The way `HistogramAggregator` works is that for every value, it is going to
compute a rounded value, that basically looks like
`(value / interval) * interval` and use it as a key in a hash table to
aggregate counts.
However, the exact rounded value is not needed yet at that stage, all we need
is a value that uniquely identifies the bucket, such as `(value / interval)`.
We could only multiply with `interval` again when building the bucket: this way
the second step is only performed once per bucket instead of once per value.
Although this looks like a micro optimization for the case that was just
decribed, it makes more sense with the date rounding implementations that we
have that are more CPU-intensive.
Adds a new FetchSubPhase, FieldDataFieldsFetchSubPhase, which loads the
field data cache for a field and returns an array of values for the
Also removes `doc['<field>']` and `_source.<field>` workaround no longer
needed in field name resolving.
From elasticsearch 0.90.6, when you have templates files defined in `config/templates` dir, rivers don't start anymore.
Steps to reproduce:
Create `config/templates/default.json`:
"template" : "*",
"mappings" : {
"_default_" : {
Start a dummy river:
curl -XPUT 'localhost:9200/_river/my_river/_meta' -d '{ "type" : "dummy" }'
It gives:
[2014-01-01 22:08:38,151][INFO ][cluster.metadata ] [Forge] [_river] creating index, cause [auto(index api)], shards [1]/[1], mappings [_default_]
[2014-01-01 22:08:38,239][INFO ][river.routing ] [Forge] no river _meta document found, retrying in 1000 ms
[2014-01-01 22:08:38,245][INFO ][cluster.metadata ] [Forge] [_river] update_mapping [my_river] (dynamic)
[2014-01-01 22:08:38,250][INFO ][river.routing ] [Forge] no river _meta document found, retrying in 1000 ms
[2014-01-01 22:08:39,244][INFO ][river.routing ] [Forge] no river _meta document found, retrying in 1000 ms
[2014-01-01 22:08:39,252][INFO ][river.routing ] [Forge] no river _meta document found, retrying in 1000 ms
[2014-01-01 22:08:40,246][INFO ][river.routing ] [Forge] no river _meta document found, retrying in 1000 ms
[2014-01-01 22:08:40,254][INFO ][river.routing ] [Forge] no river _meta document found, retrying in 1000 ms
[2014-01-01 22:08:41,246][INFO ][river.routing ] [Forge] no river _meta document found, retrying in 1000 ms
[2014-01-01 22:08:41,255][INFO ][river.routing ] [Forge] no river _meta document found, retrying in 1000 ms
[2014-01-01 22:08:42,249][WARN ][river.routing ] [Forge] no river _meta document found after 5 attempts
[2014-01-01 22:08:42,257][WARN ][river.routing ] [Forge] no river _meta document found after 5 attempts
With elasticsearch 0.90.2 or with no template file in `config/templates` dir, it gives:
[2014-01-01 22:22:32,096][INFO ][cluster.metadata ] [Forge] [_river] creating index, cause [auto(index api)], shards [1]/[1], mappings []
[2014-01-01 22:22:32,221][INFO ][cluster.metadata ] [Forge] [_river] update_mapping [my_river] (dynamic)
[2014-01-01 22:22:32,228][INFO ][river.dummy ] [Forge] [dummy][my_river] create
[2014-01-01 22:22:32,228][INFO ][river.dummy ] [Forge] [dummy][my_river] start
[2014-01-01 22:22:32,234][INFO ][cluster.metadata ] [Forge] [_river] update_mapping [my_river] (dynamic)
StringFieldMapper.toXContent uses the defaults for analyzed fields in order to
know which options to add to the builder. This means that if the field is not
analyzed and has norms enabled, it will omit to emit `norms.enabled: true`.
Parsing the mapping again will result in a StringFieldMapper that has norms
The same fix applies to index options.
If elasticsearch was started in the foreground an immediate exit on startup
led to logging in the logfile, where as when starting in the background,
an immediate exit logged to stdout.
Added base TransportAction class for master read operations that execute locally or not depending on the request class (local flag).
Added support for local flag where missing, in a backwards compatible manner:
- IndicesExistsRequest
- GetAliasesRequest (get alias api, aliases exist api)
- TypesExistsRequest
- GetIndexTemplatesRequest (get template, template exists)
- GetSettingsRequest
- GetRepositoriesRequest
- PendingClusterTasks
Added parsing of the local flag where missing in Rest*Action.
Updated SPEC adding local flag param where missing and added REST tests that contain use of the local flag where it was just added.
* Make it clearer that `aggs` is an allowed synomym
for the `aggregations` key
* Fix broken example in for datehistogram, `1.5M` is
not an allowed interval
* Make use of colon before examples consistent
* Fix typos
* change some string params to list
* make some params or bodies required
* removed incorrect URLs
* removed incorrect params
* Fixed name of pending_tasks
During query parsing if a filter is encountered that extends from NoCacheFilter then the filter will not be given to the filter cache (also not wrapped in FilterCacheFilterWrapper).
Also if a filter directly or indirectly wraps a NoCacheFilter then that filter will also not be cached.
Relates to #4757