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# Template Syntax
# 模板语法
h4 {font-size: 17px !important; text-transform: none !important;}
.syntax { font-family: Consolas, 'Lucida Sans', Courier, sans-serif; color: black; font-size: 85%; }
h4 .syntax { font-size: 100%; }
The Angular application manages what the user sees and can do, achieving this through the interaction of a
component class instance (the *component*) and its user-facing template.
Angular 应用管理着用户之所见和所为,并通过 Component 类的实例(*组件*)和面向用户的模板来与用户交互。
You may be familiar with the component/template duality from your experience with model-view-controller (MVC) or model-view-viewmodel (MVVM).
In Angular, the component plays the part of the controller/viewmodel, and the template represents the view.
从使用模型-视图-控制器 (MVC) 或模型-视图-视图模型 (MVVM) 的经验中,很多开发人员都熟悉了组件和模板这两个概念。
在 Angular 中,组件扮演着控制器或视图模型的角色,模板则扮演视图的角色。
// TODO: Translate
This page is a comprehensive technical reference to the Angular template language.
It explains basic principles of the template language and describes most of the syntax that you'll encounter elsewhere in the documentation.
Many code snippets illustrate the points and concepts, all of them available
in the <live-example title="Template Syntax Live Code"></live-example>.
{@a html}
## HTML in templates
## 模板中的HTML
HTML is the language of the Angular template.
Almost all HTML syntax is valid template syntax.
The `<script>` element is a notable exception;
it is forbidden, eliminating the risk of script injection attacks.
In practice, `<script>` is ignored and a warning appears in the browser console.
See the [Security](guide/security) page for details.
HTML 是 Angular 模板的语言。几乎所有的HTML语法都是有效的模板语法。
Some legal HTML doesn't make much sense in a template.
The `<html>`, `<body>`, and `<base>` elements have no useful role.
Pretty much everything else is fair game.
有些合法的 HTML 被用在模板中是没有意义的。`<html>``<body>``<base>`元素这个舞台上中并没有扮演有用的角色。剩下的所有元素基本上就都一样用了。
You can extend the HTML vocabulary of your templates with components and directives that appear as new elements and attributes.
In the following sections, you'll learn how to get and set DOM (Document Object Model) values dynamically through data binding.
可以通过组件和指令来扩展模板中的 HTML 词汇。它们看上去就是新元素和属性。接下来将学习如何通过数据绑定来动态获取/设置 DOM文档对象模型的值。
Begin with the first form of data binding&mdash;interpolation&mdash;to see how much richer template HTML can be.
我们首先看看数据绑定的第一种形式 —— 插值表达式,它展示了模板的 HTML 可以有多丰富。
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{@a interpolation}
## Interpolation ( <span class="syntax">{&#xfeff;{...}}</span> )
## 插值表达式 ( <span class="syntax">{&#xfeff;{...}}</span> )
You met the double-curly braces of interpolation, `{{` and `}}`, early in your Angular education.
在以前的 Angular 教程中,我们遇到过由双花括号括起来的插值表达式,`{{``}}`
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" region="first-interpolation" title="src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false">
You use interpolation to weave calculated strings into the text between HTML element tags and within attribute assignments.
插值表达式可以把计算后的字符串插入到 HTML 元素标签内的文本或对标签的属性进行赋值。
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" region="title+image" title="src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false">
The text between the braces is often the name of a component property. Angular replaces that name with the
string value of the corresponding component property. In the example above, Angular evaluates the `title` and `heroImageUrl` properties
and "fills in the blanks", first displaying a bold application title and then a heroic image.
在括号之间的“素材”通常是组件属性的名字。Angular 会用组件中相应属性的字符串值,替换这个名字。
上例中Angular 计算`title``heroImageUrl`属性的值,并把它们填在空白处。
More generally, the text between the braces is a **template expression** that Angular first **evaluates**
and then **converts to a string**. The following interpolation illustrates the point by adding the two numbers:
一般来说,括号间的素材是一个**模板表达式**Angular 先**对它求值**,再把它**转换成字符串**。
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" region="sum-1" title="src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false">
The expression can invoke methods of the host component such as `getVal()`, seen here:
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" region="sum-2" title="src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false">
Angular evaluates all expressions in double curly braces,
converts the expression results to strings, and links them with neighboring literal strings. Finally,
it assigns this composite interpolated result to an **element or directive property**.
Angular 对所有双花括号中的表达式求值,把求值的结果转换成字符串,并把它们跟相邻的字符串字面量连接起来。最后,把这个组合出来的插值结果赋给**元素或指令的属性**。
You appear to be inserting the result between element tags and assigning it to attributes.
It's convenient to think so, and you rarely suffer for this mistake.
Though this is not exactly true. Interpolation is a special syntax that Angular converts into a
[property binding](guide/template-syntax#property-binding), as is explained [below](guide/template-syntax#property-binding-or-interpolation).
但严格来讲这是不对的。插值表达式是一个特殊的语法Angular 把它转换成了[属性绑定](guide/template-syntax#property-binding)[后面](guide/template-syntax#property-binding-or-interpolation)将会解释这一点。
But first, let's take a closer look at template expressions and statements.
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{@a template-expressions}
## Template expressions
## 模板表达式
A template **expression** produces a value.
Angular executes the expression and assigns it to a property of a binding target;
the target might be an HTML element, a component, or a directive.
Angular 执行这个表达式,并把它赋值给绑定目标的属性,这个绑定目标可能是 HTML 元素、组件或指令。
The interpolation braces in `{{1 + 1}}` surround the template expression `1 + 1`.
In the [property binding](guide/template-syntax#property-binding) section below,
a template expression appears in quotes to the right of the&nbsp;`=` symbol as in `[property]="expression"`.
`{{1 + 1}}`中所包含的模板表达式是`1 + 1`
You write these template expressions in a language that looks like JavaScript.
Many JavaScript expressions are legal template expressions, but not all.
编写模板表达式所用的语言看起来很像 JavaScript。
很多 JavaScript 表达式也是合法的模板表达式,但不是全部。
JavaScript expressions that have or promote side effects are prohibited,
JavaScript 中那些具有或可能引发副作用的表达式是被禁止的,包括:
* assignments (`=`, `+=`, `-=`, ...)
赋值 (`=`, `+=`, `-=`, ...)
* <code>new</code>
* chaining expressions with <code>;</code> or <code>,</code>
* increment and decrement operators (`++` and `--`)
自增或自减操作符 (`++``--`)
Other notable differences from JavaScript syntax include:
和 JavaScript语 法的其它显著不同包括:
* no support for the bitwise operators `|` and `&`
* new [template expression operators](guide/template-syntax#expression-operators), such as `|`, `?.` and `!`.
{@a expression-context}
### Expression context
### 表达式上下文
The *expression context* is typically the _component_ instance.
In the following snippets, the `title` within double-curly braces and the
`isUnchanged` in quotes refer to properties of the `AppComponent`.
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" region="context-component-expression" title="src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false">
An expression may also refer to properties of the _template's_ context
such as a [template input variable](guide/template-syntax#template-input-variable) (`let hero`)
or a [template reference variable](guide/template-syntax#ref-vars) (`#heroInput`).
比如[模板输入变量](guide/template-syntax#template-input-variable) (`let hero`)和[模板引用变量](guide/template-syntax#ref-vars)(`#heroInput`)就是备选的上下文对象之一。
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" region="context-var" title="src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false">
The context for terms in an expression is a blend of the _template variables_,
the directive's _context_ object (if it has one), and the component's _members_.
If you reference a name that belongs to more than one of these namespaces,
the template variable name takes precedence, followed by a name in the directive's _context_,
and, lastly, the component's member names.
The previous example presents such a name collision. The component has a `hero`
property and the `*ngFor` defines a `hero` template variable.
The `hero` in `{{}}`
refers to the template input variable, not the component's property.
Template expressions cannot refer to anything in
the global namespace. They can't refer to `window` or `document`. They
can't call `console.log` or `Math.max`. They are restricted to referencing
members of the expression context.
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{@a no-side-effects}
{@a expression-guidelines}
### Expression guidelines
### 表达式指南
Template expressions can make or break an application.
Please follow these guidelines:
* [No visible side effects](guide/template-syntax#no-visible-side-effects)
* [Quick execution](guide/template-syntax#quick-execution)
* [Simplicity](guide/template-syntax#simplicity)
* [Idempotence](guide/template-syntax#idempotence)
The only exceptions to these guidelines should be in specific circumstances that you thoroughly understand.
#### No visible side effects
#### 没有可见的副作用
A template expression should not change any application state other than the value of the
target property.
This rule is essential to Angular's "unidirectional data flow" policy.
You should never worry that reading a component value might change some other displayed value.
The view should be stable throughout a single rendering pass.
这条规则是 Angular “单向数据流”策略的基础。
#### Quick execution
#### 执行迅速
Angular executes template expressions after every change detection cycle.
Change detection cycles are triggered by many asynchronous activities such as
promise resolutions, http results, timer events, keypresses and mouse moves.
Expressions should finish quickly or the user experience may drag, especially on slower devices.
Consider caching values when their computation is expensive.
Angular 执行模板表达式比我们想象的频繁。
#### Simplicity
#### 非常简单
Although it's possible to write quite complex template expressions, you should avoid them.
A property name or method call should be the norm.
An occasional Boolean negation (`!`) is OK.
Otherwise, confine application and business logic to the component itself,
where it will be easier to develop and test.
常规是属性名或方法调用。偶尔的逻辑取反 (`!`) 也还凑合。
#### Idempotence
#### 幂等性
An [idempotent]( expression is ideal because
it is free of side effects and improves Angular's change detection performance.
最好使用[幂等的](表达式,因为它没有副作用,并且能提升 Angular 变更检测的性能。
In Angular terms, an idempotent expression always returns *exactly the same thing* until
one of its dependent values changes.
