feat: translated the nav menu

This commit is contained in:
Zhicheng Wang 2017-07-26 10:33:52 +08:00
parent 4c57f76ce6
commit a529ec5a81
1 changed files with 218 additions and 272 deletions

View File

@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
"title": "会议"
"SideNav": [
"url": "docs",
@ -26,431 +25,378 @@
"tooltip": "Angular 开发文档",
"hidden": true
"title": "快速起步",
"tooltip": "A gentle introduction to Angular.",
"tooltip": "Angular 破冰",
"children": [
"url": "guide/learning-angular",
"title": "学习 Angular",
"tooltip": "为 Angular 新手推荐的学习路径"
"url": "guide/quickstart",
"title": "基本版快速起步",
"tooltip": "如何不借助工具开始一个 Angular 项目"
"url": "guide/cli-quickstart",
"title": "CLI 快速起步",
"tooltip": "使用 CLI 快速开始一个 Angular 项目"
"url": "guide/setup",
"title": "Setup",
"tooltip": "Install the Angular QuickStart seed for faster, more efficient development on your machine."
"title": "开发环境",
"tooltip": "安装 Angular 《快速起步》种子,更快更有效地在本地开发应用"
"url": "guide/architecture",
"title": "架构",
"title": "架构概览",
"tooltip": "Angular 应用的基本构造块"
"url": "guide/appmodule",
"title": "根模块",
"tooltip": "Tell Angular how to construct and bootstrap the app in the root \"AppModule\"."
"title": "AppModule: 根模块",
"tooltip": "如何在根 \"AppModule\" 中构建和启动应用。"
"url": "guide/displaying-data",
"title": "Displaying data",
"tooltip": "Property binding helps show app data in the UI."
"title": "显示数据",
"tooltip": "属性绑定机制把数据显示到用户界面上。"
"url": "guide/user-input",
"title": "User Input",
"tooltip": "User input triggers DOM events. We listen to those events with event bindings that funnel updated values back into our components and models."
"title": "用户输入",
"tooltip": "用户输入触发 DOM 事件。我们通过事件绑定来监听它们,把更新过的数据导入回我们的组件和 model。"
"url": "guide/forms",
"title": "Forms",
"tooltip": "A form creates a cohesive, effective, and compelling data entry experience. An Angular form coordinates a set of data-bound user controls, tracks changes, validates input, and presents errors."
"title": "表单",
"tooltip": "表单创建一个有机、有效、引人注目的数据输入体验。Angular 表单协调一组数据绑定控件,跟踪变更,验证输入的有效性,并且显示错误信息。"
"url": "guide/dependency-injection",
"title": "Dependency Injection",
"tooltip": "Angular's dependency injection system creates and delivers dependent services \"just-in-time\"."
"title": "Tutorial",
"tooltip": "The Tour of Heroes tutorial takes you through the steps of creating an Angular application in TypeScript.",
"children": [
"url": "tutorial",
"title": "Introduction",
"tooltip": "Introduction to the Tour of Heroes tutorial"
"title": "依赖注入",
"tooltip": "Angular 的依赖注入系统能够即时地创建和交付所依赖的服务。"
"url": "tutorial/toh-pt1",
"title": "The hero editor",
"tooltip": "Build a simple hero editor"
"title": "英雄编辑器",
"tooltip": "构建一个简单的英雄编辑器"
"url": "tutorial/toh-pt2",
"title": "Master/detail",
"tooltip": "Build a master/detail page with a list of heroes."
"title": "主从结构",
"tooltip": "构建一个主从结构的页面,用于展现英雄列表"
"url": "tutorial/toh-pt3",
"title": "Multiple components",
"tooltip": "Refactor the master/detail view into separate components."
"title": "多个组件",
"tooltip": "把主从结构的页面重构成多个组件"
"url": "tutorial/toh-pt4",
"title": "Services",
"tooltip": "Create a reusable service to manage hero data."
"title": "服务",
"tooltip": "创建一个可复用的服务来调用英雄的数据"
"url": "tutorial/toh-pt5",
"title": "Routing",
"tooltip": "Add the Angular router and navigate among the views."
