In #29623 we added `Request` object flavored requests to the low level
REST client and in #30315 we deprecated the old `performRequest`s. This
changes most of the calls not in X-Pack to their new versions.
This is related to #27260. It adds the SecurityNioHttpServerTransport
to the security plugin. It randomly uses the nio http transport in
security integration tests.
The `else` branch where currently the error response should be thrown is not
reachable because `handler` is always non-null inside the previous outer check.
Moving error creation into an else branch on the other condition check, removing
the other superflous check for non-null handler inside the first branch.
3rd party tests are failing because the repository-s3 is expecting some
enviromnent variables in order to test session tokens but the CI job is
not ready yet to provide those. This pull request relaxes the constraints
on the presence of env vars so that the 3rd party tests can still be
executed on CI.
* Upgrade bouncycastle
Required to fix
`bcprov-jdk15on-1.55.jar; invalid manifest format `
on jdk 11
* Downgrade bouncycastle to avoid invalid manifest
* Add checksum for new jars
* Update tika permissions for jdk 11
* Mute test failing on jdk 11
* Add JDK11 to CI
* Thread#stop(Throwable) was removed
* Disable failing tests #31456
* Temprorarily disable doc tests
To see if there are other failures on JDK11
* Only blacklist specific doc tests
* Disable only failing tests in ingest attachment plugin
* Mute failing HDFS tests #31498
* Mute failing lang-painless tests #31500
* Fix backwards compatability builds
Fix JAVA version to 10 for ES 6.3
* Add 6.x to bwx -> java10
* Prefix out and err from buildBwcVersion for readability
> Task :distribution:bwc:next-bugfix-snapshot:buildBwcVersion
[bwc] :buildSrc:compileJava
[bwc] WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred
[bwc] WARNING: Illegal reflective access by org.codehaus.groovy.reflection.CachedClass (file:/home/alpar/.gradle/wrapper/dists/gradle-4.5-all/cg9lyzfg3iwv6fa00os9gcgj4/gradle-4.5/lib/groovy-all-2.4.12.jar) to method java.lang.Object.finalize()
[bwc] WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of org.codehaus.groovy.reflection.CachedClass
[bwc] WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of further illegal reflective access operations
[bwc] WARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a future release
[bwc] :buildSrc:compileGroovy
[bwc] :buildSrc:writeVersionProperties
[bwc] :buildSrc:processResources
[bwc] :buildSrc:classes
[bwc] :buildSrc:jar
* Also set RUNTIME_JAVA_HOME for bwcBuild
So that we can make sure it's not too new for the build to understand.
* Align bouncycastle dependency
* fix painles array tets
* Update jar checksums
* Keep 8/10 runtime/compile untill consensus builds on 11
* Only skip failing tests if running on Java 11
* Failures are dependent of compile java version not runtime
* Condition doc test exceptions on compiler java version as well
* Disable hdfs tests based on runtime java
* Set runtime java to minimum supported for bwc
* PR review
* Add comment with ticket for forbidden apis
Today, `AmazonS3Fixture` returns 403 on attempts to access any inappropriate
bucket, whether known or otherwise. In fact, S3 reports 404 on nonexistent
buckets and 403 on inaccessible ones. This change enhances `AmazonS3Fixture` to
distinguish these cases.
Adds a Minio fixture to run the S3 repository tests against Minio. Also collapses the single qa
subproject into the s3-repository project, which simplifies the code structure (having it all in one
place) and helps to avoid having too many Gradle subprojects.
AWS supports the creation and use of credentials that are only valid for a
fixed period of time. These credentials comprise three parts: the usual access
key and secret key, together with a session token. This commit adds support for
these three-part credentials to the EC2 discovery plugin and the S3 repository
Note that session tokens are only valid for a limited period of time and yet
there is no mechanism for refreshing or rotating them when they expire without
restarting Elasticsearch. Nonetheless, this feature is already useful for
nodes that need only run for a few days, such as for training, testing or
evaluation. #29135 tracks the work towards allowing these credentials to be
refreshed at runtime.
Adds a new parameter to the BlobContainer#write*Blob methods to specify whether the existing file
should be overridden or not. For some metadata files in the repository, we actually want to replace
the current file. This is currently implemented through an explicit blob delete and then a fresh write.
