Patrice Chalin 83402930f2 chore(install+test): single cmd to full install/test & test JS w/o Dart
* `npm install` now does a full install; auxiliary installation steps
have been integrated into the `postinstall` script.
* Updated developer docs `` accordingly; also added
instructions to dev docs for performing full tests (via `npm test`) --
same as those run on Travis.
* Reorg in tests so that JS tests can run without a Dart env.

Partly fixes #945 **under the assumption that when running JS tests
locally, `ChromeCanary` is the desired browser to use**. Note that CI
tests (Travis) still uses `DartiumWithWebPlatform` across the board
(Maybe because ChromeCanary isn't being installed?)

Fixes #1012.

Closes #1010
2015-03-21 14:55:11 -07:00

247 lines
10 KiB

# Building and Testing Angular 2 for JS and Dart
This document describes how to set up your development environment to build and test Angular, both
JS and Dart versions. It also explains the basic mechanics of using `git`, `node`, and `npm`.
See the [contributing guidelines](
for how to contribute your own code to
1. [Prerequisite Software](#prerequisite-software)
2. [Getting the Sources](#getting-the-sources)
3. [Environment Variable Setup](#environment-variable-setup)
4. [Installing NPM Modules and Dart Packages](#installing-npm-modules-and-dart-packages)
5. [Running Tests Locally](#running-tests-locally)
6. [Project Information](#project-information)
7. [CI using Travis](#ci-using-travis)
8. [Debugging](#debugging)
## Prerequisite Software
Before you can build and test Angular, you must install and configure the
following products on your development machine:
* [Dart]( (version `>=1.9.0-dev.8.0`), specifically the Dart-SDK and
Dartium (a version of [Chromium]( with native support for Dart through
the Dart VM). One of the **simplest** ways to get both is to install the **Dart Editor bundle**,
which includes the editor, SDK and Dartium. See the [Dart tools](
download [page for instructions](; note that you can
download both **stable** and **dev** channel versions from the [download
* [Git]( and/or the **Github app** (for [Mac]( or
[Windows]( the [Github Guide to Installing
Git]( is a good source of information.
* [Node.js]( which is used to run a development web server, run tests, and
generate distributable files. We also use Node's Package Manager (`npm`). Depending on your
system, you can install Node either from source or as a pre-packaged bundle.
* [Chrome Canary](, a version of Chrome with
bleeding edge functionality, built especially for developers (and early adopters).
## Getting the Sources
Forking and cloning the Angular repository:
1. Login to your Github account or create one by following the instructions given
2. [Fork]( the [main Angular
3. Clone your fork of the Angular repository and define an `upstream` remote pointing back to
the Angular repository that you forked in the first place:
# Clone your Github repository:
git clone<github username>/angular.git
# Go to the Angular directory:
cd angular
# Add the main Angular repository as an upstream remote to your repository:
git remote add upstream
## Environment Variable Setup
Define the environment variables listed below. These are mainly needed for the testing. The
notation shown here is for [`bash`](; adapt as appropriate for
your favorite shell.
Examples given below of possible values for initializing the environment variables assume **Mac OS
X** and that you have installed the Dart Editor in the directory named by
`DART_EDITOR_DIR=/Applications/dart`. This is only for illustrative purposes.
# DARTIUM_BIN: path to a Dartium browser executable; used by Karma to run Dart tests
export DARTIUM_BIN="$DART_EDITOR_DIR/chromium/"
Add the Dart SDK `bin` directory to your path and/or define `DART_SDK` (this is also detailed
# DART_SDK: path to a Dart SDK directory
export DART_SDK="$DART_EDITOR_DIR/dart-sdk"
# Update PATH to include the Dart SDK bin directory
## Installing NPM Modules and Dart Packages
Next, install the modules and packages needed to build Angular and run tests:
# Install Angular project dependencies (package.json)
npm install
**Optional**: In this document, we make use of project local `npm` package scripts and binaries
(stored under `./node_modules/.bin`) by prefixing these command invocations with `$(npm bin)`; in
particular `gulp` and `protractor` commands. If you prefer, you can drop this path prefix by either:
*Option 1*: globally installing these two packages as follows:
* `npm install -g gulp` (you might need to prefix this command with `sudo`)
* `npm install -g protractor` (you might need to prefix this command with `sudo`)
Since global installs can become stale, and required versions can vary by project, we avoid their
use in these instructions.
*Option 2*: defining a bash alias like `alias nbin='PATH=$(npm bin):$PATH'` as detailed in this