在 Angular 的术语中,幂等的表达式应该总是返回*完全相同的东西*,直到某个依赖值发生改变。
Dependent values should not change during a single turn of the event loop.
If an idempotent expression returns a string or a number, it returns the same string or number
when called twice in a row. If the expression returns an object (including an `array`),
it returns the same object *reference* when called twice in a row.
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{@a template-statements}
## Template statements
## 模板语句
A template **statement** responds to an **event** raised by a binding target
such as an element, component, or directive.
You'll see template statements in the [event binding](guide/template-syntax#event-binding) section,
appearing in quotes to the right of the `=`&nbsp;symbol as in `(event)="statement"`.
模板**语句**用来响应由绑定目标(如 HTML 元素、组件或指令)触发的**事件**。
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" region="context-component-statement" title="src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false">
A template statement *has a side effect*.
That's the whole point of an event.
It's how you update application state from user action.
Responding to events is the other side of Angular's "unidirectional data flow".
You're free to change anything, anywhere, during this turn of the event loop.
响应事件是 Angular 中“单向数据流”的另一面。
Like template expressions, template *statements* use a language that looks like JavaScript.
The template statement parser differs from the template expression parser and
specifically supports both basic assignment (`=`) and chaining expressions
(with <code>;</code> or <code>,</code>).
和模板表达式一样,模板*语句*使用的语言也像 JavaScript。
模板语句解析器和模板表达式解析器有所不同,特别之处在于它支持基本赋值 (`=`) 和表达式链 (`;``,`)。
However, certain JavaScript syntax is not allowed:
然而,某些 JavaScript 语法仍然是不允许的:
* <code>new</code>
* increment and decrement operators, `++` and `--`
* operator assignment, such as `+=` and `-=`
* the bitwise operators `|` and `&`
* the [template expression operators](guide/template-syntax#expression-operators)
### Statement context
### 语句上下文
As with expressions, statements can refer only to what's in the statement context
such as an event handling method of the component instance.
和表达式中一样,语句只能引用语句上下文中 —— 通常是正在绑定事件的那个**组件实例**。
The *statement context* is typically the component instance.
The *deleteHero* in `(click)="deleteHero()"` is a method of the data-bound component.
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" region="context-component-statement" title="src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false">
The statement context may also refer to properties of the template's own context.
In the following examples, the template `$event` object,
a [template input variable](guide/template-syntax#template-input-variable) (`let hero`),
and a [template reference variable](guide/template-syntax#ref-vars) (`#heroForm`)
are passed to an event handling method of the component.
在下面的例子中,就把模板的`$event`对象、[模板输入变量](guide/template-syntax#template-input-variable) (`let hero`)和[模板引用变量](guide/template-syntax#ref-vars) (`#heroForm`)传给了组件中的一个事件处理器方法。
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" region="context-var-statement" title="src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false">
Template context names take precedence over component context names.
In `deleteHero(hero)` above, the `hero` is the template input variable,
not the component's `hero` property.
Template statements cannot refer to anything in the global namespace. They
can't refer to `window` or `document`.
They can't call `console.log` or `Math.max`.
### Statement guidelines
### 语句指南
As with expressions, avoid writing complex template statements.
A method call or simple property assignment should be the norm.
Now that you have a feel for template expressions and statements,
you're ready to learn about the varieties of data binding syntax beyond interpolation.
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{@a binding-syntax}
## Binding syntax: An overview
## 绑定语法:概览
Data binding is a mechanism for coordinating what users see, with application data values.
While you could push values to and pull values from HTML,
the application is easier to write, read, and maintain if you turn these chores over to a binding framework.
You simply declare bindings between binding sources and target HTML elements and let the framework do the work.
虽然我们能往 HTML 推送值或者从 HTML 拉取值,
只要简单地在绑定源和目标 HTML 元素之间声明绑定,框架就会完成这项工作。
Angular provides many kinds of data binding.
This guide covers most of them, after a high-level view of Angular data binding and its syntax.
Angular 提供了各种各样的数据绑定,本章将逐一讨论。
不过我们要先从高层视角来看看 Angular 数据绑定及其语法。
Binding types can be grouped into three categories distinguished by the direction of data flow:
from the _source-to-view_, from _view-to-source_, and in the two-way sequence: _view-to-source-to-view_:
<table >
Data direction
from data source
to view target
</tr> <tr>
<p> One-way</p>
<p>from view target</p>
<p>to data source
<div class="alert is-important">
译注:由于 HTML attribute 和 DOM property 在中文中都被翻译成了“属性”,无法区分,
本章中,如果提到“属性”的地方,一定是指 property因为在 Angular 中,实际上很少涉及 attribute。
Binding types other than interpolation have a **target name** to the left of the equal sign,
either surrounded by punctuation (`[]`, `()`) or preceded by a prefix (`bind-`, `on-`, `bindon-`).
无论是包在括号中 (`[]``()`) 还是用前缀形式 (`bind-``on-``bindon-`) 。
The target name is the name of a _property_. It may look like the name of an _attribute_ but it never is.
To appreciate the difference, you must develop a new way to think about template HTML.
要理解它们的不同点,我们必须尝试用另一种方式来审视模板中的 HTML。
### A new mental model
### 新的思维模型
With all the power of data binding and the ability to extend the HTML vocabulary
with custom markup, it is tempting to think of template HTML as *HTML Plus*.
数据绑定的威力和允许用自定义标记扩展 HTML 词汇的能力,容易误导我们把模板 HTML 当成 *HTML+*
It really *is* HTML Plus.
But it's also significantly different than the HTML you're used to.
It requires a new mental model.
它其实*就是* HTML+。
但它也跟我们熟悉的 HTML 有着显著的不同。
In the normal course of HTML development, you create a visual structure with HTML elements, and
you modify those elements by setting element attributes with string constants.
在正常的 HTML 开发过程中,我们使用 HTML 元素创建视觉结构,
通过把字符串常量设置到元素的 attribute 来修改那些元素。
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" region="img+button" title="src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false">
You still create a structure and initialize attribute values this way in Angular templates.
在 Angular 模板中,我们仍使用同样的方式来创建结构和初始化 attribute 值。
Then you learn to create new elements with components that encapsulate HTML
and drop them into templates as if they were native HTML elements.
然后,用封装了 HTML 的组件创建新元素,并把它们当作原生 HTML 元素在模板中使用。
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" region="hero-detail-1" title="src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false">
That's HTML Plus.
Then you learn about data binding. The first binding you meet might look like this:
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" region="disabled-button-1" title="src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false">
You'll get to that peculiar bracket notation in a moment. Looking beyond it,
your intuition suggests that you're binding to the button's `disabled` attribute and setting
it to the current value of the component's `isUnchanged` property.
过会儿再认识那个怪异的方括号记法。直觉告诉我们,我们正在绑定按钮的`disabled` attribute。
Your intuition is incorrect! Your everyday HTML mental model is misleading.
In fact, once you start data binding, you are no longer working with HTML *attributes*. You aren't setting attributes.
You are setting the *properties* of DOM elements, components, and directives.
但我们的直觉是错的!日常的 HTML 思维模式在误导我们。
实际上,一旦开始数据绑定,就不再跟 HTML attribute 打交道了。
这里不是设置 attribute而是设置 DOM 元素、组件和指令的 property。
<div class="l-sub-section">
### HTML attribute vs. DOM property
### HTML attribute 与 DOM property 的对比
The distinction between an HTML attribute and a DOM property is crucial to understanding how Angular binding works.
要想理解 Angular 绑定如何工作,重点是搞清 HTML attribute 和 DOM property 之间的区别。
**Attributes are defined by HTML. Properties are defined by the DOM (Document Object Model).**
**attribute 是由 HTML 定义的。property 是由 DOM (Document Object Model) 定义的。**
* A few HTML attributes have 1:1 mapping to properties. `id` is one example.
少量 HTML attribute 和 property 之间有着 1:1 的映射,如`id`
* Some HTML attributes don't have corresponding properties. `colspan` is one example.
有些 HTML attribute 没有对应的 property`colspan`
* Some DOM properties don't have corresponding attributes. `textContent` is one example.
有些 DOM property 没有对应的 attribute`textContent`
* Many HTML attributes appear to map to properties ... but not in the way you might think!
大量 HTML attribute看起来映射到了property…… 但却不像我们想的那样!
That last category is confusing until you grasp this general rule:
最后一类尤其让人困惑…… 除非我们能理解这个普遍原则:
**Attributes *initialize* DOM properties and then they are done.
Property values can change; attribute values can't.**
**attribute *初始化* DOM property然后它们的任务就完成了。property 的值可以改变attribute 的值不能改变。**
For example, when the browser renders `<input type="text" value="Bob">`, it creates a
corresponding DOM node with a `value` property *initialized* to "Bob".
例如,当浏览器渲染`<input type="text" value="Bob">`时,它将创建相应 DOM 节点,
`value` property 被*初始化为* “Bob”。
When the user enters "Sally" into the input box, the DOM element `value` *property* becomes "Sally".
But the HTML `value` *attribute* remains unchanged as you discover if you ask the input element
about that attribute: `input.getAttribute('value')` returns "Bob".
当用户在输入框中输入 “Sally” 时DOM 元素的`value` *property* 变成了 “Sally”。
但是这个 HTML `value` *attribute* 保持不变。如果我们读取 input 元素的 attribute就会发现确实没变
`input.getAttribute('value') // 返回 "Bob"`
The HTML attribute `value` specifies the *initial* value; the DOM `value` property is the *current* value.
HTML attribute `value`指定了*初始*值DOM `value` property 是*当前*值。
The `disabled` attribute is another peculiar example. A button's `disabled` *property* is
`false` by default so the button is enabled.
