolongExplicit", null, true, longType, new Type[] {defType}, null, null);
addMethod("Def", "DefTofloatExplicit", null, true, floatType, new Type[] {defType}, null, null);
addMethod("Def", "DefTodoubleExplicit", null, true, doubleType, new Type[] {defType}, null, null);
addMethod("Def", "DefToByteExplicit", null, true, byteobjType, new Type[] {defType}, null, null);
addMethod("Def", "DefToShortExplicit", null, true, shortobjType, new Type[] {defType}, null, null);
addMethod("Def", "DefToCharacterExplicit", null, true, charobjType, new Type[] {defType}, null, null);
addMethod("Def", "DefToIntegerExplicit", null, true, intobjType, new Type[] {defType}, null, null);
addMethod("Def", "DefToLongExplicit", null, true, longobjType, new Type[] {defType}, null, null);
addMethod("Def", "DefToFloatExplicit", null, true, floatobjType, new Type[] {defType}, null, null);
addMethod("Def", "DefToDoubleExplicit", null, true, doubleobjType, new Type[] {defType}, null, null);
addMethod("Iterator", "hasNext", null, false, booleanType, new Type[] {}, null, null);
addMethod("Iterator", "next", null, false, objectType, new Type[] {}, defType, null);
@ -1178,7 +1191,7 @@ public final class Definition {
new Type[] { stringType }, null, null);
addMethod("GeoPoints", "geohashDistanceInMiles", null, false, doubleType,
new Type[] { stringType }, null, null);
// currently FeatureTest exposes overloaded constructor, field load store, and overloaded static methods
addConstructor("FeatureTest", "new", new Type[] {}, null);
addConstructor("FeatureTest", "new", new Type[] {intType, intType}, null);
@ -1241,283 +1254,293 @@ public final class Definition {
copyStruct("Longs", "List", "Collection", "Object");
copyStruct("Doubles", "List", "Collection", "Object");
copyStruct("GeoPoints", "List", "Collection", "Object");
copyStruct("FeatureTest", "Object");
private void addTransforms() {
addTransform(booleanType, byteType, "Utility", "booleanTobyte", true);
addTransform(booleanType, shortType, "Utility", "booleanToshort", true);
addTransform(booleanType, charType, "Utility", "booleanTochar", true);
addTransform(booleanType, intType, "Utility", "booleanToint", true);
addTransform(booleanType, longType, "Utility", "booleanTolong", true);
addTransform(booleanType, floatType, "Utility", "booleanTofloat", true);
addTransform(booleanType, doubleType, "Utility", "booleanTodouble", true);
addTransform(booleanType, objectType, "Boolean", "valueOf", true);
addTransform(booleanType, defType, "Boolean", "valueOf", true);
addTransform(booleanType, numberType, "Utility", "booleanToInteger", true);
addTransform(booleanType, booleanobjType, "Boolean", "valueOf", true);
addTransform(booleanType, objectType, "Boolean", "valueOf", true, false);
addTransform(booleanType, defType, "Boolean", "valueOf", true, false);
addTransform(booleanType, booleanobjType, "Boolean", "valueOf", true, false);
addTransform(byteType, booleanType, "Utility", "byteToboolean", true);
addTransform(byteType, objectType, "Byte", "valueOf", true);
addTransform(byteType, defType, "Byte", "valueOf", true);
addTransform(byteType, numberType, "Byte", "valueOf", true);
addTransform(byteType, byteobjType, "Byte", "valueOf", true);
addTransform(byteType, shortobjType, "Utility", "byteToShort", true);
addTransform(byteType, charobjType, "Utility", "byteToCharacter", true);
addTransform(byteType, intobjType, "Utility", "byteToInteger", true);
addTransform(byteType, longobjType, "Utility", "byteToLong", true);
addTransform(byteType, floatobjType, "Utility", "byteToFloat", true);
addTransform(byteType, doubleobjType, "Utility", "byteToDouble", true);
addTransform(byteType, shortType, false);
addTransform(byteType, charType, true);
addTransform(byteType, intType, false);
addTransform(byteType, longType, false);
addTransform(byteType, floatType, false);
addTransform(byteType, doubleType, false);
addTransform(byteType, objectType, "Byte", "valueOf", true, false);
addTransform(byteType, defType, "Byte", "valueOf", true, false);
addTransform(byteType, numberType, "Byte", "valueOf", true, false);
addTransform(byteType, byteobjType, "Byte", "valueOf", true, false);
addTransform(byteType, shortobjType, "Utility", "byteToShort", true, false);
addTransform(byteType, charobjType, "Utility", "byteToCharacter", true, true);
addTransform(byteType, intobjType, "Utility", "byteToInteger", true, false);
addTransform(byteType, longobjType, "Utility", "byteToLong", true, false);
addTransform(byteType, floatobjType, "Utility", "byteToFloat", true, false);
addTransform(byteType, doubleobjType, "Utility", "byteToDouble", true, false);
addTransform(shortType, booleanType, "Utility", "shortToboolean", true);
addTransform(shortType, objectType, "Short", "valueOf", true);
addTransform(shortType, defType, "Short", "valueOf", true);
addTransform(shortType, numberType, "Short", "valueOf", true);
addTransform(shortType, byteobjType, "Utility", "shortToByte", true);
addTransform(shortType, shortobjType, "Short", "valueOf", true);
addTransform(shortType, charobjType, "Utility", "shortToCharacter", true);
addTransform(shortType, intobjType, "Utility", "shortToInteger", true);
addTransform(shortType, longobjType, "Utility", "shortToLong", true);
addTransform(shortType, floatobjType, "Utility", "shortToFloat", true);
