This commit fixes the inequality symbol used in a test assertion in
RepositoryS3SettingsTests#testInvalidChunkBufferSizeRepositorySettings. The
inequality symbol was previously backwards but fixed in commit
cad0608cdb28e2b8485e5c01c26579a35cb84356 but fixing the inequality
symbol here was missed in that commit.
This commit removes the method Strings#splitStringToArray and replaces
the call sites with invocations to String#split. There are only two
explanations for the existence of this method. The first is that
String#split is slightly tricky in that it accepts a regular expression
rather than a character to split on. This means that if s is a string,
s.split(".") does not split on the character '.', but rather splits on
the regular expression '.' which splits on every character (of course,
this is easily fixed by invoking s.split("\\.") instead). The second
possible explanation is that (again) String#split accepts a regular
expression. This means that there could be a performance concern
compared to just splitting on a single character. However, it turns out
that String#split has a fast path for the case of splitting on a single
character and microbenchmarks show that String#split has 1.5x--2x the
throughput of Strings#splitStringToArray. There is a slight behavior
difference between Strings#splitStringToArray and String#split: namely,
the former would return an empty array in cases when the input string
was null or empty but String#split will just NPE at the call site on
null and return a one-element array containing the empty string when the
input string is empty. There was only one place relying on this behavior
and the call site has been modified accordingly.
When working on #18008 I found while reading the code that we don't filter anymore `repositories.s3.access_key` and `repositories.s3.secret_key`.
Also fixed a typo in REST test
We have both `Settings.settingsBuilder` and `Settings.builder` that do exactly
the same thing, so we should keep only one. I kept `Settings.builder` since it
has my preference but also it is the one that we use in examples of the Java API.
We can be better at checking `buffer_size` and `chunk_size` for S3 repositories.
For example, we know that:
* `buffer_size` should be more than `5mb`
* `chunk_size` should be no more than `5tb`
* `buffer_size` should be lower than `chunk_size`
Otherwise, setting `buffer_size` is useless.
For the record:
`chunk_size` is a Snapshot setting whatever the implementation is.
`buffer_size` is an S3 implementation setting.
Let say that you are snapshotting a 500mb file. If you set `chunk_size` to `200mb`, then Snapshot service will call S3 repository to snapshot 3 files with the following sizes:
* `200mb`
* `200mb`
* `100mb`
If you set `buffer_size` to `100mb` (AWS maximum size recommendation), the first file of `200mb` will be uploaded on S3 using the multipart feature in 2 chunks and the workflow is basically the following:
* create the multipart request and get back an `id` from AWS S3 platform
* upload part1: `100mb`
* upload part2: `100mb`
* "commit" the full upload using the `id`.
Instead of modifying methods each time we need to add a new behavior for settings, we can simply pass `SettingsProperty... properties` instead.
`SettingsProperty` could be defined then:
public enum SettingsProperty {
// HereGoesYours;
Then in setting code, it become much more flexible.
TODO: Note that we need to validate SettingsProperty which are added to a Setting as some of them might be mutually exclusive.
Now we have a nice Setting infra, we can define in Setting class if a setting should be filtered or not.
So when we register a setting, setting filtering would be automatically done.
Instead of writing:
Setting<String> KEY_SETTING = Setting.simpleString("", false, Setting.Scope.CLUSTER);
settingsModule.registerSetting(AwsEc2Service.KEY_SETTING, false);
We could simply write:
Setting<String> KEY_SETTING = Setting.simpleString("", false, Setting.Scope.CLUSTER, true);
It also removes `settingsModule.registerSettingsFilterIfMissing` method.
The plan would be to remove as well `settingsModule.registerSettingsFilter` method but it still used with wildcards. For example in Azure Repository plugin:
module.registerSettingsFilter(AzureStorageService.Storage.PREFIX + "*.account");
module.registerSettingsFilter(AzureStorageService.Storage.PREFIX + "*.key");
This change rewrites the entire settings filtering mechanism to be immutable.
All filters must be registered up-front in the SettingsModule. Filters that are comma-sparated are
not allowed anymore and check on registration.
This commit also adds settings filtering to the default settings recently added to ensure we don't render
filtered settings.
