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This page describes tools and techniques for deploy and optimize your Angular application.


{@a toc}

{@a overview}



This guide describes techniques for preparing and deploying an Angular application to a server running remotely. The techniques progress from easy but suboptimal to more optimal and more involved.


{@a dev-deploy}

Simplest deployment possible


The simplest way to deploy the app is to publish it to a web server directly out of the development environment.


It's already running locally. You'll just copy it, almost as is, to a non-local server that others can reach.


  1. Copy everything (or almost everything) from the local project folder to a folder on the server.


  1. If you're serving the app out of a subfolder, edit a version of index.html to set the <base href> appropriately. For example, if the URL to index.html is, set the base href to <base href="/my/app/">. Otherwise, leave it alone. More on this below.

如果准备把该应用放在子目录下,就要编辑index.html,并适当设置<base href>。 比如,如果到index.html的URL是,就把基地址设置为<base href="/my/app/">。如果是放在根路径下就不用动它。 详情参见稍后

  1. Configure the server to redirect requests for missing files to index.html. More on this below.


  1. Enable production mode as described below (optional).


That's the simplest deployment you can do.


This is not a production deployment. It's not optimized and it won't be fast for users. It might be good enough for sharing your progress and ideas internally with managers, teammates, and other stakeholders. Be sure to read about optimizing for production below.

这不是生产级部署。它没有优化过,并且对用户来说也不够快。 但是当你向经理、团队成员或其它利益相关者内部分享你的进度和想法时它是足够的。 一定要读读稍后的为生产环境优化

{@a node-modules}

Load npm package files from the web (SystemJS)


The node_modules folder of npm packages contains much more code than is needed to actually run your app in the browser. The node_modules for the Quickstart installation is typically 20,500+ files and 180+ MB. The application itself requires a tiny fraction of that to run.

node_modules文件夹包含着在浏览器中运行应用时所需的更多代码。 "快速上手"项目中所需的node_modules通常由20,500+个文件和180+ MB的体积。 运行应用时其实只需要其中很小的一部分。

It takes a long time to upload all of that useless bulk and users will wait unnecessarily while library files download piecemeal.


Load the few files you need from the web instead.


(1) Make a copy of index.html for deployment and replace all node_module scripts with versions that load from the web. It might look like this.

(1) 复制一份专用于部署的index.html,并把所有的node_module脚本替换成加载网上的版本。代码如下:

(2) Replace the systemjs.config.js script with a script that loads systemjs.config.server.js.

(2) 把systemjs.config.js脚本改为加载systemjs.config.server.js

(3) Add systemjs.config.server.js (shown in the code sample below) to the src/ folder. This alternative version configures SystemJS to load UMD versions of Angular (and other third-party packages) from the web.

(3) 把 systemjs.config.server.js(稍后有代码)复制到src/文件夹。 这个版本会从网上加载Angular的UMD版本(和其它第三方包)。

Modify systemjs.config.server.js as necessary to stay in sync with changes you make to systemjs.config.js.


Notice the paths key:


In the standard SystemJS config, the npm path points to the node_modules/. In this server config, it points to, a site that hosts npm packages, and loads them from the web directly. There are other service providers that do the same thing.

在标准的SystemJS配置中npm路径指向node_modules/。 在服务器端的配置中,它指向一个专门存放npm包的服务器), 并从网上直接加载它们。 还有另一些服务提供商做同样的事。

If you are unwilling or unable to load packages from the open web, the inventory in systemjs.config.server.js identifies the files and folders that you would copy to a library folder on the server. Then change the config's 'npm' path to point to that folder.

如果你不想或无法从公网上加载这些包,也可以把systemjs.config.server.js中所指出的这些文件或文件夹复制到服务器上的一个库目录。 然后修改配置中的'npm'路径指向该文件夹。

Practice with an example


The following trivial router sample app shows these changes.


Practice with this sample before attempting these techniques on your application.


  1. Follow the setup instructions for creating a new project named simple-deployment.


  1. Add the "Simple deployment" sample files shown above.


  1. Run it with npm start as you would any project.

像其它项目一样使用npm start来运行它。

  1. Inspect the network traffic in the browser developer tools. Notice that it loads all packages from the web. You could delete the node_modules folder and the app would still run (although you wouldn't be able to recompile or launch lite-server until you restored it).

在浏览器的开发者工具中审查网络包。注意,它从网上加载了所有包。 我们可以删除node_modules文件夹,该应用仍然可以正常工作(但没办法再重新编译它或者启动lite-server了)。

  1. Deploy the sample to the server (minus the node_modules folder!).


When you have that working, try the same process on your application.


{@a optimize}

Optimize for production


Although deploying directly from the development environment works, it's far from optimal.


