The git client respects the `SpawnSyncOptions` when a command
is executed. Currently it does not hide the command info
messages when commands are run in silent mode.
We fix this as part of this commit, so that the command info
is only printed to `debug` if `stdio` is set to `ignore`.
Additonally, the github token is made public so that it can be
used by commands if other repositories like forks are targeted.
PR Close#38656
Instead of repeating the logic for adding the github token to
a repository git url, we add a shared function for automatically
computing the URls with token.
Additionally, URLs for updating/generating tokens have been moved
to a dedicated file in the `utils` folder. Also while being at it,
the yargs github token helper is also moved into the dedicated
Git/Github related util folder.
PR Close#38656
This commit adds a logic to ouput the number of new and fixed cycles after running circular
dependency checker. This information is useful to better understand an impact of changes in case
the number of new/fixed cycles is relatively big.
PR Close#38805
During the merge process, all validations have already been completed so git commit
hooks can be safely skipped. This additionally, prevents errors from occuring which
would be caused the commit hooks executing, such as when yarn updates and then yarn
commands are unable to run within the same process.
PR Close#38888
As part of the commit message conformance check, local commit message checks are
made to be warnings rather than failures. An additional local option is also in
place to allow for the commit message validation failures to be considered errors
PR Close#38784
Currently we validate the configuration file on each `getConfig`
invocation. We can only validate once since the configuration
is cached.
Also while being at it, renames the cache variables to lower-case as those
do not represent constants (which are convention-wise upper case).
PR Close#38808
As not all users, particularly contributors consistently contributing with a deep
understanding of our commit message guidelines, will not want to rely on the
commit message wizard, we allow a user to opt out of using this wizard during
commit message creation.
PR Close#38701
Create a utility for loading a local user configuration object to describe
local configuration values, such as skipping the commit message wizard.
PR Close#38701
Previously, the validateCommitMessage function ran validation and logged the results.
The validateCommitMessage function now returns an object containing the validation
results and the cli action functions are instead responsible for logging the results.
This is being done as a prefactor for a change which allows for commit message
hook validation to be either a blocking error or a warning.
PR Close#38703
The angular team relies on a number of services for hosting code, running CI, etc. This
tool allows for checking the operational status of all services at once as well as the current
state of the repository with respect to merge and triage ready issues and prs.
PR Close#38601
Creates a mixin for requiring a github token to be provided to a command. This mixin
allows for a centralized management of the requirement and handling of the github-token.
PR Close#38630
Currently the merge script default branch configuration throws an error
if an unexpected version branch is discovered. The error right now
assumes to much knowledge of the logic and the document outlining
the release trains conceptually.
We change it to something more easy to understand that doesn't require
full understanding of the versioning/labeling/branching document that
has been created for the Angular organization.
PR Close#38622
Creates infrastructure to write outputs of command runs to ng-dev log file.
Additionally, on commands which fail with an exit code greater than 1, an
error log file is created with the posix timestamp of the commands run time
as an identifier.
PR Close#38599
When creating a commit with the git cli, git pre-populates the editor
used to enter the commit message with some comments (i.e. lines starting
with `#`). These comments contain helpful instructions or information
regarding the changes that are part of the commit. As happens with all
commit message comments, they are removed by git and do not end up in
the final commit message.
However, the file that is passed to the `commit-msg` to be validated
still contains these comments. This may affect the outcome of the commit
message validation. In such cases, the author will not realize that the
commit message is not in the desired format until the linting checks
fail on CI (which validates the final commit messages and is not
affected by this issue), usually several minutes later.
Possible ways in which the commit message validation outcome can be
- The minimum body length check may pass incorrectly, even if there is
no actual body, because the comments are counted as part of the body.
- The maximum line length check may fail incorrectly due to a very long
line in the comments.
This commit fixes the problem by removing comment lines before
validating a commit message.
PR Close#38438
Creates a tool within ng-dev to checkout a pending PR from the upstream repository. This automates
an action that many developers on the Angular team need to do periodically in the process of testing
and reviewing incoming PRs.
Example usage:
ng-dev pr checkout <pr-number>
PR Close#38474
Previously commit message types were provided as part of the ng-dev config in the repository
using the ng-dev toolset. This change removes this configuration expectation and instead
predefines the valid types for commit messages.