# Please enter a commit message to explain why this merge is necessary,
# especially if it merges an updated upstream into a topic branch.
# Lines starting with '#' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts
# the commit.
The rest test framework, because it used to be tightly integrated with
ESIntegTestCase, currently expects the addresses for the test cluster to
be passed using the transport protocol port. However, it only uses this
to then find the http address.
This change makes ESRestTestCase extend from ESTestCase instead of
ESIntegTestCase, and changes the sysprop used to,
which now takes the http address.
Site plugins used to be used for things like kibana and marvel, but
there is no longer a need since kibana (and marvel as a kibana plugin)
uses node.js. This change removes site plugins, as well as the flag for
jvm plugins. Now all plugins are jvm plugins.
This fixes the `lenient` parameter to be `missingClasses`. I will remove this boolean and we can handle them via the normal whitelist.
It also adds a check for sheisty classes (jar hell with the jdk).
This is inspired by the lucene "sheisty" classes check, but it has false positives. This check is more evil, it validates every class file against the extension classloader as a resource, to see if it exists there. If so: jar hell.
This jar hell is a problem for several reasons:
1. causes insanely-hard-to-debug problems (like bugs in forbidden-apis)
2. hides problems (like internal api access)
3. the code you think is executing, is not really executing
4. security permissions are not what you think they are
5. brings in unnecessary dependencies
6. its jar hell
The more difficult problems are stuff like jython, where these classes are simply 'uberjared' directly in, so you cant just fix them by removing a bogus dependency. And there is a legit reason for them to do that, they want to support java 1.4.
When using S3 or EC2, it was possible to use a proxy to access EC2 or S3 API but username and password were not possible to be set.
This commit adds support for this. Also, to make all that consistent, proxy settings for both plugins have been renamed:
* from `` to ``
* from `` to ``
* from `` to ``
* from `` to ``
* from `` to ``
* from `` to ``
New settings are `proxy.username` and `proxy.password`.
protocol: https
port: 8083
username: myself
password: theBestPasswordEver!
You can also set different proxies for `ec2` and `s3`:
port: 8083
username: myself1
password: theBestPasswordEver1!
port: 8083
username: myself2
password: theBestPasswordEver2!
Note that `password` is filtered with `SettingsFilter`.
We also fix a potential issue in S3 repository. We were supposed to accept key/secret either set under `` or `` but the actual code never implemented that.
It was:
account = settings.get("");
key = settings.get("");
We replaced that by:
String account = settings.get(CLOUD_S3.KEY, settings.get(CLOUD_AWS.KEY));
String key = settings.get(CLOUD_S3.SECRET, settings.get(CLOUD_AWS.SECRET));
Also, we extract all settings for S3 in `AwsS3Service` as it's already the case for `AwsEc2Service` class.
* Forbid System.setProperties & co in forbidden APIs.
* Ban property write access at runtime with security manager.
Plugins that need to modify system properties will need to request permission in their plugin-security.policy
# Please enter a commit message to explain why this merge is necessary,
# especially if it merges an updated upstream into a topic branch.
# Lines starting with '#' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts
# the commit.
Transitive dependencies can be confusing and hard to deal with when
conflicts arise between them. This change removes transitive
dependencies from elasticsearch, and forces any dependency conflicts to
be resolved manually, instead of automatically by gradle.
`AbstractLegacyBlobContainer` was kept for historical reasons (see #13434).
We can migrate Azure and S3 repositories to use the new methods added in #13434 so we can remove `AbstractLegacyBlobContainer` class.
This change removes the leftover pom files. A couple files were left for
reference, namely in qa tests that have not yet been migrated (vagrant
and multinode). The deb and rpm assemblies also still exist for
reference when finishing their setup in gradle.
See #13930
There are three ways `@Test` was used. Way one:
public void flubTheBlort() {
This way was always replaced with:
public void testFlubTheBlort() {
Or, maybe with a better method name if I was feeling generous.
