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* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
refactor(ivy): implement a virtual file-system layer in ngtsc + ngcc (#30921) To improve cross platform support, all file access (and path manipulation) is now done through a well known interface (`FileSystem`). For testing a number of `MockFileSystem` implementations are provided. These provide an in-memory file-system which emulates operating systems like OS/X, Unix and Windows. The current file system is always available via the static method, `FileSystem.getFileSystem()`. This is also used by a number of static methods on `AbsoluteFsPath` and `PathSegment`, to avoid having to pass `FileSystem` objects around all the time. The result of this is that one must be careful to ensure that the file-system has been initialized before using any of these static methods. To prevent this happening accidentally the current file system always starts out as an instance of `InvalidFileSystem`, which will throw an error if any of its methods are called. You can set the current file-system by calling `FileSystem.setFileSystem()`. During testing you can call the helper function `initMockFileSystem(os)` which takes a string name of the OS to emulate, and will also monkey-patch aspects of the TypeScript library to ensure that TS is also using the current file-system. Finally there is the `NgtscCompilerHost` to be used for any TypeScript compilation, which uses a given file-system. All tests that interact with the file-system should be tested against each of the mock file-systems. A series of helpers have been provided to support such tests: * `runInEachFileSystem()` - wrap your tests in this helper to run all the wrapped tests in each of the mock file-systems. * `addTestFilesToFileSystem()` - use this to add files and their contents to the mock file system for testing. * `loadTestFilesFromDisk()` - use this to load a mirror image of files on disk into the in-memory mock file-system. * `loadFakeCore()` - use this to load a fake version of `@angular/core` into the mock file-system. All ngcc and ngtsc source and tests now use this virtual file-system setup. PR Close #30921
2019-06-06 15:22:32 -04:00
/// <reference types="node" />
import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as path from 'path';
import * as ts from 'typescript';
refactor(ivy): implement a virtual file-system layer in ngtsc + ngcc (#30921) To improve cross platform support, all file access (and path manipulation) is now done through a well known interface (`FileSystem`). For testing a number of `MockFileSystem` implementations are provided. These provide an in-memory file-system which emulates operating systems like OS/X, Unix and Windows. The current file system is always available via the static method, `FileSystem.getFileSystem()`. This is also used by a number of static methods on `AbsoluteFsPath` and `PathSegment`, to avoid having to pass `FileSystem` objects around all the time. The result of this is that one must be careful to ensure that the file-system has been initialized before using any of these static methods. To prevent this happening accidentally the current file system always starts out as an instance of `InvalidFileSystem`, which will throw an error if any of its methods are called. You can set the current file-system by calling `FileSystem.setFileSystem()`. During testing you can call the helper function `initMockFileSystem(os)` which takes a string name of the OS to emulate, and will also monkey-patch aspects of the TypeScript library to ensure that TS is also using the current file-system. Finally there is the `NgtscCompilerHost` to be used for any TypeScript compilation, which uses a given file-system. All tests that interact with the file-system should be tested against each of the mock file-systems. A series of helpers have been provided to support such tests: * `runInEachFileSystem()` - wrap your tests in this helper to run all the wrapped tests in each of the mock file-systems. * `addTestFilesToFileSystem()` - use this to add files and their contents to the mock file system for testing. * `loadTestFilesFromDisk()` - use this to load a mirror image of files on disk into the in-memory mock file-system. * `loadFakeCore()` - use this to load a fake version of `@angular/core` into the mock file-system. All ngcc and ngtsc source and tests now use this virtual file-system setup. PR Close #30921