In case of using a cloud provider (S3, GCS, Azure), this results in 2 API requests instead of just 1.
This change will therefore allow us to achieve the same functionality using less API requests.
Before deleting a repository index generation file, BlobStoreRepository
checks for the existence of the file and then deletes it. We can save
a request here by using BlobContainer.deleteBlobIgnoringIfNotExists()
which ignores error when deleting a file that does not exist.
Since there is no way with S3 to know if a non versioned file existed
before being deleted, this pull request also changes S3BlobContainer so
that it now implements deleteBlobIgnoringIfNotExists(). It will now save
one more request (blobExist?) when appropriate. The tests and fixture
have been modified to conform the S3 API that always returns a 204/NO
CONTENT HTTP response on deletions.
This commit removes some tests in the repository-s3 plugin that
have not been executed for 2+ years but have been maintained
for nothing. Most of the tests in AbstractAwsTestCase were
obsolete or superseded by fixture based integration tests.
This pull request merges the AzureStorageService interface and
the AzureStorageServiceImpl classes into one single
AzureStorageService class. It also removes some tests in the
repository-azure plugin that have not been executed for 2+ years.
The current AzureStorageServiceImpl always checks if the Azure container
exists before reading or writing an object to the Azure container. This commit
removes this behavior, reducing the number of overhall requests executed
for all snapshots operations.
The interface and its implementation can be merged into a single class,
which is renamed to S3Service like the other S3BlobStore, S3Repository
* remove left-over comment
* make sure of the property for plugins
* skip installing modules if these exist in the distribution
* Log the distrbution being ran
* Don't allow running with integ-tests-zip passed externally
* top level x-pack/qa can't run with oss distro
* Add support for matching objects in lists
Makes it possible to have a key that points to a list and assert that a
certain object is present in the list. All keys have to be present and
values have to match. The objects in the source list may have additional
match: { 'nodes.$master.plugins': { name: ingest-attachment } }
* Update plugin and module tests to work with other distributions
Some of the tests expected that the integration tests will always be ran
with the `integ-test-zip` distribution so that there will be no other
plugins loaded.
With this change, we check for the presence of the plugin without
assuming exclusivity.
* Allow modules to run on other distros as well
To match the behavior of tets.distributions
* Add and use a new `contains` assertion
Replaces the previus changes that caused `match` to do a partial match.
* Implement PR review comments
Introduces support for multiple host providers, which allows the settings based hosts resolver to be
treated just as any other UnicastHostsProvider. Also introduces the notion of a HostsResolver so
that plugins such as FileBasedDiscovery do not need to create their own thread pool for resolving
hosts, making it easier to add new similar kind of plugins.
With #20695 we removed local transport and there is just TransportAddress now. The
UnicastHostsProvider currently returns DiscoveryNode instances, where, during pinging, we're
actually only making use of the TransportAddress to establish a first connection to the possible new
node. To simplify the interface, we can just return a list of transport addresses instead, which
means that it's not necessary anymore to create fake node objects in each plugin just to return the
address information.
Currently we set local addresses on the creation time of a NioChannel.
However, this may return null as the local address may not have been
set yet. An example is the local address has not been set on a client
channel as the connection process is not yet complete.
This PR modifies the getter to set the local field if it is currently null.
Historically in TcpTransport server channels were represented by the
same channel interface as socket channels. This was necessary as
TcpTransport was parameterized by the channel type. This commit
introduces TcpServerChannel and HttpServerChannel classes. Additionally,
it adds the implementations for the various transports. This allows
server channels to have unique functionality and not implement the
methods they do not support (such as send and getRemoteAddress).
Additionally, with the introduction of HttpServerChannel this commit
extracts some of the storing and closing channel work to the abstract
http server transport.
This is a general cleanup of channels and exception handling in http.
This commit introduces a CloseableChannel that is a superclass of
TcpChannel and HttpChannel. This allows us to unify the closing logic
between tcp and http transports. Additionally, the normal http channels
are extracted to the abstract server transport.
Finally, this commit (mostly) unifies the exception handling between nio
and netty4 http server transports.
Adds the ability to reread and decrypt the local node keystore.
