Add setFactory permission to GceDiscoveryPlugin
This commit adds a missing permission and a simple test that
ensures we discover other nodes via a mock http endpoint.
The big win here is catching tests that are incorrectly named and will
be skipped by gradle, providing a false sense of security.
The whole thing takes about 10 seconds on my Macbook Air, not counting
compiling the test classes, which seems worth it. Because this runs as
a gradle task with propery UP-TO-DATE handling it can be skipped if the
tests haven't been changed which should save some time.
I chose to keep this in test:framework rather than a new subproject of
buildSrc because ESIntegTestCase and doesn't inroduce any additional
DiscoveryService was a bridge into the discovery universe. This is unneeded and we can just access discovery directly or do things in a different way.
One of those different ways, is not having a dedicated discovery implementation for each our dicovery plugins but rather reuse ZenDiscovery.
UnicastHostProviders are now classified by discovery type, removing unneeded checks on plugins.
We are using `2.0.0` today but Azure team now recommends:
This new version fix the timeout issues we have seen with azure storage although #15080 adds a timeout support.
Azure storage client 2.0.0 was not passing correctly this value when it was calling Azure services.
Note that the timeout is a server side timeout and not client side timeout.
It means that it will raise only a timeout when:
* upload of blob is complete
* if azure service is not able to process the blob (and store it) within a given time range.
In which case it will raise an exception which elasticsearch can deal with:
at __randomizedtesting.SeedInfo.seed([91BC11AEF16E073F:6886FA5308FCE4D8]:0)
at java.util.concurrent.Executors$
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
Caused by: Operation could not be completed within the specified time.
... 9 more
The following code was used to test this against Azure platform:
public void testDumb() throws URISyntaxException, StorageException, IOException, InvalidKeyException {
String connectionString = "MY-AZURE-STRING";
CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.parse(connectionString);
CloudBlobClient client = storageAccount.createCloudBlobClient();
CloudBlobContainer container = client.getContainerReference("dumb");
CloudBlockBlob blob = container.getBlockBlobReference("blob");
File sourceFile = File.createTempFile("sourceFile", ".tmp");
try {
int fileSize = 10000000;
byte[] buffer = new byte[fileSize];
Random random = new Random();
random.nextBytes(buffer);"Generate local file");
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(sourceFile);
fos.close();"End generate local file");
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(sourceFile);"Start uploading");
blob.upload(fis, fileSize);"End uploading");
finally {
if (sourceFile.exists()) {
With 2.0.0, the above code was not raising any exception. With 4.0.0, the exception is now thrown correctly.
The default timeout is 5 minutes. See
Release notes from 2.0.0:
* Removed deprecated table AtomPub support.
* Removed deprecated constructors which take service clients in favor of constructors which take credentials.
* Added support for "Add" permissions on Blob SAS.
* Added support for "Create" permissions on Blob and File SAS.
* Added support for IP Restricted SAS and Protocol SAS.
* Added support for Account SAS to all services.
* Added support for Minute and Hour Metrics to FileServiceProperties and added support for File Metrics to CloudAnalyticsClient.
* Removed deprecated startCopyFromBlob() on CloudBlob. Use startCopy() instead.
* Removed deprecated Credentials and StorageKey classes. Please use the appropriate methods on StorageCredentialsAccountAndKey instead.
* Fixed a bug in table where a select on a non-existent field resulted in a null reference exception if the corresponding field in the TableEntity was not nullable.
* Fixed a bug in table where JsonParser was automatically closing the response stream before it was completely drained causing socket exhaustion.
* Fixed a bug in StorageCredentialsAccountAndKey.updateKey(String) which prevented valid keys from being set.
* Added CloudBlobContainer.listBlobs(final String, final boolean) method.
* Fixed a bug in blob where using AccessConditions on block blob uploads larger than 64MB done with the upload* methods or block blob uploads done openOutputStream with would fail if the blob did not already exist.
* Added support for setting a proxy per request. Proxy can be set on an OperationContext instance and will be used when that instance is passed to the request method.
* Added support for SAS to the Azure File service.
* Added support for Append Blob.
* Added support for Access Control Lists (ACL) to File Shares.
* Added support for getting and setting of CORS rules to File service.
* Added support for ShareStats to File Shares.
* Added support for copying an Azure File to another Azure File or a Block Blob asynchronously, and aborting Azure File copy operations asynchronously.
* Added support for copying a Blob to an Azure File asynchronously.
* Added support for setting a maximum quota property on a File Share.
* Removed deprecated AuthenticationScheme and its getter and setter. In the future only SharedKey will be used.
* Removed deprecated getter/setters for all request option properties on the service clients. Please use the default request options getter/setters instead.
* Removed getSubDirectoryReference() for blob directories and file directories. Use getDirectoryReference() instead.
* Removed getEntityClass() in TableQuery. Please use getClazzType() instead.
* Added client-side verification for lease duration and break periods.
* Deprecated the setters in table for timestamp as this property is only modifiable by the service.
* Deprecated startCopyFromBlob() on CloudBlob. Use startCopy() instead.
* Deprecated the Credentials and StorageKey classes. Please use the appropriate methods on StorageCredentialsAccountAndKey instead.
