Local mode modification done previously faulty. env[‘WORKSPACE’ is not
the sufficient discriminator to see if script is running under Jenkins.
This fails on the Jenkins parent jobs since those type of jobs don’t
have WORKSPACE set.
We currently run always with SecurityManager installed. To make sure we
work also without we should randomly swap it out ie. run without the
security manager.
Tests fail once in a while because of a ClassCastException at the mvel level.
We suspect that this happens because a script that is JIT-ed on a specific
data type cannot later be used with another one, but we didn't manage to
reproduce in our development environments, so let's try to change the field
names to see if this error keeps occurring.
We rely on the `cluster.name` setting to be the same across all nodes
and transport clients etc. If a node setting contains `cluster.name`
the test might not work if a random transport client is swapped
in. Passing such a configuration should result in an exception since
it's clearly an illegal state.
If one asks for `http://es:9200/_plugin/PLUGIN_NAME/` and the the plugin's _site directory contains an index.html file, it will be correctly served.
This is not the case for sub directories: a _site/folder/index.html is not served when requesting `http://es:9200/_plugin/PLUGIN_NAME/folder/` but one gets a 403 Forbidden response as if trying to browse the folder.
Detects if rescores arrive as an array instead of a plain object. If so
then parse each element of the array as a separate rescore to be executed
one after another. It looks like this:
"rescore" : [ {
"window_size" : 100,
"query" : {
"rescore_query" : {
"match" : {
"field1" : {
"query" : "the quick brown",
"type" : "phrase",
"slop" : 2
"query_weight" : 0.7,
"rescore_query_weight" : 1.2
}, {
"window_size" : 10,
"query" : {
"score_mode": "multiply",
"rescore_query" : {
"function_score" : {
"script_score": {
"script": "log10(doc['numeric'].value + 2)"
} ]
Rescores as a single object are still supported.
It happens to be the case that the iteration order of a HashMaps
keyset might be different across runs. This can cause undeterministic
results in shard balancing if weights are identical and multiple shards
of the same index are eligable for relocation. This commit adds
a tie-breaker based on the shard ID to prioritise the lowest shard
ID. This also makes `AddIncrementallyTests#testAddNodesAndIndices`
We need to remove the reproduce info printer after the suite
returns otherwise it might print a bogus line if a subsequent
non-rest test fails. The `RunNotifier` is used across suites in
the same JVM and the listener sticks to it.
We currently pull in the lucene-expression module that is referenced
by lucene-suggest. Yet, we don't make use of this dependency at all
and it pulls in a bunch of unshaded libs like `antlr` and `asm` which
are pretty common in other projects. We should exclude this
dependency since we don't use it at all and it causes problems
when Elasticsearch is used as a node client. (see #4858)
If we mark the dependency as provided it won't be included in the
Removed unused misc.asciidoc file
Added plugins directory to directory layout
Fixed transport.tcp.connect_timeout value to match the code found in NetworkService.TcpSettings
Clarified that phrase query does not preserve order of terms
Clarified merge page
Added instructions on how to build documentation to docs/README
This removes the overhead of polling a Bytes/Double/Long-Values instance in
every call to collect.
Additionally, the AggregationsCollector has been changed to wrap a simple array
instead of an ArrayList.
Terms aggregations return up to `size` terms, so up to now, the way to get all
matching terms back was to set `size` to an arbitrary high number that would be
larger than the number of unique terms.
Terms aggregators already made sure to not allocate memory based on the `size`
parameter so this commit mostly consists in making `0` an alias for the
maximum integer value in the TermsParser.