The parameter `percent_terms_to_match` (percentage of terms that must match in
the generated query) was wrongly set to the top level boolean query. This
would lead to zero or all results type of situations. This commit ensures that
the parameter is indeed applied to the query of generated terms.
When using the DiskThresholdDecider, it's possible that shards could
already be marked as relocating to the node being evaluated. This commit
adds a new setting `cluster.routing.allocation.disk.include_relocations`
which adds the size of the shards currently being relocated to this node
to the node's used disk space.
This new option defaults to `true`, however it's possible to
over-estimate the usage for a node if the relocation is already
partially complete, for instance:
A node with a 10gb shard that's 45% of the way through a relocation
would add 10gb + (.45 * 10) = 14.5gb to the node's disk usage before
examining the watermarks to see if a new shard can be allocated.
Relates to #6168
Changes the name of the field in the scripted metrics aggregation from 'aggregation' to 'value' to be more in line with the other metrics aggregations like 'avg'
The terms aggregation can now support sorting on multiple criteria by replacing the sort object with an array or sort object whose order signifies the priority of the sort. The existing syntax for sorting on a single criteria also still works.
Contributes to #6917
Replaces #7588
Returns information about settings, aliases, warmers, and mappings. Basically returns the IndexMetadata. This new endpoint replaces the /{index}/_alias|_aliases|_mapping|_mappings|_settings|_warmer|_warmers and /_alias|_aliases|_mapping|_mappings|_settings|_warmer|_warmers endpoints whilst maintaining the same response formats. The only exception to this is on the /_alias|_aliases|_warmer|_warmers endpoint which will now return a section for 'aliases' or 'warmers' even if no aliases or warmers exist. This backwards compatibility change is documented in the reference docs.
The terms aggregation can now support sorting on multiple criteria by replacing the sort object with an array or sort object whose order signifies the priority of the sort. The existing syntax for sorting on a single criteria also still works.
Contributes to #6917
BlobContainer used to provide async APIs which are not used
internally. The implementation of these APIs are also not async
by nature and neither is any of the pluggable BlobContainers. This
commit simplifies the API to a simple input / output stream and
reduces the hierarchy of BlobContainer dramatically.
NOTE: This is a breaking change!
This adds the ability to the Term Vector API to generate term vectors for
artifical documents, that is for documents not present in the index. Following
a similar syntax to the Percolator API, a new 'doc' parameter is used, instead
of '_id', that specifies the document of interest. The parameters '_index' and
'_type' determine the mapping and therefore analyzers to apply to each value
Aggregations are collection-wide statistics, which is incompatible with the
collection mode of search_type=SCAN since it doesn't collect all matches on
calls to the search API.
Aggregations are collection-wide statistics so they would always be the same.
In order to save CPU/bandwidth, we can just return them on the first page.
Same as #1642 but for aggregations.
RandomScoreFunction previously relied on the order the documents were
iterated in from Lucene. This caused changes in ordering, with the same
seed, if documents moved to different segments. With this change, a
murmur32 hash of the _uid for each document is used as the "random"
value. Also, the hash is adjusted so as to only return values between
0.0 and 1.0 to enable easier manipulation to fit into users' scoring
closes#6907, #7446
Items with no specified field now defaults to all the possible fields from the
document source. Previously, we had required 'fields' to be specified either
as a top level parameter or for each item. The default behavior is now similar
to the MLT API.
The term vector API can now generate term vectors on the fly, if the terms are
not already stored in the index. This commit exploits this new functionality
for the MLT query. Now the terms are directly retrieved using multi-
termvectors API, instead of generating them from the texts retrieved using the
multi-get API.
The current implementation of 'date_histogram' does not understand
the `factor` parameter. Since the docs shouldn't raise false hopes,
I removed the section.
This change means that the default settings for expand_wildcards are only applied if the expand_wildcards parameter is not specified rather than being set upfront. It also adds the none and all options to the parameter to allow the user to specify no expansion and expansion to all indexes (equivalent to 'open,closed')
This change stores the index creation time in the index metadata when an index is created. The creation time cannot be changed but can be set as part of the create index request to allow for correct creation times for historical data.
This documentation was dangerous because it felt like it was possible to gain
substantial performance by just switching the codec of the index.
However, non-default codecs are dangerous to use since they are not supported
in terms of backward compatibility, and most improvements that they bring have
been folded into the default codec anyway (for example, the default codec
"pulses" postings lists that contain a single document).
In the case of inserts the UpdateHelper class will now allow the script used to apply updates to run on the upsert doc provided by clients. This allows the logic for managing the internal state of the data item to be managed by the script and is not reliant on clients performing the initialisation of data structures managed by the script.