* Deprecated constructors which take service clients in favor of constructors which take credentials.
* Fixed a bug where the DateBackwardCompatibility flag was not applied if set on the CloudTableClient default request options.
* Changed library behavior to retry all exceptions thrown when parsing a response object.
* Changed behavior to stop removing query parameters passed in with the resource URI if that URI contains a SAS token. Some query parameters such as comp, restype, snapshot and api-version will still be removed.
* Added support for logging StringToSign to SharedKey and SAS.
* **Added a connect timeout to prevent hangs when establishing the network connection.**
* **Made performance enhancements to the BlobOutputStream class.**
* Fixed a bug where maximum execution time was ignored for file, queue, and table services.
* **Changed the socket timeout to be set to the service side timeout plus 5 minutes when maximum execution time is not set.**
* **Changed the socket timeout to default to 5 minutes rather than infinite when neither service side timeout or maximum execution time are set.**
* Fixed a bug where MD5 was calculated for commitBlockList even though UseTransactionalMD5 was set to false.
* Fixed a bug where selecting fields that did not exist returned an error rather than an EntityProperty with a null value.
* Fixed a bug where table entities with a single quote in their partition or row key could be inserted but not operated on in any other way.
* Fixed a bug for all listing API's where next() would sometimes throw an exception if hasNext() had not been called even if there were more elements to iterate on.
* Added sequence number to the blob properties. This is populated for page blobs.
* Creating a page blob sets its length property.
* Added support for page blob sequence numbers and sequence number access conditions.
* Fixed a bug in abort copy where the lease access condition was not sent to the service.
* Fixed an issue in startCopyFromBlob where if the URI of the source blob contained certain non-ASCII characters they would not be encoded appropriately. This would result in Authorization failures.
* Fixed a small performance issue in XML serialization.
* Fixed a bug in BlobOutputStream and FileOutputStream where flush added data to a request pool rather than immediately committing it to the Azure service.
* Refactored to remove the blob, queue, and file package dependency on table in the error handling code.
* Added additional client-side logging for REST requests, responses, and errors.
Instead of modifying methods each time we need to add a new behavior for settings, we can simply pass `SettingsProperty... properties` instead.
`SettingsProperty` could be defined then:
public enum SettingsProperty {
// HereGoesYours;
Then in setting code, it become much more flexible.
TODO: Note that we need to validate SettingsProperty which are added to a Setting as some of them might be mutually exclusive.
Removes all our logger wrappers except the wrapper for log4j1.2. If you
depend on Elasticsearch's jar in your application you'll need to declare
log4j 1.2 and/or some bridge to your favorite logger.
We did this to simplify our builds and code. No more commons-logging like
log implementation sniffing. No more optional dependency hacks in gradle.
We might one day want to use j.u.l instead of log4j. If we do want that
we can recover its wrapper by studying this commit. We didn't go directly
to j.u.l in this commit because that is a bigger change. Our logging
configuration is based on log4j1.2 and people are used to it. So it'd
be a much more fraught breaking change to do that conversion.
Now we have a nice Setting infra, we can define in Setting class if a setting should be filtered or not.
So when we register a setting, setting filtering would be automatically done.
Instead of writing:
Setting<String> KEY_SETTING = Setting.simpleString("", false, Setting.Scope.CLUSTER);
settingsModule.registerSetting(AwsEc2Service.KEY_SETTING, false);
We could simply write:
Setting<String> KEY_SETTING = Setting.simpleString("", false, Setting.Scope.CLUSTER, true);
It also removes `settingsModule.registerSettingsFilterIfMissing` method.
The plan would be to remove as well `settingsModule.registerSettingsFilter` method but it still used with wildcards. For example in Azure Repository plugin:
module.registerSettingsFilter(AzureStorageService.Storage.PREFIX + "*.account");
module.registerSettingsFilter(AzureStorageService.Storage.PREFIX + "*.key");
This is a simple port of the mapper attachment plugin to the ingest
functionality, no new features. The only option is to limit
the number of chars to prevent indexing of huge documents.
Fields can be selected in the processor as well.
Groovy uses reflection to invoke closures. These reflective calls are optimized by the JVM after "sun.reflect.inflationThreshold" number of invocations.
After inflation, access to sun.reflect.MethodAccessorImpl is required from the security manager.
IndexShard currently holds an arbitraritly used `getQueryShardContext` that comes
out of a ThreadLocal. It's usage is undefined and arbitraty since there is also
such a method with different semantics on `IndexService` This commit removes the threadLocal on
IndexShard as well as on the context itself. It's types are now a member and the QueryShardContext
lifecycle is managed byt SearchContext which passes the types on from the SearchRequest.
* Minor clean up of Writer constants.
* Removed synthetic attribute from the generated constructor and method.
* Added a safeguard for maximum script length.
This processor is useful when all elements of a json array need to be processed in the same way.
This avoids that a processor needs to be defined for each element in an array.
Also it is very likely that it is unknown how many elements are inside an json array.
This change rewrites the entire settings filtering mechanism to be immutable.
All filters must be registered up-front in the SettingsModule. Filters that are comma-sparated are
not allowed anymore and check on registration.
This commit also adds settings filtering to the default settings recently added to ensure we don't render
filtered settings.