The client makes many small requests for individual application code and template files, a fact you can quickly confirm by looking at the network tab in a browser's developer tools. Each small file download can spend more time communicating with the server than transferring data.

客户端发起了很多小的请求来取得一个个单独的应用代码和模板文件从浏览器开发工具的Network标签中就可以确认这一点。 每个小文件都会花费很多时间在与服务器建立通讯而不是传输内容上。

Development files are full of comments and whitespace for easy reading and debugging. The browser downloads entire libraries, instead of just the parts the app needs. The volume of code passed from server to client (the "payload") can be significantly larger than is strictly necessary to execute the application.

开发环境下的文件有很多注释和空格,以便于阅读和调试。 浏览器会下载整个库,而不只是应用需要的那部分。 从服务器传到客户端的代码(即有效载荷)的数量会显著大于应用运行时真正需要的那部分。

The many requests and large payloads mean the app takes longer to launch than it would if you optimized it. Several seconds may pass (or worse) before the user can see or do anything useful.

大量请求和载荷意味着应用相对于优化过的版本会花更多时间进行启动。 当用户看到什么或做什么有用的事情之前,就已经过去了(浪费了)很多秒。

Does it matter? That depends upon business and technical factors you must evaluate for yourself.


If it does matter, there are tools and techniques to reduce the number of requests and the size of responses.


  • Ahead-of-Time (AOT) Compilation: pre-compiles Angular component templates.


  • Bundling: concatenates modules into a single file (bundle).


  • Inlining: pulls template html and css into the components.


  • Minification: removes excess whitespace, comments, and optional tokens.


  • Uglification: rewrites code to use short, cryptic variable and function names.


  • Dead code elimination: removes unreferenced modules and unused code.


  • Pruned libraries: drop unused libraries and pare others down to the features you need.


  • Performance measurement: focus on optimizations that make a measurable difference.


Each tool does something different. They work best in combination and are mutually reinforcing.


You can use any build system you like. Whatever system you choose, be sure to automate it so that building for production is a single step.

我们也可以使用任何喜欢的构建系统。 无论选择的是什么,都务必把它自动化,以便可以一步构建出产品。

{@a aot}

Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compilation


The Angular Ahead-of-Time compiler pre-compiles application components and their templates during the build process.


Apps compiled with AOT launch faster for several reasons.


  • Application components execute immediately, without client-side compilation.


  • Templates are embedded as code within their components so there is no client-side request for template files.


  • You don't download the Angular compiler, which is pretty big on its own.


  • The compiler discards unused Angular directives that a tree-shaking tool can then exclude.


Learn more about AOT Compilation in the AOT Cookbook which describes running the AOT compiler from the command line and using rollup for bundling, minification, uglification and tree shaking.

要了解AOT编译器的更多知识参见烹饪宝典中的AOT一章 它描述了如何在命令行中执行AOT编译器并使用rollup进行构建、最小化、混淆和摇树优化。

{@a webpack}

Webpack (and AOT)


Webpack 2 is another great option for inlining templates and style-sheets, for bundling, minifying, and uglifying the application. The "Webpack: an introduction" guide will get you started using webpack with Angular.

Webpack 2是另一个选项,它可以内联模板、样式表、打包、最小化和混淆应用。 "Webpack简介"一章中将会教你如何配合Angular使用Webpack。

Consider configuring Webpack with the official Angular Ahead-of-Time Webpack Plugin. This plugin transpiles the TypeScript application code, bundles lazy loaded NgModules separately, and performs AOT compilation — without any changes to the source code.

考虑使用官方的 Angular预编译插件来配置Webpack。 这个插件会转译TypeScript代码、独立打包延迟加载的NgModules而且不用对源码做任何修改就能执行AOT编译。

{@a rollup}

Dead code elimination with rollup


Any code that you don't call is dead code. You can reduce the total size of the application substantially by removing dead code from the application and from third-party libraries.

任何永远不会调到的代码就是死代码。 通过移除应用和第三方库中的死代码,可以实质性减小应用的总大小。

Tree shaking is a dead code elimination technique that removes entire exports from JavaScript modules. If a library exports something that the application doesn't import, a tree shaking tool removes it from the code base.

摇树优化是一种消除死代码的技术它会从JavaScript模块中移除导出。 如果一个库导出了一些东西,但是应用代码没有导入过它,摇树工具就会从代码中移除它。

Tree shaking was popularized by Rollup, a popular tool with an ecosystem of plugins for bundling, minification, and uglification. Learn more about tree shaking and dead code elmination in this post by rollup-creator, Rich Harris.

常用的摇树优化工具是Rollup,一个带有查件的生态系统,可以完成打包、最小化和混淆。 要了解关于摇树优化和消除死代码技术的更多知识,参见这个帖子它的作者就是rollup之父Rich Harris。

{@a prune}

Pruned libraries


Don't count on automation to remove all dead code.