[Stackoverflow answer]( and used like this: e.g., `nbin gulp build`.
## Build commands
To build Angular and prepare tests run
$(npm bin)/gulp build
* Results are put in the `dist` folder.
* This will also run `pub get` for the subfolders in `modules` and run `dartanalyzer` for
every file that matches `<module>/src/<module>.dart`, e.g. `di/src/di.dart`
To clean out the `dist` folder use:
$(npm bin)/gulp clean
## Running Tests Locally
### Full test suite
* `npm test`: full test suite for both JS and Dart versions of Angular. These are the same tests as
those run on Travis.
You can selectively run either the JS or Dart versions as follows:
* `$(npm bin)/gulp test.all.js`
* `$(npm bin)/gulp test.all.dart`
### Unit tests
You can run just the unit tests as follows:
* `$(npm bin)/gulp test.unit.js`: JS tests in a browser; runs in **watch mode** (i.e. karma
watches the test files for changes and re-runs tests when files are updated).
* `$(npm bin)/gulp test.unit.cjs`: JS tests in NodeJS; runs in **watch mode**.
* `$(npm bin)/gulp test.unit.dart`: Dart tests in Dartium; runs in **watch mode**.
If you prefer running tests in "single-run" mode rather than watch mode use
* `$(npm bin)/gulp test.unit.js/ci`
* `$(npm bin)/gulp test.unit.cjs/ci`
* `$(npm bin)/gulp test.unit.dart/ci`
**Note**: If you want to only run a single test you can alter the test you wish to run by changing
`it` to `iit` or `describe` to `ddescribe`. This will only run that individual test and make it
much easier to debug. `xit` and `xdescribe` can also be useful to exclude a test and a group of
tests respectively.
**Note** for transpiler tests: The karma preprocessor is setup in a way so that after every test
run the transpiler is reloaded. With that it is possible to make changes to the preprocessor and
run the tests without exiting karma (just touch a test file that you would like to run).
### E2e tests
1. `$(npm bin)/gulp build.js.cjs` (builds benchpress and tests into `dist/js/cjs` folder).
2. `$(npm bin)/gulp serve.js.dart2js` (runs local webserver).
3. `$(npm bin)/protractor protractor-js.conf.js`: JS e2e tests.
4. `$(npm bin)/protractor protractor-dart2js.conf.js`: Dart2JS e2e tests.
Angular specific command line options when running protractor:
- `$(npm bin)/protractor protractor-{js|dart2js}-conf.js --ng-help`
### Performance tests
1. `$(npm bin)/gulp build.js.cjs` (builds benchpress and tests into `dist/js/cjs` folder)
2. `$(npm bin)/gulp serve.js.dart2js` (runs local webserver)
3. `$(npm bin)/protractor protractor-js.conf.js --benchmark`: JS performance tests
4. `$(npm bin)/protractor protractor-dart2js.conf.js --benchmark`: Dart2JS performance tests
Angular specific command line options when running protractor (e.g. force gc, ...):
`$(npm bin)/protractor protractor-{js|dart2js}-conf.js --ng-help`
## Project Information
### Folder structure
* `modules/*`: modules that will be loaded in the browser
* `tools/*`: tools that are needed to build Angular
* `dist/*`: build files are placed here.
### File suffixes
* `*.js`: javascript files that get transpiled to Dart and EcmaScript 5
* `*.es6`: javascript files that get transpiled only to EcmaScript 5
* `*.es5`: javascript files that don't get transpiled
* `*.dart`: dart files that don't get transpiled
## CI using Travis
For instructions on setting up Continuous Integration using Travis, see the instructions given
## Debugging
### Debug the transpiler
If you need to debug the transpiler:
- add a `debugger;` statement in the transpiler code,
- from the root folder, execute `node debug $(npm bin)/gulp build` to enter the node
- press "c" to execute the program until you reach the `debugger;` statement,
- you can then type "repl" to enter the REPL and inspect variables in the context.
See the [Node.js manual]( for more information.
- You can also execute `node $(npm bin)/karma start karma-dart.conf.js` depending on which
code you want to debug (the former will process the "modules" folder while the later processes
the transpiler specs).
- You can also add `debugger;` statements in the specs (JavaScript). The execution will halt when
the developer tools are opened in the browser running Karma.
### Debug the tests
If you need to debug the tests:
- add a `debugger;` statement to the test you want to debug (oe the source code),
- execute karma `$(npm bin)/gulp test.js`,
- press the top right "DEBUG" button,
- open the dev tools and press F5,
- the execution halt at the `debugger;` statement
**Note (WebStorm users)**:
You can create a Karma run config from WebStorm.
Then in the "Run" menu, press "Debug 'karma-js.conf.js'", WebStorm will stop in the generated code
on the `debugger;` statement.
You can then step into the code and add watches.
The `debugger;` statement is needed because WebStorm will stop in a transpiled file. Breakpoints in
the original source files are not supported at the moment.