When you add the `disabled` *attribute*, its presence alone initializes the button's `disabled` *property* to `true`
so the button is disabled.
`disabled` attribute 是另一个古怪的例子。按钮的`disabled` *property*`false`,因为默认情况下按钮是可用的。
当我们添加`disabled` *attribute* 时,只要它出现了按钮的`disabled` *property* 就初始化为`true`,于是按钮就被禁用了。
Adding and removing the `disabled` *attribute* disables and enables the button. The value of the *attribute* is irrelevant,
which is why you cannot enable a button by writing `<button disabled="false">Still Disabled</button>`.
添加或删除`disabled` *attribute*会禁用或启用这个按钮。但 *attribute* 的值无关紧要,这就是我们为什么没法通过
`<button disabled="false">仍被禁用</button>`这种写法来启用按钮。
Setting the button's `disabled` *property* (say, with an Angular binding) disables or enables the button.
The value of the *property* matters.
设置按钮的`disabled` *property*(如,通过 Angular 绑定)可以禁用或启用这个按钮。
这就是 *property* 的价值。
**The HTML attribute and the DOM property are not the same thing, even when they have the same name.**
**就算名字相同HTML attribute 和 DOM property 也不是同一样东西。**
This fact bears repeating:
**Template binding works with *properties* and *events*, not *attributes*.**
**模板绑定是通过 *property* 和*事件*来工作的,而不是 *attribute*。**
<div class="callout is-helpful">
A world without attributes
没有 attribute 的世界
In the world of Angular, the only role of attributes is to initialize element and directive state.
When you write a data binding, you're dealing exclusively with properties and eventsof the target object.
HTML attributes effectively disappear.
在 Angular 的世界中attribute 唯一的作用是用来初始化元素和指令的状态。
当进行数据绑定时,只是在与元素和指令的 property 和事件打交道,而 attribute 就完全靠边站了。
With this model firmly in mind, read on to learn about binding targets.
### Binding targets
### 绑定目标
The **target of a data binding** is something in the DOM.
Depending on the binding type, the target can be an
(element | component | directive) property, an
(element | component | directive) event, or (rarely) an attribute name.
The following table summarizes:
**数据绑定的目标**是 DOM 中的某些东西。
这个目标可能是(元素 | 组件 | 指令的property、元素 | 组件 | 指令的)事件,或(极少数情况下) attribute 名。
td, th {vertical-align: top}
<table width="100%">
<col width="10%">
<col width="15%">
<col width="75%">
元素的 property
组件的 property
指令的 property
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" region="property-binding-syntax-1" title="src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false">
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" region="event-binding-syntax-1" title="src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false">
Event and property
事件与 property
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" region="2-way-binding-syntax-1" title="src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false">
Attribute (the&nbsp;exception)
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" region="attribute-binding-syntax-1" title="src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false">
<code>class</code> property
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" region="class-binding-syntax-1" title="src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false">
<code>style</code> property
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" region="style-binding-syntax-1" title="src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false">
With this broad view in mind, you're ready to look at binding types in detail.
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{@a property-binding}
## Property binding ( <span class="syntax">[property]</span> )
## 属性绑定 ( <span class="syntax">[属性名]</span> )
Write a template **property binding** to set a property of a view element.
The binding sets the property to the value of a [template expression](guide/template-syntax#template-expressions).
当要把视图元素的属性 (property) 设置为[模板表达式](guide/template-syntax#template-expressions)时,就要写模板的**属性 (property) 绑定**。
The most common property binding sets an element property to a component property value. An example is
binding the `src` property of an image element to a component's `heroImageUrl` property:
下面这个例子中image 元素的`src`属性会被绑定到组件的`heroImageUrl`属性上:
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" region="property-binding-1" title="src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false">
Another example is disabling a button when the component says that it `isUnchanged`:
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" region="property-binding-2" title="src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false">
Another is setting a property of a directive:
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" region="property-binding-3" title="src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false">
Yet another is setting the model property of a custom component (a great way
for parent and child components to communicate):
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" region="property-binding-4" title="src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false">
### One-way *in*
### 单向*输入*
People often describe property binding as *one-way data binding* because it flows a value in one direction,
from a component's data property into a target element property.
You cannot use property binding to pull values *out* of the target element.
You can't bind to a property of the target element to _read_ it. You can only _set_ it.
<div class="l-sub-section">
Similarly, you cannot use property binding to *call* a method on the target element.
也不能使用属性 绑定 来*调用*目标元素上的方法。
If the element raises events, you can listen to them with an [event binding](guide/template-syntax#event-binding).
If you must read a target element property or call one of its methods,
you'll need a different technique.
See the API reference for
[ViewChild](api/core/ViewChild) and
参见 API 参考手册中的
[ViewChild](api/core/ViewChild) 和
### Binding target
### 绑定目标
An element property between enclosing square brackets identifies the target property. The target property in the following code is the image element's `src` property.
包裹在方括号中的元素属性名标记着目标属性。下列代码中的目标属性是 image 元素的`src`属性。
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" region="property-binding-1" title="src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false">
Some people prefer the `bind-` prefix alternative, known as the *canonical form*:
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" region="property-binding-5" title="src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false">
The target name is always the name of a property, even when it appears to be the name of something else.
You see `src` and may think it's the name of an attribute. No. It's the name of an image element property.
目标的名字总是 property 的名字。即使它看起来和别的名字一样。
看到`src`时,可能会把它当做 attribute。不它不是它是 image 元素的 property 名。
Element properties may be the more common targets,
but Angular looks first to see if the name is a property of a known directive,
as it is in the following example:
元素属性可能是最常见的绑定目标,但 Angular 会先去看这个名字是否是某个已知指令的属性名,就像下面的例子中一样:
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" region="property-binding-3" title="src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false">
<div class="l-sub-section">
Technically, Angular is matching the name to a directive [input](guide/template-syntax#inputs-outputs),
one of the property names listed in the directive's `inputs` array or a property decorated with `@Input()`.
Such inputs map to the directive's own properties.
严格来说Angular 正在匹配指令的[输入属性](guide/template-syntax#inputs-outputs)的名字。
If the name fails to match a property of a known directive or element, Angular reports an “unknown directive” error.
如果名字没有匹配上已知指令或元素的属性Angular 就会报告“未知指令”的错误。
### Avoid side effects
### 消除副作用
As mentioned previously, evaluation of a template expression should have no visible side effects.
The expression language itself does its part to keep you safe.
You can't assign a value to anything in a property binding expression nor use the increment and decrement operators.
Of course, the expression might invoke a property or method that has side effects.
Angular has no way of knowing that or stopping you.
当然,表达式可能会调用具有副作用的属性或方法。但 Angular 没法知道这一点,也没法阻止我们。
The expression could call something like `getFoo()`. Only you know what `getFoo()` does.
If `getFoo()` changes something and you happen to be binding to that something, you risk an unpleasant experience.
Angular may or may not display the changed value. Angular may detect the change and throw a warning error.
In general, stick to data properties and to methods that return values and do no more.
Angular 可能显示也可能不显示变化后的值。Angular 还可能检测到变化,并抛出警告型错误。
### Return the proper type
### 返回恰当的类型
The template expression should evaluate to the type of value expected by the target property.
Return a string if the target property expects a string.
Return a number if the target property expects a number.
Return an object if the target property expects an object.
The `hero` property of the `HeroDetail` component expects a `Hero` object, which is exactly what you're sending in the property binding:
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" region="property-binding-4" title="src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false">
### Remember the brackets
### 别忘了方括号
The brackets tell Angular to evaluate the template expression.
If you omit the brackets, Angular treats the string as a constant
and *initializes the target property* with that string.
It does *not* evaluate the string!
方括号告诉 Angular 要计算模板表达式。
如果忘了加方括号Angular 会把这个表达式当做字符串常量看待,并用该字符串来*初始化目标属性*。
Don't make the following mistake:
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" region="property-binding-6" title="src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false">
{@a one-time-initialization}
### One-time string initialization
### 一次性字符串初始化
You *should* omit the brackets when all of the following are true:
* The target property accepts a string value.
* The string is a fixed value that you can bake into the template.
* This initial value never changes.
You routinely initialize attributes this way in standard HTML, and it works
just as well for directive and component property initialization.
The following example initializes the `prefix` property of the `HeroDetailComponent` to a fixed string,
not a template expression. Angular sets it and forgets about it.
我们经常这样在标准 HTML 中用这种方式初始化 attribute这种方式也可以用在初始化指令和组件的属性。
下面这个例子把`HeroDetailComponent``prefix`属性初始化为固定的字符串而不是模板表达式。Angular 设置它,然后忘记它。
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" region="property-binding-7" title="src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false">
The `[hero]` binding, on the other hand, remains a live binding to the component's `currentHero` property.
{@a property-binding-or-interpolation}
### Property binding or interpolation?
### 属性绑定还是插值表达式?
You often have a choice between interpolation and property binding.
The following binding pairs do the same thing:
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" region="property-binding-vs-interpolation" title="src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false">
_Interpolation_ is a convenient alternative to _property binding_ in many cases.
实际上在渲染视图之前Angular 把这些插值表达式翻译成相应的属性绑定。
When rendering data values as strings, there is no technical reason to prefer one form to the other.
You lean toward readability, which tends to favor interpolation.
You suggest establishing coding style rules and choosing the form that
both conforms to the rules and feels most natural for the task at hand.
When setting an element property to a non-string data value, you must use _property binding_.
#### Content security
#### 内容安全
Imagine the following *malicious content*.
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.ts" region="evil-title" title="src/app/app.component.ts" linenums="false">
Fortunately, Angular data binding is on alert for dangerous HTML.
It [*sanitizes*](guide/security#sanitization-and-security-contexts) the values before displaying them.