This adds support to return the "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials" header
if needed, so CORS will work flawlessly with authenticated applications.
AND and OR filter docs talk about different targets for the operators. I
believe that both should be described in terms of modifying other 'filters'.
I also added articles for easier (human) parsing. This fixes#4762Closes#7165
Filters and Queries now supports `time_zone` parameter which defines which time zone should be applied to the query or filter to convert it to UTC time based value.
When applied on `date` fields the `range` filter and queries accept also a `time_zone` parameter.
The `time_zone` parameter will be applied to your input lower and upper bounds and will move them to UTC time based date:
"constant_score": {
"filter": {
"range" : {
"born" : {
"gte": "2012-01-01",
"lte": "now",
"time_zone": "+1:00"
"range" : {
"born" : {
"gte": "2012-01-01",
"lte": "now",
"time_zone": "+1:00"
In the above examples, `gte` will be actually moved to `2011-12-31T23:00:00` UTC date.
NOTE: if you give a date with a timezone explicitly defined and use the `time_zone` parameter, `time_zone` will be
ignored. For example, setting `from` to `2012-01-01T00:00:00+01:00` with `"time_zone":"+10:00"` will still use `+01:00` time zone.
Fields of type `token_count`, `murmur3`, `_all` and `_field_names` are generated only when indexing.
If a GET requests accesses the transaction log (because no refresh
between indexing and GET request) then these fields cannot be retrieved at all.
Before the behavior was so:
`_all, _field_names`: The field was siletly ignored
`murmur3, token_count`: `NumberFormatException` because GET tried to parse the values from the source.
In addition, if these fields were not stored, the same behavior occured if the fields were
retrieved with GET after a `refresh()` because here also the source was used to get the fields.
Now, GET accepts a parameter `ignore_errors_on_generated_fields` which has
the following effect:
- Throw exception with meaningful error message explaining the problem if set to false (default)
- Ignore the field if set to true
- Always ignore the field if it was not set to stored
This changes the behavior for `_all` and `_field_names` as now an Exception is thrown if a user
tries to GET them before a `refresh()`.
Allow to set the value default to network.tcp.no_delay and network.tcp.keep_alive so they won't be set at all, since on solaris, setting tcpNoDelay can actually cause failure
relates to #7115
A multi-bucket aggregation where multiple filters can be defined (each filter defines a bucket). The buckets will collect all the documents that match their associated filter.
This aggregation can be very useful when one wants to compare analytics between different criterias. It can also be accomplished using multiple definitions of the single filter aggregation, but here, the user will only need to define the sub-aggregations only once.
Implements a new Exists API allowing users to do fast exists check on any matched documents for a given query.
This API should be faster then using the Count API as it will:
- early terminate the search execution once any document is found to exist
- return the response as soon as the first shard reports matched documents
Index process fails when having `_timestamp` enabled and `path` option is set.
It fails with a `TimestampParsingException[failed to parse timestamp [null]]` message.
PUT test
"mappings": {
"test": {
"_timestamp" : {
"enabled" : "yes",
"path" : "post_date"
PUT test/test/1
"foo": "bar"
You can define a default value for when timestamp is not provided
within the index request or in the `_source` document.
By default, the default value is `now` which means the date the document was processed by the indexing chain.
You can disable that default value by setting `default` to `null`. It means that `timestamp` is mandatory:
"tweet" : {
"_timestamp" : {
"enabled" : true,
"default" : null
If you don't provide any timestamp value, indexation will fail.
You can also set the default value to any date respecting timestamp format:
"tweet" : {
"_timestamp" : {
"enabled" : true,
"format" : "YYYY-MM-dd",
"default" : "1970-01-01"
If you don't provide any timestamp value, indexation will fail.
Adds a breaker for request BigArrays, which are used for parent/child
queries as well as some aggregations. Certain operations like Netty HTTP
responses and transport responses increment the breaker, but will not
This also changes the output of the nodes' stats endpoint to show the
parent breaker as well as the fielddata and request breakers.
There are a number of new settings for breakers now:
``: starting limit for all memory-use breaker,
defaults to 70%
`indices.breaker.fielddata.limit`: starting limit for fielddata breaker,
defaults to 60%
`indices.breaker.fielddata.overhead`: overhead for fielddata breaker
estimations, defaults to 1.03
(the fielddata breaker settings also use the backwards-compatible
setting `indices.fielddata.breaker.limit` and
`indices.breaker.request.limit`: starting limit for request breaker,
defaults to 40%
`indices.breaker.request.overhead`: request breaker estimation overhead,
defaults to 1.0
The breaker service infrastructure is now generic and opens the path to
adding additional circuit breakers in the future.
