54 lines
1.4 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env node
import {cd, exec, rm, set} from 'shelljs';
// Fail on first error
// Install Angular packages that are built locally from HEAD.
// This also gets around the bug whereby yarn caches local `file://` urls.
// See https://github.com/yarnpkg/yarn/issues/2165
// The below packages are all required in a default CLI project.
const ngPackages = [
].map(p => `"@angular/${p}@file:${__dirname}/../../dist/packages-dist/${p}"`);
// Keep typescript, tslib, and @types/node versions in sync with the ones used in this repo
const nodePackages = [
].map(p => `"${p}@file:${__dirname}/../../node_modules/${p}"`);
const packages = [
].join(' ');
// Clean up previously run test
rm('-rf', `demo`);
// Set up demo project
exec('ng version');
exec('ng new demo --skip-git --skip-install --style=css --no-interactive');
// Install Angular packages that are built locally from HEAD
exec(`yarn add --ignore-scripts --silent ${packages}`);
// Add @angular/elements
exec(`ng add "${__dirname}/../../dist/packages-dist/elements"`);
// Test that build is successful after adding elements
exec('ng build --no-source-map');