
344 lines
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Raw Normal View History

import {Injector, bind, Injectable} from 'angular2/di';
import {Type, isPresent, BaseException, isBlank} from 'angular2/src/facade/lang';
import {Promise} from 'angular2/src/facade/async';
import {List, ListWrapper, MapWrapper} from 'angular2/src/facade/collection';
import {View} from 'angular2/src/core/annotations_impl/view';
import {ElementInjector} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/element_injector';
import {TemplateResolver} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/template_resolver';
import {AppView} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/view';
import {internalView} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/view_ref';
import {
} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/dynamic_component_loader';
import {ElementRef} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/element_ref';
import {el} from './utils';
import {DOCUMENT_TOKEN} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/dom_renderer';
import {DOM} from 'angular2/src/dom/dom_adapter';
import {resolveInternalDomView} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/view/view';
* @exportedAs angular2/test
* A TestElement contains information from the Angular compiler about an
* element and provides access to the corresponding ElementInjector and
* underlying dom Element, as well as a way to query for children.
export class TestElement {
_elementInjector: ElementInjector;
constructor(private _parentView: AppView, private _boundElementIndex: number) {
this._elementInjector = this._parentView.elementInjectors[this._boundElementIndex];
static create(elementRef: ElementRef): TestElement {
return new TestElement(internalView(elementRef.parentView), elementRef.boundElementIndex);
get componentInstance(): any {
if (!isPresent(this._elementInjector)) {
return null;
return this._elementInjector.getComponent();
get dynamicallyCreatedComponentInstance(): any {
if (!isPresent(this._elementInjector)) {
return null;
return this._elementInjector.getDynamicallyLoadedComponent();
get domElement(): any {
return resolveInternalDomView(this._parentView.render).boundElements[this._boundElementIndex];
getDirectiveInstance(directiveIndex: number): any {
return this._elementInjector.getDirectiveAtIndex(directiveIndex);
* Get child TestElements from within the Light DOM.
* @return {List<TestElement>}
get children(): List<TestElement> {
var thisElementBinder = this._parentView.proto.elementBinders[this._boundElementIndex];
return this._getChildElements(this._parentView, thisElementBinder.index);
* Get the root TestElement children of a component. Returns an empty
* list if the current TestElement is not a component root.
* @return {List<TestElement>}
get componentViewChildren(): List<TestElement> {
var shadowView = this._parentView.componentChildViews[this._boundElementIndex];
if (!isPresent(shadowView)) {
// The current test element is not a component.
return ListWrapper.create();
return this._getChildElements(shadowView, null);
triggerEventHandler(eventName, eventObj): void {
this._parentView.triggerEventHandlers(eventName, eventObj, this._boundElementIndex);
hasDirective(type: Type): boolean {
if (!isPresent(this._elementInjector)) {
return false;
return this._elementInjector.hasDirective(type);
inject(type: Type): any {
if (!isPresent(this._elementInjector)) {
return null;
return this._elementInjector.get(type);
* Return the first descendant TestElememt matching the given predicate
* and scope.
* @param {Function: boolean} predicate
* @param {Scope} scope
* @return {TestElement}
query(predicate: Function, scope = Scope.all): TestElement {
var results = this.queryAll(predicate, scope);
return results.length > 0 ? results[0] : null;
* Return descendant TestElememts matching the given predicate
* and scope.
