* `get_upgrade` => `GET _upgrade` -- Return the status
* `upgrade` => `POST _upgrade` -- Perform the operation
Original specification part of c021f22523a69583b94c56921792b727ab4030fb.
Related: #7884, #7922
This commit does the following:
* Add the new API at the rest layer, being backed by the optimize API
with upgrade flag, and segments api to find upgrade status.
* Add `upgrade` flag to optimize API, and deprecate `force` flag (will
remove in master)
* Add test for both synchronous and async upgrade
By default term vectors are now realtime, as opposed to previously near
realtime. If they are not found in the index, they will be generated on the
fly. The document is fetched from the transaction log and treated as an
artificial document. One can set `realtime` parameter to `false` in order to
disable this functionality. This consequently makes the MLT query realtime in
fetching documents, as it previsouly used to be before switching from using
the multi get API to the mtv API.
Returns information about settings, aliases, warmers, and mappings. Basically returns the IndexMetadata. This new endpoint replaces the /{index}/_alias|_aliases|_mapping|_mappings|_settings|_warmer|_warmers and /_alias|_aliases|_mapping|_mappings|_settings|_warmer|_warmers endpoints whilst maintaining the same response formats. The only exception to this is on the /_alias|_aliases|_warmer|_warmers endpoint which will now return a section for 'aliases' or 'warmers' even if no aliases or warmers exist. This backwards compatibility change is documented in the reference docs.
By default the reroute API should return the new cluster state, excluding the metadata. It was however it was wrongly using an old parameter (filter_metadata) and thus failed to do so. This commits restores but wiring it to the correct `metric` parameter. We also add an enum representing the possible metrics, to avoid similar future mistakes.
The get, put and delete indexed script apis map to get, index and delete api and internally create those corresponding requests. We need to make sure that the original headers are handed over to the new request by passing the original request in the constructor when creating the new one.
Also streamlined the support for version and version_type in the REST layer since the parameters were not consistently parsed and set to the internal java API requests.
Modified the REST delete template and delete script actions to make use of a client instead of using the `ScriptService` directly.
A request level flag, defaults to be unset, to control the query cache. When not set, it defaults to the index level settings, when explicitly set, will override the index level setting
In the case of inserts the UpdateHelper class will now allow the script used to apply updates to run on the upsert doc provided by clients. This allows the logic for managing the internal state of the data item to be managed by the script and is not reliant on clients performing the initialisation of data structures managed by the script.
Implements a new Exists API allowing users to do fast exists check on any matched documents for a given query.
This API should be faster then using the Count API as it will:
- early terminate the search execution once any document is found to exist
- return the response as soon as the first shard reports matched documents
This commit adds the ability to force blocking on the flush operaition
to make sure all files have been written and synced to disk. Without
this option a flush might be executing at the same time causing the
current flush to fail and return before all files being synced.
This change allow elasticsearch users to store scripts and templates in an index for use at search time.
Scripts/Templates are stored in the .scripts index. The type of the events is set to the script language.
Templates use the mustache language so their type is be "mustache".
Adds the concept of a script type to calls to the ScriptService types are INDEXED,INLINE,FILE.
If a script type of INDEXED is supplied the script will be attempted to be loaded from the indexed, FILE will
look in the file cache and INLINE will treat the supplied script argument as the literal script.
REST endpoints are provided to do CRUD operations as is a java client library.
All query dsl points have been upgraded to allow passing in of explicit script ids and script file names.
Backwards compatible behavior has been preserved so this shouldn't break any existing querys that expect to
pass in a filename as the script/template name. The ScriptService will check the disk cache before parsing the
The put index template api supports the create parameter (defaults to false), which tells whether the template can replace an existing one with same name or not. Unified its behaviour between PUT and POST method, whereas the POST would previously force create to true.
Added create parameter to the rest spec (was missing before) and a REST test for create true scenario.
The possibility of filtering for index templates in the cluster state API
had been introduced before there was a dedicated index templates API. This
commit removes this support from the cluster state API, as it was not really
clean, requiring you to specify the metadata and the index templates.
Separate version check logic for reads and writes for all version types, which allows different behavior in these cases.
Change `VersionType.EXTERNAL` & `VersionType.EXTERNAL_GTE` to behave the same as `VersionType.INTERNAL` for read operations.
The previous behavior was fit for writes but is useless in reads.
This commit also makes the usage of `EXTERNAL` & `EXTERNAL_GTE` in the update api raise a validation error as it make cause data to
be lost.
Closes#5663 , Closes#5661, Closes#5929
Add an API endpoint at /_bench for submitting, listing, and aborting
search benchmarks. This API can be used for timing search requests,
subject to various user-defined settings.
Benchmark results provide summary and detailed statistics on such
values as min, max, and mean time. Values are reported per-node so that
it is easy to spot outliers. Slow requests are also reported.
Long running benchmarks can be viewed with a GET request, or aborted
with a POST request.
Benchmark results are optionally stored in an index for subsequent
Adds a new API endpoint at /_recovery as well as to the Java API. The
recovery API allows one to see the recovery status of all shards in the
cluster. It will report on percent complete, recovery type, and which
files are copied.
If we want to have a full picture of versions running in a cluster, we need to add a `_cat/plugins` endpoint.
Response could look like:
% curl es2:9200/_cat/plugins?v
node component version type url desc
es1 mapper-attachments 1.7.0 j Adds the attachment type allowing to parse difference attachment formats
es1 lang-javascript 1.4.0 j JavaScript plugin allowing to add javascript scripting support
es1 analysis-smartcn 1.9.0 j Smart Chinese analysis support
es1 marvel 1.1.0 j/s http://localhost:9200/_plugins/marvel Elasticsearch Management & Monitoring
es1 kopf 0.5.3 s http://localhost:9200/_plugins/kopf kopf - simple web administration tool for ElasticSearch
es2 mapper-attachments 2.0.0.RC1 j Adds the attachment type allowing to parse difference attachment formats
es2 lang-javascript 2.0.0.RC1 j JavaScript plugin allowing to add javascript scripting support
es2 analysis-smartcn 2.0.0.RC1 j Smart Chinese analysis support