2019-06-06 15:22:32 -04:00
import * as ng from '../index';
refactor(ivy): implement a virtual file-system layer in ngtsc + ngcc (#30921) To improve cross platform support, all file access (and path manipulation) is now done through a well known interface (`FileSystem`). For testing a number of `MockFileSystem` implementations are provided. These provide an in-memory file-system which emulates operating systems like OS/X, Unix and Windows. The current file system is always available via the static method, `FileSystem.getFileSystem()`. This is also used by a number of static methods on `AbsoluteFsPath` and `PathSegment`, to avoid having to pass `FileSystem` objects around all the time. The result of this is that one must be careful to ensure that the file-system has been initialized before using any of these static methods. To prevent this happening accidentally the current file system always starts out as an instance of `InvalidFileSystem`, which will throw an error if any of its methods are called. You can set the current file-system by calling `FileSystem.setFileSystem()`. During testing you can call the helper function `initMockFileSystem(os)` which takes a string name of the OS to emulate, and will also monkey-patch aspects of the TypeScript library to ensure that TS is also using the current file-system. Finally there is the `NgtscCompilerHost` to be used for any TypeScript compilation, which uses a given file-system. All tests that interact with the file-system should be tested against each of the mock file-systems. A series of helpers have been provided to support such tests: * `runInEachFileSystem()` - wrap your tests in this helper to run all the wrapped tests in each of the mock file-systems. * `addTestFilesToFileSystem()` - use this to add files and their contents to the mock file system for testing. * `loadTestFilesFromDisk()` - use this to load a mirror image of files on disk into the in-memory mock file-system. * `loadFakeCore()` - use this to load a fake version of `@angular/core` into the mock file-system. All ngcc and ngtsc source and tests now use this virtual file-system setup. PR Close #30921
2019-06-06 15:22:32 -04:00
import {NodeJSFileSystem, setFileSystem} from '../src/ngtsc/file_system';
import {getAngularPackagesFromRunfiles, resolveNpmTreeArtifact} from '../test/helpers';
// TEST_TMPDIR is always set by Bazel.
const tmpdir = process.env.TEST_TMPDIR!;
export function makeTempDir(): string {
let dir: string;
while (true) {
const id = (Math.random() * 1000000).toFixed(0);
dir = path.posix.join(tmpdir, `tmp.${id}`);
if (!fs.existsSync(dir)) break;
return dir;
export interface TestSupport {
basePath: string;
write(fileName: string, content: string): void;
writeFiles(...mockDirs: {[fileName: string]: string}[]): void;
createCompilerOptions(overrideOptions?: ng.CompilerOptions): ng.CompilerOptions;
shouldExist(fileName: string): void;
shouldNotExist(fileName: string): void;
function createTestSupportFor(basePath: string) {
// Typescript uses identity comparison on `paths` and other arrays in order to determine
// if program structure can be reused for incremental compilation, so we reuse the default
// values unless overriden, and freeze them so that they can't be accidentaly changed somewhere
// in tests.
const defaultCompilerOptions = {
'experimentalDecorators': true,
'skipLibCheck': true,
'strict': true,
'strictPropertyInitialization': false,
'types': Object.freeze<string>([]) as string[],
'outDir': path.resolve(basePath, 'built'),
'rootDir': basePath,
'baseUrl': basePath,
'declaration': true,
'target': ts.ScriptTarget.ES5,
'newLine': ts.NewLineKind.LineFeed,
'module': ts.ModuleKind.ES2015,
'moduleResolution': ts.ModuleResolutionKind.NodeJs,
'enableIvy': false,
'lib': Object.freeze([
path.resolve(basePath, 'node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es6.d.ts'),
]) as string[],
// clang-format off
'paths': Object.freeze({'@angular/*': ['./node_modules/@angular/*']}) as {[index: string]: string[]}
// clang-format on
return {
// We normalize the basePath into a posix path, so that multiple assertions which compare
// paths don't need to normalize the path separators each time.
