Our own fork of the lucene PostingsHighlighter is not easy to maintain and doesn't give us any added value at this point. In particular, it was introduced to support the require_field_match option and discrete per value highlighting, used in case one wants to highlight the whole content of a field, but get back one snippet per value. These two features won't
make it into lucene as they slow things down and shouldn't have been supported from day one on our end probably.
One other customization we had was support for a wider range of queries via custom rewrite etc. (yet another way to slow
things down), which got added to lucene and works much much better than what we used to do (instead of or rewrite, term
s are pulled out of the automata for multi term queries).
Removing our fork means the following in terms of features:
- dropped support for require_field_match: the postings highlighter will only highlight fields that were queried
- some custom es queries won't be supported anymore, meaning they won't be highlighted. The only one I found up until now is the phrase_prefix. Postings highlighter rewrites against an empty reader to avoid slow operations (like the ones that we were performing with the fork that we are removing here), thus the prefix will not be expanded to any term. What the postings highlighter does instead is pulling the automata out of multi term queries, but this is not supported at the moment with our MultiPhrasePrefixQuery.
Add methods to operate on multi-valued fields in the expressions language.
Note that users will still not be able to access individual values
within a multi-valued field.
The following methods will be included:
* min
* max
* avg
* median
* count
* sum
Additionally, changes have been made to MultiValueMode to support the
new median method.
Remove the ability to specify search type ‘query_and_fetch’ and
‘df_query_and_fetch’ from the REST API.
- Adds REST tests
- Updates REST API spec to remove ‘query_and_fetch’ and
‘df_query_and_fetch’ as options
- Removes documentation for these options
This commit brings the benefits of the `count` search type to search requests
that have a `size` of 0:
- a single round-trip to shards (no fetch phase)
- ability to use the query cache
Since `count` now provides no benefits over `query_then_fetch`, it has been
The behaviour is better in the case someone has multiple levels of nested object fields defined in the mapping and like to define a single inner_hits definition that is two or more levels deep.
If someone wants inner hits on a nested field that is 2 levels deep the following would need to be defined:
"inner_hits" : {
"path" : {
"level1" : {
"inner_hits" : {
"path" : {
"level2" : {
"query" : { .... }
With this change the above can be defined as:
"inner_hits" : {
"path" : {
"level1.level2" : {
"query" : { .... }
Changed search_type docs to reflect that the `(dfs_)query_and_fetch` modes are an internal optimization and should not be specified explicitly by the user.
Relates to #9606
We now have a very useful annotation to mark features or parameters as
experimental. Let's use it! This commit replaces some custom text warnings with
this annotation and adds this annotation to some existing features/parameters:
- inner_hits (unreleased yet)
- terminate_after (released in 1.4)
- per-bucket doc count errors in the terms agg (released in 1.4)
I also tagged with this annotation settings which should either be not needed
(like the ability to evict entries from the filter cache based on time) or that
are too deep into the way that Elasticsearch works like the Directory
implementation or merge settings.
Inner hits allows to embed nested inner objects, children documents or the parent document that contributed to the matching of the returned search hit as inner hits, which would otherwise be hidden.
This is functionally equivalent to before, so there should be no
user-visible impact, except I added a NOTE in the docs warning about
the interaction of pagination and rescoring.
Aggregations are collection-wide statistics, which is incompatible with the
collection mode of search_type=SCAN since it doesn't collect all matches on
calls to the search API.
Aggregations are collection-wide statistics so they would always be the same.
In order to save CPU/bandwidth, we can just return them on the first page.
Same as #1642 but for aggregations.
Because json objects are unordered this also adds an explicit order syntax
that looks like
"highlight": {
"fields": [
{"title":{ /*params*/ }},
{"text":{ /*params*/ }}
This is not useful for any of the builtin highlighters but will be useful
in plugins.