Although the master branch does not affect by #31482, it's helpful to
have BWC tests that verify the peer recovery with a synced-flush index.
This commit adds the bwc tests from #31506 to the master branch.
Relates #31482
Relates #31506
TransportAction currently contains 2 doExecute methods, one which takes
a the task, and one that does not. The latter is what some subclasses
implement, while the first one just calls the latter, dropping the given
task. This commit combines these methods, in favor of just always
assuming a task is present.
Although the master branch does not affect by #31482, it's helpful to
have BWC tests that verify the peer recovery with a synced-flush index.
This commit adds the bwc tests from #31506 to the master branch.
Relates #31482
Relates #31506
TransportAction currently contains 2 doExecute methods, one which takes
a the task, and one that does not. The latter is what some subclasses
implement, while the first one just calls the latter, dropping the given
task. This commit combines these methods, in favor of just always
assuming a task is present.
We have made node selectors configurable per request, but all
of other language clients don't allow for that.
A good reason not to do so, is that having a different node selector
per request breaks round-robin. This commit makes NodeSelector
configurable only at client initialization. It also improves the docs
on this matter, important given that a single node selector can still
affect round-robin.
TransportRequestHandler currently contains 2 messageReceived methods,
one which takes a Task, and one that does not. The first just delegates
to the second. This commit changes all existing implementors of
TransportRequestHandler to implement the version which takes Task, thus
allowing the class to be a functional interface, and eliminating the
need to throw exceptions when a task needs to be ensured.
This adds an api to allow updating a filter:
POST _xpack/ml/filters/{filter_id}/_update
The request body may have:
- description: setting a new description
- add_items: a list of the items to add
- remove_items: a list of the items to remove
This commit also changes the PUT filter api to
error when the filter_id is already used. As
now there is an api for updating filters, the
put api should only be used to create new ones.
Also, updating a filter results into a notification
message auditing the change for every job that is
using that filter.
Introduces support for multiple host providers, which allows the settings based hosts resolver to be
treated just as any other UnicastHostsProvider. Also introduces the notion of a HostsResolver so
that plugins such as FileBasedDiscovery do not need to create their own thread pool for resolving
hosts, making it easier to add new similar kind of plugins.
In #29639 we added a `format` option to doc-value fields and deprecated usage
of doc-value fields without a format so that we could migrate doc-value fields
to use the format that comes with the mappings by default. However I missed to
fix the machine-learning datafeed extractor.
Get Mapping currently throws index not found exception (and returns
404 status code) from the REST layer whenever an index was specified
and no indices have been returned. We should not have this logic in the
REST layer though as only our index resolver should decide whether we
need to throw exceptions or not based on provided indices and corresponding
indices options.
PkiRealm caches successful authentications and provides ways to
invalidate the cache. But in some scenario's the cache was not being
invalidated on role mapping change.
PkiRealm does not inform role mapper to be notified for cache
refresh on role mapping updates.
The logic in `TransportClearRealmCacheAction#nodeOperation`
which gets invoked for refreshing cache on realms, considers null or
empty realm names in the request as clear cache on all realms. When
LDAP realm is not present then it clears cache for all realms so it
works fine, but when LDAP realm is configured then role mapper
sends a request with LDAP realm names and so the cache is cleared
only for those realms.
This commit resolves the issue by registering PkiRealm with role
mapper for cache refresh. PkiRealm implements CachingRealm and as it
does not extend CachingUsernamePasswordRealm, have modified the
interface method `refreshRealmOnChange` to accept CachingRealm.
According to RFC 7617, the Basic authentication scheme name
should not be case sensitive.
Case insensitive comparisons are also applicable for the bearer
tokens where Bearer authentication scheme is used as per
RFC 6750 and RFC 7235
Some Http clients may send authentication scheme names in
different case types for eg. Basic, basic, BASIC, BEARER etc.,
so the lack of case-insensitive check is an issue when these
clients try to authenticate with elasticsearch.
This commit adds case-insensitive checks for Basic and Bearer
authentication schemes.
Most transport actions don't need the node ThreadPool. This commit
removes the ThreadPool as a super constructor parameter for
TransportAction. The actions that do need the thread pool then have a
member added to keep it from their own constructor.
We renamed `createNewTranslog` to `fileBasedRecovery` in the
RecoveryTarget but did not do this for RecoverySourceHandler.
This commit makes sure that we a consistent parameter in both
recovery source and target.
- POST _xpack/index_lifecycle/_stop
- issues a request to be placed into STOPPED mode (maintenance mode).
This is not immediate, since we must first verify that
it is safe to go from STOPPING -> STOPPED.
- POST _xpack/index_lifecycle/_start
- issues a request to be placed back into RUNNING mode (immediately)
- GET _xpack/index_lifecycle/_status
- get back the current mode our lifecycle management is in
- update task was hardened to support uninstalled metadata
- if no metadata is installed, the start/stop actions will install metadata
and proceed to try and change it (default start mode is RUNNING)
follow-up to #31164.