addTransform(shortType, doubleobjType, "Utility", "shortToDouble", true);
addTransform(shortType, byteType, true);
addTransform(shortType, charType, true);
addTransform(shortType, intType, false);
addTransform(shortType, longType, false);
addTransform(shortType, floatType, false);
addTransform(shortType, doubleType, false);
addTransform(shortType, objectType, "Short", "valueOf", true, false);
addTransform(shortType, defType, "Short", "valueOf", true, false);
addTransform(shortType, numberType, "Short", "valueOf", true, false);
addTransform(shortType, byteobjType, "Utility", "shortToByte", true, true);
addTransform(shortType, shortobjType, "Short", "valueOf", true, false);
addTransform(shortType, charobjType, "Utility", "shortToCharacter", true, true);
addTransform(shortType, intobjType, "Utility", "shortToInteger", true, false);
addTransform(shortType, longobjType, "Utility", "shortToLong", true, false);
addTransform(shortType, floatobjType, "Utility", "shortToFloat", true, false);
addTransform(shortType, doubleobjType, "Utility", "shortToDouble", true, false);
addTransform(charType, booleanType, "Utility", "charToboolean", true);
addTransform(charType, objectType, "Character", "valueOf", true);
addTransform(charType, defType, "Character", "valueOf", true);
addTransform(charType, numberType, "Utility", "charToInteger", true);
addTransform(charType, byteobjType, "Utility", "charToByte", true);
addTransform(charType, shortobjType, "Utility", "charToShort", true);
addTransform(charType, charobjType, "Character", "valueOf", true);
addTransform(charType, intobjType, "Utility", "charToInteger", true);
addTransform(charType, longobjType, "Utility", "charToLong", true);
addTransform(charType, floatobjType, "Utility", "charToFloat", true);
addTransform(charType, doubleobjType, "Utility", "charToDouble", true);
addTransform(charType, stringType, "Utility", "charToString", true);
addTransform(charType, byteType, true);
addTransform(charType, shortType, true);
addTransform(charType, intType, false);
addTransform(charType, longType, false);
addTransform(charType, floatType, false);
addTransform(charType, doubleType, false);
addTransform(charType, objectType, "Character", "valueOf", true, false);
addTransform(charType, defType, "Character", "valueOf", true, false);
addTransform(charType, numberType, "Utility", "charToInteger", true, false);
addTransform(charType, byteobjType, "Utility", "charToByte", true, true);
addTransform(charType, shortobjType, "Utility", "charToShort", true, true);
addTransform(charType, charobjType, "Character", "valueOf", true, false);
addTransform(charType, intobjType, "Utility", "charToInteger", true, false);
addTransform(charType, longobjType, "Utility", "charToLong", true, false);
addTransform(charType, floatobjType, "Utility", "charToFloat", true, false);
addTransform(charType, doubleobjType, "Utility", "charToDouble", true, false);
addTransform(charType, stringType, "Utility", "charToString", true, true);
addTransform(intType, booleanType, "Utility", "intToboolean", true);
addTransform(intType, objectType, "Integer", "valueOf", true);
addTransform(intType, defType, "Integer", "valueOf", true);
addTransform(intType, numberType, "Integer", "valueOf", true);
addTransform(intType, byteobjType, "Utility", "intToByte", true);
addTransform(intType, shortobjType, "Utility", "intToShort", true);
addTransform(intType, charobjType, "Utility", "intToCharacter", true);
addTransform(intType, intobjType, "Integer", "valueOf", true);
addTransform(intType, longobjType, "Utility", "intToLong", true);
addTransform(intType, floatobjType, "Utility", "intToFloat", true);
addTransform(intType, doubleobjType, "Utility", "intToDouble", true);
addTransform(intType, byteType, true);
addTransform(intType, shortType, true);
addTransform(intType, charType, true);
addTransform(intType, longType, false);
addTransform(intType, floatType, false);
addTransform(intType, doubleType, false);
addTransform(intType, objectType, "Integer", "valueOf", true, false);
addTransform(intType, defType, "Integer", "valueOf", true, false);
addTransform(intType, numberType, "Integer", "valueOf", true, false);
addTransform(intType, byteobjType, "Utility", "intToByte", true, true);
addTransform(intType, shortobjType, "Utility", "intToShort", true, true);
addTransform(intType, charobjType, "Utility", "intToCharacter", true, true);
addTransform(intType, intobjType, "Integer", "valueOf", true, false);
addTransform(intType, longobjType, "Utility", "intToLong", true, false);
addTransform(intType, floatobjType, "Utility", "intToFloat", true, false);
addTransform(intType, doubleobjType, "Utility", "intToDouble", true, false);
addTransform(longType, booleanType, "Utility", "longToboolean", true);
addTransform(longType, objectType, "Long", "valueOf", true);
addTransform(longType, defType, "Long", "valueOf", true);
addTransform(longType, numberType, "Long", "valueOf", true);
addTransform(longType, byteobjType, "Utility", "longToByte", true);
addTransform(longType, shortobjType, "Utility", "longToShort", true);
addTransform(longType, charobjType, "Utility", "longToCharacter", true);
addTransform(longType, intobjType, "Utility", "longToInteger", true);
addTransform(longType, longobjType, "Long", "valueOf", true);
addTransform(longType, floatobjType, "Utility", "longToFloat", true);
