Now that Elasticsearch defaults to 2gb heaps those boxes need more ram,
especially opensuse-13 for some reason. It has failed to run the
packaging tests ever since the change.....
This commit migrates the Vagrant box for Fedora for the packaging tests
from Fedora 22 to Fedora 24 as Fedora 22 reached end-of-line upon the
release of Fedora 24.
Relates #19308
This gets the tar and tar_plugins tests working in gradle. It does so by
adding a subproject, qa/vagrant, which adds the following tasks:
checkPackages - Check the packages against a representative sample of the
linux distributions we have in our Vagrantfile
checkPackagesAllDistros - Check the packages against all the linux
distributions we have in our Vagrantfile
Package Verification
checkCentos6 - Run packaging tests against centos-6
checkCentos7 - Run packaging tests against centos-7
checkDebian8 - Run packaging tests against debian-8
checkFedora22 - Run packaging tests against fedora-22
checkOel7 - Run packaging tests against oel-7
checkOpensuse13 - Run packaging tests against opensuse-13
checkSles12 - Run packaging tests against sles-12
checkUbuntu1204 - Run packaging tests against ubuntu-1204
checkUbuntu1404 - Run packaging tests against ubuntu-1404
checkUbuntu1504 - Run packaging tests against ubuntu-1504
smokeTestCentos6 - Smoke test the centos-6 VM
smokeTestCentos7 - Smoke test the centos-7 VM
smokeTestDebian8 - Smoke test the debian-8 VM
smokeTestFedora22 - Smoke test the fedora-22 VM
smokeTestOel7 - Smoke test the oel-7 VM
smokeTestOpensuse13 - Smoke test the opensuse-13 VM
smokeTestSles12 - Smoke test the sles-12 VM
smokeTestUbuntu1204 - Smoke test the ubuntu-1204 VM
smokeTestUbuntu1404 - Smoke test the ubuntu-1404 VM
smokeTestUbuntu1504 - Smoke test the ubuntu-1504 VM
vagrantHaltCentos6 - Shutdown the vagrant VM running centos-6
vagrantHaltCentos7 - Shutdown the vagrant VM running centos-7
vagrantHaltDebian8 - Shutdown the vagrant VM running debian-8
vagrantHaltFedora22 - Shutdown the vagrant VM running fedora-22
vagrantHaltOel7 - Shutdown the vagrant VM running oel-7
vagrantHaltOpensuse13 - Shutdown the vagrant VM running opensuse-13
vagrantHaltSles12 - Shutdown the vagrant VM running sles-12
vagrantHaltUbuntu1204 - Shutdown the vagrant VM running ubuntu-1204
vagrantHaltUbuntu1404 - Shutdown the vagrant VM running ubuntu-1404
vagrantHaltUbuntu1504 - Shutdown the vagrant VM running ubuntu-1504
vagrantSmokeTest - Smoke test some representative distros from the Vagrantfile
vagrantSmokeTestAllDistros - Smoke test all distros from the Vagrantfile
vagrantUpCentos6 - Startup a vagrant VM running centos-6
vagrantUpCentos7 - Startup a vagrant VM running centos-7
vagrantUpDebian8 - Startup a vagrant VM running debian-8
vagrantUpFedora22 - Startup a vagrant VM running fedora-22
vagrantUpOel7 - Startup a vagrant VM running oel-7
vagrantUpOpensuse13 - Startup a vagrant VM running opensuse-13
vagrantUpSles12 - Startup a vagrant VM running sles-12
vagrantUpUbuntu1204 - Startup a vagrant VM running ubuntu-1204
vagrantUpUbuntu1404 - Startup a vagrant VM running ubuntu-1404
vagrantUpUbuntu1504 - Startup a vagrant VM running ubuntu-1504
It does not make the "check" task depend on "checkPackages" so running the
vagrant tests is still optional. They are slow and depend on vagrant and
The Package Verification tasks are useful for testing individual distros.
The Vagrant tasks are listed in `gradle tasks` primarily for discoverability.
Installs javatana in vivid, emulates its on-login actions when starting
elasticsearch and verifies that elasticsearch turns off javatana.
Relates to #13813
This adds SuSe Linux Enterprise Server 12 to the list of tested VMs.
SLES 12 is using systemd, so that the current RPM works
out of the box.
SLES12 however is already quite old and does not ship with java8, so this
required adding an opensuse repo.
Removes an esoteric `apt-get update` variant used in Vagrantfile that was
causing only parts of the apt repository to update. That was the point of
the command but when it would leave the repository only half built which
made installing anything but Java difficult. The speed isn't worth the
To do this we:
1. All the rpm based distros we test support Java 8. We just ask to install
2. There is a ppa that works for the Ubuntus. We just add that for them.
3. Debian Jessie has Java 8 in its backports. We just add that repository.
4. Debian Wheezy doesn't have Java 8 easily accessible so we drop it. We
could add it back with Orache Java 8 at a later date but that will take a
few more backflips and won't support things like vagrant-cachier.
This required a ton of rebuilding of vagrant boxes so it also fixes:
1. apt-get update is run too frequently
2. Lots of weird warning messages are spit out of apt-get
3. Switch from the chef provided based images to those provided by boxcutter.
The chef images has left vagrant atlas!
Also a small amount of cleanup in the way we create VMs - just a bit less
Prompts are always of the form "box:cwd$ ". Even for root. Which is ok because
you don't have to be that careful with root because these are VMs that you
can destroy and recreate quickly.
This creates a module in qa called vagrant that can be run if you have
vagrant and virtualbox installed and will run the packaging tests in trusty
and centos-7.0. You can ask it to run tests in other linuxes. This is the full
* precise aka Ubuntu 12.04
* trusty aka Ubuntu 14.04
* vivid aka Ubuntun 15.04
* wheezy aka Debian 7, the current debian oldstable distribution
* jessie aka Debian 8, the current debina stable distribution
* centos-6
* centos-7
* fedora-22
* oel-7
There is lots of documentation on how to do this in the TESTING.asciidoc.