It **will not** allow HTML with script tags to leak into the browser, neither with interpolation
nor property binding.
幸运的是Angular 数据绑定对危险 HTML 有防备。
不管是插值表达式还是属性绑定,都**不会**允许带有 script 标签的 HTML 泄漏到浏览器中。
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" region="property-binding-vs-interpolation-sanitization" title="src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false">
Interpolation handles the script tags differently than property binding but both approaches render the
content harmlessly.
插值表达式处理 script 标签与属性绑定有所不同,但是二者都只渲染没有危害的内容。
<img src='generated/images/guide/template-syntax/evil-title.png' alt="evil title made safe">
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{@a other-bindings}
## Attribute, class, and style bindings
## attribute、class 和 style 绑定
The template syntax provides specialized one-way bindings for scenarios less well suited to property binding.
### Attribute binding
### attribute 绑定
You can set the value of an attribute directly with an **attribute binding**.
可以通过**attribute 绑定**来直接设置 attribute 的值。
<div class="l-sub-section">
This is the only exception to the rule that a binding sets a target property.
This is the only binding that creates and sets an attribute.
这是“绑定到目标属性 (property)”这条规则中唯一的例外。这是唯一的能创建和设置 attribute 的绑定形式。
This guide stresses repeatedly that setting an element property with a property binding
is always preferred to setting the attribute with a string. Why does Angular offer attribute binding?
本章中,通篇都在说通过属性绑定来设置元素的属性总是好于用字符串设置 attribute。为什么 Angular 还提供了 attribute 绑定呢?
**You must use attribute binding when there is no element property to bind.**
**因为当元素没有属性可绑的时候,就必须使用 attribute 绑定。**
Consider the [ARIA](,
[SVG](, and
table span attributes. They are pure attributes.
They do not correspond to element properties, and they do not set element properties.
There are no property targets to bind to.
考虑 [ARIA](
[SVG]( 和 table 中的 colspan/rowspan 等 attribute。
它们是纯粹的 attribute没有对应的属性可供绑定。
This fact becomes painfully obvious when you write something like this.
<code-example language="html">
&lt;tr&gt;&lt;td colspan="{{1 + 1}}"&gt;Three-Four&lt;/td&gt;&lt;/tr&gt;
And you get this error:
<code-example format="nocode">
Template parse errors:
Can't bind to 'colspan' since it isn't a known native property
(模板解析错误:不能绑定到 'colspan',因为它不是已知的原生属性)
As the message says, the `<td>` element does not have a `colspan` property.
It has the "colspan" *attribute*, but
interpolation and property binding can set only *properties*, not attributes.
但是插值表达式和属性绑定只能设置*属性*,不能设置 attribute。
You need attribute bindings to create and bind to such attributes.
我们需要 attribute 绑定来创建和绑定到这样的 attribute。
Attribute binding syntax resembles property binding.
Instead of an element property between brackets, start with the prefix **`attr`**,
followed by a dot (`.`) and the name of the attribute.
You then set the attribute value, using an expression that resolves to a string.
attribute 绑定的语法与属性绑定类似。
但方括号中的部分不是元素的属性名,而是由**`attr`**前缀,一个点 (`.`) 和 attribute 的名字组成。
可以通过值为字符串的表达式来设置 attribute 的值。
Bind `[attr.colspan]` to a calculated value:
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" region="attrib-binding-colspan" title="src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false">
Here's how the table renders:
<table border="1px">
<tr><td colspan="2">One-Two</td></tr>
One of the primary use cases for attribute binding
is to set ARIA attributes, as in this example:
attribute 绑定的主要用例之一是设置 ARIA attribute译注ARIA指可访问性用于给残障人士访问互联网提供便利
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" region="attrib-binding-aria" title="src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false">
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### Class binding
### CSS 类绑定
You can add and remove CSS class names from an element's `class` attribute with
a **class binding**.
借助 **CSS 类绑定**,可以从元素的`class` attribute 上添加和移除 CSS 类名。
Class binding syntax resembles property binding.
Instead of an element property between brackets, start with the prefix `class`,
optionally followed by a dot (`.`) and the name of a CSS class: `[class.class-name]`.
CSS 类绑定绑定的语法与属性绑定类似。
但方括号中的部分不是元素的属性名,而是由**`class`**前缀,一个点 (`.`)和 CSS 类的名字组成,
The following examples show how to add and remove the application's "special" class
with class bindings. Here's how to set the attribute without binding:
下列例子示范了如何通过 CSS 类绑定来添加和移除应用的 "special" 类。不用绑定直接设置 attribute 时是这样的:
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" region="class-binding-1" title="src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false">
You can replace that with a binding to a string of the desired class names; this is an all-or-nothing, replacement binding.
可以把它改写为绑定到所需 CSS 类名的绑定;这是一个或者全有或者全无的替换型绑定。
(译注:即当 badCurly 有值时 class 这个 attribute 设置的内容会被完全覆盖)
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" region="class-binding-2" title="src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false">
Finally, you can bind to a specific class name.
Angular adds the class when the template expression evaluates to truthy.
It removes the class when the expression is falsy.
当模板表达式的求值结果是真值时Angular 会添加这个类,反之则移除它。
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" region="class-binding-3" title="src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false">
<div class="l-sub-section">
While this is a fine way to toggle a single class name,
the [NgClass directive](guide/template-syntax#ngClass) is usually preferred when managing multiple class names at the same time.
虽然这是切换单一类名的好办法,但我们通常更喜欢使用 [NgClass指令](guide/template-syntax#ngClass) 来同时管理多个类名。
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### Style binding
### 样式绑定
You can set inline styles with a **style binding**.
Style binding syntax resembles property binding.
Instead of an element property between brackets, start with the prefix `style`,
followed by a dot (`.`) and the name of a CSS style property: `[]`.
但方括号中的部分不是元素的属性名,而由**`style`**前缀,一个点 (`.`)和 CSS 样式的属性名组成。
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" region="style-binding-1" title="src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false">
Some style binding styles have a unit extension. The following example conditionally sets the font size in “em” and “%” units.
有些样式绑定中的样式带有单位。在这里,以根据条件用 “em” 和 “%” 来设置字体大小的单位。
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" region="style-binding-2" title="src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false">
<div class="l-sub-section">
While this is a fine way to set a single style,
the [NgStyle directive](guide/template-syntax#ngStyle) is generally preferred when setting several inline styles at the same time.
虽然这是设置单一样式的好办法,但我们通常更喜欢使用 [NgStyle指令](guide/template-syntax#ngStyle) 来同时设置多个内联样式。
<div class="l-sub-section">
Note that a _style property_ name can be written in either
[dash-case](guide/glossary#dash-case), as shown above, or
[camelCase](guide/glossary#camelcase), such as `fontSize`.
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{@a event-binding}
## Event binding ( <span class="syntax">(event)</span> )
## 事件绑定 ( <span class="syntax">(事件名)</span> )
The bindings directives you've met so far flow data in one direction: **from a component to an element**.
Users don't just stare at the screen. They enter text into input boxes. They pick items from lists.
They click buttons. Such user actions may result in a flow of data in the opposite direction:
**from an element to a component**.
The only way to know about a user action is to listen for certain events such as
keystrokes, mouse movements, clicks, and touches.
You declare your interest in user actions through Angular event binding.
可以通过 Angular 事件绑定来声明对哪些用户动作感兴趣。
Event binding syntax consists of a **target event** name
within parentheses on the left of an equal sign, and a quoted
[template statement](guide/template-syntax#template-statements) on the right.
The following event binding listens for the button's click events, calling
the component's `onSave()` method whenever a click occurs:
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" region="event-binding-1" title="src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false">
### Target event
### 目标事件
A **name between parentheses** &mdash; for example, `(click)` &mdash;
identifies the target event. In the following example, the target is the button's click event.
**圆括号中的名称** —— 比如`(click)` —— 标记出目标事件。在下面例子中,目标是按钮的 click 事件。
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" region="event-binding-1" title="src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false">
Some people prefer the `on-` prefix alternative, known as the **canonical form**:
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" region="event-binding-2" title="src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false">
Element events may be the more common targets, but Angular looks first to see if the name matches an event property
of a known directive, as it does in the following example:
元素事件可能是更常见的目标,但 Angular 会先看这个名字是否能匹配上已知指令的事件属性,就像下面这个例子:
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" region="event-binding-3" title="src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false">
<div class="l-sub-section">
The `myClick` directive is further described in the section
on [aliasing input/output properties](guide/template-syntax#aliasing-io).
If the name fails to match an element event or an output property of a known directive,
Angular reports an “unknown directive” error.
如果这个名字没能匹配到元素事件或已知指令的输出属性Angular 就会报“未知指令”错误。
### *$event* and event handling statements
### *$event* 和事件处理语句
In an event binding, Angular sets up an event handler for the target event.
在事件绑定中Angular 会为目标事件设置事件处理器。
When the event is raised, the handler executes the template statement.
The template statement typically involves a receiver, which performs an action
in response to the event, such as storing a value from the HTML control
into a model.
典型的模板语句通常涉及到响应事件执行动作的接收器,例如从 HTML 控件中取得值,并存入模型。
The binding conveys information about the event, including data values, through
an **event object named `$event`**.
The shape of the event object is determined by the target event.
If the target event is a native DOM element event, then `$event` is a
[DOM event object](,
with properties such as `target` and `target.value`.
事件对象的形态取决于目标事件。如果目标事件是原生 DOM 元素事件,
`$event`就是 [DOM事件对象](,它有像`target``target.value`这样的属性。
Consider this example:
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" region="without-NgModel" title="src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false">
This code sets the input box `value` property by binding to the `name` property.
To listen for changes to the value, the code binds to the input box's `input` event.