Commonly, the contents of the keystore, backing the `SecureSettings`,
are not retrievable except during node initialization. This changes that
by adding a new API which broadcasts a password to every node. The
password is used to decrypt the local keystore and use it to populate
a `Settings` object that is passes to all the plugins implementing the
`ReloadablePlugin` interface. The plugin is then responsible to do
whatever "reload" means in his case. When the `reload`handler returns,
the keystore is closed and its contents are no longer retrievable.
Password is never stored persistently on any node.
Plugins that have been moded in this commit are: `repository-azure`,
`repository-s3`, `repository-gcs` and `discovery-ec2`.
This is related to #28898. This PR implements pooling of bytes arrays
when reading from the wire in the http server transport. In order to do
this, we must integrate with netty reference counting. That manner in
which this PR implements this is making Pages in InboundChannelBuffer
reference counted. When we accessing the underlying page to pass to
netty, we retain the page. When netty releases its bytebuf, it releases
the underlying pages we have passed to it.
This commit adds a new QA sub project to the discovery-ec2 plugin.
This project uses a fixture to test the plugin using a multi-node cluster.
Once all nodes are started, the nodes transport addresses are written
in a file that is later read by the fixture.
Currently we maintain a compatibility map of http status codes in both
the netty4 and nio modules. These maps convert a RestStatus to a netty
HttpResponseStatus. However, as these fundamentally represent integers,
we can just use the netty valueOf method to convert a RestStatus to a
This is related to #28898. With the addition of the http nio transport,
we now have two different modules that provide http transports.
Currently most of the http logic lives at the module level. However,
some of this logic can live in server. In particular, some of the
setting of headers, cors, and pipelining. This commit begins this moving
in that direction by introducing lower level abstraction (HttpChannel,
HttpRequest, and HttpResonse) that is implemented by the modules. The
higher level rest request and rest channel work can live entirely in
Many fixtures have similar code for writing the pid & ports files or
for handling HTTP requests. This commit adds an AbstractHttpFixture
class in the test framework that can be extended for specific testing purposes.
Currently the http pipelining handlers seem to support chunked http
content. However, this does not make sense. There is a content
aggregator in the pipeline before the pipelining handler. This means the
pipelining handler should only see full http messages. Additionally, the
request handler immediately after the pipelining handler only supports
full messages.
This commit modifies both nio and netty4 pipelining handlers to assert
that an inbound message is a full http message. Additionally it removes
the tests for chunked content.
This commit upgrades us to Netty 4.1.25. This upgrade is more
challenging than past upgrades, all because of a new object cleaner
thread that they have added. This thread requires an additional security
permission (set context class loader, needed to avoid leaks in certain
scenarios). Additionally, there is not a clean way to shutdown this
thread which means that the thread can fail thread leak control during
tests. As such, we have to filter this thread from thread leak control.
There's no need for an extra blobExists() call when writing a blob to the Azure service. Azure
provides an option (with stronger consistency guarantees) on the upload method that guarantees
that the blob that's uploaded does not already exist. This saves one network roundtrip.
Relates to #19749
Most of our license file names strip the version off the artifact name
when deducing the license filename. However, the version on the GCS SDK
(google-api-services-storage) does not match the usual format and
instead starts with a vee. This means that the license filename for this
license ended up carrying the version and we should not do that. This
commit adjusts the regex the deduces the license filename to account for
this case, and adjusts the google-api-services-storage license files
This is related to #27260 and #28898. This commit adds the transport-nio
plugin as a random option when running the http smoke tests. As part of
this PR, I identified an issue where cors support was not properly
enabled causing these tests to fail when using transport-nio. This
commit also fixes that issue.
This is related to #28898. This commit adds the acceptor thread name to
the method checking if this thread is a transport thread. Additionally,
it modifies the nio http transport to use the same worker name as the
netty4 http server transport.
This is related to #27260. This commit combines the AcceptingSelector
and SocketSelector classes into a single NioSelector. This change
allows the same selector to handle both server and socket channels. This
is valuable as we do not necessarily want a dedicated thread running for
accepting channels.
With this change, this commit removes the configuration for dedicated
accepting selectors for the normal transport class. The accepting
workload for new node connections is likely low, meaning that there is
no need to dedicate a thread to this process.