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Saucelabs testing with Bazel

Local testing

Setup your SAUCE_USERNAME, SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY & SAUCE_TUNNEL_IDENTIFIER environment variables. These are required. On OSX, also set SAUCE_CONNECT to the path of your sc binary.

To run tests use:

yarn bazel run //tools/saucelabs:sauce_service_setup
yarn bazel test //path/to:saucelabs_test_target_1 --config=saucelabs [--config=ivy]
yarn bazel test //path/to:saucelabs_test_target_2 --config=saucelabs [--config=ivy]

bazel query is required gather up all karma saucelabs test labels so they can be run in one command as they are tagged manual.

Running all ViewEngine karma tests in Saucelabs:

yarn bazel run //tools/saucelabs:sauce_service_setup
TESTS=$(./node_modules/.bin/bazel query --output label '(kind(karma_web_test, ...) intersect attr("tags", "saucelabs", ...)) except attr("tags", "ivy-only", ...) except attr("tags", "fixme-saucelabs-ve", ...)')
yarn bazel test --config=saucelabs ${TESTS}

Running all Ivy karma tests in Saucelabs:

yarn bazel run //tools/saucelabs:sauce_service_setup
TESTS=$(./node_modules/.bin/bazel query --output label '(kind(karma_web_test, ...) intersect attr("tags", "saucelabs", ...)) except attr("tags", "no-ivy-aot", ...) except attr("tags", "fixme-saucelabs-ivy", ...)')
yarn bazel test --config=saucelabs --config=ivy ${TESTS}

To see the test output while the tests are running as these are long tests, add the --test_output=streamed option. Note, this option will also prevent bazel from using the test cache and will force the test to run.

The //tools/saucelabs:sauce_service_setup target does not start the Sauce Connect proxy but it does start process which will that then listens for the start signal from the service manager script. This signal is sent by the karma wrapper script //tools/saucelabs:karma-saucelabs which calls ./tools/saucelabs/sauce-service.sh start. This is necessary as the Sauce Connect Proxy process must be started outside of bazel test as Bazel will automatically kill any processes spwaned during a test when that tests completes, which would prevent the tunnel from being shared by multiple tests.

Under the hood

The karma_web_test rule is to test with saucelabs with a modified karma attribute set to //tools/saucelabs:karma-saucelabs. This runs the /tools/saucelabs/karma-saucelabs.js wrapper script which configures the saucelabs environment and starts Sauce Connect before running karma.

For example,

    name = "saucelabs_core_acceptance_tests",
    timeout = "long",
    karma = "//tools/saucelabs:karma-saucelabs",
    tags = [
    deps = [

These saucelabs targets must have a few important tags:

  • no-remote-exec as they cannot be executed remotely since they require a local Sauce Connect process
  • manual so they are not automatically tested with //...
  • exclusive as they must be run serially in order to not over-provision Saucelabs browsers
  • saucelabs so that they can be easily gathered up for testing in a bazel query