* @param {Function: boolean} predicate
* @param {Scope} scope
* @return {List<TestElement>}
queryAll(predicate: Function, scope = Scope.all): List<TestElement> {
var elementsInScope = scope(this);
return ListWrapper.filter(elementsInScope, predicate);
_getChildElements(view: AppView, parentBoundElementIndex: number): List<TestElement> {
var els = ListWrapper.create();
var parentElementBinder = null;
if (isPresent(parentBoundElementIndex)) {
parentElementBinder = view.proto.elementBinders[parentBoundElementIndex];
for (var i = 0; i < view.proto.elementBinders.length; ++i) {
var binder = view.proto.elementBinders[i];
if (binder.parent == parentElementBinder) {
ListWrapper.push(els, new TestElement(view, i));
var views = view.viewContainers[i];
if (isPresent(views)) {
ListWrapper.forEach(views.views, (nextView) => {
els = ListWrapper.concat(els, this._getChildElements(nextView, null));
return els;
export function inspectElement(elementRef: ElementRef): TestElement {
return TestElement.create(elementRef);
* @exportedAs angular2/test
export class RootTestComponent extends TestElement {
_componentRef: ComponentRef;
_componentParentView: AppView;
constructor(componentRef: ComponentRef) {
super(internalView(componentRef.hostView), 0);
this._componentParentView = internalView(componentRef.hostView);
this._componentRef = componentRef;
detectChanges(): void {
destroy(): void { this._componentRef.dispose(); }
* @exportedAs angular2/test
export class Scope {
static all(testElement): List<TestElement> {
var scope = ListWrapper.create();
ListWrapper.push(scope, testElement);
(child) => { scope = ListWrapper.concat(scope, Scope.all(child)); });
(child) => { scope = ListWrapper.concat(scope, Scope.all(child)); });
return scope;
static light(testElement): List<TestElement> {
var scope = ListWrapper.create();
ListWrapper.forEach(testElement.children, (child) => {
ListWrapper.push(scope, child);
scope = ListWrapper.concat(scope, Scope.light(child));
return scope;
static view(testElement): List<TestElement> {
var scope = ListWrapper.create();
ListWrapper.forEach(testElement.componentViewChildren, (child) => {
ListWrapper.push(scope, child);
scope = ListWrapper.concat(scope, Scope.light(child));
return scope;
* @exportedAs angular2/test
export class By {
static all(): Function { return (testElement) => true; }
static css(selector: string): Function {
return (testElement) => { return DOM.elementMatches(testElement.domElement, selector); };
static directive(type: Type): Function {
return (testElement) => { return testElement.hasDirective(type); };
* @exportedAs angular2/test
* Builds a RootTestComponent for use in component level tests.
export class TestComponentBuilder {
_injector: Injector;
_viewOverrides: Map<Type, View>;
_directiveOverrides: Map<Type, Map<Type, Type>>;
_templateOverrides: Map<Type, string>;
constructor(injector: Injector) {
this._injector = injector;
this._viewOverrides = MapWrapper.create();
this._directiveOverrides = MapWrapper.create();
this._templateOverrides = MapWrapper.create();
_clone(): TestComponentBuilder {
var clone = new TestComponentBuilder(this._injector);
clone._viewOverrides = MapWrapper.clone(this._viewOverrides);
clone._directiveOverrides = MapWrapper.clone(this._directiveOverrides);
clone._templateOverrides = MapWrapper.clone(this._templateOverrides);
return clone;
* Overrides only the html of a {@link Component}.
* All the other propoerties of the component's {@link View} are preserved.
* @param {Type} component
* @param {string} html
* @return {TestComponentBuilder}
overrideTemplate(componentType: Type, template: string): TestComponentBuilder {
var clone = this._clone();
MapWrapper.set(clone._templateOverrides, componentType, template);
return clone;
* Overrides a component's {@link View}.
* @param {Type} component
* @param {view} View
* @return {TestComponentBuilder}
overrideView(componentType: Type, view: View): TestComponentBuilder {
var clone = this._clone();
MapWrapper.set(clone._viewOverrides, componentType, view);
return clone;
* Overrides the directives from the component {@link View}.
* @param {Type} component
* @param {Type} from
* @param {Type} to
* @return {TestComponentBuilder}
overrideDirective(componentType: Type, from: Type, to: Type): TestComponentBuilder {
var clone = this._clone();
var overridesForComponent = MapWrapper.get(clone._directiveOverrides, componentType);
if (!isPresent(overridesForComponent)) {
MapWrapper.set(clone._directiveOverrides, componentType, MapWrapper.create());
overridesForComponent = MapWrapper.get(clone._directiveOverrides, componentType);
MapWrapper.set(overridesForComponent, from, to);
return clone;
* Builds and returns a RootTestComponent.
* @return {Promise<RootTestComponent>}
createAsync(rootComponentType: Type): Promise<RootTestComponent> {
var mockTemplateResolver = this._injector.get(TemplateResolver);
(view, type) => { mockTemplateResolver.setView(type, view); });
MapWrapper.forEach(this._templateOverrides, (template, type) => {
mockTemplateResolver.setInlineTemplate(type, template);
MapWrapper.forEach(this._directiveOverrides, (overrides, component) => {
MapWrapper.forEach(overrides, (to, from) => {
mockTemplateResolver.overrideViewDirective(component, from, to);
var rootEl = el('<div id="root"></div>');
var doc = this._injector.get(DOCUMENT_TOKEN);
// TODO(juliemr): can/should this be optional?
DOM.appendChild(doc.body, rootEl);
return this._injector.get(DynamicComponentLoader)
.loadAsRoot(rootComponentType, '#root', this._injector)
.then((componentRef) => { return new RootTestComponent(componentRef); });