SearchParseElement is renamed to FetchSubPhaseParser and moved to the search.fetch package. Its parse method doesn't get the SearchContext as argument anymore, only the XContentParser, and the return type is what gets parsed (the fetch sub phase context which we may as well rename later).
It is the parser that initializes the FetchSubPhaseContext then. SearchService retrieves the parser by name, calls parse against it and stores the result of parsing by name. No need for FetchSubPhase.ContextFactory anymore, which can be removed.
Given that doc value fields is our own fetch sub phase, it doesn't need to be implemented like if it was plugged in from the outside. It doesn't need its own fetch sub phase context, but it can just be an instance member in SearchContext
Parse elements are always empty for all of our search phases. They can be non empty only for sub fetch phases as they are pluggable and search parse element is left to be used only for plugins that plug in their own sub fetch phase. Only FetchPhase needs now the parseElements method then.
Log4j has a bug where on shutdown it ignores that JMX might be disabled;
since it does not respect this on shutdown, it proceeds to attempt to
access JMX leading to a security exception that should have otherwise
not occurred had it respected that JMX is disabled. This commit
intentionally introduces jar hell with the Server class to work around
this bug until a fix is released.
Relates #20389
Previously we would disable console logging in certain circumstances
(for example, if Elasticsearch is not in the foreground, or if
Elasticsearch is in the foreground but an exception was thrown during
bootstrap). This commit makes this handling work with Log4j 2. This will
prevent users from seeing double bootstrap check failure messages.
Relates #20387
This was an error-prone version type that allowed overriding previous
version semantics. It could cause primaries and replicas to be out of
sync however, so it has been removed.
This adds a version field to Templates, which is itself is unused by Elasticsearch, but exists for users to better manage their own templates. Like description, it's optional.
Previous versions of Elasticsearch permitted unquoted JSON field names even though this is against the JSON spec. This leniency was disabled by default in the 5.x series of Elasticsearch but a backwards compatibility layer was added via a system property with the intention of removing this layer in 6.0.0. This commit removes this backwards compatibility layer.
Relates #20388
This commit removes an assertion regarding removing the support for
cluster name being part of the data path in favor of a tracking issue.
Relates #20391
This includes:
- All regular numeric types such as int, long, scaled-float, double, etc
- IP addresses
- Dates
- Geopoints and Geoshapes
Relates to #19784
The 5.x series of Elasticsearch emits a warning if any of the old
logging configuration formats are present. This commit removes that
Relates #20386
By default, when an exception causes the JVM to terminate, the stack
trace is printed. In the case of failing bootstrap checks, this stack
trace is useless to the user, and might even distract them from seeing
that the bootstrap checks failed for reasons under their control. With
this commit, we cause the stack trace for a failing bootstrap check to
be truncated.
We also modify some methods to not declare that they throw the top level
checked exception type Exception, but instead explicitly declare the
exceptions that they throw. These exceptions are caught and wrapped in a
BootstrapException so that we can percolate only two exception types out
of Bootstrap#init as checked exception, BootstrapException and
Relates #19989
The collect_payloads parameter of the span_near query was previously
deprecated with the intention to be removed. This commit removes this
Relates #20385
This commit cleans most of the methods of XContentBuilder so that:
- Jackson's convenience methods are used instead of our custom ones (ie field(String,long) now uses Jackson's writeNumberField(String, long) instead of calling writeField(String) then writeNumber(long))
- null checks are added for all field names and values
- methods are grouped by type in the class source
- methods have the same parameters names
- duplicated methods like field(String, String...) and array(String, String...) are removed
- varargs methods now have the "array" name to reflect that it builds arrays
- unused methods like field(String,BigDecimal) are removed
- all methods now follow the execution path: field(String,?) -> field(String) then value(?), and value(?) -> writeSomething() method. Methods to build arrays also follow the same execution path.
This change checks that `index.merge.scheduler.max_thread_count` < `index.merge.scheduler.max_merge_count` and fails index creation
and settings update if the condition is not met.
The logging configuration tests write to log files which are deleted at
the end of the test. If these files are not closed, some operating
systems will complain when these deletes are performed. This commit
ensures that the logging system is properly shutdown so that these files
can be properly deleted.
-D parameters used to be allowed when starting elasticsearch scripts.
However, this was removed in #18207, but the elasticsearch-plugin.bat script
was forgotten. This change removes the -D handling.
This was an error-prone version type that allowed overriding previous
version semantics. It could cause primaries and replicas to be out of
sync however, so it has been removed.
The evil logging tests write to log files which are deleted at the end
of the test. If these files are not closed, some operating systems will
complain when these deletes are performed. This commit ensures that the
logging system is properly shutdown so that these files can be properly
This change adds a `field.with.dots` to all 2.4 bwc indicse and above.
It also adds verification code to OldIndexBackwardsCompatibilityIT to
ensure we upgrade the indices cleanly and the field is present.
Due to the way the nodes where shut down etc. we always flushed
away the translog. This means we never tested upgrades of transaction
logs from older version. This change regenerates all valid bwc indices
and repositories with transaction logs and adds correspondent changes
to the
Parsing a script on retrieval causes it to be re-parsed on every single script call, which can be very expensive for large frequently called scripts. This change switches to parsing scripts only once during store operation.
Hi all,
I was trying to run the percolate examples, but I figured that because of the "type":"keyword" , the code wasn't working.
In the saerch query the "message" : "A new bonsai tree in the office" is a pure string.
I changed it to "text".