its pretty complex today, simplify it by doing a single iteration, and handling both dangling shard cleanup on existing indices and shards that have been reallocated to a differetn node
improve cleaning the global weighted cache when a reader closes, move it to a separate thread, so iterating over the cache entries will nto happen on each segment closed, but instead be "bulked"
The NPE occurred when for an arbitrary segment no parent documents exist for a has_parent filter/query and no child documents exist for a has_child filter/query.
introduce a new class, TransportRequest, which includes headers. This class can be used when sending requests over the transport layer, and ActionRequest also extends it now.
This is the first phase of the refactoring part in the transport layer and action layer to allow for simpler implementations of those as well as simpler "filtering" capabilities in the future
a version associated with each request, and having it associated with the stream when (de)serializing, can allow us in the future to better support cross version communication
The types exists api checks whether one or more types exists in one or more indices.
## Example usage
curl -XHEAD 'localhost:9200/twitter/tweet'
## Options
* `index` - One or more indices. Either specified as query string parameter or in the uri path.
* `type` - One or more types. Either specified as query string parameter or in the uri path.
* `ignore_missing` - Determines what type of indices to exclude from a request. The option can have the following values: `none` or `missing`.
If has_parent, has_child or top_children are executed incorrectly then a better exception is thrown. This gives a better error description when one of these queries or filters is being used in count api.
When setting cluster.routing.allocation.disable_allocation, it causes new indices primary shards to not be allocated. By default, new indices created should allow to, at the very least, allocate primary shards so they become operations. A new setting, cluster.routing.allocation.disable_new_allocation, allows to also disable "new" allocations.
Here is a short example of how a simple reroute API call:
curl -XPOST 'localhost:9200/_cluster/reroute' -d '{
"commands" : [
{"move" : {"index" : "test", "shard" : 0, "from_node" : "node1", "to_node" : "node2"}},
{"allocate" : {"index" : "test", "shard" : 1, "node" : "node3"}}
An importnat aspect to remember is the fact that once when an allocation occurs, the cluster will aim at rebalancing its state back to an even state. For example, if the allocation includes moving a shard from `node1` to `node2`, in an "even" state, then another shard will be moved from `node2` to `node1` to even things out.
The cluster can be set to disable allocations, which means that only the explicitl allocations will be performed. Obviously, only once all commands has been applied, the cluster will aim to be rebalance its state.
Anohter option is to run the commands in "dry_run" (as a URI flag, or in the request body). This will cause the commands to apply to the current cluster state, and reutrn the resulting cluster after the comamnds (and rebalancing) has been applied.
The commands supporterd are:
* `move`: Move a started shard from one node to anotehr node. Accepts `index` and `shard` for index name and shard number, `from_node` for the node to move the shard "from", and `to_node` for the node to move the shard to.
* `cancel`: Cancel allocation of a shard (or recovery). Accepts `index` and `shard` for index name and shar number, and `node` for the node to cancel the shard allocation on.
* `allocate`: Allocate an unassigned shard to a node. Accepts the `index` and `shard` for index name and shard number, and `node` to allocate the shard to. It also accepts `allow_primary` flag to explciitly specify that it is allowed to explciitly allocate a primary shard (might result in data loss).