addTransform(longType, doubleobjType, "Utility", "longToDouble", true);
addTransform(longType, byteType, true);
addTransform(longType, shortType, true);
addTransform(longType, charType, true);
addTransform(longType, intType, false);
addTransform(longType, floatType, false);
addTransform(longType, doubleType, false);
addTransform(longType, objectType, "Long", "valueOf", true, false);
addTransform(longType, defType, "Long", "valueOf", true, false);
addTransform(longType, numberType, "Long", "valueOf", true, false);
addTransform(longType, byteobjType, "Utility", "longToByte", true, true);
addTransform(longType, shortobjType, "Utility", "longToShort", true, true);
addTransform(longType, charobjType, "Utility", "longToCharacter", true, true);
addTransform(longType, intobjType, "Utility", "longToInteger", true, true);
addTransform(longType, longobjType, "Long", "valueOf", true, false);
addTransform(longType, floatobjType, "Utility", "longToFloat", true, false);
addTransform(longType, doubleobjType, "Utility", "longToDouble", true, false);
addTransform(floatType, booleanType, "Utility", "floatToboolean", true);
addTransform(floatType, objectType, "Float", "valueOf", true);
addTransform(floatType, defType, "Float", "valueOf", true);
addTransform(floatType, numberType, "Float", "valueOf", true);
addTransform(floatType, byteobjType, "Utility", "floatToByte", true);
addTransform(floatType, shortobjType, "Utility", "floatToShort", true);
addTransform(floatType, charobjType, "Utility", "floatToCharacter", true);
addTransform(floatType, intobjType, "Utility", "floatToInteger", true);
addTransform(floatType, longobjType, "Utility", "floatToLong", true);
addTransform(floatType, floatobjType, "Float", "valueOf", true);
addTransform(floatType, doubleobjType, "Utility", "floatToDouble", true);
addTransform(floatType, byteType, true);
addTransform(floatType, shortType, true);
addTransform(floatType, charType, true);
addTransform(floatType, intType, true);
addTransform(floatType, longType, false);
addTransform(floatType, doubleType, false);
addTransform(floatType, objectType, "Float", "valueOf", true, false);
addTransform(floatType, defType, "Float", "valueOf", true, false);
addTransform(floatType, numberType, "Float", "valueOf", true, false);
addTransform(floatType, byteobjType, "Utility", "floatToByte", true, true);
addTransform(floatType, shortobjType, "Utility", "floatToShort", true, true);
addTransform(floatType, charobjType, "Utility", "floatToCharacter", true, true);
addTransform(floatType, intobjType, "Utility", "floatToInteger", true, true);
addTransform(floatType, longobjType, "Utility", "floatToLong", true, true);
addTransform(floatType, floatobjType, "Float", "valueOf", true, false);
addTransform(floatType, doubleobjType, "Utility", "floatToDouble", true, false);
addTransform(doubleType, booleanType, "Utility", "doubleToboolean", true);
addTransform(doubleType, objectType, "Double", "valueOf", true);
addTransform(doubleType, defType, "Double", "valueOf", true);
addTransform(doubleType, numberType, "Double", "valueOf", true);
addTransform(doubleType, byteobjType, "Utility", "doubleToByte", true);
addTransform(doubleType, shortobjType, "Utility", "doubleToShort", true);
addTransform(doubleType, charobjType, "Utility", "doubleToCharacter", true);
addTransform(doubleType, intobjType, "Utility", "doubleToInteger", true);
addTransform(doubleType, longobjType, "Utility", "doubleToLong", true);
addTransform(doubleType, floatobjType, "Utility", "doubleToFloat", true);
addTransform(doubleType, doubleobjType, "Double", "valueOf", true);
addTransform(doubleType, byteType, true);
addTransform(doubleType, shortType, true);
addTransform(doubleType, charType, true);
addTransform(doubleType, intType, true);
addTransform(doubleType, longType, true);
addTransform(doubleType, floatType, false);
addTransform(doubleType, objectType, "Double", "valueOf", true, false);
addTransform(doubleType, defType, "Double", "valueOf", true, false);
addTransform(doubleType, numberType, "Double", "valueOf", true, false);
addTransform(doubleType, byteobjType, "Utility", "doubleToByte", true, true);
addTransform(doubleType, shortobjType, "Utility", "doubleToShort", true, true);
addTransform(doubleType, charobjType, "Utility", "doubleToCharacter", true, true);
addTransform(doubleType, intobjType, "Utility", "doubleToInteger", true, true);
addTransform(doubleType, longobjType, "Utility", "doubleToLong", true, true);
addTransform(doubleType, floatobjType, "Utility", "doubleToFloat", true, true);
addTransform(doubleType, doubleobjType, "Double", "valueOf", true, false);
addTransform(objectType, booleanType, "Boolean", "booleanValue", false);
addTransform(objectType, byteType, "Number", "byteValue", false);
addTransform(objectType, shortType, "Number", "shortValue", false);
addTransform(objectType, charType, "Character", "charValue", false);
addTransform(objectType, intType, "Number", "intValue", false);
addTransform(objectType, longType, "Number", "longValue", false);
addTransform(objectType, floatType, "Number", "floatValue", false);
addTransform(objectType, doubleType, "Number", "doubleValue", false);
addTransform(objectType, booleanType, "Boolean", "booleanValue", false, true);
addTransform(objectType, byteType, "Number", "byteValue", false, true);