This is only applicable when the order is set to _count. The upper bound of the error in the doc count is calculated by summing the doc count of the last term on each shard which did not return the term. The implementation calculates the error by summing the doc count for the last term on each shard for which the term IS returned and then subtracts this value from the sum of the doc counts for the last term from ALL shards.
This commit adds regular expression support for the allow-origin
header depending on the value of the request `Origin` header.
The existing HttpRequestBuilder is also extended to support the
Relates #5601Closes#6891
This commit adds the ability to force blocking on the flush operaition
to make sure all files have been written and synced to disk. Without
this option a flush might be executing at the same time causing the
current flush to fail and return before all files being synced.
Allow users to control document collection termination, if a specified terminate_after number is
set. Upon setting the newly added parameter, the response will include a boolean terminated_early
flag, indicating if the document collection for any shard terminated early.
This change just changes the default for index.codec.bloom.load to
false: with recent performance improvements to ID lookup, such as
#6298, bloom filters don't give much of a performance gain anymore,
and they can consume non-trivial RAM when there are many tiny
For now, we still index the bloom filters, so if a given app wants
them back, it can just update the index.codec.bloom.load to true.
A new option `prune` has been added to allow users to control phrase suggestion pruning when `collate`
is set. If the new option is set, the phrase suggestion option will contain a boolean `collate_match`
indicating whether the respective result had hits in collation.
Adds the ability to the Term Vector API to generate term vectors for some
chosen fields, even though they haven't been explicitely stored in the index.
Relates to #5184Closes#6567
These are javascript expressions, which can only access numeric
fielddata, parameters, and _score. They can only be used for searches (not document updates).
The newly added collate option will let the user provide a template query/filter which will be executed for every phrase suggestions generated to ensure that the suggestion matches at least one document for the filter/query.
The user can also add routing preference `preference` to route the collate query/filter and additional `params` to inject into the collate template.
The Hunspell service would throw a confusing error message if more than
one affix file was present. This commit distinguishes between the two
error cases: where there are no affix files and when there are too many
affix files.
Also implements lazy dictionary loading, which was used in the tests
but not implemented.
This commit adds the infrastructure to allow pluging in different
measures for computing the significance of a term.
Significance measures can be provided externally by overriding
- SignificanceHeuristic
- SignificanceHeuristicBuilder
- SignificanceHeuristicParser
The `recovery_after_time` tells the gateway to wait before starting recovery from disk. The goal here is to allow for more nodes to join the cluster and thus not start potentially unneeded replications. The `expectedNodes` setting (and friends) tells the gateway when it can start recovering even if the `recover_after_time` has not yet elapsed. However, `expectedNodes` is useless if one doesn't set `recovery_after_time`. This commit changes that by setting a sensible default of 5m for `recover_after_time` *if* a `expectedNodes` setting is present.
`mmapfs` is really good for random access but can have sideeffects if
memory maps are large depending on the operating system etc. A hybrid
solution where only selected files are actually memory mapped but others
mostly consumed sequentially brings the best of both worlds and
minimizes the memory map impact.
This commit mmaps only the `dvd` and `tim` file for fast random access
on docvalues and term dictionaries.
Currently regexes in Pattern Tokenizer docs are escaped (it seems according to Java rules). I think it is better not to escape them because JSON escaping should be automatic in client libraries, and string escaping depends on a client language used. The default pattern is `\W+`, not `\\W+`.
Add `irish` analyzer
Add `sorani` analyzer (Kurdish)
Add `classic` tokenizer: specific to english text and tries to recognize hostnames, companies, acronyms, etc.
Add `thai` tokenizer: segments thai text into words.
Add `classic` tokenfilter: cleans up acronyms and possessives from classic tokenizer
Add `apostrophe` tokenfilter: removes text after apostrophe and the apostrophe itself
Add `german_normalization` tokenfilter: umlaut/sharp S normalization
Add `hindi_normalization` tokenfilter: accounts for hindi spelling differences
Add `indic_normalization` tokenfilter: accounts for different unicode representations in Indian languages
Add `sorani_normalization` tokenfilter: normalizes kurdish text
Add `scandinavian_normalization` tokenfilter: normalizes Norwegian, Danish, Swedish text
Add `scandinavian_folding` tokenfilter: much more aggressive form of `scandinavian_normalization`
Add additional languages to stemmer tokenfilter: `galician`, `minimal_galician`, `irish`, `sorani`, `light_nynorsk`, `minimal_nynorsk`
Add support access to default Thai stopword set "_thai_"
Fix some bugs and broken links in documentation.
For the casual reader, the reference to "term queries" may be glossed over, yielding an unexpected result when using `regexp` queries.
This attempts to make that distinction more prominent.