Remove libraries that you don't use, especially unnecessary scripts in index.html. Consider smaller alternatives to the libraries that you do use.

手动移除不用的库,特别是index.html中不用的脚本。 为实际使用的那些库则努力选择更小的代用库。

Some libraries offer facilities for building a custom, skinny version with just the features you need. Other libraries let you import features a la carte. RxJS is a good example; import RxJS Observable operators individually instead of the entire library.

有些库可以构建出只带所需特性的、自定义的、带皮肤的版本。另一些库则可以让你按需导入它的特性。 RxJS就是一个很好的例子,我们会单独导入Observable的操作符operator而不是导入整个库。

{@a measure}

Measure performance first


You can make better decisions about what to optimize and how when you have a clear and accurate understanding of what's making the application slow. The cause may not be what you think it is. You can waste a lot of time and money optimizing something that has no tangible benefit or even makes the app slower. You should measure the app's actual behavior when running in the environments that are important to you.

如果我们能对“是什么导致了应用变慢”的问题有一个清晰、准确的理解,那就可以对优化什么、如何优化做出更好地决策了。 真正的原因可能并不是你所想的那样。 我们可能花费大量的时间和金钱去优化一些东西,但它却无法产生可感知的效果甚至让应用变得更慢。 我们应该在那些最重要的环境中实际运行,来度量应用的实际行为。

The Chrome DevTools Network Performance page is a good place to start learning about measuring performance.


The WebPageTest tool is another good choice that can also help verify that your deployment was successful.


{@a angular-configuration}

Angular configuration


Angular configuration can make the difference between whether the app launches quickly or doesn't load at all.


{@a base-tag}

The base tag


The HTML <base href="..."/> specifies a base path for resolving relative URLs to assets such as images, scripts, and style sheets. For example, given the <base href="/my/app/">, the browser resolves a URL such as some/place/foo.jpg into a server request for my/app/some/place/foo.jpg. During navigation, the Angular router uses the base href as the base path to component, template, and module files.

HTML中的<base href="..."/>用于指定一个解析相对路径的基地址,如图片、脚本和样式表。 比如,指定<base href="/my/app/">时,浏览器就会把some/place/foo.jpg这样的URL解析成到my/app/some/place/foo.jpg的服务端请求。 在浏览期间Angular路由器会使用base href作为组件、模板和模块文件的基地址。

See also the APP_BASE_HREF alternative.


In development, you typically start the server in the folder that holds index.html. That's the root folder and you'd add <base href="/"> near the top of index.html because / is the root of the app.

在开发期间,我们通常会在index.html所在的目录中启动服务器。这个目录就是根目录,因为/就是本应用的根,所以我们要在index.html的顶部添加<base href="/">

But on the shared or production server, you might serve the app from a subfolder. For example, when the URL to load the app is something like, the subfolder is my/app/ and you should add <base href="/my/app/"> to the server version of the index.html.

但是在共享服务器或生产服务器上,我们可能得从子目录下启动服务器。 比如当加载本应用的URL是时,子目录就是my/app/,而我们就要在服务器版的index.html中添加<base href="/my/app/">

When the base tag is misconfigured, the app fails to load and the browser console displays 404 - Not Found errors for the missing files. Look at where it tried to find those files and adjust the base tag appropriately.

base标签没有正确配置时,该应用会加载失败,并且浏览器的控制台会对这些缺失的文件显示404 - Not Found错误。 看看它在尝试从哪里查找那些文件并据此调整base标签。

{@a enable-prod-mode}

Enable production mode


Angular apps run in development mode by default, as you can see by the following message on the browser console:


Angular is running in the development mode. Call enableProdMode() to enable the production mode. Angular正运行在开发模式下。调用enableProdMode()来启用生产模式)

Switching to production mode can make it run faster by disabling development specific checks such as the dual change detection cycles.


To enable production mode when running remotely, add the following code to the main.ts.


{@a lazy-loading}

Lazy loading


You can dramatically reduce launch time by only loading the application modules that absolutely must be present when the app starts.


Configure the Angular Router to defer loading of all other modules (and their associated code), either by waiting until the app has launched or by lazy loading them on demand.

配置Angular路由器可以延迟加载所有其它模块以及与它们相关的代码无论是等应用启动 还是在需要时才惰性加载

Don't eagerly import something from a lazy loaded module


It's a common mistake. You've arranged to lazy load a module. But you unintentionally import it, with a JavaScript import statement, in a file that's eagerly loaded when the app starts, a file such as the root AppModule. If you do that, the module will be loaded immediately.

这是一种常犯的错误。 我们本打算惰性加载一个模块,但可能无意中在根模块AppModule文件中使用一个JavaScript的import语句导入了它。 这样一来,该模块就被立即加载了。

The bundling configuration must take lazy loading into consideration. Because lazy loaded modules aren't imported in JavaScript (as just noted), bundlers exclude them by default. Bundlers don't know about the router configuration and won't create separate bundles for lazy loaded modules. You have to create these bundles manually.

