This commit adds an ngTemplateGuard_ngIf static method to the NgIf
directive and an ngTemplateContextGuard static method to NgFor. The
function of these two static methods is to enable type narrowing
within generated type checking code for consumers of the directives.
PR Close#26203
When using ViewEncapsulation.ShadowDom, Angular will not remove the child nodes of the DOM node a root Component is bootstrapped into. This enables developers building Angular Elements to use the `<slot>` element to do native content projection.
PR Close#24861
CanLoad now defines UrlSegment[] as a second parameter of the function.
Users can store the initial url segments and refer to them later, e.g. to go
back to the original url after authentication via router.navigate(urlSegments).
Existing code still works as before because the second function parameter
does not have to be defined.
PR Close#13127
This has been deprecated to keep selector consistent with other core Angular selectors. As element selectors are in kebab-case.
Now deprecated:
<ngForm #myForm="ngForm">
<ng-form #myForm="ngForm">
You can also choose to supress this warnings by providing a config for `FormsModule` during import:
imports: [
FormsModule.withConfig({warnOnDeprecatedNgFormSelector: 'never'});
Closes: #23678
PR Close#23721
Previously, some of the *Def symbols were not exported or were exported
as public API. This commit ensures every definition type is in the
private export namespace.
PR Close#24862
Within an @NgModule it's common to include in the imports a call to
a ModuleWithProviders function, for example RouterModule.forRoot().
The old ngc compiler was able to handle this pattern because it had
global knowledge of metadata of not only the input compilation unit
but also all dependencies.
The ngtsc compiler for Ivy doesn't have this knowledge, so the
pattern of ModuleWithProviders functions is more difficult. ngtsc
must be able to determine which module is imported via the function
in order to expand the selector scope and properly tree-shake
directives and pipes.
This commit implements a solution to this problem, by adding a type
parameter to ModuleWithProviders through which the actual module
type can be passed between compilation units.
The provider side isn't a problem because the imports are always
copied directly to the ngInjectorDef.
PR Close#24862
InjectorDef is parameterized on the type of the injector
configuration class (e.g. the @NgModule decorated type). Previously
this parameter was not included when generating .d.ts files that
contained InjectorDefs.
PR Close#24738
With these changes, the types are a little stricter now and also not
compatible with Protractor's jasmine-like syntax. So, we have to also
use `@types/jasminewd2` for e2e tests (but not for non-e2e tests).
I also had to "augment" `@types/jasminewd2`, because the latest
typings from [DefinitelyTyped][1] do not reflect the fact that the
`jasminewd2` version (v2.1.0) currently used by Protractor supports
passing a `done` callback to a spec.
[1]: 566e039485/types/jasminewd2/index.d.ts (L9-L15)Fixes#23952Closes#24733
PR Close#19904
This will allow RouterTestingModule to better support lazy loading of modules
when using summaries, since it can detect whether a module is already loaded
if it can access the id.
PR Close#24258
`NgForOf` used to implement `OnChanges` and than use
`ngOnChanges` callback to detect when `ngForOf` binding
changed to update the differ. We now do the checking
manually which puts less pressure on the runtime to do
the bookkeeping and should result in minor perf improvement.
PR Close#23378
Allows to write:
const fixture = TestBed
.overridePipe(DisplayNamePipe, { set: { pure: false } })
when you only want to set the `pure` metadata,
instead of currently:
const fixture = TestBed
.overridePipe(DisplayNamePipe, { set: { name: 'displayName', pure: false } })
which forces you to redefine the name of the pipe even if it is useless.
PR Close#24103
Since `versionedFiles` behaves in the exact same way as `files`, there
is no reaason to have both. Users should use `files` instead.
This commit deprecates the property and prints a warning when coming
across an asset-group that uses it. It should be completely removed in
a future version.
Note, it has also been removed from the default `ngsw-config.json`
template in angular/devkit#754.
PR Close#23584
Ivy definition looks something like this:
class MyService {
static ngInjectableDef = defineInjectable({
Here the argument to `defineInjectable` is well known public contract which needs
to be honored in backward compatible way between versions. The type of the
return value of `defineInjectable` on the other hand is private and can change
shape drastically between versions without effecting backwards compatibility of
libraries publish to NPM. To our users it is effectively an opaque token.
For this reson why declare the return value of `defineInjectable` as `never`.
PR Close#23383
Ivy definition looks something like this:
class MyService {
static ngInjectableDef = defineInjectable({
Here the argument to `defineInjectable` is well known public contract which needs
to be honored in backward compatible way between versions. The type of the
return value of `defineInjectable` on the other hand is private and can change
shape drastically between versions without effecting backwards compatibility of
libraries publish to NPM. To our users it is effectively an `OpaqueToken`.
By prefixing the type with `ɵ` we are communicating the the outside world that
the value is not public API and is subject to change without backward compatibility.
PR Close#23371