"title": "路由",
"tooltip": "添加 Angular 组件路由,并且学习在视图之间导航"
"url": "tutorial/toh-pt6",
"title": "HTTP",
"tooltip": "Use HTTP to retrieve and save hero data."
"tooltip": "把服务和组件改为用 Angular 的 HTTP 服务实现"
"title": "Core",
"tooltip": "Learn the core capabilities of Angular",
"title": "核心知识",
"tooltip": "学习 Angular 的核心知识",
"children": [
"title": "Angular Modules",
"title": "Angular 的模块",
"tooltip": "Learn how directives modify the layout and behavior of elements.",
"children": [
"url": "guide/ngmodule",
"title": "NgModule",
"tooltip": "Define application modules with @NgModule."
"title": "Angular 模块",
"tooltip": "使用 @NgModule 为应用定义模块"
"url": "guide/ngmodule-faq",
"title": "Angular module FAQs",
"tooltip": "Answers to frequently asked questions about @NgModule."
"url": "guide/component-communication",
"title": "Component interaction",
"tooltip": "Share information between different directives and components."
"title": "Dependency Injection",
"tooltip": "More about Dependency Injection",
"children": [
"url": "guide/cb-dependency-injection",
"title": "Dependency injection",
"tooltip": "Techniques for Dependency Injection."
"url": "guide/hierarchical-dependency-injection",
"title": "Hierarchical injectors",
"tooltip": "Angular's hierarchical dependency injection system supports nested injectors in parallel with the component tree."
"url": "guide/dynamic-component-loader",
"title": "Dynamic components",
"tooltip": "Load components dynamically."
"title": "Directives",
"tooltip": "Learn how directives modify the layout and behavior of elements.",
"children": [
"url": "guide/attribute-directives",
"title": "Attribute directives",
"tooltip": "Attribute directives attach behavior to elements."
"url": "guide/structural-directives",
"title": "Structural directives",
"tooltip": "Structural directives manipulate the layout of the page."
"title": "Angular 模块常见问题",
"tooltip": "关于 @NgModule 的常见问题及其答案"
"title": "Forms",
"tooltip": "More about forms",
"url": "guide/component-communication",
"title": "组件交互",
"tooltip": "在不同的指令和组件之间共享信息"
"title": "依赖注入",
"tooltip": "关于依赖注入的更多知识",
"children": [
"url": "guide/cb-dependency-injection",
"title": "依赖注入",
"tooltip": "关于依赖注入的技巧"
"url": "guide/hierarchical-dependency-injection",
"title": "多级注入器",
"tooltip": "Angular 的多级注入体系会建立与组件平行的注入器树"
"url": "guide/dynamic-component-loader",
"title": "动态组件",
"tooltip": "动态加载组件"
"title": "指令",
"tooltip": "指令如何修改元素的布局和行为",
"children": [
"url": "guide/attribute-directives",
"title": "属性型指令",
"tooltip": "属性型指令把行为添加到现有元素上。"
"url": "guide/structural-directives",
"title": "结构型指令",
"tooltip": "结构型指令可以操纵页面的布局"
"title": "表单",
"tooltip": "关于表单的更多知识",
"children": [
"url": "guide/dynamic-form",
"title": "Dynamic forms",
"tooltip": "Render dynamic forms with FormGroup."
"title": "动态表单",
"tooltip": "使用FormGroup渲染动态表单"
"url": "guide/form-validation",
"title": "Form validation",
"tooltip": "Validate user's form entries."
"title": "表单验证",
"tooltip": "验证用户的表单输入"
"url": "guide/reactive-forms",
"title": "Reactive forms",
"tooltip": "Create a reactive form using FormBuilder, groups, and arrays."
"title": "响应式表单",
"tooltip": "使用FormBuilder、组合数组创建响应式表单。"
"url": "guide/server-communication",
"title": "HTTP client",
"tooltip": "Use an HTTP Client to talk to a remote server."
"title": "HTTP 客户端",
"tooltip": "通过 HTTP 客户端与远程服务器对话。"
"url": "guide/lifecycle-hooks",
"title": "Lifecycle hooks",
"tooltip": "Angular calls lifecycle hook methods on directives and components as it creates, changes, and destroys them."