关于打包bundle方式的配置必须考虑到惰性加载问题。 因为惰性加载模块不能在JavaScript中导入就像刚才说明的打包器应该默认排除它们。 打包器不知道路由器的配置,并且不会为延迟加载模块创建单独的包。 我们不得不手动创建这些包。

The Angular Ahead-of-Time Webpack Plugin automatically recognizes lazy loaded NgModules and creates separate bundles for them.


{@a server-configuration}

Server configuration


This section covers changes you may have make to the server or to files deployed to the server.


{@a fallback}

Routed apps must fallback to index.html


Angular apps are perfect candidates for serving with a simple static HTML server. You don't need a server-side engine to dynamically compose application pages because Angular does that on the client-side.

Angular应用很适合用简单的静态HTML服务器提供服务。 我们不需要服务端引擎来动态合成应用页面因为Angular会在客户端完成这件事。

If the app uses the Angular router, you must configure the server to return the application's host page (index.html) when asked for a file that it does not have.


{@a deep-link}

A routed application should support "deep links". A deep link is a URL that specifies a path to a component inside the app. For example, is a deep link to the hero detail page that displays the hero with id: 42.

带路由的应用应该支持“深链接”。 所谓深链接就是指一个URL它用于指定到应用内某个组件的路径。 比如,就是一个到英雄详情页面的深链接,用于显示id: 42的英雄。

There is no issue when the user navigates to that URL from within a running client. The Angular router interprets the URL and routes to that page and hero.

当用户从运行中的客户端应用导航到这个URL时这没问题。 Angular路由器会拦截这个URL并且把它路由到正确的页面。

But clicking a link in an email, entering it in the browser address bar, or merely refreshing the browser while on the hero detail page — all of these actions are handled by the browser itself, outside the running application. The browser makes a direct request to the server for that URL, bypassing the router.

但是,当从邮件中点击链接或在浏览器地址栏中输入它或仅仅在英雄详情页刷新下浏览器时,所有这些操作都是由浏览器本身处理的,在应用的控制范围之外。 浏览器会直接向服务器请求那个URL路由器没机会插手。

A static server routinely returns index.html when it receives a request for But it rejects and returns a 404 - Not Found error unless it is configured to return index.html instead.

静态服务器会在收到对的请求时返回index.html,但是会拒绝对的请求, 并返回一个404 - Not Found错误,除非,我们把它配置成转而返回index.html

Fallback configuration examples


There is no single configuration that works for every server. The following sections describe configurations for some of the most popular servers. The list is by no means exhaustive, but should provide you with a good starting point.

没有一种配置可以适用于所有服务器。 后面这些部分会描述对常见服务器的配置方式。 这个列表虽然不够详尽,但可以为你提供一个良好的起点。

Development servers


historyApiFallback: { disableDotRule: true, htmlAcceptHeaders: ['text/html', 'application/xhtml+xml'] }

Production servers


RewriteEngine On # If an existing asset or directory is requested go to it as it is RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}%{REQUEST_URI} -f [OR] RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}%{REQUEST_URI} -d RewriteRule ^ - [L]

If the requested resource doesn't exist, use index.html

RewriteRule ^ /index.html

try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html;
  • IIS: add a rewrite rule to web.config, similar to the one shown here:


<system.webServer> <rewrite> <rules> <rule name="Angular Routes" stopProcessing="true"> <match url=".*" /> <conditions logicalGrouping="MatchAll"> <add input="{REQUEST_FILENAME}" matchType="IsFile" negate="true" /> <add input="{REQUEST_FILENAME}" matchType="IsDirectory" negate="true" /> </conditions> <action type="Rewrite" url="/src/" /> </rule> </rules> </rewrite> </system.webServer> "rewrites": [ { "source": "**", "destination": "/index.html" } ]

{@a cors}

Requesting services from a different server (CORS)


Angular developers may encounter a cross-origin resource sharing error when making a service request (typically a data service request). to a server other than the application's own host server. Browsers forbid such requests unless the server permits them explicitly.

Angular开发者在向与该应用的宿主服务器不同域的服务器发起请求时可能会遇到一种跨域资源共享CORS错误。 浏览器会阻止该请求,除非得到那台服务器的明确许可。

There isn't anything the client application can do about these errors. The server must be configured to accept the application's requests. Read about how to enable CORS for specific servers at

客户端应用对这种错误无能为力。 服务器必须配置成可以接受来自该应用的请求。 要了解如何对特定的服务器开启CORS参见

{@a next-steps}

Next steps


If you want to go beyond the simple copy-deploy approach, read the AOT Cookbook next.