addTransform(objectType, shortType, "Number", "shortValue", false, true);
addTransform(objectType, charType, "Character", "charValue", false, true);
addTransform(objectType, intType, "Number", "intValue", false, true);
addTransform(objectType, longType, "Number", "longValue", false, true);
addTransform(objectType, floatType, "Number", "floatValue", false, true);
addTransform(objectType, doubleType, "Number", "doubleValue", false, true);
addTransform(defType, booleanType, "Def", "DefToboolean", true);
addTransform(defType, byteType, "Def", "DefTobyte", true);
addTransform(defType, shortType, "Def", "DefToshort", true);
addTransform(defType, charType, "Def", "DefTochar", true);
addTransform(defType, intType, "Def", "DefToint", true);
addTransform(defType, longType, "Def", "DefTolong", true);
addTransform(defType, floatType, "Def", "DefTofloat", true);
addTransform(defType, doubleType, "Def", "DefTodouble", true);
addTransform(defType, booleanobjType, "Def", "DefToBoolean", true);
addTransform(defType, byteobjType, "Def", "DefToByte", true);
addTransform(defType, shortobjType, "Def", "DefToShort", true);
addTransform(defType, charobjType, "Def", "DefToCharacter", true);
addTransform(defType, intobjType, "Def", "DefToInteger", true);
addTransform(defType, longobjType, "Def", "DefToLong", true);
addTransform(defType, floatobjType, "Def", "DefToFloat", true);
addTransform(defType, doubleobjType, "Def", "DefToDouble", true);
addTransform(defType, booleanType, "Boolean", "booleanValue", false, false);
addTransform(defType, byteType, "Def", "DefTobyteImplicit", true, false);
addTransform(defType, shortType, "Def", "DefToshortImplicit", true, false);
addTransform(defType, charType, "Def", "DefTocharImplicit", true, false);
addTransform(defType, intType, "Def", "DefTointImplicit", true, false);
addTransform(defType, longType, "Def", "DefTolongImplicit", true, false);
addTransform(defType, floatType, "Def", "DefTofloatImplicit", true, false);
addTransform(defType, doubleType, "Def", "DefTodoubleImplicit", true, false);
addTransform(defType, byteobjType, "Def", "DefToByteImplicit", true, false);
addTransform(defType, shortobjType, "Def", "DefToShortImplicit", true, false);
addTransform(defType, charobjType, "Def", "DefToCharacterImplicit", true, false);
addTransform(defType, intobjType, "Def", "DefToIntegerImplicit", true, false);
addTransform(defType, longobjType, "Def", "DefToLongImplicit", true, false);
addTransform(defType, floatobjType, "Def", "DefToFloatImplicit", true, false);
addTransform(defType, doubleobjType, "Def", "DefToDoubleImplicit", true, false);
addTransform(defType, byteType, "Def", "DefTobyteExplicit", true, true);
addTransform(defType, shortType, "Def", "DefToshortExplicit", true, true);
addTransform(defType, charType, "Def", "DefTocharExplicit", true, true);
addTransform(defType, intType, "Def", "DefTointExplicit", true, true);
addTransform(defType, longType, "Def", "DefTolongExplicit", true, true);
addTransform(defType, floatType, "Def", "DefTofloatExplicit", true, true);
addTransform(defType, doubleType, "Def", "DefTodoubleExplicit", true, true);
addTransform(defType, byteobjType, "Def", "DefToByteExplicit", true, true);
addTransform(defType, shortobjType, "Def", "DefToShortExplicit", true, true);
addTransform(defType, charobjType, "Def", "DefToCharacterExplicit", true, true);
addTransform(defType, intobjType, "Def", "DefToIntegerExplicit", true, true);
addTransform(defType, longobjType, "Def", "DefToLongExplicit", true, true);
addTransform(defType, floatobjType, "Def", "DefToFloatExplicit", true, true);
addTransform(defType, doubleobjType, "Def", "DefToDoubleExplicit", true, true);
addTransform(numberType, booleanType, "Utility", "NumberToboolean", true);
addTransform(numberType, byteType, "Number", "byteValue", false);
addTransform(numberType, shortType, "Number", "shortValue", false);
addTransform(numberType, charType, "Utility", "NumberTochar", true);
addTransform(numberType, intType, "Number", "intValue", false);
addTransform(numberType, longType, "Number", "longValue", false);
addTransform(numberType, floatType, "Number", "floatValue", false);
addTransform(numberType, doubleType, "Number", "doubleValue", false);
addTransform(numberType, booleanobjType, "Utility", "NumberToBoolean", true);
addTransform(numberType, byteobjType, "Utility", "NumberToByte", true);
addTransform(numberType, shortobjType, "Utility", "NumberToShort", true);
addTransform(numberType, charobjType, "Utility", "NumberToCharacter", true);
addTransform(numberType, intobjType, "Utility", "NumberToInteger", true);
addTransform(numberType, longobjType, "Utility", "NumberToLong", true);
addTransform(numberType, floatobjType, "Utility", "NumberToFloat", true);
addTransform(numberType, doubleobjType, "Utility", "NumberToDouble", true);
addTransform(numberType, byteType, "Number", "byteValue", false, true);
addTransform(numberType, shortType, "Number", "shortValue", false, true);
addTransform(numberType, charType, "Utility", "NumberTochar", true, true);
addTransform(numberType, intType, "Number", "intValue", false, true);
addTransform(numberType, longType, "Number", "longValue", false, true);
addTransform(numberType, floatType, "Number", "floatValue", false, true);
addTransform(numberType, doubleType, "Number", "doubleValue", false, true);