"title": "生命周期钩子",
"tooltip": "Angular 调用指令和组件的生命周期钩子函数,包括它的创建、变更和销毁时。"
"url": "guide/pipes",
"title": "Pipes",
"tooltip": "Pipes transform displayed values within a template."
"title": "管道",
"tooltip": "管道可以在模板中转换显示的内容。"
"url": "guide/router",
"title": "Routing & navigation",
"tooltip": "Discover the basics of screen navigation with the Angular Router."
"title": "路由与导航",
"tooltip": "揭示如何通过 Angular 路由进行基本的屏幕导航。"
"url": "guide/template-syntax",
"title": "Template Syntax",
"tooltip": "Learn how to write templates that display data and consume user events with the help of data binding."
"title": "API",
"tooltip": "Details of the Angular classes and values.",
"url": "api"
"title": "Additional Techniques",
"tooltip": "Other",
"children": [
"url": "guide/aot-compiler",
"title": "Ahead-of-Time compilation",
"tooltip": "Learn why and how to use the Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compiler."
"url": "guide/animations",
"title": "Animations",
"tooltip": "A guide to Angular's animation system."
"url": "guide/ajs-quick-reference",
"title": "AngularJS to Angular",
"tooltip": "Learn how AngularJS concepts and techniques map to Angular."
"url": "guide/component-styles",
"title": "Component styles",
"tooltip": "Learn how to apply CSS styles to components."
"url": "guide/deployment",
"title": "Deployment",
"tooltip": "Learn how to deploy your Angular app."
"url": "guide/i18n",
"title": "Internationalization (i18n)",
"tooltip": "Translate the app's template text into multiple languages."
"url": "guide/security",
"title": "Security",
"tooltip": "Developing for content security in Angular applications."
"title": "Setup",
"tooltip": "Details of the local development setup",
"children": [
"url": "guide/setup-systemjs-anatomy",
"title": "Setup Anatomy",
"tooltip": "Inside the local development environment for SystemJS."
"url": "guide/browser-support",
"title": "Browser support",
"tooltip": "Browser support and polyfills guide."
"url": "guide/npm-packages",
"title": "Npm packages",
"tooltip": "Recommended npm packages, and how to specify package dependencies."
"url": "guide/typescript-configuration",
"title": "TypeScript configuration",
"tooltip": "TypeScript configuration for Angular developers."
"url": "guide/testing",
"title": "Testing",
"tooltip": "Techniques and practices for testing an Angular app."
"url": "guide/upgrade",
"title": "Upgrading from AngularJS",
"tooltip": "Incrementally upgrade an AngularJS application to Angular."
"url": "guide/ts-to-js",
"title": "TypeScript to JavaScript",
"tooltip": "Convert Angular TypeScript examples into ES6 and ES5 JavaScript."
"url": "guide/visual-studio-2015",
"title": "Visual Studio 2015 QuickStart",
"tooltip": "Use Visual Studio 2015 with the QuickStart files."
"url": "guide/webpack",
"title": "Webpack: an introduction",
"tooltip": "Create Angular applications with a Webpack based tooling."