When the user makes changes, the `input` event is raised, and the binding executes
the statement within a context that includes the DOM event object, `$event`.
当用户造成更改时,`input`事件被触发,并在包含了 DOM 事件对象 (`$event`) 的上下文中执行这条语句。
To update the `name` property, the changed text is retrieved by following the path `$`.
If the event belongs to a directive (recall that components are directives),
`$event` has whatever shape the directive decides to produce.
{@a eventemitter}
{@a custom-event}
### Custom events with <span class="syntax">EventEmitter</span>
### 使用 <span class="syntax">EventEmitter</span> 实现自定义事件
Directives typically raise custom events with an Angular [EventEmitter](api/core/EventEmitter).
The directive creates an `EventEmitter` and exposes it as a property.
The directive calls `EventEmitter.emit(payload)` to fire an event, passing in a message payload, which can be anything.
Parent directives listen for the event by binding to this property and accessing the payload through the `$event` object.
通常,指令使用 Angular [EventEmitter](api/core/EventEmitter) 来触发自定义事件。
Consider a `HeroDetailComponent` that presents hero information and responds to user actions.
Although the `HeroDetailComponent` has a delete button it doesn't know how to delete the hero itself.
The best it can do is raise an event reporting the user's delete request.
Here are the pertinent excerpts from that `HeroDetailComponent`:
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/hero-detail.component.ts" linenums="false" title="src/app/hero-detail.component.ts (template)" region="template-1">
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/hero-detail.component.ts" linenums="false" title="src/app/hero-detail.component.ts (deleteRequest)" region="deleteRequest">
The component defines a `deleteRequest` property that returns an `EventEmitter`.
When the user clicks *delete*, the component invokes the `delete()` method,
telling the `EventEmitter` to emit a `Hero` object.
Now imagine a hosting parent component that binds to the `HeroDetailComponent`'s `deleteRequest` event.
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false" title="src/app/app.component.html (event-binding-to-component)" region="event-binding-to-component">
When the `deleteRequest` event fires, Angular calls the parent component's `deleteHero` method,
passing the *hero-to-delete* (emitted by `HeroDetail`) in the `$event` variable.
`deleteRequest`事件触发时Angular 调用父组件的`deleteHero`方法,
### Template statements have side effects
### 模板语句有副作用
The `deleteHero` method has a side effect: it deletes a hero.
Template statement side effects are not just OK, but expected.
Deleting the hero updates the model, perhaps triggering other changes
including queries and saves to a remote server.
These changes percolate through the system and are ultimately displayed in this and other views.
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{@a two-way}
## Two-way binding ( <span class="syntax">[(...)]</span> )
## 双向数据绑定 ( <span class="syntax">[(...)]</span> )
You often want to both display a data property and update that property when the user makes changes.
On the element side that takes a combination of setting a specific element property
and listening for an element change event.
Angular offers a special _two-way data binding_ syntax for this purpose, **`[(x)]`**.
The `[(x)]` syntax combines the brackets
of _property binding_, `[x]`, with the parentheses of _event binding_, `(x)`.
Angular 为此提供一种特殊的_双向数据绑定_语法**`[(x)]`**。
<div class="callout is-important">
[( )] = banana in a box
[( )] = 盒子里的香蕉
Visualize a *banana in a box* to remember that the parentheses go _inside_ the brackets.
The `[(x)]` syntax is easy to demonstrate when the element has a settable property called `x`
and a corresponding event named `xChange`.
Here's a `SizerComponent` that fits the pattern.
It has a `size` value property and a companion `sizeChange` event:
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/sizer.component.ts" title="src/app/sizer.component.ts">
The initial `size` is an input value from a property binding.
Clicking the buttons increases or decreases the `size`, within min/max values constraints,
and then raises (_emits_) the `sizeChange` event with the adjusted size.
Here's an example in which the `AppComponent.fontSizePx` is two-way bound to the `SizerComponent`:
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false" title="src/app/app.component.html (two-way-1)" region="two-way-1">
The `AppComponent.fontSizePx` establishes the initial `SizerComponent.size` value.
Clicking the buttons updates the `AppComponent.fontSizePx` via the two-way binding.
The revised `AppComponent.fontSizePx` value flows through to the _style_ binding,
making the displayed text bigger or smaller.
The two-way binding syntax is really just syntactic sugar for a _property_ binding and an _event_ binding.
Angular _desugars_ the `SizerComponent` binding into this:
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false" title="src/app/app.component.html (two-way-2)" region="two-way-2">
The `$event` variable contains the payload of the `SizerComponent.sizeChange` event.
Angular assigns the `$event` value to the `AppComponent.fontSizePx` when the user clicks the buttons.
当用户点击按钮时Angular 将`$event`赋值给`AppComponent.fontSizePx`
Clearly the two-way binding syntax is a great convenience compared to separate property and event bindings.
It would be convenient to use two-way binding with HTML form elements like `<input>` and `<select>`.
However, no native HTML element follows the `x` value and `xChange` event pattern.
我们希望能在像`<input>``<select>`这样的 HTML 元素上使用双向数据绑定。
可惜,原生 HTML 元素不遵循`x`值和`xChange`事件的模式。
Fortunately, the Angular [_NgModel_](guide/template-syntax#ngModel) directive is a bridge that enables two-way binding to form elements.
幸运的是Angular 以 [_NgModel_](guide/template-syntax#ngModel) 指令为桥梁,允许在表单元素上使用双向数据绑定。
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{@a directives}
## Built-in directives
## 内置指令
Earlier versions of Angular included over seventy built-in directives.
The community contributed many more, and countless private directives
have been created for internal applications.
上一版本的 Angular 中包含了超过 70 个内置指令。
You don't need many of those directives in Angular.
You can often achieve the same results with the more capable and expressive Angular binding system.
Why create a directive to handle a click when you can write a simple binding such as this?
在新版的 Angular 中不需要那么多指令。
使用更强大、更富有表现力的 Angular 绑定系统,其实可以达到同样的效果。
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" region="event-binding-1" title="src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false">
You still benefit from directives that simplify complex tasks.
Angular still ships with built-in directives; just not as many.
You'll write your own directives, just not as many.
Angular 发布时仍然带有内置指令,只是没那么多了。
This segment reviews some of the most frequently used built-in directives,
classified as either [_attribute_ directives](guide/template-syntax#attribute-directives) or [_structural_ directives](guide/template-syntax#structural-directives).
下面来看一下那些最常用的内置指令。它们可分为[*属性型*指令](guide/template-syntax#attribute-directives) 或 [*结构型*指令](guide/template-syntax#structural-directives)。
{@a attribute-directives}
## Built-in _attribute_ directives
## 内置*属性型*指令
Attribute directives listen to and modify the behavior of
other HTML elements, attributes, properties, and components.
They are usually applied to elements as if they were HTML attributes, hence the name.
Many details are covered in the [_Attribute Directives_](guide/attribute-directives) guide.
Many NgMdules such as the [`RouterModule`](guide/router "Routing and Navigation")
and the [`FormsModule`](guide/forms "Forms") define their own attribute directives.
This section is an introduction to the most commonly used attribute directives:
很多Angular模块比如[`RouterModule`](guide/router "Routing and Navigation")和[`FormsModule`](guide/forms "Forms")都定义了自己的属性型指令。
* [`NgClass`](guide/template-syntax#ngClass) - add and remove a set of CSS classes
[`NgClass`](guide/template-syntax#ngClass) - 添加或移除一组CSS类
* [`NgStyle`](guide/template-syntax#ngStyle) - add and remove a set of HTML styles
[`NgStyle`](guide/template-syntax#ngStyle) - 添加或移除一组CSS样式
* [`NgModel`](guide/template-syntax#ngModel) - two-way data binding to an HTML form element
[`NgModel`](guide/template-syntax#ngModel) - 双向绑定到HTML表单元素
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{@a ngClass}
### NgClass
You typically control how elements appear
by adding and removing CSS classes dynamically.
You can bind to the `ngClass` to add or remove several classes simultaneously.
我们经常用动态添加或删除 CSS 类的方式来控制元素如何显示。
A [class binding](guide/template-syntax#class-binding) is a good way to add or remove a *single* class.
[CSS 类绑定](guide/template-syntax#class-binding) 是添加或删除*单个*类的最佳途径。
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" region="class-binding-3a" title="src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false">
To add or remove *many* CSS classes at the same time, the `NgClass` directive may be the better choice.
当想要同时添加或移除*多个* CSS 类时,`NgClass`指令可能是更好的选择。
Try binding `ngClass` to a key:value control object.
Each key of the object is a CSS class name; its value is `true` if the class should be added,
`false` if it should be removed.
试试把`ngClass`绑定到一个 key:value 形式的控制对象。这个对象中的每个 key 都是一个 CSS 类名,如果它的 value 是`true`,这个类就会被加上,否则就会被移除。
Consider a `setCurrentClasses` component method that sets a component property,
`currentClasses` with an object that adds or removes three classes based on the
`true`/`false` state of three other component properties:
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.ts" region="setClasses" title="src/app/app.component.ts" linenums="false">
Adding an `ngClass` property binding to `currentClasses` sets the element's classes accordingly:
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" region="NgClass-1" title="src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false">
<div class="l-sub-section">
It's up to you to call `setCurrentClassess()`, both initially and when the dependent properties change.
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{@a ngStyle}
### NgStyle
You can set inline styles dynamically, based on the state of the component.
With `NgStyle` you can set many inline styles simultaneously.
A [style binding](guide/template-syntax#style-binding) is an easy way to set a *single* style value.
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" region="NgStyle-1" title="src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false">
To set *many* inline styles at the same time, the `NgStyle` directive may be the better choice.
Try binding `ngStyle` to a key:value control object.
Each key of the object is a style name; its value is whatever is appropriate for that style.