addTransform(numberType, booleanobjType, "Utility", "NumberToBoolean", true, true);
addTransform(numberType, byteobjType, "Utility", "NumberToByte", true, true);
addTransform(numberType, shortobjType, "Utility", "NumberToShort", true, true);
addTransform(numberType, charobjType, "Utility", "NumberToCharacter", true, true);
addTransform(numberType, intobjType, "Utility", "NumberToInteger", true, true);
addTransform(numberType, longobjType, "Utility", "NumberToLong", true, true);
addTransform(numberType, floatobjType, "Utility", "NumberToFloat", true, true);
addTransform(numberType, doubleobjType, "Utility", "NumberToDouble", true, true);
addTransform(booleanobjType, booleanType, "Boolean", "booleanValue", false);
addTransform(booleanobjType, byteType, "Utility", "BooleanTobyte", true);
addTransform(booleanobjType, shortType, "Utility", "BooleanToshort", true);
addTransform(booleanobjType, charType, "Utility", "BooleanTochar", true);
addTransform(booleanobjType, intType, "Utility", "BooleanToint", true);
addTransform(booleanobjType, longType, "Utility", "BooleanTolong", true);
addTransform(booleanobjType, floatType, "Utility", "BooleanTofloat", true);
addTransform(booleanobjType, doubleType, "Utility", "BooleanTodouble", true);
addTransform(booleanobjType, numberType, "Utility", "BooleanToLong", true);
addTransform(booleanobjType, byteobjType, "Utility", "BooleanToByte", true);
addTransform(booleanobjType, shortobjType, "Utility", "BooleanToShort", true);
addTransform(booleanobjType, charobjType, "Utility", "BooleanToCharacter", true);
addTransform(booleanobjType, intobjType, "Utility", "BooleanToInteger", true);
addTransform(booleanobjType, longobjType, "Utility", "BooleanToLong", true);
addTransform(booleanobjType, floatobjType, "Utility", "BooleanToFloat", true);
addTransform(booleanobjType, doubleobjType, "Utility", "BooleanToDouble", true);
addTransform(booleanobjType, booleanType, "Boolean", "booleanValue", false, false);
addTransform(byteobjType, booleanType, "Utility", "ByteToboolean", true);
addTransform(byteobjType, byteType, "Byte", "byteValue", false);
addTransform(byteobjType, shortType, "Byte", "shortValue", false);
addTransform(byteobjType, charType, "Utility", "ByteTochar", true);
addTransform(byteobjType, intType, "Byte", "intValue", false);
addTransform(byteobjType, longType, "Byte", "longValue", false);
addTransform(byteobjType, floatType, "Byte", "floatValue", false);
addTransform(byteobjType, doubleType, "Byte", "doubleValue", false);
addTransform(byteobjType, booleanobjType, "Utility", "NumberToBoolean", true);
addTransform(byteobjType, shortobjType, "Utility", "NumberToShort", true);
addTransform(byteobjType, charobjType, "Utility", "NumberToCharacter", true);
addTransform(byteobjType, intobjType, "Utility", "NumberToInteger", true);
addTransform(byteobjType, longobjType, "Utility", "NumberToLong", true);
addTransform(byteobjType, floatobjType, "Utility", "NumberToFloat", true);
addTransform(byteobjType, doubleobjType, "Utility", "NumberToDouble", true);
addTransform(byteobjType, byteType, "Byte", "byteValue", false, false);
addTransform(byteobjType, shortType, "Byte", "shortValue", false, false);
addTransform(byteobjType, charType, "Utility", "ByteTochar", true, false);
addTransform(byteobjType, intType, "Byte", "intValue", false, false);
addTransform(byteobjType, longType, "Byte", "longValue", false, false);
addTransform(byteobjType, floatType, "Byte", "floatValue", false, false);
addTransform(byteobjType, doubleType, "Byte", "doubleValue", false, false);
addTransform(byteobjType, shortobjType, "Utility", "NumberToShort", true, false);
addTransform(byteobjType, charobjType, "Utility", "NumberToCharacter", true, false);
addTransform(byteobjType, intobjType, "Utility", "NumberToInteger", true, false);
addTransform(byteobjType, longobjType, "Utility", "NumberToLong", true, false);
addTransform(byteobjType, floatobjType, "Utility", "NumberToFloat", true, false);
addTransform(byteobjType, doubleobjType, "Utility", "NumberToDouble", true, false);
addTransform(shortobjType, booleanType, "Utility", "ShortToboolean", true);
addTransform(shortobjType, byteType, "Short", "byteValue", false);
addTransform(shortobjType, shortType, "Short", "shortValue", false);
addTransform(shortobjType, charType, "Utility", "ShortTochar", true);
addTransform(shortobjType, intType, "Short", "intValue", false);
addTransform(shortobjType, longType, "Short", "longValue", false);
addTransform(shortobjType, floatType, "Short", "floatValue", false);
addTransform(shortobjType, doubleType, "Short", "doubleValue", false);
addTransform(shortobjType, booleanobjType, "Utility", "NumberToBoolean", true);
addTransform(shortobjType, byteobjType, "Utility", "NumberToByte", true);
addTransform(shortobjType, charobjType, "Utility", "NumberToCharacter", true);
addTransform(shortobjType, intobjType, "Utility", "NumberToInteger", true);
addTransform(shortobjType, longobjType, "Utility", "NumberToLong", true);
addTransform(shortobjType, floatobjType, "Utility", "NumberToFloat", true);
addTransform(shortobjType, doubleobjType, "Utility", "NumberToDouble", true);
addTransform(shortobjType, byteType, "Short", "byteValue", false, true);
addTransform(shortobjType, shortType, "Short", "shortValue", false, true);
