There are two other obvious ways to implement the "packages don't start
elasticsearch" checks but when you work through them they aren't as nice
as the implementation of the checks that we use now. This just adds
documentation to that effect.
We don't want either the deb or rpm package to start elasticsearch as soon
as they install nor do we want the package to register elasticsearch to
start on restart. That action is reserved for the administrator. This adds
tests for that.
This commit removes and now forbids all uses of across the codebase. This is one of many
steps in the eventual removal of Guava as a dependency.
Relates #13224
* Dropped ScoreType in favour of Lucene's ScoreMode
* Removed `score_type` option from `has_child` and `has_parent` queries in favour for the already existing `score_mode` option.
* Removed the score mode `sum` in favour for the already existing `total` score mode. (`sum` doesn't exist in Lucene's ScoreMode class)
* If `max_children` is set to `0` it now really means that zero children are allowed to match.
Adds a node attribute to all test runs and uses the attribute to test
Note that its quite possible create an impressively slow regex while doing
this and you have to be careful. See comment in commit for more if curious.
Previously PipelineAggregatorFactory's at the root to the agg tree (top-level aggs) were not validated. This commit adds a call to PipelineAggregatoFactory.validate() for that case.
There are a few tests that currently use the statically generated
backcompat indexes. This change moves them to a shared location, so they
no longer have to build a path based on the package name of the old
index tests.
This commit removes and now forbids all uses of across the codebase. This is one of many
steps in the eventual removal of Guava as a dependency.
Relates #13224
This commit addresses several bugs that prevented the Windows
service from being started or stopped:
- Extra white space in the concatenation of java options in which tripped up Apache Commons Daemon
and caused ES to startup without any params, eventually leading
to the "path.home is not configured" exception.
- service.bat was not passing the start argument to ES
- The service could not be stopped gracefully via the stop command
because there wasn't a method for procrun to call.
Allocation filtering by IP only works today using the node host address. But in some cases, you might want to filter using the publish address which could be different.
To do this we:
1. All the rpm based distros we test support Java 8. We just ask to install
2. There is a ppa that works for the Ubuntus. We just add that for them.
3. Debian Jessie has Java 8 in its backports. We just add that repository.
4. Debian Wheezy doesn't have Java 8 easily accessible so we drop it. We
could add it back with Orache Java 8 at a later date but that will take a
few more backflips and won't support things like vagrant-cachier.
This required a ton of rebuilding of vagrant boxes so it also fixes:
1. apt-get update is run too frequently
2. Lots of weird warning messages are spit out of apt-get
3. Switch from the chef provided based images to those provided by boxcutter.
The chef images has left vagrant atlas!