Since #34288, we might hit deadlock if the FollowTask has more fetchers
than writers. This can happen in the following scenario:
Suppose the leader has two operations [seq#0, seq#1]; the FollowTask has
two fetchers and one writer.
1. The FollowTask issues two concurrent fetch requests: {from_seq_no: 0,
num_ops:1} and {from_seq_no: 1, num_ops:1} to read seq#0 and seq#1
2. The second request which fetches seq#1 completes before, and then it
triggers a write request containing only seq#1.
3. The primary of a follower fails after it has replicated seq#1 to
4. Since the old primary did not respond, the FollowTask issues another
write request containing seq#1 (resend the previous write request).
5. The new primary has seq#1 already; thus it won't replicate seq#1 to
replicas but will wait for the global checkpoint to advance at least
The problem is that the FollowTask has only one writer and that writer
is waiting for seq#0 which won't be delivered until the writer completed.
This PR proposes to replicate existing operations with the old primary
term (instead of the current term) on the follower. In particular, when
the following primary detects that it has processed an process already,
it will look up the term of an existing operation with the same seq_no
in the Lucene index, then rewrite that operation with the old term
before replicating it to the following replicas. This approach is
wait-free but requires soft-deletes on the follower.
Relates #34288
When a envelope that crosses the dateline is specified as a part of
geo_shape query is parsed it shouldn't have its left and right points
The shard suggestion sort uses a different tie-break than the one that is used
to merge different shards responses. The former uses the internal document identifier
when scores are the same whereas the latter compares the surface form first.
Because of this discrepancy some suggestion outputs are linked to the wrong documents
because the merge sort reorders the shard suggestions differently. This change
fixes this bug by duplicating the Lucene collector in order to be able to apply the
same tiebreak strategy than the merge sort. This logic will be removed when is fixed.
Today we rely on the LocalCheckpointTracker to ensure no duplicate when
enabling optimization using max_seq_no_of_updates. The problem is that
the LocalCheckpointTracker is not fully reloaded when opening an engine
with an out-of-order index commit. Suppose the starting commit has seq#0
and seq#2, then the current LocalCheckpointTracker would return "false"
when asking if seq#2 was processed before although seq#2 in the commit.
This change scans the existing sequence numbers in the starting commit,
then marks these as completed in the LocalCheckpointTracker to ensure
the consistent state between LocalCheckpointTracker and Lucene commit.
Make SQL aware of missing and/or unmapped fields treating them as NULL
Make _all_ functions and operators null-safe aware, including when used
in filtering or sorting contexts
Add missing and null-safe doc value extractor
Modify dataset to have null fields spread around (in groups of 10)
Enforce missing last and unmapped_type inside sorting
Consolidate Predicate templating and declaration
Add support for Like/RLike in scripting
Introduce early schema declaration for CSV spec tests: to keep the doc
snippets in place (introduce schema:: prefix for declaration)
Exclusion setting `cluster.routing.allocation.exclude._host` default value
is an empty string.
When an exclusion setting is sent with a null value the
o.e.c.s.Setting#innerGetRaw API return an empty string (probably to
avoid a NullPointerException to be raised).
The o.e.c.r.a.d.FilterAllocationDecider class is developed to omit
updates of default values for exclusion setting.
That's why a null exclusion setting value is translated to an empty
string which is equals to the exclusion default value which is
configured to be ignored.
A simple fix would be to not omit default values for exclusion setting
and keep the NullPointerException guard. This is the purpose of this
The `term` and `phrase` suggesters have different options to filter candidates
based on their frequencies. The `popular` mode for instance filters candidate
terms that occur in less docs than the original term. However when we compute this threshold
we use the total term frequency of a term instead of the document frequency. This is not inline
with the actual filtering which is always based on the document frequency. This change fixes
this discrepancy and clarifies the meaning of the different frequencies in use in the suggesters.
It also ensures that the threshold doesn't overflow the maximum allowed value (Integer.MAX_VALUE).
Currently the StemmerTokenFilterFactory checks the validity of the language
setting only when the first TokenStream is processed. Instead we should throw an
error earlier at mapping creation time. This change adds a check to the
StemmerTokenFilterFactory constructor that checks for a valid `language` setting
by trying to create a new TokenStream from an empty input stream. This will
throw errors about wrong language settings early on.
With this commit we cleanup hand-coded duplicate checks in XContent
parsing. They were necessary previously but since we reconfigured the
underlying parser in #22073 and #22225, these checks are obsolete and
were also ineffective unless an undocumented system property has been
set. As we also remove this escape hatch, we can remove the additional
checks as well.
Relates #34588
In order to stay BWC compatible with joda time, the epoch millis date
formatter needs to parse dates with a dot like `123.45`. This
adds this functionality for the epoch millis parser in the same way as
for the epoch seconds parser. It also adds support for scientific
notations like `1.0e3` and fixes parsing of negative values for epoch
seconds and epoch millis.
For user/_has_privileges and user/_privileges, handle the case where
there is no user in the security context. This is likely to indicate
that the server is running with a basic license, in which case the
action will be rejected with a non-compliance exception (provided
we don't throw a NPE).
The implementation here is based on the _authenticate API.
Resolves: #34567
This change makes it no longer possible to follow / auto follow without
specifying a leader cluster. If a local index needs to be followed
then `cluster.remote.*.seeds` should point to nodes in the local cluster.
Add example for selectively clearing just the request, query or fielddata cache
and for selectively clearing the cache for specific fields.
* Adding new setting to docs
* Fixing docs, making it clearer what the setting does
* Adding note about external process need
We'd disabled them because we didn't have a way to clean up after each
test. I implemented #34342 which adds the clean ups so now we can
re-enable the tests.
In the `setup` sections we have to use `raw` requests instead of
`x-pack` requests because we don't have the json config for x-pack.
The setting that reduces the disk space requirement
for the forecasting integration tests was accidentally
removed in #31757 when files were moved around. This
change simply adds back the setting that existed before
A constant can now be used outside aggregation only queries.
Don't skip an ES query in case of constants-only selects.
Loosen the binary pipe restriction of being used only in aggregation queries.
Right now, watches fail on runtime, when invalid email addresses are
All those fields can be checked on parsing, if no mustache is used in
any email address template. In that case we can return immediate
feedback, that invalid email addresses should not be specified when
trying to store a watch.
The logfile audit log format is no longer formed by prefix fields followed
by key value fields, it is all formed by key value fields only (JSON format).
Consequently, the following settings, which toggled some of the prefix
fields, have been renamed:
audit.logfile .prefix.emit_node_host_address
audit.logfile .prefix.emit_node_host_name
audit.logfile .prefix.emit_node_name
Replace deprecated
setting with
in the HLRC integTestCluster.
This API is intended as a companion to the _has_privileges API.
It returns the list of privileges that are held by the current user.
This information is difficult to reason about, and consumers should
avoid making direct security decisions based solely on this data.
For example, each of the following index privileges (as well as many
more) would grant a user access to index a new document into the
"metrics-2018-08-30" index, but clients should not try and deduce
that information from this API.
- "all" on "*"
- "all" on "metrics-*"
- "write" on "metrics-2018-*"
- "write" on "metrics-2018-08-30"
Rather, if a client wished to know if a user had "index" access to
_any_ index, it would be possible to use this API to determine whether
the user has any index privileges, and on which index patterns, and
then feed those index patterns into _has_privileges in order to
determine whether the "index" privilege had been granted.
The result JSON is modelled on the Role API, with a few small changes
to reflect how privileges are modelled when multiple roles are merged
together (multiple DLS queries, multiple FLS grants, multiple global
conditions, etc).