basePath: normalizeSeparators(basePath),
function ensureDirExists(absolutePathToDir: string) {
if (fs.existsSync(absolutePathToDir)) {
if (!fs.statSync(absolutePathToDir).isDirectory()) {
throw new Error(`'${absolutePathToDir}' exists and is not a directory.`);
} else {
const parentDir = path.dirname(absolutePathToDir);
function write(fileName: string, content: string) {
const absolutePathToFile = path.resolve(basePath, fileName);
fs.writeFileSync(absolutePathToFile, content);
function writeFiles(...mockDirs: {[fileName: string]: string}[]) {
mockDirs.forEach((dir) => {
Object.keys(dir).forEach((fileName) => {
write(fileName, dir[fileName]);
function createCompilerOptions(overrideOptions: ng.CompilerOptions = {}): ng.CompilerOptions {
return {...defaultCompilerOptions, ...overrideOptions};
function shouldExist(fileName: string) {
if (!fs.existsSync(path.resolve(basePath, fileName))) {
throw new Error(`Expected ${fileName} to be emitted (basePath: ${basePath})`);
function shouldNotExist(fileName: string) {
if (fs.existsSync(path.resolve(basePath, fileName))) {
throw new Error(`Did not expect ${fileName} to be emitted (basePath: ${basePath})`);
export function setupBazelTo(tmpDirPath: string) {
const nodeModulesPath = path.join(tmpDirPath, 'node_modules');
const angularDirectory = path.join(nodeModulesPath, '@angular');
getAngularPackagesFromRunfiles().forEach(({pkgPath, name}) => {
fs.symlinkSync(pkgPath, path.join(angularDirectory, name), 'junction');
// Link typescript
const typeScriptSource = resolveNpmTreeArtifact('npm/node_modules/typescript');
const typescriptDest = path.join(nodeModulesPath, 'typescript');
fs.symlinkSync(typeScriptSource, typescriptDest, 'junction');
// Link "rxjs" if it has been set up as a runfile. "rxjs" is linked optionally because
// not all compiler-cli tests need "rxjs" set up.
try {
const rxjsSource = resolveNpmTreeArtifact('rxjs', 'index.js');
const rxjsDest = path.join(nodeModulesPath, 'rxjs');
fs.symlinkSync(rxjsSource, rxjsDest, 'junction');
} catch (e) {
if (e.code !== 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND') throw e;
export function setup(): TestSupport {
refactor(ivy): implement a virtual file-system layer in ngtsc + ngcc (#30921) To improve cross platform support, all file access (and path manipulation) is now done through a well known interface (`FileSystem`). For testing a number of `MockFileSystem` implementations are provided. These provide an in-memory file-system which emulates operating systems like OS/X, Unix and Windows. The current file system is always available via the static method, `FileSystem.getFileSystem()`. This is also used by a number of static methods on `AbsoluteFsPath` and `PathSegment`, to avoid having to pass `FileSystem` objects around all the time. The result of this is that one must be careful to ensure that the file-system has been initialized before using any of these static methods. To prevent this happening accidentally the current file system always starts out as an instance of `InvalidFileSystem`, which will throw an error if any of its methods are called. You can set the current file-system by calling `FileSystem.setFileSystem()`. During testing you can call the helper function `initMockFileSystem(os)` which takes a string name of the OS to emulate, and will also monkey-patch aspects of the TypeScript library to ensure that TS is also using the current file-system. Finally there is the `NgtscCompilerHost` to be used for any TypeScript compilation, which uses a given file-system. All tests that interact with the file-system should be tested against each of the mock file-systems. A series of helpers have been provided to support such tests: * `runInEachFileSystem()` - wrap your tests in this helper to run all the wrapped tests in each of the mock file-systems. * `addTestFilesToFileSystem()` - use this to add files and their contents to the mock file system for testing. * `loadTestFilesFromDisk()` - use this to load a mirror image of files on disk into the in-memory mock file-system. * `loadFakeCore()` - use this to load a fake version of `@angular/core` into the mock file-system. All ngcc and ngtsc source and tests now use this virtual file-system setup. PR Close #30921
2019-06-06 15:22:32 -04:00
// // `TestSupport` provides its own file-system abstraction so we just use
// // the native `NodeJSFileSystem` under the hood.
setFileSystem(new NodeJSFileSystem());
const tmpDirPath = makeTempDir();
return createTestSupportFor(tmpDirPath);
export function expectNoDiagnostics(options: ng.CompilerOptions, diags: ng.Diagnostics) {
const errorDiags = diags.filter(d => d.category !== ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message);
if (errorDiags.length) {
throw new Error(`Expected no diagnostics: ${ng.formatDiagnostics(errorDiags)}`);
export function expectNoDiagnosticsInProgram(options: ng.CompilerOptions, p: ng.Program) {
expectNoDiagnostics(options, [
...p.getNgStructuralDiagnostics(), ...p.getTsSemanticDiagnostics(),
export function normalizeSeparators(path: string): string {
return path.replace(/\\/g, '/');
const STRIP_ANSI = /\x1B\x5B\d+m/g;
export function stripAnsi(diags: string): string {
return diags.replace(STRIP_ANSI, '');