`NgStyle`需要绑定到一个 key:value 控制对象。
对象的每个 key 是样式名,它的 value 是能用于这个样式的任何值。
Consider a `setCurrentStyles` component method that sets a component property, `currentStyles`
with an object that defines three styles, based on the state of three other component propertes:
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.ts" region="setStyles" title="src/app/app.component.ts" linenums="false">
Adding an `ngStyle` property binding to `currentStyles` sets the element's styles accordingly:
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" region="NgStyle-2" title="src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false">
<div class="l-sub-section">
It's up to you to call `setCurrentStyles()`, both initially and when the dependent properties change.
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{@a ngModel}
### NgModel - Two-way binding to form elements with <span class="syntax">[(ngModel)]</span>
### NgModel - 使用<span class="syntax">[(ngModel)]</span>双向绑定到表单元素
When developing data entry forms, you often both display a data property and
update that property when the user makes changes.
Two-way data binding with the `NgModel` directive makes that easy. Here's an example:
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false" title="src/app/app.component.html (NgModel-1)" region="NgModel-1">
#### _FormsModule_ is required to use _ngModel_
#### 使用 `ngModel` 时需要 `FormsModule`
Before using the `ngModel` directive in a two-way data binding,
you must import the `FormsModule` and add it to the NgModule's `imports` list.
Learn more about the `FormsModule` and `ngModel` in the
[Forms](guide/forms#ngModel) guide.
Here's how to import the `FormsModule` to make `[(ngModel)]` available.
导入`FormsModule`并让`[(ngModel)]`可用的代码如下:<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.module.1.ts" linenums="false" title="src/app/app.module.ts (FormsModule import)" >
#### Inside <span class="syntax">[(ngModel)]</span>
#### <span class="syntax">[(ngModel)]</span>内幕
Looking back at the `name` binding, note that
you could have achieved the same result with separate bindings to
the `<input>` element's `value` property and `input` event.
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" region="without-NgModel" title="src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false">
That's cumbersome. Who can remember which element property to set and which element event emits user changes?
How do you extract the currently displayed text from the input box so you can update the data property?
Who wants to look that up each time?
That `ngModel` directive hides these onerous details behind its own `ngModel` input and `ngModelChange` output properties.
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" region="NgModel-3" title="src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false">
<div class="l-sub-section">
The `ngModel` data property sets the element's value property and the `ngModelChange` event property
listens for changes to the element's value.
The details are specific to each kind of element and therefore the `NgModel` directive only works for an element
supported by a [ControlValueAccessor](api/forms/ControlValueAccessor)
that adapts an element to this protocol.
The `<input>` box is one of those elements.
Angular provides *value accessors* for all of the basic HTML form elements and the
[_Forms_](guide/forms) guide shows how to bind to them.
Angular为所有的基础HTML表单都提供了*值访问器Value accessor*[*表单*](guide/forms)一章展示了如何绑定它们。
You can't apply `[(ngModel)]` to a non-form native element or a third-party custom component
until you write a suitable *value accessor*,
a technique that is beyond the scope of this guide.
You don't need a _value accessor_ for an Angular component that you write because you
can name the value and event properties
to suit Angular's basic [two-way binding syntax](guide/template-syntax#two-way) and skip `NgModel` altogether.
The [`sizer` shown above](guide/template-syntax#two-way) is an example of this technique.
Separate `ngModel` bindings is an improvement over binding to the element's native properties. You can do better.
You shouldn't have to mention the data property twice. Angular should be able to capture
the component's data property and set it
with a single declaration, which it can with the `[(ngModel)]` syntax:
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" region="NgModel-1" title="src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false">
Is `[(ngModel)]` all you need? Is there ever a reason to fall back to its expanded form?
The `[(ngModel)]` syntax can only _set_ a data-bound property.
If you need to do something more or something different, you can write the expanded form.
The following contrived example forces the input value to uppercase:
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" region="NgModel-4" title="src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false">
Here are all variations in action, including the uppercase version:
这里是所有这些变体的动画,包括这个大写转换的版本:<figure >
<img src='generated/images/guide/template-syntax/ng-model-anim.gif' alt="NgModel variations">
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{@a structural-directives}
## Built-in _structural_ directives
## 内置*结构型*指令
Structural directives are responsible for HTML layout.
They shape or reshape the DOM's _structure_, typically by adding, removing, and manipulating
the host elements to which they are attached.
The deep details of structural directives are covered in the
[_Structural Directives_](guide/structural-directives) guide
where you'll learn:
* why you
[_prefix the directive name with an asterisk_ (\*)](guide/structural-directives#asterisk "The * in *ngIf").
为什么要[给结构型指令的名字加上(\*)前缀?](guide/structural-directives#asterisk "The * in *ngIf")
* to use [`<ng-container>`](guide/structural-directives#ngcontainer "<ng-container>")
to group elements when there is no suitable host element for the directive.
当没有合适的宿主元素防止指令时,可用`<ng-container>`](structural-directives.html#ngcontainer "<ng-container>对元素进行分组。
* how to write your own structural directive.
* that you can only apply [one structural directive](guide/structural-directives#one-per-element "one per host element") to an element.
我们只能往一个元素上应用[一个结构型指令](guide/structural-directives#one-per-element "one per host element")。
_This_ section is an introduction to the common structural directives:
* [`NgIf`](guide/template-syntax#ngIf) - conditionally add or remove an element from the DOM
[`NgIf`](guide/template-syntax#ngIf) - 根据条件把一个元素添加到DOM中或从DOM移除
* [`NgFor`](guide/template-syntax#ngFor) - repeat a template for each item in a list
[`NgFor`](guide/template-syntax#ngFor) - 对列表中的每个条目重复套用一个模板
* [`NgSwitch`](guide/template-syntax#ngSwitch) - a set of directives that switch among alternative views
[`NgSwitch`](guide/template-syntax#ngSwitch) - 一组指令,用于切换一组视图
{@a ngIf}
### NgIf
You can add or remove an element from the DOM by applying an `NgIf` directive to
that element (called the _host element_).
Bind the directive to a condition expression like `isActive` in this example.
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" region="NgIf-1" title="src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false">
<div class="alert is-critical">
Don't forget the asterisk (`*`) in front of `ngIf`.
When the `isActive` expression returns a truthy value, `NgIf` adds the `HeroDetailComponent` to the DOM.
When the expression is falsy, `NgIf` removes the `HeroDetailComponent`
from the DOM, destroying that component and all of its sub-components.
#### Show/hide is not the same thing
#### 这和显示/隐藏不是一回事
You can control the visibility of an element with a
[class](guide/template-syntax#class-binding) or [style](guide/template-syntax#style-binding) binding:
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" region="NgIf-3" title="src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false">
Hiding an element is quite different from removing an element with `NgIf`.
When you hide an element, that element and all of its descendents remain in the DOM.
All components for those elements stay in memory and
Angular may continue to check for changes.
You could be holding onto considerable computing resources and degrading performance,
for something the user can't see.
当隐藏子树时,它仍然留在 DOM 中。
即使对于不可见属性Angular 也会继续检查变更。
When `NgIf` is `false`, Angular removes the element and its descendents from the DOM.
It destroys their components, potentially freeing up substantial resources,
resulting in a more responsive user experience.
`NgIf``false`Angular 从 DOM 中物理地移除了这个元素子树。
The show/hide technique is fine for a few elements with few children.
You should be wary when hiding large component trees; `NgIf` may be the safer choice.
#### Guard against null
#### 防范空指针错误
The `ngIf` directive is often used to guard against null.
Show/hide is useless as a guard.
Angular will throw an error if a nested expression tries to access a property of `null`.
Here we see `NgIf` guarding two `<div>`s.
The `currentHero` name will appear only when there is a `currentHero`.
The `nullHero` will never be displayed.
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" region="NgIf-2" title="src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false">
<div class="l-sub-section">
See also the
[_safe navigation operator_](guide/template-syntax#safe-navigation-operator "Safe naviation operator (?.)")
described below.
参见稍后的[_安全导航操作符_](guide/template-syntax#safe-navigation-operator "Safe naviation operator (?.)")部分。
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{@a ngFor}
### NgFor
`NgFor` is a _repeater_ directive &mdash; a way to present a list of items.
You define a block of HTML that defines how a single item should be displayed.
You tell Angular to use that block as a template for rendering each item in the list.
`NgFor`是一个_重复器_指令 —— 自定义数据显示的一种方式。
我们的目标是展示一个由多个条目组成的列表。首先定义了一个 HTML 块,它规定了单个条目应该如何显示。
再告诉 Angular 把这个块当做模板,渲染列表中的每个条目。
Here is an example of `NgFor` applied to a simple `<div>`:
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" region="NgFor-1" title="src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false">
You can also apply an `NgFor` to a component element, as in this example:
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" region="NgFor-2" title="src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false">
<div class="alert is-critical">
Don't forget the asterisk (`*`) in front of `ngFor`.
不要忘了`ngFor`前面的星号 (`*`)。
The text assigned to `*ngFor` is the instruction that guides the repeater process.
{@a microsyntax}
#### *ngFor microsyntax
#### NgFor 微语法
The string assigned to `*ngFor` is not a [template expression](guide/template-syntax#template-expressions).
It's a *microsyntax* &mdash; a little language of its own that Angular interprets.
The string `"let hero of heroes"` means:
它是一个*微语法* —— 由 Angular 自己解释的小型语言。在这个例子中,字符串`"let hero of heroes"`的含义是:
> *Take each hero in the `heroes` array, store it in the local `hero` looping variable, and
make it available to the templated HTML for each iteration.*
> *取出`heroes`数组中的每个英雄,把它存入局部变量`hero`中,并在每次迭代时对模板 HTML 可用*
Angular translates this instruction into a `<ng-template>` around the host element,
then uses this template repeatedly to create a new set of elements and bindings for each `hero`
in the list.