addTransform(shortobjType, charType, "Utility", "ShortTochar", true, false);
addTransform(shortobjType, intType, "Short", "intValue", false, false);
addTransform(shortobjType, longType, "Short", "longValue", false, false);
addTransform(shortobjType, floatType, "Short", "floatValue", false, false);
addTransform(shortobjType, doubleType, "Short", "doubleValue", false, false);
addTransform(shortobjType, byteobjType, "Utility", "NumberToByte", true, true);
addTransform(shortobjType, charobjType, "Utility", "NumberToCharacter", true, true);
addTransform(shortobjType, intobjType, "Utility", "NumberToInteger", true, false);
addTransform(shortobjType, longobjType, "Utility", "NumberToLong", true, false);
addTransform(shortobjType, floatobjType, "Utility", "NumberToFloat", true, false);
addTransform(shortobjType, doubleobjType, "Utility", "NumberToDouble", true, false);
addTransform(charobjType, booleanType, "Utility", "CharacterToboolean", true);
addTransform(charobjType, byteType, "Utility", "CharacterTobyte", true);
addTransform(charobjType, shortType, "Utility", "CharacterToshort", true);
addTransform(charobjType, charType, "Character", "charValue", false);
addTransform(charobjType, intType, "Utility", "CharacterToint", true);
addTransform(charobjType, longType, "Utility", "CharacterTolong", true);
addTransform(charobjType, floatType, "Utility", "CharacterTofloat", true);
addTransform(charobjType, doubleType, "Utility", "CharacterTodouble", true);
addTransform(charobjType, booleanobjType, "Utility", "CharacterToBoolean", true);
addTransform(charobjType, byteobjType, "Utility", "CharacterToByte", true);
addTransform(charobjType, shortobjType, "Utility", "CharacterToShort", true);
addTransform(charobjType, intobjType, "Utility", "CharacterToInteger", true);
addTransform(charobjType, longobjType, "Utility", "CharacterToLong", true);
addTransform(charobjType, floatobjType, "Utility", "CharacterToFloat", true);
addTransform(charobjType, doubleobjType, "Utility", "CharacterToDouble", true);
addTransform(charobjType, stringType, "Utility", "CharacterToString", true);
addTransform(charobjType, byteType, "Utility", "CharacterTobyte", true, true);
addTransform(charobjType, shortType, "Utility", "CharacterToshort", true, false);
addTransform(charobjType, charType, "Character", "charValue", false, true);
addTransform(charobjType, intType, "Utility", "CharacterToint", true, false);
addTransform(charobjType, longType, "Utility", "CharacterTolong", true, false);
addTransform(charobjType, floatType, "Utility", "CharacterTofloat", true, false);
addTransform(charobjType, doubleType, "Utility", "CharacterTodouble", true, false);
addTransform(charobjType, byteobjType, "Utility", "CharacterToByte", true, true);
addTransform(charobjType, shortobjType, "Utility", "CharacterToShort", true, true);
addTransform(charobjType, intobjType, "Utility", "CharacterToInteger", true, false);
addTransform(charobjType, longobjType, "Utility", "CharacterToLong", true, false);
addTransform(charobjType, floatobjType, "Utility", "CharacterToFloat", true, false);
addTransform(charobjType, doubleobjType, "Utility", "CharacterToDouble", true, false);
addTransform(charobjType, stringType, "Utility", "CharacterToString", true, true);
addTransform(intobjType, booleanType, "Utility", "IntegerToboolean", true);
addTransform(intobjType, byteType, "Integer", "byteValue", false);
addTransform(intobjType, shortType, "Integer", "shortValue", false);
addTransform(intobjType, charType, "Utility", "IntegerTochar", true);
addTransform(intobjType, intType, "Integer", "intValue", false);
addTransform(intobjType, longType, "Integer", "longValue", false);
addTransform(intobjType, floatType, "Integer", "floatValue", false);
addTransform(intobjType, doubleType, "Integer", "doubleValue", false);
addTransform(intobjType, booleanobjType, "Utility", "NumberToBoolean", true);
addTransform(intobjType, byteobjType, "Utility", "NumberToByte", true);
addTransform(intobjType, shortobjType, "Utility", "NumberToShort", true);
addTransform(intobjType, charobjType, "Utility", "NumberToCharacter", true);
addTransform(intobjType, longobjType, "Utility", "NumberToLong", true);
addTransform(intobjType, floatobjType, "Utility", "NumberToFloat", true);
addTransform(intobjType, doubleobjType, "Utility", "NumberToDouble", true);
addTransform(intobjType, byteType, "Integer", "byteValue", false, true);
addTransform(intobjType, shortType, "Integer", "shortValue", false, true);
addTransform(intobjType, charType, "Utility", "IntegerTochar", true, true);
addTransform(intobjType, intType, "Integer", "intValue", false, false);
addTransform(intobjType, longType, "Integer", "longValue", false, false);
addTransform(intobjType, floatType, "Integer", "floatValue", false, false);
addTransform(intobjType, doubleType, "Integer", "doubleValue", false, false);
addTransform(intobjType, byteobjType, "Utility", "NumberToByte", true, true);
addTransform(intobjType, shortobjType, "Utility", "NumberToShort", true, true);
addTransform(intobjType, charobjType, "Utility", "NumberToCharacter", true, true);
addTransform(intobjType, longobjType, "Utility", "NumberToLong", true, false);
addTransform(intobjType, floatobjType, "Utility", "NumberToFloat", true, false);
addTransform(intobjType, doubleobjType, "Utility", "NumberToDouble", true, false);