Additionally, with this new unified set of types requirements around providing a scope have
been put in place. Scopes are either required, optional or forbidden for a given commit
PR Close#38430
We recently updated the benchpress package to have a more loose
Angular core peer dependency, and less other unused dependencies.
We should make sure to use that in the dev-infra package so that
peer dependencies can be satisified in consumer projects, and so
that less unused dependencies are brought into projects.
PR Close#38440
When a commit message fails validation, rather than throwing out the commit message entirely
the commit message is saved into a draft file and restored on the next commit attempt.
PR Close#38304
Adds an ng-dev formatter option to format all of the staged files. This will can
be used to format only the staged files during the pre-commit hook.
PR Close#38402
Previously, each Angular repository had its own strategy/configuration
for merging pull requests and cherry-picking. We worked out a new
strategy for labeling/branching/versioning that should be the canonical
strategy for all actively maintained projects in the Angular organization.
This PR provides a `ng-dev` merge configuration that implements the
labeling/branching/merging as per the approved proposal.
See the following document for the proposal this commit is based on
for the merge script labeling/branching:
The merge tool label configuration can be conveniently accesed
within each `.ng-dev` configuration, and can also be extended
if there are special labels on individual projects. This is one
of the reasons why the labels are not directly built into the
merge script. The script should remain unopinionated and flexible.
The configuration is conceptually powerful enough to achieve the
procedures as outlined in the versioning/branching/labeling proposal.
PR Close#38223
The merge tool provides a way for configurations to determine the branches
for a label lazily. This is supported because it allows labels to respect
the currently selected base branch through the Github UI. e.g. if `target: label`
is applied on a PR and the PR is based on the patch branch, then the change
could only go into the selected target branch, while if it would be based on
`master`, the change would be cherry-picked to `master` too. This allows for
convenient back-porting of changes if they did not apply cleanly to the primary
development branch (`master`).
We want to expand this function so that it is possible to report failures if an
invalid target label is appplied (e.g. `target: major` not allowed in
some situations), or if the Github base branch is not valid for the given target
label (e.g. if `target: lts` is used, but it's not based on a LTS branch).
PR Close#38223
The merge script currently accepts a configuration function that will
be invoked _only_ when the `ng-dev merge` command is executed. This
has been done that way because the merge tooling usually relies on
external requests to Git or NPM for constructing the branch configurations.
We do not want to perform these slow external queries on any `ng-dev` command
though, so this became a lazily invoked function.
This commit adds support for these configuration functions to run
asynchronously (by returning a Promise that will be awaited), so that
requests could also be made to the Github API. This is benefical as it
could avoid dependence on the local Git state and the HTTP requests
are more powerful/faster.
Additionally, in order to be able to perform Github API requests
with an authenticated instance, the merge tool will pass through
a `GithubClient` instance that uses the specified `--github-token`
(or from the environment). This ensures that all API requests use
the same `GithubClient` instance and can be authenticated (mitigating
potential rate limits).
PR Close#38223
There are a few changes in this PR to ensure conditions that are based
on groups (i.e. `- groups.pending.length == 0`) do not fail the verify
* Remove the warning when a condition is encountered that depends on the
`groups` state. The warning will otherwise be printed once for every
file that triggers the execution of the condition (400,000+ times)
* Add an `unverifiable` flag to `GroupCondition` interface and set it to
true when an error is encountered due to attempting to get the state of
`groups` in a condition
* Ignore any unverifiable conditions when gathering unmatched
conditions. These should not be considered `unmatched` for verification
* Print the unverifiable conditions by group in the results
Sample output:
│ PullApprove results by group │
Groups skipped (4 groups)
Matched conditions by Group (37 groups)
Unmatched conditions by Group (0 groups)
Unverifiable conditions by Group (3 groups)
PR Close#37798
Conditions can refer to the groups array that is a list of the preceding groups.
This commit adds support to the verification for those conditions.
This commit also adds some tests to the parsing and condition matching
to ensure everything works as expected.
PR Close#38164
* Without this BUILD file we were seeing errors about the reference to
expand_template.bzl in ng_rollup_bundle.bzl because dev-infra/bazel
was not considered a package.
PR Close#38026
Adds Firefox as browser to `dev-infra/browsers` with RBE
compatibility. The default Firefox browser is not compatible similar to
the default Chromium version exposed by `rules_webtesting`.