Angular 把这个指令翻译成了一个`<ng-template>`包裹的宿主元素,然后使用这个模板重复创建出一组新元素,并且绑定到列表中的每一个`hero`
Learn about the _microsyntax_ in the [_Structural Directives_](guide/structural-directives#microsyntax) guide.
{@a template-input-variable}
{@a template-input-variables}
### Template input variables
### 模板输入变量
The `let` keyword before `hero` creates a _template input variable_ called `hero`.
The `ngFor` directive iterates over the `heroes` array returned by the parent component's `heroes` property
and sets `hero` to the current item from the array during each iteration.
You reference the `hero` input variable within the `ngFor` host element
(and within its descendents) to access the hero's properties.
Here it is referenced first in an interpolation
and then passed in a binding to the `hero` property of the `<hero-detail>` component.
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" region="NgFor-1-2" title="src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false">
Learn more about _template input variables_ in the
[_Structural Directives_](guide/structural-directives#template-input-variable) guide.
#### *ngFor with _index_
#### 带索引的`*ngFor`
The `index` property of the `NgFor` directive context returns the zero-based index of the item in each iteration.
You can capture the `index` in a template input variable and use it in the template.
The next example captures the `index` in a variable named `i` and displays it with the hero name like this.
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" region="NgFor-3" title="src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false">
<div class="l-sub-section">
Learn about the other `NgFor` context values such as `last`, `even`,
and `odd` in the [NgFor API reference](api/common/NgFor).
要学习更多的*类似 index* 的值,例如`last``even``odd`,请参阅 [NgFor API 参考](api/common/NgFor)。
{@a trackBy}
#### *ngFor with _trackBy_
#### 带`trackBy`的`*ngFor`
The `NgFor` directive may perform poorly, especially with large lists.
A small change to one item, an item removed, or an item added can trigger a cascade of DOM manipulations.
对一个条目的一丁点改动、移除或添加,都会导致级联的 DOM 操作。
For example, re-querying the server could reset the list with all new hero objects.
Most, if not all, are previously displayed heroes.
*You* know this because the `id` of each hero hasn't changed.
But Angular sees only a fresh list of new object references.
It has no choice but to tear down the old DOM elements and insert all new DOM elements.
但在 Angular 看来,它只是一个由新的对象引用构成的新列表,
它没有选择,只能清理旧列表、舍弃那些 DOM 元素,并且用新的 DOM 元素来重建一个新列表。
Angular can avoid this churn with `trackBy`.
Add a method to the component that returns the value `NgFor` _should_ track.
In this case, that value is the hero's `id`.
如果给它指定一个`trackBy`Angular 就可以避免这种折腾。
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.ts" region="trackByHeroes" title="src/app/app.component.ts" linenums="false">
In the microsyntax expression, set `trackBy` to this method.
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" region="trackBy" title="src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false">
Here is an illustration of the _trackBy_ effect.
"Reset heroes" creates new heroes with the same ``s.
"Change ids" creates new heroes with new ``s.
"Reset heroes"会创建一个具有相同``的新英雄。
"Change ids"则会创建一个具有新``的新英雄。
* With no `trackBy`, both buttons trigger complete DOM element replacement.
* With `trackBy`, only changing the `id` triggers element replacement.
有了`trackBy`,则只有修改了`id`的按钮才会触发元素替换。<figure >
<img src="generated/images/guide/template-syntax/ng-for-track-by-anim.gif" alt="trackBy">
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{@a ngSwitch}
### The _NgSwitch_ directives
### `NgSwitch`指令
*NgSwitch* is like the JavaScript `switch` statement.
It can display _one_ element from among several possible elements, based on a _switch condition_.
Angular puts only the *selected* element into the DOM.
*NgSwitch* is actually a set of three, cooperating directives:
`NgSwitch`, `NgSwitchCase`, and `NgSwitchDefault` as seen in this example.
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" region="NgSwitch" title="src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false">
<img src="generated/images/guide/template-syntax/switch-anim.gif" alt="trackBy">
`NgSwitch` is the controller directive. Bind it to an expression that returns the *switch value*.
The `emotion` value in this example is a string, but the switch value can be of any type.
**Bind to `[ngSwitch]`**. You'll get an error if you try to set `*ngSwitch` because
`NgSwitch` is an *attribute* directive, not a *structural* directive.
It changes the behavior of its companion directives.
It doesn't touch the DOM directly.
**Bind to `*ngSwitchCase` and `*ngSwitchDefault`**.
The `NgSwitchCase` and `NgSwitchDefault` directives are _structural_ directives
because they add or remove elements from the DOM.
`NgSwitchCase``NgSwitchDefault` 指令都是*结构型指令*因为它们会从DOM中添加或移除元素。
* `NgSwitchCase` adds its element to the DOM when its bound value equals the switch value.
* `NgSwitchDefault` adds its element to the DOM when there is no selected `NgSwitchCase`.
The switch directives are particularly useful for adding and removing *component elements*.
This example switches among four "emotional hero" components defined in the `hero-switch.components.ts` file.
Each component has a `hero` [input property](guide/template-syntax#inputs-outputs "Input property")
which is bound to the `currentHero` of the parent component.
每个组件都有一个[输入属性](guide/template-syntax#inputs-outputs "Input property")`hero`,它绑定到父组件的`currentHero`上。
Switch directives work as well with native elements and web components too.
For example, you could replace the `<confused-hero>` switch case with the following.
这组指令在原生元素和<a href="" target="_blank" title="MDN: Web Components">Web Component</a>上都可以正常工作。
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" region="NgSwitch-div" title="src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false">
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{@a template-reference-variable}
{@a ref-vars}
{@a ref-var}
## Template reference variables ( <span class="syntax">#var</span> )
## 模板引用变量 ( <span class="syntax">#var</span> )
A **template reference variable** is often a reference to a DOM element within a template.
It can also be a reference to an Angular component or directive or a
<a href="" title="MDN: Web Components">web component</a>.
**模板引用变量**通常用来引用模板中的某个DOM元素它还可以引用Angular组件或指令或<a href="" target="_blank" title="MDN: Web Components">Web Component</a>
Use the hash symbol (#) to declare a reference variable.
The `#phone` declares a `phone` variable on an `<input>` element.
使用井号 (#) 来声明引用变量。
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" region="ref-var" title="src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false">
You can refer to a template reference variable _anywhere_ in the template.
The `phone` variable declared on this `<input>` is
consumed in a `<button>` on the other side of the template
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" region="ref-phone" title="src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false">
<h3 class="no-toc">How a reference variable gets its value</h3>
### 模板引用变量怎么得到它的值?
In most cases, Angular sets the reference variable's value to the element on which it was declared.
In the previous example, `phone` refers to the _phone number_ `<input>` box.
The phone button click handler passes the _input_ value to the component's `callPhone` method.
But a directive can change that behavior and set the value to something else, such as itself.
The `NgForm` directive does that.
The following is a *simplified* version of the form example in the [Forms](guide/forms) guide.
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/hero-form.component.html" title="src/app/hero-form.component.html" linenums="false">
A template reference variable, `heroForm`, appears three times in this example, separated
by a large amount of HTML.
What is the value of `heroForm`?
If Angular hadn't taken it over when you imported the `FormsModule`,
it would be the [HTMLFormElement](
The `heroForm` is actually a reference to an Angular [NgForm](api/forms/NgForm "API: NgForm")
directive with the ability to track the value and validity of every control in the form.
这里的`heroForm`实际上是一个Angular [NgForm](api/forms/NgForm "API: NgForm") 指令的引用,
The native `<form>` element doesn't have a `form` property.
But the `NgForm` directive does, which explains how you can disable the submit button
if the `heroForm.form.valid` is invalid and pass the entire form control tree
to the parent component's `onSubmit` method.
<h3 class="no-toc">Template reference variable warning notes</h3>
<h3 class="no-toc">关于模板引用变量的提醒</h3>
A template _reference_ variable (`#phone`) is _not_ the same as a template _input_ variable (`let phone`)
such as you might see in an [`*ngFor`](guide/template-syntax#template-input-variable).
Learn the difference in the [_Structural Directives_](guide/structural-directives#template-input-variable) guide.
模板*引用*变量 (`#phone`) 和[`*ngFor`](guide/template-syntax#template-input-variable)部分看到过的模板*输入*变量 (`let phone`) 是不同的。
The scope of a reference variable is the _entire template_.
Do not define the same variable name more than once in the same template.
The runtime value will be unpredictable.
You can use the `ref-` prefix alternative to `#`.
This example declares the `fax` variable as `ref-fax` instead of `#fax`.
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" region="ref-fax" title="src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false">
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{@a inputs-outputs}
## Input and output properties ( <span class="syntax">@Input</span> and <span class="syntax">@Output</span> )
## 输入输出属性 ( <span class="syntax">@Input</span> 和 <span class="syntax">@Output</span> )
So far, you've focused mainly on binding to component members within template expressions and statements
that appear on the *right side of the binding declaration*.
A member in that position is a data binding **source**.
This section concentrates on binding to **targets**, which are directive
properties on the *left side of the binding declaration*.
These directive properties must be declared as **inputs** or **outputs**.
<div class="alert is-important">
Remember: All **components** are **directives**.
<div class="l-sub-section">
Note the important distinction between a data binding **target** and a data binding **source**.
The *target* of a binding is to the *left* of the `=`.
The *source* is on the *right* of the `=`.
The *target* of a binding is the property or event inside the binding punctuation: `[]`, `()` or `[()]`.
The *source* is either inside quotes (`" "`) or within an interpolation (`{{}}`).
*源*则是引号 (`" "`) 中的部分或插值符号 (`{{}}`) 中的部分。
Every member of a **source** directive is automatically available for binding.
