This is cleanup work from #19566, where @nik9000 suggested trying to nuke the isCreated and isFound methods. I've combined nuking the two methods with removing UpdateHelper.Operation in favor of DocWriteResponse.Operation here.
Reindex from remote uses the Elasticsearch client which uses apache
httpasyncclient which spins up 5 thread by default, 1 as a dispatcher
and 4 more to handle IO. This changes Reindex's usage so it only spins
up two thread - 1 dispatcher and one to handle io. It also renames the
threads to "es-client-$taskid-$thread_number". That way if we see any
thread sticking around we can trace it back to the task.
In an effort to reduce the number of tiny packages we have in the
code base this moves all the files that were in subdirectories of
`` into
It also adds a `` file explaining what the files in
the package *do*.
Also fixes line length in these packages. It makes a single non-checkstyle
change: implementing `ToXContent` on `GetIndexTemplatesResponse`. I did
this because it was the right thing to do and it fixed a line length
The plain highligher fails when it tries to select the fragments based on a query containing either a `has_child` or `has_parent` query.
The plain highligher should just ignore parent/child queries as it makes no sense to highligh a parent match with a has_child as the child documents are not available at highlight time. Instead if child document should be highlighed inner hits should be used.
Parent/child queries already have no effect when the `fvh` or `postings` highligher is used. The test added in this commit verifies that.
[DOCS] add java REST client docs
Add some docs on how to get started with the Java REST client, some common configuration that may be needed and the sniffer component.
Currently when the `fields` parameter used in a `multi_match` query contains a
wildcard expression that doesn't resolve to any field name in the target index,
MultiMatchQueryBuilder produces a `null` query. This change changes it to be a
MatchNoDocs query, since returning no documents for this case is already the
current behaviour. Also adding missing field names (with and without wildcards)
to the unit and integration test.
This change adds a second ParseField for the `aggs` field in the search
request so both `aggregations` and `aggs` are undeprecated allowed
fields in the search request
The current heuristic to compute a default shard size is pretty aggressive,
it returns `max(10, number_of_shards * size)` as a value for the shard size.
I think making it less aggressive has the benefit that it would reduce the
likelyness of running into OOME when there are many shards (yearly
aggregations with time-based indices can make numbers of shards in the
thousands) and make the use of breadth-first more likely/efficient.
This commit replaces the heuristic with `size * 1.5 + 10`, which is enough
to have good accuracy on zipfian distributions.
upgrades if it determines the read data is in the legacy
format. It writes the upgraded version if it is not a
read-only repository and caches the repository data if
it is a read-only repository.
Add an assertion to the most popular way of turning the response object
into the actual http response. As it stands all places we return
`201 CREATED` we return the `Location` header. This will help to keep it
that way, though it won't catch all uses.
Followup to #19509
This removes two packages, consolidating them into their parent package
and adds `` files to describe all of the packages under
While I was working on #18703, I discovered a bad behavior when people don't provide AWS key/secret as part as their `elasticsearch.yml` but rely on SysProps or env. variables...
In [`InternalAwsS3Service#getClient(...)`](d4366f8493/plugins/repository-s3/src/main/java/org/elasticsearch/cloud/aws/ (L76-L141)), we have:
Tuple<String, String> clientDescriptor = new Tuple<>(endpoint, account);
AmazonS3Client client = clients.get(clientDescriptor);
But if people don't provide credentials, `account` is `null`.
Even if it actually could work, I think that we should use the `AWSCredentialsProvider` we create later on and extract from it the `account` (AWS KEY actually) and then use it as the second value of the tuple.
Consuming the response body to make it part of the exception message means that it may not be readable anymore later, depending on whether the entity is repeatable or not. Turns out that the response body tells a lot about the error itself, and considering that we don't expect bodies to be incredibly big for errors, we can wrap the entity into a BufferedHttpEntity to make it repeatable.
When you simulate a pipeline without specifying an id against a node where the request is redirected to a master node,
the request and the response is throwing a NPE:
at __randomizedtesting.SeedInfo.seed([3B9536AC6AA23C06:DD62280CF765DA1F]:0)
at org.elasticsearch.action.ingest.SimulatePipelineRequest.writeTo(
at org.elasticsearch.transport.local.LocalTransport.sendRequest(
at org.elasticsearch.test.transport.AssertingLocalTransport.sendRequest(
at org.elasticsearch.transport.TransportService.sendRequest(
at org.elasticsearch.action.TransportActionNodeProxy.execute(
at org.elasticsearch.client.transport.TransportClientNodesService.execute(
at org.elasticsearch.client.transport.TransportClient.doExecute(
at org.elasticsearch.client.FilterClient.doExecute(
at org.elasticsearch.action.ActionRequestBuilder.execute(
at org.elasticsearch.action.ActionRequestBuilder.execute(
at org.elasticsearch.action.ActionRequestBuilder.get(
at org.elasticsearch.ingest.bano.BanoProcessorIntegrationTest.testSimulateProcessorConfigTarget(
This patch fixes this and adds some random tests.
* fix explain in function_score if no function filter matches
When each function in function_score has a filter but none of them matches
we always assume 1 for the combined functions and then combine that with the
sub query score.
But the explanation did not reflect that because in case no function matched
we did not even use the actual score that was computed in the explanation.