Way two:
public void testFoo() {
This way of using `@Test` is actually pretty OK, but to get the tools to ban
`@Test` entirely it can't be used. Instead:
public void testFoo() {
try {
fail("Expected IllegalArgumentException");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e ) {
assertThat(e.getMessage(), containsString("something"));
This is longer but tests more than the old ways and is much more precise.
public void testFoo() {
code(); // <---- This was left here by mistake and is never called
public void testFoo() {
try {
fail("Expected IllegalArgumentException");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e ) {
assertThat(e.getMessage(), containsString("something"));
The final use of test is:
public void testFoo() {
This is the most insidious use of `@Test` because its tempting but tragically
flawed. Its flaws are:
1. Hard and fast timeouts can look like they are asserting that something is
faster and even do an ok job of it when you compare the timings on the same
machine but as soon as you take them to another machine they start to be
invalid. On a slow VM both the new and old methods fail. On a super-fast
machine the slower and faster ways succeed.
2. Tests often contain slow `assert` calls so the performance of tests isn't
sure to predict the performance of non-test code.
3. These timeouts are rude to debuggers because the test just drops out from
under it after the timeout.
Confusingly, timeouts are useful in tests because it'd be rude for a broken
test to cause CI to abort the whole build after it hits a global timeout. But
those timeouts should be very very long "backstop" timeouts and aren't useful
assertions about speed.
For all its flaws `@Test(timeout=1000)` doesn't have a good replacement __in__
__tests__. Nightly benchmarks like are
useful here because they run on the same machine but they aren't quick to check
and it takes lots of time to figure out the regressions. Sometimes its useful
to compare dueling implementations but that requires keeping both
implementations around. All and all we don't have a satisfactory answer to the
question "what do you replace `@Test(timeout=1000)`" with. So we handle each
occurrence on a case by case basis.
For files with `@Test` this also:
1. Removes excess blank lines. They don't help anything.
2. Removes underscores from method names. Those would fail any code style
checks we ever care to run and don't add to readability. Since I did this manually
I didn't do it consistently.
3. Make sure all test method names start with `test`. Some used to end in `Test` or start
with `verify` or `check` and they were picked up using the annotation. Without the
annotation they always need to start with `test`.
4. Organizes imports using the rules we generate for Eclipse. For the most part
this just removes `*` imports which is a win all on its own. It was "required"
to quickly remove `@Test`.
5. Removes unneeded casts. This is just a setting I have enabled in Eclipse and
forgot to turn off before I did this work. It probably isn't hurting anything.
6. Removes trailing whitespace. Again, another Eclipse setting I forgot to turn
off that doesn't hurt anything. Hopefully.
7. Swaps some tests override superclass tests to make them empty with
`assumeTrue` so that the reasoning for the skips is logged in the test run and
it doesn't "look like" that thing is being tested when it isn't.
8. Adds an oxford comma to an error message.
The total test count doesn't change. I know. I counted.
git checkout master && mvn clean && mvn install | tee with_test
git no_test_annotation master && mvn clean && mvn install | tee not_test
grep 'Tests summary' with_test > with_test_summary
grep 'Tests summary' not_test > not_test_summary
diff with_test_summary not_test_summary
These differ somewhat because some tests are skipped based on the random seed.
The total shouldn't differ. But it does!
< [INFO] Tests summary: 564 suites (1 ignored), 3171 tests, 31 ignored (31 assumptions)
> [INFO] Tests summary: 564 suites (1 ignored), 3167 tests, 17 ignored (17 assumptions)
These are the core unit tests. So we dig further:
cat with_test | perl -pe 's/\n// if /^Suite/;s/.*\n// if /IGNOR/;s/.*\n// if /Assumption #/;s/.*\n// if /HEARTBEAT/;s/Completed .+?,//' | grep Suite > with_test_suites
cat not_test | perl -pe 's/\n// if /^Suite/;s/.*\n// if /IGNOR/;s/.*\n// if /Assumption #/;s/.*\n// if /HEARTBEAT/;s/Completed .+?,//' | grep Suite > not_test_suites
diff <(sort with_test_suites) <(sort not_test_suites)
The four tests with lower test numbers are all extend `AbstractQueryTestCase`
and all have a method that looks like this:
public void testToQuery() throws IOException {
assumeTrue("test runs only when at least a type is registered", getCurrentTypes().length > 0);
It looks like this method was being double counted on master and isn't anymore.