You don't have to do anything special to access a directive member in a template expression or statement.
You have *limited* access to members of a **target** directive.
You can only bind to properties that are explicitly identified as *inputs* and *outputs*.
In the following snippet, `iconUrl` and `onSave` are data-bound members of the `AppComponent`
and are referenced within quoted syntax to the _right_ of the equals&nbsp;(`=`).
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" region="io-1" title="src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false">
They are *neither inputs nor outputs* of the component. They are **sources** for their bindings.
The targets are the native `<img>` and `<button>` elements.
Now look at a another snippet in which the `HeroDetailComponent`
is the **target** of a binding on the _left_ of the equals&nbsp;(`=`).
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" region="io-2" title="src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false">
Both `HeroDetailComponent.hero` and `HeroDetailComponent.deleteRequest` are on the **left side** of binding declarations.
`HeroDetailComponent.hero` is inside brackets; it is the target of a property binding.
`HeroDetailComponent.deleteRequest` is inside parentheses; it is the target of an event binding.
### Declaring input and output properties
### 声明输入和输出属性
Target properties must be explicitly marked as inputs or outputs.
In the `HeroDetailComponent`, such properties are marked as input or output properties using decorators.
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/hero-detail.component.ts" region="input-output-1" title="src/app/hero-detail.component.ts" linenums="false">
<div class="l-sub-section">
Alternatively, you can identify members in the `inputs` and `outputs` arrays
of the directive metadata, as in this example:
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/hero-detail.component.ts" region="input-output-2" title="src/app/hero-detail.component.ts" linenums="false">
You can specify an input/output property either with a decorator or in a metadata array.
Don't do both!
### Input or output?
### 输入还是输出?
*Input* properties usually receive data values.
*Output* properties expose event producers, such as `EventEmitter` objects.
The terms _input_ and _output_ reflect the perspective of the target directive.
_输入_和_输出_这两个词是从目标指令的角度来说的。<figure >
<img src="generated/images/guide/template-syntax/input-output.png" alt="Inputs and outputs">
`HeroDetailComponent.hero` is an **input** property from the perspective of `HeroDetailComponent`
because data flows *into* that property from a template binding expression.
`HeroDetailComponent.deleteRequest` is an **output** property from the perspective of `HeroDetailComponent`
because events stream *out* of that property and toward the handler in a template binding statement.
<h3 id='aliasing-io'>
Aliasing input/output properties
Sometimes the public name of an input/output property should be different from the internal name.
This is frequently the case with [attribute directives](guide/attribute-directives).
Directive consumers expect to bind to the name of the directive.
For example, when you apply a directive with a `myClick` selector to a `<div>` tag,
you expect to bind to an event property that is also called `myClick`.
这是使用 [attribute 指令](guide/attribute-directives)时的常见情况。
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" region="myClick" title="src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false">
However, the directive name is often a poor choice for the name of a property within the directive class.
The directive name rarely describes what the property does.
The `myClick` directive name is not a good name for a property that emits click messages.
`myClick`这个指令名对于用来发出 click 消息的属性就算不上一个好名字。
Fortunately, you can have a public name for the property that meets conventional expectations,
while using a different name internally.
In the example immediately above, you are actually binding *through the* `myClick` *alias* to
the directive's own `clicks` property.
You can specify the alias for the property name by passing it into the input/output decorator like this:
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/click.directive.ts" region="output-myClick" title="src/app/click.directive.ts" linenums="false">
<div class="l-sub-section">
You can also alias property names in the `inputs` and `outputs` arrays.
You write a colon-delimited (`:`) string with
the directive property name on the *left* and the public alias on the *right*:
可以写一个冒号 (`:`) 分隔的字符串,*左侧*是指令中的属性名,*右侧*则是公开的别名。
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/click.directive.ts" region="output-myClick2" title="src/app/click.directive.ts" linenums="false">
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{@a expression-operators}
## Template expression operators
## 模板表达式操作符
The template expression language employs a subset of JavaScript syntax supplemented with a few special operators
for specific scenarios. The next sections cover two of these operators: _pipe_ and _safe navigation operator_.
模板表达式语言使用了 JavaScript 语法的子集,并补充了几个用于特定场景的特殊操作符。
{@a pipe}
### The pipe operator ( <span class="syntax">|</span> )
### 管道操作符 ( | )
The result of an expression might require some transformation before you're ready to use it in a binding.
For example, you might display a number as a currency, force text to uppercase, or filter a list and sort it.
Angular [pipes](guide/pipes) are a good choice for small transformations such as these.
Pipes are simple functions that accept an input value and return a transformed value.
They're easy to apply within template expressions, using the **pipe operator (`|`)**:
Angular [管道](guide/pipes)对像这样的小型转换来说是个明智的选择。
它们很容易用于模板表达式中,只要使用**管道操作符 (`|`) **就行了。
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" region="pipes-1" title="src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false">
The pipe operator passes the result of an expression on the left to a pipe function on the right.
You can chain expressions through multiple pipes:
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" region="pipes-2" title="src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false">
And you can also [apply parameters](guide/pipes#parameterizing-a-pipe) to a pipe:
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" region="pipes-3" title="src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false">
The `json` pipe is particularly helpful for debugging bindings:
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false" title="src/app/app.component.html (pipes-json)" region="pipes-json">
The generated output would look something like this
<code-example language="json">
{ "id": 0, "name": "Hercules", "emotion": "happy",
"birthdate": "1970-02-25T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"rate": 325 }
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{@a safe-navigation-operator}
### The safe navigation operator ( <span class="syntax">?.</span> ) and null property paths
### 安全导航操作符 ( ?. ) 和空属性路径
The Angular **safe navigation operator (`?.`)** is a fluent and convenient way to
guard against null and undefined values in property paths.
Here it is, protecting against a view render failure if the `currentHero` is null.
Angular 的**安全导航操作符 (`?.`) **是一种流畅而便利的方式,用来保护出现在属性路径中 null 和 undefined 值。
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" region="safe-2" title="src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false">
What happens when the following data bound `title` property is null?
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" region="safe-1" title="src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false">
The view still renders but the displayed value is blank; you see only "The title is" with nothing after it.
That is reasonable behavior. At least the app doesn't crash.
这个视图仍然被渲染出来,但是显示的值是空;只能看到 “The title is”它后面却没有任何东西。
Suppose the template expression involves a property path, as in this next example
that displays the `name` of a null hero.
假设模板表达式涉及属性路径,在下例中,显示一个空 (null) 英雄的`firstName`
<code-example language="html">
The null hero's name is {{}}
JavaScript throws a null reference error, and so does Angular:
JavaScript 抛出了空引用错误Angular 也是如此:
<code-example format="nocode">
TypeError: Cannot read property 'name' of null in [null].
Worse, the *entire view disappears*.
This would be reasonable behavior if the `hero` property could never be null.
If it must never be null and yet it is null,
that's a programming error that should be caught and fixed.
Throwing an exception is the right thing to do.
On the other hand, null values in the property path may be OK from time to time,
especially when the data are null now and will arrive eventually.
While waiting for data, the view should render without complaint, and
the null property path should display as blank just as the `title` property does.
Unfortunately, the app crashes when the `currentHero` is null.
You could code around that problem with [*ngIf](guide/template-syntax#ngIf).
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" region="safe-4" title="src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false">
You could try to chain parts of the property path with `&&`, knowing that the expression bails out
when it encounters the first null.
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" region="safe-5" title="src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false">
These approaches have merit but can be cumbersome, especially if the property path is long.
Imagine guarding against a null somewhere in a long property path such as `a.b.c.d`.
The Angular safe navigation operator (`?.`) is a more fluent and convenient way to guard against nulls in property paths.
The expression bails out when it hits the first null value.
The display is blank, but the app keeps rolling without errors.
Angular 安全导航操作符 (`?.`) 是在属性路径中保护空值的更加流畅、便利的方式。
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" region="safe-6" title="src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false">
It works perfectly with long property paths such as `a?.b?.c?.d`.
在像`a?.b?.c?.d`这样的长属性路径中,它工作得很完美。<a href="#top-of-page">back to top</a>
{@a non-null-assertion-operator}
### The non-null assertion operator ( <span class="syntax">!</span> )
As of Typescript 2.0, you can enforce [strict null checking]( "Strict null checking in TypeScript") with the `--strictNullChecks` flag. TypeScript then ensures that no variable is _unintentionally_ null or undefined.
In this mode, typed variables disallow null and undefined by default. The type checker throws an error if you leave a variable unassigned or try to assign null or undefined to a variable whose type disallows null and undefined.
The type checker also throws an error if it can't determine whether a variable will be null or undefined at runtime.
You may know that can't happen but the type checker doesn't know.
You tell the type checker that it can't happen by applying the post-fix
[_non-null assertion operator (!)_]( "Non-null assertion operator").
The _Angular_ **non-null assertion operator (`!`)** serves the same purpose in an Angular template.
For example, after you use [*ngIf](guide/template-syntax#ngIf) to check that `hero` is defined, you can assert that
`hero` properties are also defined.
<code-example path="template-syntax/src/app/app.component.html" region="non-null-assertion-1" title="src/app/app.component.html" linenums="false">
When the Angular compiler turns your template into TypeScript code,
it prevents TypeScript from reporting that `` might be null or undefined.
Unlike the [_safe navigation operator_](guide/template-syntax#safe-navigation-operator "Safe naviation operator (?.)"),
the **non-null assertion operator** does not guard against null or undefined.
Rather it tells the TypeScript type checker to suspend strict null checks for a specific property expression.
You'll need this template operator when you turn on strict null checks. It's optional otherwise.
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## Summary
## 小结
You've completed this survey of template syntax.
Now it's time to put that knowledge to work on your own components and directives.