The Angular Components repository will use this browser target as
it enables RBE support. Also it gives us more flexibility about
the Firefox version we test against. The version provided by
`rules_webtesting` is very old and most likely not frequently
updated (based on past experience).
PR Close#38029
With `rules_nodejs` v2.0.0 being in RC phase currently, we should
make sure that the package is compatible so that we can use it
in the components repo in combination with rules_nodejs v2.0.0.
In v2.0.0 of the NodeJS rules, Bazel workspaces are recommended
to no longer be symlinked under a separate repository. Instead,
bazel rules and targets should be accessed directly from the
user-selected NPM repository. Usually `@npm`, so that the import
changes to `@npm//@angular/dev-infra-private/<..>`.
PR Close#37968
The dev-infra commit message validation optionally can check for lines
to not exceed a given amount of characters. This is desired for most
commit messages, but sometimes not actionable if a long URL is inserted
into the commit message. With this commit, we skip the max line length
check for lines that start with an URL.
PR Close#37890
We recently added a new folder for common bazel utilities
to `dev-infra`. The `ng_rollup_bundle` rule relies on an
utility that is provided by this `bazel/` folder.
Unfortunately though it looks like this folder is currently
not included in the NPM package, so that the `ng_rollup_bundle`
rule does not work as expected. This commit fixes that by
including the bazel utilities in the NPM package.
PR Close#37891
The merge script uses `git cherry-pick` for both the API merge strategy
and the autosquash strategy. It uses cherry-pick to push commits to
different target branches (e.g. into the `10.0.x` branch).
Those commits never point to the commits that landed in the primary
Github branch though. For the autosquash strategy the pull request number
is always included, so there is a way to go back to the source. On the other
hand though, for commits cherry-picked in the API merge strategy, the
pull request number might not always be included (due to Github's
implementation of the rebase merge method).
For those cases we'd want to link the cherry-picked commits to the
original commits so that the corresponding PR is easier to track
down. This is not needed for the autosquash strategy (as outlined
before), but it would have been good for consistency. Unfortunately
though this would rather complicate the strategy as the autosquash
strategy cherry-picks directly from the PR head, so the SHAs that
are used in the primary branch are not known.
PR Close#37889
This feature will allow us to exclude certain commits from the 100 chars minBodyLength requirement for commit
messages which is hard to satisfy for commits that make trivial changes (e.g. fixing typos in docs or comments).
PR Close#37764
We recently added OAuth scope checking to the dev-infra Git client
and started leveraging it for the merge script. We set the `repo` scope
as required for running the merge script. We can loosen this requirement
as in the Angular org where the script is consumed, only pull requests on
public repositories are merged through the script.
This should help with reducing the risk with compromised tokens as no
access had to be granted on `repo:invite`, `repo_deployment` etc.
PR Close#37718
Scripts provided in the `ng-dev` command might use local `git`
commands. For such scripts, we keep track of the branch that
has been checked out before the command has been invoked.
We do this so that we can later (upon command completion)
restore back to the original branch. We do not want to
leave the Git repository in a dirty state.
It looks like this logic currently only deals with branches
but does not work properly when a command is invoked from
a detached head. We can make it work by just checking out
the previous revision (if no branch is checked out).
PR Close#37737
* add a param called ng_assets to the component_benchmark macro to allow static assets to be provided to the base angular app, not just through the ts_devserver
PR Close#37695
Refactors the `ng_rollup_bundle` rule to a macro that relies on
the `@bazel/rollup` package. This means that the rule no longer
deals with custom ESM5 flavour output, but rather only builds
prodmode ES2015 output. This matches the common build output
in Angular projects, and optimizations done in CLI where
ES2015 is the default optimization input.
The motiviation for this change is:
* Not duplicating rollup Bazel rules. Instead leveraging the official
rollup rule.
* Not dealing with a third TS output flavor in Bazel.The ESM5 flavour has the
potential of slowing down local development (as it requires compilation replaying)
* Updating the rule to be aligned with current CLI optimizations.
This also _fixes_ a bug that surfaced in the old rollup bundle rule.
Code that is unused, is not removed properly. The new rule fixes this by
setting the `toplevel` flag. This instructs terser to remove unused
definitions at top-level. This matches the optimization applied in CLI
projects. Notably the CLI doesn't need this flag, as code is always
wrapped by Webpack. Hence, the unused code eliding runs by default.
PR Close#37623