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## Angular 开发组的致辞
**这是 Angular 开发组的项目经理TPMNaomi Black 和工程总监Engineering DirectorBrad Green 代表官方开发组发来的致辞,这标志着 angular.cn 正式获得了官方身份。如文档中的其它地方一样,点击任意中文即可显示原文。**
Welcome to angular.cn!
This official site and the developer guides you will find here are the result of hard work and dedication by members of Angular's Chinese developer community. More than just a linguistic translation, this site was localized and updated by developers who use and know Angular, and understand the concepts as engineers. Led by friends Zhicheng WANG (Ralph) and Zhimin YE (Rex), united by a commitment to open source software and helping developers, the [angular.cn](./about.html) team is motivated by the desire to make Angular more accessible to the millions of Chinese-speaking developers worldwide.
这份官方网站和《Angular 2 开发指南》的中文版是中国的Angular开发者社区共同努力奉献的成果。它们来自深谙Angular设计理念的工程师故此这份中文版不仅是语言上的简单汉化。出于对“开源精神”和“共享精神”的执着与推崇汪志成和叶志敏共同带领[angular.cn团队](./about.html)奋力工作力争让全世界的中文开发者与Angular实现零距离的亲密接触。
This Chinese version of angular.io is also the first official release of Angular's developer content in any language other than English!
As a champion of open technology, Google has invested a lot and will continue to invest in the advancement of Angular, for the benefits of our users in China and around the world.
We are happy to see that Angulars Chinese developer community has grown to its current large size, fueled by not only the passion for technologies among developers, but also by the desire to make this technology effective for real businesses. Many companies in China have already built their businesses based on Angular technology. We hope that the updated materials on this official site will continue to inspire and help putting this technology into more real world business services and applications in China. If your business already runs on Angular, we invite you to join our developer community here, and become involved in our effort in continuing improving and enhancing this technology. We welcome your comments and suggestions at any time. Please send your remarks to Google Developer Relations China teams contact email at: devrel-china-contact@google.com
Angular succeeds because it is built by and for developers who come from many different backgrounds. We hope that these materials will help you to learn and understand Angular, and to contribute back to the framework in future. We are excited to see what you will build with Angular here in China, and how the framework itself will change as the result of your enthusiasm.
We also hope that through Angular.cn, you will discover more about the wide variety of web and mobile technologies from Google and the open source world, and how to leverage many Google platforms for your future business success.
We are happy to have you here. Welcome.
Naomi Black and Brad Green
Naomi Black与Brad Green
## 栾跃代表 Google 开发技术推广部的致辞
**这是开发技术推广部的主管栾跃发来的致辞。该部门也会安排专人来全职运营 Angular 中文社区,包括组织线上线下的活动、对外合作等。希望大家多多捧场。**
Hello to Developer Friends of the Angular.CN community!
On behalf of Google Developer Relations China team, we warmly welcome you here! We are very glad to see the partnership and collaboration with the Angular developer community in China, and we hope that through the partnership with the developer friends at the Angular.CN community, our collaborations will be increased in the future.
我谨代表谷歌公司开发技术推广部(Developer Relations)中国团队热烈欢迎你! 我们非常高兴和中国的Angular开发者社区在这里的合作也希望通过这个合作和Angular.CN社区的开发者朋友们扩大未来更多的合作和分享。
This Chinese Angular website, represents a great idea and model for collaboration. It not only has the Angular resources and updates that are the results of Google investment, but also the results from many Chinese localizations done by the many volunteers here for the larger developer users out there. These localized resources from the efforts from these volunteers, will help more developers in China to learn and adopt Angular technologies. We very much appreciated these contributions and the efforts in sharing. It is this kind of spirit and practices that resulted in the vibrant Internet we have today. We salute to all these volunteers, and at Google we will continue our support to open source technologies and communities as we have been doing.
Let us enjoy the process of innovating through this model of sharing and collaboration!
Bill Luan, Greater China Regional Lead, Developer Relations, Google
谷歌开发技术推广部 大中华区主管 栾跃
## 关于中文版
这是一份跟官方网站保持 **同步更新** 的中文版。虽然保持同步非常耗费精力,不过为了防止过时的内容误导读者,这份额外的付出还是很值得的。
对于英文词汇,我们尽量采用业内成熟的译法,以利于口头交流。对少部分在 Angular 之外比较罕见的专有名词,我们会在译文中写成中英双语。
这部分做了初步的梳理,但是仍可能有遗漏,如果你发现哪里有问题,请到我们的<a href="https://github.com/angular/angular-cn" target="_blank">github</a>上提出 issue 或 Pull Request 。
同时,要注意:我们只翻译“ TypeScript ”版的文档,其它语言的版本大同小异,可以在看懂 TypeScript 版之后再对照看 JS 和 Dart 的英文版。不过我们还是建议你试用一下 TypeScript 。
## 授权方式
本文档遵循[“保持署名—非商用”创意共享4.0许可证CC BY-NC 4.0](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/deed.zh)授权方式,你不用知会我们就可以转载,但必须保持署名(特别是:链接到<https://angular.cn>,并且不得去掉本页入口链接,也不得修改本页内容),并且不得用于商业目的。如果需要进行任何商业推广,请接洽[ Google 开发技术推广部](mailto:devrel-china-contact@google.com),我们将给出积极的回应。
本文档首发于[ Angular 中文网](https://angular.cn/)。如果你要进行转载,请自行同步,不过小心别 DDoS 了我们。
## 关于我们
Angular 中文社区的简介和更多资源请参见[这里](./follow.html)。
## 工作预告
我们已经组织了一个九人专家组,开始了对 [ng-book2](https://www.ng-book.com/2/) 的翻译工作,出版社也将加快流程,争取能尽早与各位见面。以我们一向的质量标准,我敢保证这会是一份精品。敬请期待!
将来Google 技术推广部还会有一系列线上和线下推广工作,如果您有意为这些活动贡献力量,请接洽[ Google 开发技术推广部](mailto:devrel-china-contact@google.com)。