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How to update the CLI project

The Angular CLI default setup is updated using ng update. Any necessary file changes will be done automatically through migration schematics.

In the cli folder, update the Angular CLI depedencies to the latest version:

ng update @angular/cli --next

Then update the Angular Framework dependencies to the latest version:

ng update @angular/core --next

Commit any changes to the cli folder to the repository.

Updating other CLI-based projects

Along with the boilerplate files for the cli folder, the other cli-based projects need to be updated also. Each cli-based project has slightly modified files specific to the project type. Make sure any necessary changes to these projects are made also to be in alignment with the cli project files.

The specific changes to each project type are listed below:

  • i18n
    • angular.json
      • Includes additional configurations for build, serve, and e2e for different locales
    • package.json
      • Includes custom scripts for building and serving different locales
  • ivy
    • cli/
      • Includes an angularCompilerOptions object with enableIvy set to true
  • schematics
    • angular.json
      • Includes a my-lib project that contains a library with example schematics
  • service-worker
    • angular.json
      • Has serviceWorker set to true in the production build target
    • package.json
      • Includes @angular/service-worker in dependencies
  • testing
    • angular.json
      • Includes src/test.css in the styles for the test target
  • universal
    • angular.json
      • Includes a server target in the build architect runners
    • package.json
      • Includes custom scripts for building the server
      • Includes additional dependencies on @nguniversal/common, @nguniversal/express-engine, and @nguniversal/module-map-ngfactory-loader
      • Includes devDependencies on @angular/platform-server, and ts-loader