addTransform(longobjType, booleanType, "Utility", "LongToboolean", true);
addTransform(longobjType, byteType, "Long", "byteValue", false);
addTransform(longobjType, shortType, "Long", "shortValue", false);
addTransform(longobjType, charType, "Utility", "LongTochar", true);
addTransform(longobjType, intType, "Long", "intValue", false);
addTransform(longobjType, longType, "Long", "longValue", false);
addTransform(longobjType, floatType, "Long", "floatValue", false);
addTransform(longobjType, doubleType, "Long", "doubleValue", false);
addTransform(longobjType, booleanobjType, "Utility", "NumberToBoolean", true);
addTransform(longobjType, byteobjType, "Utility", "NumberToByte", true);
addTransform(longobjType, shortobjType, "Utility", "NumberToShort", true);
addTransform(longobjType, charobjType, "Utility", "NumberToCharacter", true);
addTransform(longobjType, intobjType, "Utility", "NumberToInteger", true);
addTransform(longobjType, floatobjType, "Utility", "NumberToFloat", true);
addTransform(longobjType, doubleobjType, "Utility", "NumberToDouble", true);
addTransform(longobjType, byteType, "Long", "byteValue", false, true);
addTransform(longobjType, shortType, "Long", "shortValue", false, true);
addTransform(longobjType, charType, "Utility", "LongTochar", true, true);
addTransform(longobjType, intType, "Long", "intValue", false, true);
addTransform(longobjType, longType, "Long", "longValue", false, false);
addTransform(longobjType, floatType, "Long", "floatValue", false, false);
addTransform(longobjType, doubleType, "Long", "doubleValue", false, false);
addTransform(longobjType, byteobjType, "Utility", "NumberToByte", true, true);
addTransform(longobjType, shortobjType, "Utility", "NumberToShort", true, true);
addTransform(longobjType, charobjType, "Utility", "NumberToCharacter", true, true);
addTransform(longobjType, intobjType, "Utility", "NumberToInteger", true, true);
addTransform(longobjType, floatobjType, "Utility", "NumberToFloat", true, false);
addTransform(longobjType, doubleobjType, "Utility", "NumberToDouble", true, false);
addTransform(floatobjType, booleanType, "Utility", "FloatToboolean", true);
addTransform(floatobjType, byteType, "Float", "byteValue", false);
addTransform(floatobjType, shortType, "Float", "shortValue", false);
addTransform(floatobjType, charType, "Utility", "FloatTochar", true);
addTransform(floatobjType, intType, "Float", "intValue", false);
addTransform(floatobjType, longType, "Float", "longValue", false);
addTransform(floatobjType, floatType, "Float", "floatValue", false);
addTransform(floatobjType, doubleType, "Float", "doubleValue", false);
addTransform(floatobjType, booleanobjType, "Utility", "NumberToBoolean", true);
addTransform(floatobjType, byteobjType, "Utility", "NumberToByte", true);
addTransform(floatobjType, shortobjType, "Utility", "NumberToShort", true);
addTransform(floatobjType, charobjType, "Utility", "NumberToCharacter", true);
addTransform(floatobjType, intobjType, "Utility", "NumberToInteger", true);
addTransform(floatobjType, longobjType, "Utility", "NumberToLong", true);
addTransform(floatobjType, doubleobjType, "Utility", "NumberToDouble", true);
addTransform(floatobjType, byteType, "Float", "byteValue", false, true);
addTransform(floatobjType, shortType, "Float", "shortValue", false, true);
addTransform(floatobjType, charType, "Utility", "FloatTochar", true, true);
addTransform(floatobjType, intType, "Float", "intValue", false, true);
addTransform(floatobjType, longType, "Float", "longValue", false, true);
addTransform(floatobjType, floatType, "Float", "floatValue", false, false);
addTransform(floatobjType, doubleType, "Float", "doubleValue", false, false);
addTransform(floatobjType, byteobjType, "Utility", "NumberToByte", true, true);
addTransform(floatobjType, shortobjType, "Utility", "NumberToShort", true, true);
addTransform(floatobjType, charobjType, "Utility", "NumberToCharacter", true, true);
addTransform(floatobjType, intobjType, "Utility", "NumberToInteger", true, true);
addTransform(floatobjType, longobjType, "Utility", "NumberToLong", true, true);
addTransform(floatobjType, doubleobjType, "Utility", "NumberToDouble", true, false);
addTransform(doubleobjType, booleanType, "Utility", "DoubleToboolean", true);
addTransform(doubleobjType, byteType, "Double", "byteValue", false);
addTransform(doubleobjType, shortType, "Double", "shortValue", false);
addTransform(doubleobjType, charType, "Utility", "DoubleTochar", true);
addTransform(doubleobjType, intType, "Double", "intValue", false);
addTransform(doubleobjType, longType, "Double", "longValue", false);
addTransform(doubleobjType, floatType, "Double", "floatValue", false);
addTransform(doubleobjType, doubleType, "Double", "doubleValue", false);
addTransform(doubleobjType, booleanobjType, "Utility", "NumberToBoolean", true);
addTransform(doubleobjType, byteobjType, "Utility", "NumberToByte", true);
addTransform(doubleobjType, shortobjType, "Utility", "NumberToShort", true);
addTransform(doubleobjType, charobjType, "Utility", "NumberToCharacter", true);
addTransform(doubleobjType, intobjType, "Utility", "NumberToInteger", true);
addTransform(doubleobjType, longobjType, "Utility", "NumberToLong", true);
addTransform(doubleobjType, floatobjType, "Utility", "NumberToFloat", true);
