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Angular.io is currently the preview site for Angular 2. This site also includes links to other helpful angular resources including Angular 1, Angular Material, and AngularFire.
How you can help
Development Setup
- Install Harp
sudo npm install -g harp@v0.15.2
- cd into root directory
- run
harp server
- Open this url in the browser: http://localhost:9000/
Technology Used
- Angular 1.x: The production ready version of Angular
- Angular Material: An implementation of Material Design in Angular.js
- Harp: The static web server with built-in preprocessing.
- Sass: A professional grade CSS extension language
- Normalize: A modern, HTML5-ready alternative to CSS resets
- Grids: A highly customizable CSS Grid Framework built with Sass
- Prettify: A JS module and CSS for syntax highlighting of source code snippets.
- Icomoon: Custom built icon fonts
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