This makes GET operations more consistent with `_search` operations which expect
`(stored_)fields` to work on stored fields and source filtering to work on the
`_source` field. This is now possible thanks to the fact that GET operations
do not read from the translog anymore (#20102) and also allows to get rid of
The `_termvectors` API (and thus more_like_this too) was relying on the fact
that GET operations would extract fields from either stored fields or the source
so the logic to do this that used to exist in `ShardGetService` has been moved
to `TermVectorsService`. It would be nice that term vectors do not rely on this,
but this does not seem to be a low hanging fruit.
Non-stale shard copies are currently tracked using their allocation ids in the cluster state. When a node leaves the cluster, shard copies of that node are marked as stale by removing their allocation ids from the active set in the cluster. For full cluster restarts, this can have the unwanted effect that only the last node holding a copy of the shard will be seen as non-stale. The other shard copies are not really stale though as long as no writes have happened on this shard copy. Shard copies should thus only be marked as stale (by the master in the cluster state) if other active shards have received writes.
This commit implements the above logic and also renames the persistent structure used to track non-stale shard copies from "active_allocations" to "in_sync_allocations" as we now also support tracking non-stale shard copies that have no active routing entries in the cluster state.
We need to get the string representation of numbers in order to include in
`_all`. However this has a cost and disabling `_all` is rather common so we
should look into skipping it.
The network types in use on a cluster can be useful information to have,
so this commit adds aggregate metrics for the network types in use in a
cluster to the cluster stats.
Relates #20144
This moves the Writer interface from StreamOutput into Writeable, as a peer of its inner Reader interface. This should hopefully help to avoid random functional interfaces being created for the same purpose.
It also makes use of the moved class by updating writeMapOfLists and readMapOfLists.
This removes final from the RestClient, Response, and Sniffer classes so that outside code can mock them. Their constructors are already package private, so there's not much that can go wrong.
Objects hierarchy must be tracked when entering/leaving an object so that it better knows if the "newField" has been inserted into an arbitrary holding object.
Can be reproduced with gradle :core:test -Dtests.seed=760F8BD0F7E46D45 -Dtests.class=org.elasticsearch.index.query.MoreLikeThisQueryBuilderTests -Dtests.method="testUnknownObjectException" -Dtests.locale=ko -Dtests.timezone=Etc/Zulu
The Netty 4 HTTP server pipeline tests contains two different test
cases. The general idea behind these tests is to submit some requests to
a Netty 4 HTTP server, one test with pipelining enabled and another test
with pipelining disabled. These requests are submitted to two endpoints,
one with a path like /{id} and another with a path like /slow with a
query string parameter sleep. This parameter tells the request handler
how long to sleep for before replying. The idea is that in the case of
the pipelining enabled tests, the requests should come back exactly in
the order submitted, even with some of the requests hitting the slow
endpoint with random sleep durations; this is the guarantee that
pipelining provides. And in the case of the pipelining disabled tests,
requests were randombly submitted to /{id} and /slow with sleep
parameters starting at 600ms and increasing by 100ms for each slow
request constructed. We would expect the requests to come back with the
all the responses to the /{id} requests first because these requests
will execute instantaneously, and then the responses to the /slow
requests. Further, it was expected that the slow requests would come
back ordered by the length of the sleep, the thinking being that 100ms
should be enough of a difference between each request that we would
avoid any race conditions. Sadly, this is not the case, the threads do
sometimes hit race conditions.
This commit modifies the HTTP server pipelining tests to address this
race condition. The modification is that the query string parameter on
the /slow endpoint is removed in favor of just submitting requests to
the path /slow/{id}, where id just used a marker to distinguish each
request. The server chooses a random sleep of at least 500ms for each
request on the slow path. The assertion here then is that the /{id}
responses arrive first, then then /slow responses. We can not make an
assertion on the order of the responses, but we can assert that we did
see every expected response.
Relates #19845
When need to check the whole hierarchy of objects to know if the newly inserted "newField" object is part of an arbitrary holding object or not.