addTransform(doubleobjType, byteType, "Double", "byteValue", false, true);
addTransform(doubleobjType, shortType, "Double", "shortValue", false, true);
addTransform(doubleobjType, charType, "Utility", "DoubleTochar", true, true);
addTransform(doubleobjType, intType, "Double", "intValue", false, true);
addTransform(doubleobjType, longType, "Double", "longValue", false, true);
addTransform(doubleobjType, floatType, "Double", "floatValue", false, true);
addTransform(doubleobjType, doubleType, "Double", "doubleValue", false, false);
addTransform(doubleobjType, byteobjType, "Utility", "NumberToByte", true, true);
addTransform(doubleobjType, shortobjType, "Utility", "NumberToShort", true, true);
addTransform(doubleobjType, charobjType, "Utility", "NumberToCharacter", true, true);
addTransform(doubleobjType, intobjType, "Utility", "NumberToInteger", true, true);
addTransform(doubleobjType, longobjType, "Utility", "NumberToLong", true, true);
addTransform(doubleobjType, floatobjType, "Utility", "NumberToFloat", true, true);
addTransform(stringType, charType, "Utility", "StringTochar", true);
addTransform(stringType, charobjType, "Utility", "StringToCharacter", true);
addTransform(stringType, charType, "Utility", "StringTochar", true, true);
addTransform(stringType, charobjType, "Utility", "StringToCharacter", true, true);
private void addRuntimeClasses() {
@ -1560,7 +1583,7 @@ public final class Definition {
@ -1590,7 +1613,7 @@ public final class Definition {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Invalid constructor name [" + name + "] with the struct [" + + "].");
MethodKey methodKey = new MethodKey(name, args.length);
if (owner.constructors.containsKey(methodKey)) {
@ -1651,7 +1674,7 @@ public final class Definition {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid " + (statik ? "static method" : "method") +
" name [" + name + "] with the struct [" + + "].");
MethodKey methodKey = new MethodKey(name, args.length);
if (owner.constructors.containsKey(methodKey)) {
@ -1927,8 +1950,29 @@ public final class Definition {
private final void addTransform(final Type from, final Type to, final boolean explicit) {
if (from.equals(to)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Transform cannot" +
" have cast type from [" + + "] be the same as cast type to [" + + "].");
if (!from.sort.primitive || !to.sort.primitive) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only transforms between two primitives may be a simple cast, but" +
"found [" + + "] and [" + + "].");
final Cast cast = new Cast(from, to, explicit);
if (transformsMap.containsKey(cast)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Transform with " +
" cast type from [" + + "] to cast type to [" + + "] already defined.");
transformsMap.put(cast, cast);
private final void addTransform(final Type from, final Type to, final String struct,
final String name, final boolean statik) {
final String name, final boolean statik, final boolean explicit) {
final Struct owner = structsMap.get(struct);
if (owner == null) {
@ -1941,19 +1985,21 @@ public final class Definition {
" have cast type from [" + + "] be the same as cast type to [" + + "].");
final Cast cast = new Cast(from, to);
final Cast cast = new Cast(from, to, explicit);
if (transformsMap.containsKey(cast)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Transform with owner struct [" + + "]" +
" and cast type from [" + + "] to cast type to [" + + "] already defined.");
Method method;
final Cast transform;
final Method method;
Type upcast = null;
Type downcast = null;
// transforms are implicitly arity of 0, unless a static method where its 1 (receiver passed)
MethodKey methodKey = new MethodKey(name, statik ? 1 : 0);
final MethodKey methodKey = new MethodKey(name, statik ? 1 : 0);
if (statik) {
method = owner.staticMethods.get(methodKey);
@ -2031,7 +2077,7 @@ public final class Definition {
final Transform transform = new Transform(cast, method, upcast, downcast);
transform = new Transform(cast, method, upcast, downcast);
transformsMap.put(cast, transform);

@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ package org.elasticsearch.painless.node;
import org.elasticsearch.painless.CompilerSettings;
import org.elasticsearch.painless.Definition;
import org.elasticsearch.painless.Definition.Cast;
import org.elasticsearch.painless.Variables;
import org.elasticsearch.painless.MethodWriter;
@ -33,8 +32,6 @@ public final class EExplicit extends AExpression {
final String type;
AExpression child;
Cast cast = null;
public EExplicit(final int line, final String location, final String type, final AExpression child) {
super(line, location);

@ -20,6 +20,14 @@
package org.elasticsearch.painless;
public class DefOperationTests extends ScriptTestCase {
public void testIllegalCast() {
Exception exception = expectThrows(ClassCastException.class, () -> exec("def x = 1.0; int y = x; return y;"));
assertTrue(exception.getMessage().contains("java.lang.Double cannot be cast to java.lang.Integer"));
exception = expectThrows(ClassCastException.class, () -> exec("def x = (short)1; byte y = x; return y;"));
assertTrue(exception.getMessage().contains("java.lang.Short cannot be cast to java.lang.Byte"));
public void testNot() {
assertEquals(~1, exec("def x = (byte)1; return ~x"));
assertEquals(~1, exec("def x = (short)1; return ~x"));