"title": "模板语法",
"tooltip": "学习如何写模板来显示数据,以及在数据绑定的帮助下响应用户事件"
"title": "References",
"title": "API参考手册",
"tooltip": "Angular 中各种类和值的详细信息",
"url": "api"
"title": "其它技术",
"tooltip": "其它",
"children": [
"url": "guide/aot-compiler",
"title": "预AOT编译",
"tooltip": "为何使用以及如何使用预编译器"
"url": "guide/animations",
"title": "动画",
"tooltip": "Angular 动画体系指南"
"url": "guide/ajs-quick-reference",
"title": "从 AngularJS 升级到 Angular",
"tooltip": "学习如何把 AngularJS 的概念和技术对应到 Angular 中"
"url": "guide/component-styles",
"title": "组件样式",
"tooltip": "学习如何把 CSS 样式应用到组件中"
"url": "guide/deployment",
"title": "发布",
"tooltip": "学习如何发布 Angular 应用"
"url": "guide/i18n",
"title": "国际化 (i18n)",
"tooltip": "把 Angular 模板中的文本翻译成其它语言"
"url": "guide/security",
"title": "安全",
"tooltip": "开发内容安全的 Angular 应用。"
"title": "环境设置",
"tooltip": "本地环境设置的详细信息",
"children": [
"url": "guide/setup-systemjs-anatomy",
"title": "搭建剖析",
"tooltip": "解析 SystemJS 本地开发环境"
"url": "guide/browser-support",
"title": "浏览器支持",
"tooltip": "浏览器支持与填充 (Polyfill) 指南"
"url": "guide/npm-packages",
"title": "Npm包",
"tooltip": "推荐的 npm 包以及如何指定所依赖的包"
"url": "guide/typescript-configuration",
"title": "TypeScript 配置",
"tooltip": "Angular 开发者的 TypeScript 配置"
"url": "guide/testing",
"title": "测试",
"tooltip": "测试 Angular 应用的技巧与实践"
"url": "guide/upgrade",
"title": "从 AngularJS 升级",
"tooltip": "AngularJS 应用可以逐步升级到 Angular。"
"url": "guide/ts-to-js",
"title": "从 TypeScript 到 JavaScript",
"tooltip": "把 TypeScript 格式的例子转成 ES6 和 ES5 JavaScript的"
"url": "guide/visual-studio-2015",
"title": "Visual Studio 2015 快速起步",
"tooltip": "在 Visual Studio 2015 中使用快速起步中的文件"
"url": "guide/webpack",
"title": "Webpack 简介",
"tooltip": "使用基于 Webpack 的工具创建 Angular 应用"
"title": "参考手册",
"children": [
"url": "guide/change-log",
"title": "Change Log",
"tooltip": "An annotated history of recent documentation improvements."
"title": "变更记录",
"tooltip": "本文档最近的改进历史"
"url": "guide/cheatsheet",
"title": "Cheat Sheet",
"tooltip": "A quick guide to common Angular coding techniques."
"title": "速查表",
"tooltip": "Angular 编码技术的快速指南"
"url": "guide/glossary",
"title": "Glossary",
"tooltip": "Brief definitions of the most important words in the Angular vocabulary."
"title": "词汇表",
"tooltip": "Angular 中最重要的词汇的简要定义"
"url": "guide/style-guide",
"title": "Style guide",
"tooltip": "Write Angular with style."
"title": "风格指南",
"tooltip": "写出 Angular 风格的程序"
"Footer": [
"title": "Resources",
"title": "资源",
"children": [
"url": "about",
"title": "About",
"tooltip": "Angular contributors."
"title": "关于",
"tooltip": "Angular 贡献者"
"url": "resources",
"title": "Resource Listing",
"tooltip": "Angular tools, training, and blogs from around the web."
"title": "资源列表",
"tooltip": "Angular 的工具、培训、博客等网上资源"
"url": "presskit",
"title": "Press Kit",
"tooltip": "Press contacts, logos, and branding."
"title": "宣传资料",
"tooltip": "我们的联系方式、LOGO和品牌"
"title": "Help",
"title": "帮助",
"children": [
"url": "http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/angular2",
"title": "Stack Overflow",
"tooltip": "Stack Overflow: where the community answers your technical Angular questions."
"tooltip": "Stack Overflow: 这里的社区会回答你关于 Angular 的技术问题"
"url": "https://gitter.im/angular/angular",
"title": "Gitter",
"tooltip": "Chat about Angular with other birds of a feather."
"tooltip": "和老鸟聊 Angular"
"url": "https://github.com/angular/angular/issues",
"title": "Report Issues",
"tooltip": "Post issues and suggestions on github."
"title": "报告问题",
"tooltip": "在 github 上报告问题和建议"
"title": "Community",
"title": "社区",
"children": [
"url": "events",
"title": "Events",
"title": "活动",
"tooltip": "Post issues and suggestions on github."
"url": "http://www.meetup.com/topics/angularjs/",
"title": "Meetups",
"tooltip": "Attend a meetup and learn from fellow developers."
"title": "聚会",
"tooltip": "参加聚会,向别的开发人员学习"
"url": "https://twitter.com/angular",
@ -464,8 +410,8 @@
"url": "contribute",
"title": "Contribute",
"tooltip": "Contribute to Angular"
"title": "做贡献",
"tooltip": "向 Angular 做贡献"