Reproduced with `gradle :modules:percolator:test -Dtests.seed=736B0B67DA7A3632 -Dtests.class=org.elasticsearch.percolator.PercolateQueryBuilderTests -Dtests.method="testUnknownObjectException" -Dtests.locale=es-ES -Dtests.timezone=ART`
Previous to this change the nesting of aggregation profiling results
would be incorrect when the request contains a terms aggregation and the
collect mode is (implicitly or explicitly) set to `breadth_first`. This
was because the aggregation profiling has to make the assumption that
the `preCollection()` method of children aggregations is always called in
the `preCollection()` method of their parent aggregation. When the collect
mode is `breadth_first` the `preCollection` of the children aggregations
was delayed until the documents were replayed.
This change moves the `preCollection()` of deferred aggregations to run
during the `preCollection()` of the parent aggregation. This should have
no adverse impact on the breadth_first mode as there is no allocation of
memory in any of the aggregations.
We also apply the same logic to the diversified sampler aggregation as
we did to the terms aggregation to move the `preCollection()` of the
child aggregations method to be called during the `preCollection()` of
the parent aggregation.
This commit also includes a fix so that the `ProfilingLeafBucketCollector`
propagates the scorer to its delegate so the diversified sampler agg works
when profiling is enabled.
If they are specified by a mapping update, these properties are currently
ignored. This commit also fixes the handling of `dynamic_templates` so that it
is possible to remove templates (and so that it works more similarly to all
other mapping properties).
This method fails when a randomized string value contains a double-quote. This commit changes the method so that it is not based on string concatenation anymore. It now use XContentGenerator & XContentParser to mutate the valid queries.
Related #19864
This is a house cleaning commit that refactors GeoPointFieldMapperLegacy to LegacyGeoPointFieldMapper for consistency with Legacy Numerics and IP field mappers.
IndexedGeoBoundingBoxQuery and InMemoryGeoBoundingBoxQuery are also deprecated and refactored as Legacy classes.
This change adds a special field named _none_ that allows to disable the retrieval of the stored fields in a search request or in a TopHitsAggregation.
To completely disable stored fields retrieval (including disabling metadata fields retrieval such as _id or _type) use _none_ like this:
POST _search
"stored_fields": "_none_"
Today we do a lot of accounting inside the engine to maintain locations
of documents inside the transaction log. This is only needed to ensure
we can return the documents source from the engine if it hasn't been refreshed.
Aside of the added complexity to be able to read from the currently writing translog,
maintainance of pointers into the translog this also caused inconsistencies like different values
of the `_ttl` field if it was read from the tlog or not. TermVectors are totally different if
the document is fetched from the tranlog since copy fields are ignored etc.
This chance will simply call `refresh` if the documents latest version is not in the index. This
streamlines the semantics of the `_get` API and allows for more optimizations inside the engine
and on the transaction log. Note: `_refresh` is only called iff the requested document is not refreshed
yet but has recently been updated or added.
#Relates to #19787
I was writing tests for RAM usage estimation of LiveVersionMap and found a
couple issues:
- The BytesRef objects used as uids were oversized since they were created
via `new BytesRef(CharSequence)` which creates a `byte[]` whose size is 3x
the length of the provided char sequence. Given that our uids are most of
times ASCII sequences, this is a waste of memory.
- `VersionValue` was using `translogLocation.size` instead of
`translogLocation.ramBytesUsed()` for RAM estimation, which is completely
unrelated to the memory footprint of the `Translog.Location` object.
In particular, the latter issue could cause RAM usage estimation to be
significantly overestimated, especially on large documents.
I also added tests for ram accounting.
This was previously broken because run and integTest used the same
configuration name. This change makes the configuration name prefixed by
the task the cluster is created for.
Now that Elasticsearch defaults to 2gb heaps those boxes need more ram,
especially opensuse-13 for some reason. It has failed to run the
packaging tests ever since the change.....
The minimum master nodes bootstrap check was removed in
069fc2269664c5b2a4a393c893825f982b55ccc7 but the docs were left behind.
This commit removes these stale docs.
Relates #20127
Deprecates the optimize_bbox parameter on geodistance queries. This has no longer been needed since version 2.2 because lucene geo distance queries (postings and LatLonPoint) already optimize by bounding box.