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How to run the benchmarks locally

Run in the browser

# Build the Angular packages.
yarn tsc -p packages/

# Build the e2e tests which are part of the "modules/"

# Start server that serves all benchmark e2e apps.
yarn gulp serve

Now you can open benchmark e2e apps using their appropriate URLs. For example:


Run e2e tests

export NODE_PATH=(pwd)/dist/all:$(pwd)/dist/tools $ ./node_modules/.bin/protractor protractor-e2e.conf.js --specs=dist/all/benchmarks/e2e_test/tree_spec.js

Options for protractor with protractor-e2e.conf.js:

  • --bundles=true: use prebuilt bundles
  • --ng-help: show all available options

Run benchmarks tests

export NODE_PATH=(pwd)/dist/all:$(pwd)/dist/tools $ ./node_modules/.bin/protractor protractor-perf.conf.js --specs=dist/all/benchmarks/e2e_test/tree_perf.js

Options for protractor with protractor-perf.conf.js:

  • --bundles=true: use prebuilt bundles
  • --ng-help: show all available options

Compile *_aot.ts files

These files are compiled as part of the compiler_cli integration tests. See @angular/compile_cli/integrationtest/tsconfig.json